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SOURCE Nabonidus of Babylon (550 BC)

Existence of Mecca also escaped the historical record of a Babylonian king Nabonidus namely that dominate the Arab region. King Nabonidus move his government to Teima, a town on the north side of Medina for 10 years (550 BC - 540 BC) recorded in the Poem Story Nabonidus .

Nabonidus kill the prince from Teima and take over his house and then build the house, the location where such palace in Babylon. Still according to the source above, page 91, from the inscriptions found in Harran "hometown Nabonidus" stated that he also conquered the cities of the Hijaz, amongst Yathrib (Medina) and Khaybar. Raid city itself is located about 100 km north of Medina in directions to Teima. But there is absolutely no mention of the city of Mecca. This indicates that in the city of Mecca, there remain no moment, therefore do not appear in the historical stage in the mid 6th century BC.

Greek historian Herodotus is living SM/420 484 BC to 430 BC. Wrote a book called The History, published around the year 425 BC. This book is a narrative history of the war Greco - Persian. In his books of Herodotus South Arabian write as follows.

Arabia is the location of the southern most end of the occupation, and it is the only region that produces frankincense, myrrh, Kasia, cinnamon and opium.

So Herodotus records contrary to Islamic sources claim the territory already occupied Mecca since the 20th century BC and the first to make this territory is occupied, and the descendants of Ishmael Mekahlah then spread to all corners of the Arab.

The historical record is clear, of South Arabia is the last occupied territory. This is very obvious because of migration from ancient Mesopotamia is heading towards the south-west region of Israel and to the south through the eastern coast of the Arabian peninsula of Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen. That's why the North and the Yemen Arab territories occupied earlier than the South Arabian region. If Khaybar and Medina emerging around 6 century BC, this means that the 6 century BC Mecca certainly no more lies further south because of Medinah. So how might Mecca already in the 20th century BC.

In the year 30 BC, Egypt conquered and became one of the Roman province. After conquering Egypt, Roman strives to continue penaklukkannya territory to the Yemen Arab peninsula which at that time was a great kingdom. In the year 23/24 BC, the Roman government sent Aelius Gallus, the governor of Egypt to lead the conquest. Year 23 BC: While everything goes, a new expedition begins and ends. The expedition was led by Aelius Gallus, the governor of Egypt, for the Arab region Felix.

In this expedition inclusion of a historian and geographer named Strabo (died 22 M) which is then recorded this event in 16 books essay.

In this book, collected cities traveled by Gallus on the way to and back. Gallus through two paths, where the band is going through the desert to the east side of the Red Sea, while the return path is through the Red sea strip. Gallus depart from the region around the river Nile canal and this is only possible from around the Suez region now. The first city is Leuce Come wintering. Gallus made no less than 80 boats in Cleopatris, near the old canal which rises from the river &.He made 130 ships, which she left with 10,000 troops && she got Leuce Come at Day 15, a place of great trade in Nabatean territory. Nabatean territory itself is spread among the Arabs of Syria border Eufrat river to the Red Sea.Members of the ancient Arabs who inhabited the border between Syria and Arabia, from the river Eufrat to the Red Sea.Come Leuce still didaerah Nabatean power, so the location is close to the Syrian border. So odds are the modern city of Al-Wajh Tabuk region? Saudi Arabia. Travel continues to territory of Aretas.

After walking a few days, Gallus achieve territory of Aretas, the beraliansi with Obodas. Aretas to receive a warm welcome and giving gifts. But because the lie Syllaeus (Vivaldi: Gallus usherette), Gallus had to go through a very difficult road through the region, where he spent 30 days through.

This is very likely Aretas the ruler of Medina region. While Obodas is superintendent Khaybar. Second city very close to them may beraliansi. By not mentioned the name of his city to the second city show that this is the city that is already known by the public. Medina and Khaybar already mentioned in antiquity Nabonidus (550 BC), so diabad to 1 BC must have been a city known. From Al-Wajh to Medina is about 380 miles through the hills with a pretty tough reflected from the collection above. On average can only progress Galus around 13 miles every day. The next town is Negrani.

Further territory that cometh is power nomadic tribe, and is almost entirely desert. The territory referred Ararene. Its king named Sabos. Gallus spent 50 days through this region and reach the town Negrani, fertile region that has left voluntarily.King had fled and soon occupied the city. After running six days away, he reached a river [in the region Minae].

Trips that are around 50 days through the desert before reaching Negrani. Very likely Negrani here is the city of Taif.Distance between Medina and Taif is around 500 km, exceeded in 50 days, the mean speed is about 10 km / day. The lower speed will be very likely in the event of a storm they should stop running.

Three other indications that strengthens Negrani is Taif is:

  • "Because from here to run for a sixth day they found the river southward. River is a river that is located on the north side of Al-Qunfudhah. Distances between Taif to the river is about 150 miles, meaning they run at speeds of about 25 km / day.
  • "The city really be the same as Medinah eastern mountain range. So Gallus seems to run skirting mountains.
  • "City of Al-Qunfudhah with relative river is near modern Yemen, which is around 300 km north of Yemen. So very likely the city of al-Qunfudhah and rivers dijaman Minae Gallus is under power from Yemen.

Three kingdoms the most famous and largest is Minaean, Saba and Himyar, all well known in the ancient Mediterranean history, the period of their rule lasted between 1200 BC to 525 AD

Travel continues to Asca.
So once you've found the river, Galus immediately find a city that is very possible Asca is Qal 'at. Distance from the river to the Qal 'at pretty close to just about 150 km. So can be subdued immediately.

Then head Athrula.
Athrula He then reached the city, and seized without a fight, put a garrison there, and gather further preparation for the journey, ranging from wheat and dates. Very likely Athrula is Najran city because this is where they add supply for the city of Najran was a fertile oasis. History records visited Roman city status by year 24 BC the first time which is the time when Gallus do expedition. The city, the first oasis reached the Romans in the year 24 BC &. Najran is a major city that produce frankincense and myrrh that menyuplai Mediterranean region and the Middle East between 1000 BC and 600 AD

Then to Marsiaba.
Marsiaba He goes to the city, which is dominated Rhammanita race, the subject under Ilasarus. Gallus attacked and besieged the city for 6 days, and Boosts siege due to lack of water. This is very likely Marsiaba Mar 'IB a city known for a perforated retention in 450/451 M. So on his way to reach Yemen, there is not a city named Mecca at all. If that time is already there with eyes Mecca that is Zam Zam water that overflowed, of course the city would wintering by Gallus.

In the desert, people might be able to hide the sea, BUT CAN NOT CONCEALED OASIS. Having conquered failure Marsiaba, Gallus decided to return to Egypt. On the way back it Gallus use other street turns faster. The first city is Negrana.Dia had time to take another route to get back, Gallus achieve Negrana in 9 days, in which there was a battle.

Negrana very likely is Sa 'modern dah in Yemen. Distance Mar 'IB to Sa RIP is about 240 miles, is within 9 days. Means they walk on average 27 miles / day. Then Seven Wells (Seven Wells) and then in 11 days mencapat (Seven Wells), pursuant to the existence of a place called the wells. Then they walk through the desert and arrive at a settlement named Chaala. The member states that Seven Well this is Al-Qunfudhah. Distance Sa RIP to Al-Qunfudhah is about 370 km, is within 11 days. Means they walk on average 34 miles / day. Meanwhile Chaala Al-Lith possibility is modern. Then head Malothas.Dan then head Malothas, which occupies a sungai.Kota is located beside a river and very likely is Jedah modern city because there was a river there. This path then through the desert, with only a very few places watery, to achieve Egra. This city located in regions Obodus and next to the beach. After Jeddah, they found that very likely is Egra modern Yanbu as it is located beside the Red Sea. And again on the way back there is no city with Mecca features mentioned.

On the way to Yemen, after landing at Al-Wajh, Gallus and his team move towards the southeast toward the desert strip through the city of Medina; Taif - Qal 'at - Najran and try conquer Mar' IB. While traveling back, along the Mar 'IB - Sa RIP - al-Qunfudhah - Al-Lith - Jedah and Yanbu.

Is there such as Mecca penyebutkan that have eye-Zamnya Zam water. If only Mecca with zam-zamnya fountain dating from the era of Abraham (2000 BC), of course it will be skipped by the city in the desert because of Gallus, EYE WATER MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD diamond.

PURSUANT Claudius Ptolemy (CENTURY 2 M)
Interesting to know that Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria, mathematician and astronomer, famous around the first century after Pliny, make a map of the world. He was not a member until his geography is only intended to clarify the map that he created. He mentioned that around 114 cities and settlements in the Arab Felix. For example, Dumaetha, settled in the northern border city Daumet Arabia Felix is diabad middle, and now is a great oasis named Jauf. Hejr, known in the days of ignorance, now known as Medayin Salih, was the Egra according to Ptolemy. Thaim city is Teima, known as inscriptions on the existence of the temples and the people diabad 5 BC. This is the theme of Job. While Lathrippa, located next to the Iambia (Yambo), also known as IAthrippa according to Stephan of Byzantium, Yathrib according to Arab tradition first, now is El Medina. Additionally also mentioned a place called Macoraba that identified as Mecca.According to GE von Grunebaum:? Mecca is mentioned by Ptolemy, and the name given by Ptolemy allows us to identify the location in South Arabia was built on or near the settlement.?

Member of Greek geography, Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria, Egypt, 90 M status by year of birth and death 168 M.Around the year 150 M she started paying attention to geographical problems. In his Geography, Book VI, chapter 7, Ptolemy documenting several key locations in the Arab complete with lintangnya and longitude coordinates.

Macoraba reported by Ptolemy is not possible is Mecca with three reasons as follows:

  1. From the structure of the consonants, Macoraba (MCRB) differs from Mecca (MCC), that indicates this is not the city of Mecca. Yaqut al Hamawi an Arab geographer (1179 M? 1229 M) never mentions the existence of a town named Maqarib (source: Mujam al-Buldan, iv, 587) From the structure Maqarib consonants (MQRB) closer to MCRB (Macoraba). Patricia Crone in his Meccan Trade, Princeton University Press, 1987, pages 136 Macoraba or Maqarib recommend this location close to Yathrib (Medina).
  2. From Strabo longitude position clear that Latriba (Yathrib or Medina) is 71 degrees. While on-site Macoraba 73 degrees 20 minutes. This means Macoraba are on the east side Latriba (Medinah) 2 derajad 20 minutes .. While Mecca is oval similar to Medina.
  3. From Ptolemy's latitude is mentioned Macoraba to 6 after Lathrippa city (Medina). The first city mentioned after Lathrippa is Carna. Carna own city according to Strabo in the power Minaeans Territories Yemen. So Macoraba unlikely Mecca for not located in Yemen.

Important part of this region is dominated by four great tribes, by Minaeans & the main city is Carna, after it is Sabaeans, whose main town is Mariaba, after it is Cattabanians, the main city is Tamna, and the ends of the east, Chatramotitae, meaning Hadramout, that his city is Sabata.

Carna is known as the largest city in Yemen was the mother of Minaean kingdom.

One other historian Pliny in his Natural ie history of Pliny; Book VI, chapter 32, mentions a city by name Mochorba, who was allegedly the Oman port in Hadramout coast of South Arabia. Hadramout itself is modern Oman.

Government ancient Arabs who dominated the southern and south-eastern Yemen and now is the Sultanate of Oman.

Macoraba because it does not appear in any other written histories of Ptolemy, Macoraba seems this is just a small settlement that exist in the century 2 M at the time of Ptolemy and later abandoned. Very likely a number of tribes of Oman Mochorba emigrated to the north near the city of Carna and their houses named Macoraba to follow their hometown names ie Mochorba.

PURSUANT Procopius from Caesarea (6 M)

Procopius lived around the year 550 AD In his book there are some similarities with the above sources of Ibn Ishaq.Starting with the persecution of the Christians of the Himyar (Yemen). At around the time of the war, Elesthaeus, king of Ethiopia, who is a Christian who works, heard that a number of people in the region Himyarite Yemen brutally persecuted Christians

This persecution story found in the book of Ibn Ishaq.
Dhu Nuwas came to attack them with his army and forced the population to convert to Judaism, giving them a choice between life and death, they choose death. So Dhu Nuwas then dig a trench to bury them, burn some of them with fire, another kill with the sword, until then he has killed nearly twenty thousand inhabitants & story continues where the king of Himyar then dissipate, replaced by another king and then went Abramus king (Abraha)

The king then sent a team to storm the ship and Himyar, and successfully conquered them and killed the king of Himyar and more populated. He then crowned a descendant of the Himyarite kings, namely Esimiphaeus, &. The followers Esimiphaeus, helped some, rebelled against the king and keep him in one of the castle, and then crowned the new king of Himyar, that Abramus. Kristen & Abramus is a story there is in the book of Ibn Ishaq.
Daus berngkat Abissinia with a letter to the king, and then the king Abissinia send Aryat seventy thousand troops in control of power in Yemen for several years, but then broke Abissinia Abraha people power &. And those in Yemen Abissinia accept as their leader Abraha

The story continues where Abramus suffered 2 time attack by the forces of the Ethiopian king, but results beat them.When Ellesthaeus heard of this, he wants to punish Abramus and followers who have lower Esimiphaeus king, and he sent 3,000 troops with a kinsman as commandant. But his team, when you're in Himyar, no longer wanted to go home, they want to settle in the fertile Himyar, and without the knowledge of the commander, they negotiate with Abramus and reach a consensus when the battle will begin. They killed the commander and thus merge with the Abramus and settled there. However Ellesthaeus very angry and send more troops to storm the Himyar, and there was a battle with Abramus team. After a severe defeat, they return to Ethiophia. The story then continues where Abramus promised to invade Persia but then cancel penyerbuannya middle road to Persia.

Established in the future after his reign, the Emperor Justinian Abramus promised several times to invade Persia, but only once to travel and then go back again.

What is unique about this story appears in the book of Ibn Ishaq, but with different versions where told Abraha be rushed to Mecca, a place that he did not know where and who their leaders (see the back part of the union). But with the magic of the elephants they would not run stormed Mecca, Abraha team even rocks sentenced by the birds.

Suddenly the elephant berlututut, and Nufail immediately jump and ran toward the mountain. Abraha team try to raise the elephant but failed && when they ordered the elephant to Yemen, then the elephant immediately stood up, but when they rotate the direction to Mecca elephant strike back. Then God sent to them a flock of birds &. Each bird carried three pebbles fruit, like fruit, nuts, one on the upper half and two claws. All affected lemparannya dead & ..

Even this story in the Al-Qur 'an. QS 105: 1 to 5

Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the army of elephants? Did He not make their guile (to destroy the Ka'bah) was in vain?, And He sent them to the flock of birds, which pelted them with stones (clay) that burns,

He made them like eaten leaves (caterpillars).

Seen how Ibn Ishaq memelintir Abraha history in the interest of the Muslims and the Arabs:

  • "The teams that want to attack the Persians, diplintir saying he had to invade to Mecca, with the ground want revenge because of a botch of the Quraysh who owned cathedral Abraha in Yemen.
  • "The team raided the intention to cancel, diplintir said the road would not gajahlah
  • "There are no casualties at all dipasukan Abraha, diplintir said many of the dead because of gravel sentenced beans by birds.
  • "In fact, Al-Qur 'an itself should increase the sentence in brackets to connect with Ka? Bah.

However, even a Muslim historian, Ibn Ishaq distort this story still raises peculiarities, namely:

  • "Abraha did not know where the city of Mecca until the Ta'if should be evacuated by
  • "Abraha did not know who the leaders should reach Mecca wonder.

People fight coke do not know who would be raided raided and where?

From the above descriptions that discuss the historical record in the time range 550 BC to 550 m clear there are no reports on the existence or the city of Mecca by Mecca features. The consequence is claiming Mecca, the Ka'ba and Zamzam already dijaman Abraham is lying mere claims.

Some experts Muslims acknowledged this, the following citation:

1) Dr. Taha Hussein, a professor from Egypt, the opinion cited in the book Mizan al Jundi Anwar Islam works, page 170: In the case of the story of Abraham and Ishmael build the Ka'ba is quite clear, this story later APPEARS moment of Islam began to grow. Islam mengeploitasi this story for the sake of religion.

2) W Aliyudin Shareef, in his book In Response to Robert Morey? s Islamic Invasion, pp. 3-4: "In the time before Islam, Ismail NEVER MENTIONED as the Father of Arab Nations"

3) Muhammad Husain Haekal, in his book: Life History of Muhammad, PART TWO: MECCA, Kaaba and QURA

To know the history of this city HARDWORK Develop difficult. MAYBE once it left the thousands of years ago. &&.MAYBE once Ishmael son of Abraham was the first to make it a place to stay, &. If Ishmael was the first to make Mecca as a place to live, then the history of this place before ituGELAP ONCE. Of course Pre Islamic history of Mecca DARK ONCE since it's no dijaman Abraham and Ishmael

4) Martin lings. In his book: Muhammad? The Story of Flying Resource Based Living Prophet. Cloister of Knowledge Universe, 2002, page 10

There are two sacred centers which surround Ibrahim: a didaerahnya, and another MAY NOT KNOWN, and MAY KESANALAH Hajar and Ismail led, to some desolate valley in Arabia ....... Valley was named Bakah.

Of course Pre Islamic history of Mecca NOT KNOWN, since it's no dijaman Abraham and Ishmael

So when the city of Mecca and the Kaaba was established:

  • "With reference to the pre-Islamic poetry hung on the Kaaba shrine clearly indicate the developer is Quraish. Development temple is usually equal to the development of the city. Quraish own chances alive at the end of the second century AD
  • "With berandai-if that Macoraba it is still only the city of Mecca is emerging around the middle of the historical stage of the second century AD

1. Archaeology fact not uttered the name Mecca in the Inscriptions Inscription Assyria (911-891 BC) ...... click here
2. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC.) ........ click here
3. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sennacherib (705-681 BC) ..... click here
4. Mecca is not mentioned mentioned during the reign of Assurbanipal (669-626 BC) ..... click here
5. Unquoted Mecca as a center of religion, while the Arab quarter quarter Dumah known as a center of religion. (7 BC) ....... click here

Regards, Dual Hartoyo, SP

1. http://img852.imageshack.us/img852/1907/sargonbust.jpg
4. http://trulyislam.blogspot.com/2009/01/sejarah-arab-mekah-kabah-zamzam.html
5. http://www.hinduunity.org/articles/islamexposed/preislamicarabia.html
6. http://hinduunity.org/articles/bharathistory/vedicpast1.html
7. http://www.hinduism.co.za
8. http://religionresearchinstitute.org/mecca/classical.htm
9. http://media.isnet.org/islam/Silsilah/Muhammad02.html
10. Herodotus http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/Herodotus #
11. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/arabia1.html
12. http://media.isnet.org/islam/Silsilah/Muhammad02.html

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