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Arab countries is known as a country that has removed history. One reason is the assumption that the Arab (Saudi Arabia) is a descendant of slaves, because the children are the descendants of Ishmael Qedar children Ketura, the slave of his wife Sara Abram / Abraham as recorded in the Bible.Fortunately, we can still trace the history of pre-Islamic Arabia. Famous adage says that might not eliminate all evidence. History of pre-Islamic Arabia is the history of the Knights of India for the land, the people following the Vedic way of life. Pre-Islamic Arab history recorded by governments around the Arab governments that are influenced by the culture of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Syria are very familiar with the city and the royal city of the kingdom in the Middle East starting from the eastern Arabian kingdoms such as Dilmun and Magan.
Historical records prove that the ancient Countries always leave many inscriptions and historical records.
Mesopotamia Relations with eastern Arabian countries has existed since 3,000 BC. For example, Magan or Oman in the year 2800 BC as recorded in the inscription Akkadic. can be seen in our previous post.

As an attempt to reconstruct the history of pre-Islamic Arabia, we started with the name of the country itself. Arabia is an abbreviation. The original word is still used even today is Arbashtan. Originally he was Arvasthan. As in Sanskrit, the letter "V" changed to the letter "B". Arva in Sanskrit means a horse. Arvasthan means the land of horses, and we know that Arabia is famous for riding his horse. Current worship center that also comes from Mecca Sansekerita. The word Makha in Sanskrit means fire offerings. Due to the worship of the Vedic fire across West Asia in the pre-Islamic era, Makha signifies the place has the temple to worship fire. And the worship center is located at 7 BC Dilmun, not in Mecca because Mecca had historically built on 4-6 M.

This clearly shows that the Arabian Peninsula, long before Islam, was colonized from the kingdom of Ancient India.Historically, the Maharaja Candragupta (58 BC - 415 AD) expanded Hindu kingdom that includes India, until well into the whole Arabian Gulf. The Maharaja is a loyal follower of Hindu deities Shiva in particular (the moon-Allat) and his wife Goddess Dhurga (goddess of the moon-God. Please see the full history linked below:

The Maharaja offered to their gods in the temple buildings throughout the empire (in Saudi Arabia alone there are at least seven temples their heritage, including the Kabah future king Vikramaditya built still stands to this day). Even after this Hindu empire collapsed, the Arabs still believe and worship the gods and glorified temples that existed until the advent of the Prophet Muhammad.

King Vikramaditya manuscript found in the Kaaba in Mecca is undeniable evidence that the Arabian Peninsula was part of the Empire of India in the past, and he upholds the Deva last Siva Siva temple building called the Kaaba. Vikramaditya important manuscript was found written on a golden cup in the Kaaba in Mecca, and the article is included on page 315 of a book entitled 'Sayar-ul-Okul' are stored in the library Makhtab-e-Sultania in Istanbul, Turkey. This is the Arabic inscription in Latin letters:

"Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min Howa Yapakhara phajjal Asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa-rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador. Hmiman As burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana Amarena kulk balay phaneya jaunabilamary Bikramatum ". (Page 315 Sayar-ul-Okul). [Note: The title 'I-ul-Okul' signifies memorable words.]

Indonesian translation is:

"Fortunately for those who were born and lived in the reign of King Vikram. He was a virtuous, generous leader, devoted to the welfare of its people. But at that time we Arabs do not care about God and satisfying pleasure lust. Crimes and torture in which Where. gloom engulfing our country sin. Like sheep struggled to defend life from scratch cruel wolf, we Arabs caught in sin. entire nation wrapped in darkness so intense as the night of the new moon. But dawn today and full sun soothing doctrine is the result of goodness the noble king Vikramaditya whose wise leadership not to forget us who are foreigners. He spread the sacred religion amongst us and sent a brilliant expert expert shone like the sun from his country to us. Experts and teachers have come to our country to preach about religion their education and deliver on behalf of King Vikramaditya. they deliver guidance so that we become conscious of the presence of God, introduced to His existence is sacred and placed in the right way. "

The term Kaba itself is derived from the word Sanskrit Gabha (Garbha + Graha) which means Sanctum (holy place).

Vedic Harihareswar Mahatmya mentions that Lord Vishnu footprints consecrated in Mecca. Evidence of this fact is that Muslims call it Haram temple which is the adjustment of the Sanskrit word, Hariyam, where the god Hari god Vishnu.Vishnu footprints consecrated at three holy sites: Gaya, Mecca and Shukla Teertha. Carve footprints such a customary Muslim dicontek Vedas. Muslims believe that these footprints carved in several mosques and Muslim holy places footprints around each world is Muhammad! Beyond Hindu temples, usually there are thrones god Brahma, therefore in Mecca, throne Brahma is considered as the tomb of Ibrahim.

Hindu tradition that is still associated with the river Ganges Kabah is, according to Hindu tradition, the Ganges can not be separated from Siva as the moon crescent symbol, emblem wherever Siva (crescent moon), there are also definitely Ganges, the fact of the union are near the Kabbah. Its water is held sacred because it has traditionally been regarded as the Ganges before Islam (ie Zam-zam)

Even today, Muslim pilgrims who witnessed the sanctuary for Haj regard this Zam-zam with respect to putting it into the water bottle as sacred to them, the same as that of the Indian Hindus against the sanctity of the Ganges.


Or just lie purposely created to raise the dignity of the Arabs?

The following description will discuss the validity of these claims by comparing Islam with other historical sources.

The following article is divided into 7 sections, namely:

1. Part One
discusses the claims of Muslims and what the Islamic sources claim. Clicks disin i

2. Part Two: Nabonidus (6 BC)
Discusses reports Nabonidus king of Babylon (mid-6th century BC)

3. Part Three: Herodotus,
the Greek historian Discussing reports that lived in the 5th century BC

4. Part Four: Strabbo (23/24 BC)
discusses the report made by the Roman historian named Strabbo who travels to Arabia to Yemen circa 24-23 BC.

5. Part Five: Diodorus Siculus (1st century AD)
Discusses Islam by using false claims Diodorus Siculus writing.

6. Part Six: Pliny (77 AD)
Discuss the list of cities in Saudi are made by Pliny.

7. Part Seven: Claudius Ptolemy (150 AD)
Discusses Islam false claims using Ptolemy posts

8. Part Eight: Procopius of Cesarea (6th century AD)
discusses reports of Caesarea Procipius historian who lived around 550 AD or contemporaneous with Muhammad's grandfather and father lived.

------------ 2 s / d 8 can be found here

Learn the history of the Arabs, Mecca, the Kaaba and zam zam gave us a lesson and the fact that the actual historical facts of the Qur'an and the Hadiths are full of lies if connected with history. Just recall that Mecca historically built around 4-6 M; while Kabah initially built around 85 AD - 415 AD Plus the history of the show that there was no record of the Kaaba at least until 7 BC. Even the religious center arab nations in the 7th century BC centered Dumah not Mecca.While the Qur'an and Hadith writes that the Kaaba was built by Abraham and Ishmael about 2000 BC.
Which is true whether the facts of history or the Qur'an.

1. Archaeology fact no mention of Mecca in Assyrian inscriptions inscriptions (911-891 BC) ...... click here
2. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC.) ........ click here
3. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sennacherib (705-681 BC) ..... click here
4. Mecca is not called a call during the reign of Assurbanipal (669-626 BC) ..... click here
5. Mecca is not listed as a center of religion, while Dumah Arab tribes known as a religious center. (7 BC) ....... click here

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://img852.imageshack.us/img852/1907/sargonbust.jpg
4. http://trulyislam.blogspot.com/2009/01/sejarah-arab-mekah-kabah-zamzam.html
5. http://www.hinduunity.org/articles/islamexposed/preislamicarabia.html
6. http://hinduunity.org/articles/bharathistory/vedicpast1.html
7. http://www.hinduism.co.za
8. http://religionresearchinstitute.org/mecca/classical.htm
9. http://media.isnet.org/islam/Silsilah/Muhammad02.html
10. Herodotus http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/Herodotus #
11. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/arabia1.html

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