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Phenomenon spirits always interesting to talk about. This problem is explained in various scientific side, according to the science of religion. Believe in the existence of spirits is mandatory, but dealing with the logic that puts supernatural beings rather than as a cult that should be feared, given the 'eat' or dikerematkan. By understanding the concept of spirits in science might make us more brave and not afraid of exaggeration.

Illustration of a ghost

Well, according to the laws of physics are at least three theories about spirits, namely:

1. Law of conservation of energy
Albert Einstein, the legendary physicist ever to prove that all forms of energy in the universe is constant. That is, energy can not be created or destroyed. Do you know that man in every man who lives there is electrical energy that enables the heart still beating, the brain still works and we can still breathe.

So when the man dies, the energy in the body of course have to change to another form. The most plausible theory is that energy back into the universe, nah electromagnetic energy from dead human is that at certain concentrations can be seen in certain forms. And of course sometimes still containing material or the properties of the original. So often we hear people seemed to see the figure of people who have died.

2. Coloumb law
Spirits store electromagnetic energy negative (-), whereas as we know, that the planet Earth also contains a charge (-). And based on Coulomb's law, we know that the charge repel the namesake character, while different charges will attract each other. Well because that's the nature spirits repel the theory that the earth and the spirits came not tread the earth because of the style.

3. Law wavelength
Vic Tandy, electronics and computer expert from Coventry University said the sight of the object of spirits affected by infrasonic sound waves, or sound waves are very weak and can not be captured by the human ear. But if it occurs in considerable intensity, sensitive human being will be able to feel it.

There are interesting facts about the science of spirits, such as that reported by Vic Tandi NASA supports the theory that the human eye reacts to waves of low tones. At a wavelength of 18 Hertz human eyeball starts vibrating and often bring foreign objects often translated as being fine.

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