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As a model there are a few things you pick up walking in show after show. Each designer's goal is to make their clothing stand out so models are sent down the runway looking somewhat the same, with usually these three things kept constant:




So it makes sense then that you could use this strategy in reverse, to stand out. In other words, regardless of whatever clothing designer you are wearing, lose the model uniformity by developing your own personal style as simply as changing your hair, makeup and shoes! 

I recently sat down with All Parenting writer Molly Smith to share these ideas in depth and the simple ways to develop a signature style from a model mom's perspective.You can read the entire interview and all my tips {HERE}

My best advice ... always, always, always,"Dress for the part you want to have and never get lazy with this!"

Working out is an important part of my daily routine but it's important not to get so comfortable in workout clothes that you end up sitting in spandex at lunch with your girlfriends. This is NOT a style. Go home and throw on jeans, boots and a sweater ... you'll feel better about yourself, and that will show ---- on or off the runway!

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