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Rom Harré is a seminal figure in the field of discursive-cultural psychology. His work focuses on the actual symbolic systems and assignments of meanings that people use in managing their lives. His current research interests include the philosophy of science, language and thought, and the philosophy of psychology.

Among his many books are The Singular Self: An Introduction to the Psychology of Personhood (1998/2000), The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in Personal, Political, and Cultural Contexts (2003, co-editor), Discursive Psychology in Practice (Research and Practice) (1995, co-editor), and many, many others (most of them are linked also over at the Philosophy Bites page).

Rom Harré on the Linguistic Turn in Philosophy

November 10, 2013

In the early part of the Twentieth Century Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and Ludwig Wittgenstein transformed philosophy: they emphasized the logical form of language. Ludwig Wittgenstein later repudiated his earlier philosophy, concentrating on how people actually use language, the things they do with words. Together with J.L. Austin, Gilbert Ryle and others, he initiated what has come to be known as the Linguistic Turn in philosophy. For this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast, Rom Harré, whose PhD supervisor was Austin, discusses the Linguistic Turn with Nigel Warburton.

Listen to Rom Harré on the Linguistic Turn in Philosophy

Listen to an earlier Social Science Bites podcast interview with Rom Harré on the Nature of Social Science
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