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Left is a dominant habit of using the left hand to do the job, such as writing, eating, or doing heavy work by hand. According to The Left-handers Club, an organization of left-handed people never assume that it is a left-handed disorder, but on the contrary, they actually think is a unique left-handed.

Until now, there has been no doctor or scientist who understands exactly what causes left-handed. There are several theories that sparked the reasons why someone may lefty, but the truth has not been definitively proven.

According to Priscilla Fabiola Setiawan, M.Psi., Child and adolescent psychologist, left-handed right-brain occurs when a person's brain is more dominant than his left.
"The right brain that regulate body parts left, while the left brain regulate the body's right side. People are more comfortable using the left body, including his left hand, then his right brain is more dominant, "says psychologist Febi fondly called Ma'am.

Because of the predominantly right-brain, left-handed people so much more creative than the people who used to use the right hand. The left brain functions regulate matters relating to logic, while the right brain regulate things like abstract art, language, music, and emotion.

"That is why left-handed people are usually adept at drawing. So, do not be surprised if a lot of musicians, painters, actors, and artists are left-handed, "said psychologist who practices in the UI Institute of Applied Psychology.

As a result of the right brain is more dominant, left-handed children also usually have imagination and high imagination, which makes them so much more creative than right-handed children.

What about the drawbacks?

"Children are usually more sensitive lefty. They also tend to be less confident, especially if the environment does not accept him as a lefty. Research shows if the competence of the people who are left-handed and "normal" is actually the same anyway, "Ma'am Febi confirmed.

Fixed Left
If you are left-handed, do not ever try to turn into a right-hander aka right-handed users. Including if asked by parents or teachers. If imposed, the effect it will not good for you, both psychologically and achievement.

Ms. Febi give an example through his own experience, "When I am good SD performance, always in the ranking. But so was in fourth grade, I was not allowed to go to class if I do not learn right hand use, including use right-handed writing. It was very difficult for me. Writing so slow, so not thinking too concerned. Moreover, if the teacher dictating notes or give matter. Since then, I immediately drop accomplishment, "said Ms Febi.

The lefty who turned maksain "normal" also be a lot easier usually anxious, disturbed sleep, lack confidence, if not stutter.
"Yeah, this usually occurs in children who frequently reminded the hard way, for example yelled, to use the right hand. As a result he was so anxious, willing to do anything so completely scared ".

This case was also experienced by the King of England King George VI who became stuttering and dyslexia result was forced to use his right hand, though he originally was a lefty.

Here, there are other interesting facts about fakat left-handed:
1. According to statistics, out of a population, including 15% of them left-handed. Men typically two times more likely to be left-handed than women.
2. Left-handed people are more likely to form the genius. 20% of the number of members of the organization MENSA, an organization for people with the world's highest IQ, reported lefty.
3. If you were a man, left-handed, and in college, it is expected you will be 15% richer than right-handed men. Well, if until graduation, 20% male lefty will be richer!
4. Even so lefties have a higher tendency to alcoholism.
5. If both parents are left-handed, then there is a 50% chance their offspring will also be left-handed. While if both parents are right-handed, was likely to fall to 2% only.
6. Psychologist from Queen's University in Belfast stated that female cats tend to be left-handed, while male cats tend to be left-handed (who would have thought, the cat can be left-handed as well!).
7. Somehow, however, he is more left-handed people do not like the spiral bound book than right-handed.
8. Left-handed people can respond to stimulation (stimulation) with a better left-handed so most people good at playing games.
9. The older a mother during childbirth, the greater kemngkinan his son was born left-handed.
10. 4 of 5 reported lefty Mac computer designers.
11. According to one study, the left-handed 9-year shorter life than right-handed.
12. Left-handed people tend to be more athletic, has better spatial awareness and to think faster.
13. According to a study conducted by Dr. Alan Searleman from St Lawrence University in New York, showed that left-handed people the left side of his body is able to support for all physical activities. Lefty also two times more skilled in problem solving and have a higher IQ than those who are active with the right hand.
14. Left-handed people with relatively more intelligent than the right-handed (Guardian UK)
15. Left people control emotions more easily than right-handed (National Geographic)
16. Number of Left increased rapidly after 1910 (BBC)
17. Left the number to date about 10% of the entire population of the world (National Geographic)

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