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Found, New Mineral dense as diamond
geologist from the University of California (UC), Riverside, USA, have discovered a new mineral species, namely cubic boron nitride, which they named "qingsongite".Actually, the mineral was first discovered in 2009, but recently gaining recognition as a new mineral of the International Mineralogical Association, this week. Larissa Dobrzhinetskaya and Harry Green, both geologists from UC Riverside, assisted by scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of Maine, and a variety of institutions from China and Germany to discover the mineral. "Uniqueness of qingsongite is that he was the first who found the mineral borax formed in extreme conditions deep in the bowels of the earth, "said Dobrzhinetskaya. "Mineral borax other species normally found on the surface of the Earth," he said.
Mineral own recently discovered in the mountains of southern Tibet region of China on the rocks that are rich in chromium which is derived from the crust paleooceanic.This never confluent layer to a depth of 300 kilometers, there is recrystallized with a temperature of about 1,300 degrees Celsius, and atmospheric pressure up to 118 430. ( read here )
Throwing Molotov Tebet church in
the Church of St Francis of Assisi on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 early this morning allegedly pelted with Molotov cocktails by unidentified men.
"Around 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. the morning," said a church security guard who declined to be named. However, there were no casualties in the bombing incidents in the parish church of Tevet. According to him, the bomb blast also caused no damage to the church building located at Jalan H. Ramli No. 24, Menteng Dalam it. The incident occurred a day after a bomb exploded a bomb in the temple, on Sunday August 4, 2013. ( read here )
So reluctantly Sweeteners, Muhammadiyah Not Attend Session isbat
Chairman Central Board of Muhammadiyah Din Shamsuddin said that his party refused to attend the confirmation hearing with the government reluctant to just be because sweeteners. Din refused to attend if the argument was considered and a determination Muhammadiyah beginning and end of Ramadan politicized. Din explained, it always determines the beginning and end of Ramadan is scientifically and in accordance with the teachings of Islam. In this year, Muhammadiyah has set the end of Ramadan on Wednesday (08/07/2013) and Eid-ul-Fitr 1434 AH fell on Thursday (08/08/2013). According to him, Eid ul-Fitr is set on Thursday (08/08/2013) because the day before a meeting took place between the Sun, Moon, and Earth in a straight line. That means a long month has ended and changed incoming new month. "But this issue should not be exaggerated, still have a dialogue because there is a difference," said Din in Muhammadiyah Da'wah Center Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (06/08/2013). ( read here )
Attempts confirmation hearing Efficient and Fast
Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Nasarudin Umar sought confirmation hearing stipulation 1 Shawwal 1434 Hijri, Wednesday, August 7, 2013 will take place efficiently and simply. "God willing the trial will be attended by a number of Islamic organizations and representatives of embassies of friendly countries," said Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Nasarudin Umar, Tuesday, August 6, 2013. Ministry wants, the decision was taken so soon 1st Shawwal begins confirmation hearings.The trial is set to commence at 18:30 pm, after the evening prayers and the Iftar.Acceleration of the trial, it is necessary to provide certainty for Indonesian Muslims in the eastern part of Indonesia which is two hours ahead of western Indonesia. "Pity them if the trial to be delayed an hour, they will be a long wait." ( read here )
Pondok Pesantren Al-Eid Karawy Sumenep Today
Sumenep Thousands of Muslims in East Java today is Eid. They do so because it has been carrying out fasting even 30 days. Id prayers at the mosque centered Pondok Pesantren Al-karawy Karay Village, District Ganding, Sumenep, East Java, about 06.30 pm. Act as a priest pray, is KH. Musfiq Madim, caregivers Alkarawy boarding school. After the salat, thousands of worshipers stood up and shook hands with each other without the use of preaching. One caregiver ponpes Alkarawy, KH.Fayat As'ad, it melaksanan Eid today because it was even thirty days fasting by calculation using the method of reckoning which he believed. ( read here )
Jamaat-nadzir An Eid Salat in Gowa This Morning
Hundreds of pilgrims celebrate Eid al-nadzir faster. Residents living in Ex. Mawang, district. Bontomarannu, Kab. Gowa, South Sulawesi, the Id prayers held in the complex area of High School Agricultural Extension Gowa, Wednesday (08/07/2013). An Jamaat-nadzir only 29 days of fasting, since the last date of July 8, 2013. That, too, in the afternoon at 12.00 pm on Tuesday (7/8), Jamaat-nadzir An already breaking the fast, due to their belief that yesterday during the month of Ramadan has been a change to the month of Shawwal. Their belief is based on the highest peak of the tide gauge in the area they Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi. ( read here )
Bomb threat Gegerkan U.S. Consulate in Milan
U.S. Consulate in Milan, Italy, tantrum. The reason, according to the AP on Tuesday (06/08/2013), there is a bomb threat that was delivered to the office. As a result, the occupant consulate was forced to be moved to safety. Until this news was uploaded, there is no information about the origin of the threat, and so on. ( read here )
Central Java Police Tightens Security at Borobudur
in Central Java Regional Police at this time tighten security around the Borobudur Temple. Security-related events was carried out bombings at the Shrine Ekayana, Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta, on Sunday August 4, 2013. It was announced by the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Dwi Priyatno on the sidelines of monitoring flow back and forth in Solo on Tuesday evening August 6, 2013."Security is a response to the event (bombing) that," ( read here )
Bombs at Vihara Indonesia, Burma Attacks Response
Officials say a bomb exploded Sunday night at the entrance to a temple in Jakarta, injuring one person and causing minor damage. A message attached to the bomb that says, "We heard the screams of the Rohingya." Commissioner General of Police Sutarman blamed terrorists for the attack. "Small explosions occurred at the front door and back door. Door glass does not shatter. Clearly the explosives but the explosion is very small, (bombs) placed in front of the glass door but the door glass was not broken. Which one exploded and the other one did not explode, but only emits smoke. (When it) are no regular worship activities, usually when a crowded Sunday morning right here.'s name he made a definite fear of terrorists, "( read here )
U.S. evacuation of about 75 employees from its embassy in Yemen
Approximately 75 employees at the U.S. Embassy in Yemen was evacuated by U.S. military aircraft because of the threat of terror throughout the region, a U.S. official said on Tuesday. The plane, which is accompanied by a support plane, flew to the U.S. air base in Ramstein, Germany, said the unnamed official. A Pentagon official declined to comment, citing security reasons, AFP reported. Pentagon employees previously said it flew out of Yemen at the request of the State Department on concerns over the possibility of Al-Qaeda after the attack intercepts a message from the leader of the group is pressing for an attack. ( read here )
Lion Air Slipping, Airport Closed While Gorontalo
Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie decided Jalaluddin Airport closed temporarily, post-slip Lion Air on Tuesday (08/06/2013) night. "The position of aircraft still on the runway area, so other planes could not get in and had to be closed," he said.
governor said current aircraft can not be pulled from the runway to the NTSC issue a recommendation. "I've talked to Mr. Tatang of NTSC, he had sent a team to Gorontalo through Manado. They will check first, then issue a recommendation," ( read here )
Cows Want to Prevent Lion Air Landed
Housing Institute Indonesian Air Navigation Service Provider (LPPNPI) states one Lion Air plane forced to land in the grass in Gorontalo Airport. "Because avoiding cows on the runway," said Director of Safety and Standards LPPNPI, Vishnu Darjono, Tuesday, August 6, 2013, evening. Lion Air plane with resgistrasi number PK-LKH departed from Ujung Pandang at 20:03 pm. Aircraft with flight number JT 892 was expected to arrive in Gorontalo Airport at 21.01 pm.
Vishnu explains, the process of landing aircraft in normal conditions. "Given landing time and instruction to the apron by air traffic controllers," ( read here )
Lion Air pilots thought there was a dog
Lion Air pilots who slipped in Gorontalo Jalaluddin Airport, Iwan Permadi, admitted he thought there was a dog on the airport runway. "Turns out it was three cows that was passing in the middle of the runway, when the landing procedure has been executed," he said, in Gorontalo, Wednesday morning. A few moments later, he said, occurred plane collision at a speed of 40 knots so that the plane could not brake misses out again until the runway. "Luckily muddy soil around the foundation so that the aircraft can stop. Cabin atmosphere can be controlled, but we could see the smoke and the pungent smell like burning flesh," ( read here )
SOE President Director Dahlan fired facility directors whose wives wear
SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan said he has fired the president of state-owned enterprises as the official wife proved using the facility directors. "I fired him (CEO), because it could not cope with his wife who use the facility directors," ( read here )
ABG raped 11 time, Chen dicokok Police
Chen deserves to be called thugs. Because the migrant workers in Zhejiang Province, China, is raping a teenage girl about 18 years old. According to Xinhua news, Chen has 11 times the victims of sexual lust. Police finally arrest the 36-year-old man because the victim daring escape from sekapannya. Police records showed Chen, at the beginning of this year, dig a kind of warehouse rented home in Jiaxing. ( read here )
18 killed in car bomb in the Syrian capital Outside
Syria's state media say a car bomb on the outskirts of Damascus killed at least 18 people and wounding 56 others. SANA news agency reported that the attack occurred Tuesday night (6/8) in the Jaramana. Christian and Druze minorities inhabiting the area, and they are believed to support the Syrian government. No one has claimed responsibility. Rebels seeking to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad are targeting areas of the supporters of the regime and the residence of government officials or security forces. ( read here )
Gema Takbir already reverberating in Padang
Gema Takbir Syawal month as a sign of entry or Eid al-Fitr 1434 AH Naqsabandiyah pilgrims already began to broadcast in Mushalla Baitul Makmur, District Pauh, Padang, on Monday night. Peal pilgrims perform evening prayers after the takbir. Takbir held in the mosque and no takbir parade around. Secretary Mushalla Baitul Makmur, District Pauh, Padang, Edizon say they make sure Eid falls on Aug. 6 because fasting has been implemented since July 7, 2013. "Prayer id will be held tomorrow morning," ( read here )
Russia-US meeting Snowden Talk Minus
the Moscow city government continues to prepare the ministerial meeting of defense and foreign affairs between Russia and the U.S.. "The agenda was approved. Lives coordination waiting to schedule a meeting on the 9th of August," said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. According to him, until now, Moscow did not receive the message from Washington related to delay the meeting is called the 2 +2 meeting. "We continue to prepare for the meeting which will discuss the many issues," he said as the AP on Tuesday (08/06/2013). In detail, Ryabkov said that the agenda of the meeting includes arms control, the situation in Syria and Afghanistan, as well as bilateral relations and Foreign Affairs Red Bear Uwak Sam. ( read here )
UN Chemical Weapons Team Preparing Enter Syria
Parties of the United Nations (UN) said their team containing chemical weapons experts have met in The Hague, the Netherlands, and is finalizing preparations before leaving for Syria to investigate three incidents of alleged use of chemical weapons.UN spokesman Martin Nesirky on Tuesday (6/8), said the UN is also trying to finalize the legal requirements and logistical preparations for investigation in Khan al-Assal, near the city of Aleppo, and two other undisclosed locations for security.Nesirky said the various preparations was expected to be completed in the coming days and will be followed by the announcement of the departure date. ( read here )
Job Tips Grow Passion
Mary Goldsmith, career experts from America argues, when people lose enthusiasm in the work, it was born of boredom. Work without passion is a difficult thing but it would be much more difficult if the loss of jobs. Therefore, it is important to cultivate the passion of working in the office. Here are some ways to grow morale. Take the first step - learning from experience - another break and another ( read here )
Sisca Got Me Dizzy Dealing with "Debt Collector"
Fransisca Yofie (30), a flawless girl brutally murdered by two unidentified men Monday evening yesterday, apparently had confessed to her work stress and dizziness. Sisca has been working in the Venera Multi Finance PT Bandung. "He previously had complained about her work. Said this' me dizzy with my job, deal with the debt collector," said the owner of the boarding house where children live Sisca, Rudiarto (40), in Cipedes, Jakarta, Tuesday (08/06/2013) .
however, unfortunately, there is no further explanation in a conversation between Rudi and the Sisca some time ago. "After a brief chat, he did not talk much anymore," ( read here )
Facebook CEO Calls for Immigration Reform in the U.S.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for the first time on Monday (5/8) calls for immigration reform, an issue that had he tried behind the scenes in recent months. 29-year-old millionaire makes a statement in the San Francisco premiere of "Documented," an autobiographical documentary of activist and journalist Jose Antonio Vargas. Typical wear hooded jackets and sneakers, Zuckerberg denies that pressure from him and the leaders of other Silicon Valley technology center is to secure H1B visas for high-tech workers. ( read here )
Reject Khofifah, the Shura Council backs CLA Soekarwo
ulama who sits on the advisory council (Shura Council) National Awakening Party (PKB) in East Java stressed they will not support Khofifah Indar Parawansah as cagub PKB East Java despite the agency declared an all out support Khofifah.
Chairman of the Shura Council DPP PKB KH Aziz Mansour, confirmed, confessed to respect the decisions that support Khofifah tanfidz PKB-Herman. '' If we continue to support Soekarwo-Saifullah Yusuf which we consider to successfully accommodate the interests of scholars in developing Java,'' ( read here )
U.S. Scientists Find New Way to Generate Hydrogen Fuel
A team of researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder in the United States say they have developed a system that would use sunlight as a source of energy to split water into its elements hydrogen and oxygen. The method uses a large number of mirrors that will focus sunlight to a point on top of the central tower. Temperatures there can reach up to 1,350 degrees Celsius. The energy will be delivered to the reactor tube containing a metal oxide, which when heated will release the oxygen atoms, according to a report published in the journal Science.
thing that will cause the elements for a new oxygen atoms. When the steam produced from the boiling water in the reactor tube is added, oxygen molecules will stick to the oxide jet, liberating hydrogen molecules to assemble into a gas, according to the report. ( read here )
First hotel with Social Networking Concept
Melia Hotels International a world's first social networking concept in Magaluf, Spain. The idea of the business opportunity of seeing the phenomenon of social networking users. Well in any conditions enthusiast social account still update or mutually share infomasi. Hotel Melia allow visitors to interact with staff and other tourists through 140 character tweets. To do so, login to guests staying at the hotel WiFi to join in community # SocialWave. From there they can start chatting, sharing photos or sending emoticons with other tourists. As the social networking concept hotel, in every corner of the hotel specially designed so that encourages visitors to frequently tweeted. In the top bar there is a sticker "Thirsty? Tweet Us # FillMyFridge", as well as in the bathroom which has a mirror with cute stickers to keep people in the photographs there. The hotel also made a special hashtag for all things and there is always standing by admin guests answering questions via Twitter. ( read here )
Brazilian teen Suicide Kill Her family then
Brazilian teenager suspected of killing his parents who worked as a police officer, his grandmother, and aunt, before finally committing suicide. Sao Paulo police said in a statement on Tuesday (06/08/2013). Police found the bodies of five men on Tuesday morning local time in two homes in the northern city of Sao Paulo. Police believe the murder of a family that had happened the day before. At 1:15 am, Monday (05/08/2013), car security camera recorded the mother, parking near the school the teenager, who identified as Marcelo (13), approximately five kilometers from the residence of the child. ( read here )
Two brothers killed boy Throttled Piton snake
python snake that escaped pet shop boy killed 2 brothers who were sleeping in their apartment in the city of Campbellton companions, the eastern part of Canada.
"This snake into the ventilation system, and then to the apartment floor above. believed, Noah Barthe, 5 years old, and her brother, Connor Barthe, 7 years old had been strangled by a snake to death, "( read here )
Disable Flood Hohhot City, China's
official CCTV television showed video of cars go through a puddle of water flooding near downtown Hohhot, capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, local traffic sore.Polisi Sunday said the flooding occurred because the city is located in the lowlands. CCTV quoted the police said, some roads impassable due to flooding.CCTV also reported that in the city of Hohhot dropped hail. In the city Nehe, Heilongjiang province, rescuers move the residents from flooded areas. ( read here )
Gratuitous kiss, Couple Sentenced to confinement Lover
Lightweight Dubai Criminal Court, Tuesday (08/06/2013), sentenced him to imprisonment for one month for a 31-year-old banker and a 19-year-old woman.The penalty was imposed after the two lovebirds are caught kissing in the parking lot behind a mosque in Al Muhaisna, Dubai. The incident began when a man from Oman saw a car driven by a woman in the parking Dubai between two trucks. Oman's man then saw the woman kissing with her lover. Looking at it, he then contacted the police. ( read here )
Hunt 'The Mouth gagged' in Cipinang
Shocking! Law and Human Rights Ministry and the Directorate of Police Headquarters IV found red phosphorus powder (precursor of methamphetamine) and ecstasy pills making machine in Cipinang, Jatinegara, East Jakarta, Tuesday (06/08/2013). Factory suspected of making methamphetamine inside the prison. The discovery of illicit goods that add to the long list of depravity in Indonesian prisons.So, who is responsible for it? Criminologists Reza Indragiri Amriel judge, 'the mouth tersumpal'lah that must be hunted over the case. "How could the plant can operate without the knowledge of prison authorities? Least no omission. Omission but limited to operations that crazy? No way. Surely there mouth is Twitter if not gagged," ( read here )
similar info ( please read more here )
Minister Amir: Adu Stamina with drug dealers
Minister of Law and Human Rights, Amir Shamsuddin said officers were looking for the perpetrators of manufacture and trafficking of drugs in Narcotics Prison Correctional Institution. "We compete with actors stamina, endurance race," he said in the room head Cipinang, Tuesday, August 6, 2013. According to him, the authorities have tried hard and failed the test in the search for drug dealers who sell goods undeterred even in prison. "It is our duty, if it (the circulation of drugs in the prison) occurs repeatedly," ( read here )
Police Came Labfor team, confirmed There Ecstasy production and Sabu at LP
Tim came Labfor Police Narcotics Prison Prison. They immediately conduct an examination of the findings of the inspection line Kemenkum human rights. Certainly there is the production of ecstasy and methamphetamine in the prison. Labfor team uniform complete with 'fighter' came at 20.45 pm. They consist of three people from the Directorate of Narcotics Police Headquarters. They directly analyze a number of materials and production tools were found at the inspection. Drugs Dir Police Headquarters Brig Arman Depari then sure, no drug production in jail. Ecstasy and methamphetamine at least once made from the jail. "Found the ecstasy and methamphetamine precursors. Molding machines we also found ecstasy pills," ( read here )
"Pak Ahok, Keep Galak to Jakarta"
caretaker or guard the tomb of Prince Wijaya Kusuma, Jalan Tubagus Angke, West Jakarta, Hadi Doyo (63), supporting the firm attitudes Jakarta Vice Governor Tjahaja Basuki Purnama. According to him, as a leader, assertive character like Basuki needed to build capital.
"Pak Ahok (Basuki familiar greeting), continue fiercely to Jakarta," ( read here )
Samsung Galaxy Note III and Gear Released Simultaneously
In a ceremony on September 4, 2013, Samsung is rumored to be introducing two new flagship products, namely phablet III and Galaxy Note Samsung Smart Gear watches. Both are most likely already be showcased at the IFA Berlin, Germany, on 6 September 2013. Information on both of these devices release obtained by site Pocket-Lint, Saturday (08/03/2013), of some Korean media. Hardware specs of the Galaxy Note III already started leaking in cyberspace. Mentioned, the Galaxy Note III will have a Super AMOLED screen with a 5.7-inch span. The screen supports Full HD resolution of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels. The third generation of Samsung's flagship phablet also be equipped with 13 megapixel camera and runs on the latest version of the Android operating system, 4.3 Jelly Bean. ( read here )

Around June last U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) in the case of Samsung wins patent dispute against Apple .Circulation iPad 2, iPhone 4 and previous generation was threatened banned because they have snagged ...
KOMPAS.com - Apple provides a solution to the problem of "electric shock" which is rife in China lately. They offer a trade-in program to replace the third-party charger belonging to the user with authorized product ...
CALIFORNIA - Apple is reportedly hiring people from different fields to work on the company's advanced watches, which is rumored as iWatch. Technology companies from the United States (U.S.) to pick up the start of SoC designers ...
KOMPAS.com - Apple provides a solution to the problem of "electric shock" which is rife in China lately. They offer a trade-in program to replace the third-party charger belonging to the user with authorized product ...

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: For those of you who use private vehicles going home and having trouble finding the street, trying to take advantage of application mapping global positioning system (GPS). One application maps that can be tried isGoogle Maps.
Liputan6.com, Mountain View: Google has just announced it will offer a new feature for all Android devices. Android feature called Device Manager it is called will be available by the end of this August.
SEOUL - Google increasingly serious in Microsoft's plans kick domination in terms of online business office applications. This is confirmed giant searching the world in applications conference in Seoul, Korea.Google states will ...
Liputan6.com, California: Maybe the name Chris Messina is still quite foreign to our ears. But when explored further, it is only then that he was a person who pioneered the use of hashtags or hash mark (#) in a variety of ...

Liputan6.com, Redmond: Microsoftlowered the price of its flagship tablet, Surface Pro, starting this weekend. Price reductions of up to 10 percent of each performed for 64 GB model and 128 GB.Thus, the two models will get ...
Google said it would complete lack of online office applications to challengeMicrosoft in providing a more flexible working environment in an era of fast changing business. Participate in Google Apps Conference 2013 in Seoul, ...
Liputan6.com, Redmond: Not wanting to be outdone by Google which had already been involved in the development of smart sunglasses, Microsoft had reportedly just got a patent on smart-tech Augmented Reality glasses.
Liputan6.com, Pittsburgh: The decision of Microsoft to change some policies regarding procedures for the use of next-gen gaming console Xbox One criticism. By Jesse Schell as a video game designer and founder of Schell Games, the changes ...

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