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Archaeological facts with historical resources Arabia, Makkah, Kaaba and zam zam according to Islamic sources have a very striking difference. Where the true facts or sources of Islamic archeology (the Qur'an and Hadist)?

Muslims claim that linking Mecca and the Kaaba with Zamzam Ibrahim and Ismail are based on a number of the following sources:

Kabah already dijaman Ibrahim. Source:
Surah 2 : 125
And (remember) when We made the House (at Mecca) a resort for mankind and sanctuary. And take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer. And We covenanted with Abraham and Ishmael: 'Purify My House for those who Circumambulation, which i `tikaaf, who bow and prostrate` ".

Mecca had existed since antiquity Ibrahim and Ismail. Source: The
Biography of Ibn Ishaq "Oldest Story History of the Prophet" (Muhammadiyah University Press, Volume 1, page 65):

When Ishmael, son of Abraham died, his son named Nabit get job as a leader and ruler Kaaba, then the task is extended by Mudzadz bin Amr al-Jurhumi. Ishmael and his descendants descent Mudzadz Nabit together their grandfather and uncle Amr ibn-uncle of the mother of Jurhum, and his descendants Qatura, who is a cousin Jurhum, time is the people of Mecca. Arrangements are come from the land of Yemen, and take a trip together - the same God Gedaliah Mecca and then multiply the descendants of Ishmael in Mecca.

Zam-Zam water points already in the era of Abraham and Ishmael. Sources: Sahih Bukhari Hadith (Volume 4, book 55, number 583):

When water in a leather pouch has been exhausted, Hagar became thirsty, so did Ishmael. Hagar look Ismail in dire circumstances thirst. Hagar left Ishmael because Ishmael could not bear to see the suffering. ........ . Continue menurt Hagar ran between Safa and Marwa to seven times. He said, "The incident underlying this tradition pilgrims walk between Safa and Marwa" When Hagar reach Marwa hill he heard a voice, she called and said, "Oh, whoever you are, you have made me hear your voice, if you could help me, and that magical , Hagar then see an angel on site Zam Zam is digging the ground, until finally the water gushing from the place ..... So Makkah have started occupied from around 2000 BC, and continue to occur expulsion quarter inhabited by the tribe Kinana Jurhum and Khuza'a.

Sirah Ibn Ishaq - "History of the Prophet Oldest Story" (Muhammadiyah University Press, Volume 1, page 67)
As time passed, the tribe that dominated Mecca Jurhum from being poor and bombastic power. Anyone who entered the city of Mecca their relatives who are not ill-treated. Banu Bakr bin Abdul Manat bin Kinana and Bani Khuza'a Ghubsan from consensus to combat Jurhum quarter and brocade for their expulsion from Mecca. And successfully expel Jurhum quarter of Mecca. Amir bin Harits bin Mudzadz al Jurhumi bring two deer statues and stone corner of Ka'ba (there should be: BLACK STONE) and buried in the well of Zamzam, and then go left Mecca with those Jurhum to Yemen.

This incident took place around mid-century 2 M . Source: "History of Life of Muhammad" by Shaikh Shafiyyur - Rahman Al-Mubarakfury Robbani Press1998, page 18):

With the help of Adnan descent, ie the children of Bakr bin Andi Manaf bin Kinanah, they committed aggression against their expulsion Jarham to succeed and dominate the mid-century Mecca 2 M. Amr bin al-Harits bin Madladl bin al Jarhami issued two deers made of gold-Ka'ba and the Black Stone, and stored in the well Zamzam.

Deer statue, BLACK STONE and new Zamzam well about 300 years later found again by Abdul Muttalib, Muhammad's grandfather. Source: The
Biography of Ibn Ishaq "Oldest Story History of the Prophet" by Muhammadiyah University Press, Volume 1, page 64

When Abdul Muttalib was asleep beside the Ka'ba, he had a dream that told him to dig Zamzam which has Jurhum Quarter fill the place when they left Mecca. This is well Ishmael, son of Abraham, which God gave him water when he wear when he was a baby.

Source: Ibid, volume 1, page 67

When Abdul Muttalib was get conclusions about the park from the place to be dug up, and place it appears similar to those referred to in his dream, he took a hoe and invite the only son of the al-Harits moment and he began to dig. When the top of the pit seemed, he shouted "Allah akbar!". The people of Quraish who heard screams Abdul Muttalib came and said, "This is the well of our ancestors Ishmael".

From the above sources seen how Ibn Ishaq Islamic tradition lie made. Difficult to imagine that the following matters:

"Quarter of a losing war Jurhum can take deer statues and BLACK STONE from Kabah

"Quarter of a losing war Jurhum can enter it in the well of Zamzam and menguruknya to zam well - zam stopped flowing.

"How is it possible Khuza'a tribe Kinana and see loss unsuspecting black stone and the well of Zamzam diurug sudden, and then did not try to find a black stone.

If the tribe Kinana and Khuza'a madman - seeing that Zamzam well is the fountain and source of major life suddenly diurug Jurhum quarter to stop running - they will live longer dig for water.

So from the above it can be concluded awkwardness story:

  • "There is no authority Jurhum dijaman Zamzam well, especially dijaman Ismail around 2000 BC.
  • "Zamzam Well was recently found by Abdul Muttalib early sixth century AD
  • "Stone hitampun also recently found by Abdul Muttalib early sixth century AD

That's why Umar put absolutely no respect at BLACK ROCK, because it appears that he knew that the black stone was recently found by Abdul Muthallib.

2,667 Bukhari
narrated by Abis bin Rabia: Umar approached the location near the Black Stone and kissed it and said, "No doubt, I know you are a stone that will not benefit or harm anyone. If only I did not see the Prophet kiss you, I will not kiss '

Even Islam itself dubious sources claim that the Kaaba existing in ancient Ibrahim and Ismail. This collection tells the king As'ad Abu chummy Tiban originating from Yemen who then traveled to Yatsrib. Source: The Biography of the Prophet Ibn Ishaq Oldest Bible History - Muhammadiah University Press, June 2002, Volume 1, pages 15-16.

Page 15:
Tubbas wrote the following lines about his journey, what he did to Medina and the Kaaba, I do not know of the existence of a pure temple, which is dedicated to the god in the valley of Mecca

According to the following source As'ad Abu chummy Tiban year rule in Yemen from 410 to 435 M.

So no later than the year 435 M, the Ka'ba in Mecca is not known by a king of Yemen. Further consequence appears to Mecca and the Ka'ba at the time it was not the main place of worship in Arabic but is just one of the many places of idolatry in Arabia. In fact it seems every town has certainly presented at the holy shrine of his god in question.

QS 27: 91: am commanded only to worship the Lord of this city (Makkah)

English translation by Yusuf Ali:

QS 27: 91: For me, I not have been commanded to serve the Lord of this city

That's why when people of Taif a town about 50 miles southeast of Mecca raided by elephants drivers Abraha with the team, the people of Taif thus recommend them to destroy the temple in Mecca alone even volunteered to escort Abraha to Mecca.

Sirah Ibn Ishaq - 'The Story of the Prophet Oldest History' by Muhammadiyah University Press, Volume 1, page 34

They said to Abraha: O king, that we are the budakmu observe and adhere to. We do not have any thing to you, as well as our place of worship "that is an Al-Lat" does not include what you are looking for. You just want a temple in the city of Mecca, and we've included for you someone to take you there.

Very unique, because besides not know the location of Mecca, who turns out to leaders in Mekahpun name unknown Abraha. :

Ibid, page 35
, Abraha sent a quarter surpass named Hunata to Mecca to find out who the top leaders in Mecca and to convey to him that the purpose of his arrival is not to fight them but to destroy the Ka'ba.

Further consequence of the above quote is:

  • "Kaaba in Mecca is revered as relics of Ibrahim and Ismail.
  • "Mecca is not a city at all important, very likely only a small settlement.
  • "In fact, around the year 550-an M, Kabah and location unknown Mekahpun king Abraha of Yemen should reach Reviewed by the people of Taif.

Genealogy of the Quraish tribe of Muhammad SAW himself the ancestor of Muhammad Islam according to the following resources.

  • 00 IBRAHIM
  • 01 Isma'eel
  • 02 Nabit
  • 03 Yashjub
  • 04 Tayrah
  • 05 Nahor
  • 06 Muqawwam
  • 07 Udad
  • 08 'Adnan
  • 09 Mu'ad
  • 10 Nizar
  • 11 Mudhar
  • 12 Ilyas
  • 13 Mudrika
  • 14 Khuzayma
  • 15 Kinana
  • 16 AL NADR (AL Quraysh)
  • 17 Malik
  • 18 Fihr
  • 19 Ghalib
  • 20 Lu'ayy
  • 21 Ka'b
  • 22 Murra
  • 23 Kilab
  • 24 Qussayy (Real name: Zayd)
  • 25 'Abdu Manaf (Real name: Al Mughira)
  • 26 Hashim (Real name: 'Amr) as Banu Hashim
  • 27 'Abdu Al Mutallib (Real name: Shaiba)
  • 28 'Abdullah
  • 29 MUHAMMAD saw

So Quraish lived 13 generations before Muhammad.

According to simple calculation: If one generation is about 30 years, the time difference between the Quraish and Mahammad SAW is 13 x 30 = 390 years. Muhammad was born around 570 M Means Quraish lived around 570 to 390 = year 180 AD So match what is written by Shaykh al-Rahman Shafiyyur Mubarakfury stating that descendants of Adnan Jurhum stormed around the middle of the second century AD So it seems new at the end of the second century that the city of Mecca and the Kaaba was built.

Hence, the source Islampun confused about the time development of the Ka'ba. Resources:

Tafsir Ibn Kathir on Surah 3: 96:

[96] Indeed, the first house was built for (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka Mecca (Makkah) a blessed and a guidance for all mankind. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Dharr said: "I said," O Messenger of Allah, where the first mosque in the world made this. He said, "Al-Masjid Al Haram (in Mecca)." I said, "Which was built after that?". He replied, "Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem)." I said, "What is the time period between the development of the building?" He said, "Forty years"

According to the calculations:
Abraham and Ismail lived around 1900 BC - 2000 BC

King Solomon (Sulaiman) are the temple of God in Jerusalem live seitar 1000 BC - 970 BC. So there's a time difference between the year 1000 Ismail (who build the Ka'ba = Haram) with King Solomon (of the Temple of God in Jerusalem).

So how can say diss them just 40 years time?

1. Archaeology fact not uttered the name Mecca in the Inscriptions Inscription Assyria (911-891 BC) ...... click here
2. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC.) ........ click here
3. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sennacherib (705-681 BC) ..... click here
4. Mecca is not mentioned mentioned during the reign of Assurbanipal (669-626 BC) ..... click here
5. Unquoted Mecca as a center of religion, while the Arab quarter quarter Dumah known as a center of religion. (7 BC) ....... click here

Regards, Dual Hartoyo, SP

1. http://img852.imageshack.us/img852/1907/sargonbust.jpg
4. http://trulyislam.blogspot.com/2009/01/sejarah-arab-mekah-kabah-zamzam.html
5. http://www.hinduunity.org/articles/islamexposed/preislamicarabia.html
6. http://hinduunity.org/articles/bharathistory/vedicpast1.html
7. http://www.hinduism.co.za
8. http://religionresearchinstitute.org/mecca/classical.htm
9. http://media.isnet.org/islam/Silsilah/Muhammad02.html
10. Herodotus http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/Herodotus #
11. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/arabia1.html
12. http://media.isnet.org/islam/Silsilah/Muhammad02.html

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