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Spain Evaluation Safety Systems Rail Network
The Spanish government on Friday (08/09/2013), said it is evaluating the country's railway system to improve safety after a crash that killed 79 people last month.

"Everything is in the subject of evaluation and improvement," said Spanish Minister of Public Works, Ana Pastor told parliament related fatal crash on July 24 that. The Government will conduct a re-evaluation about speed limits and signaling systems throughout the Spanish railway network. Ana Pastor said the government would also consider changing the rules of the use of phones by railroad employees. ( read here )

German arms exports to the Middle East Rises
In 2013, Germany sold arms to the six countries in the Gulf Region. Qatar is the biggest arms buyers. However, the sale of arms to Egypt halted because of political crisis is not finished.

In the first half of 2013, the German government allowed exports of weapons worth 817 million euros to countries in the Gulf region. The number of sales during the year 2013 is estimated to reach a new record. Years ago, the sale of arms to the Gulf Region reached a value of 1.4 billion euros. ( read here )

Jokowi: No "Open House", Roving-roving Only
Dozens of people visited the official residence of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo Suropati Park is located in Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Friday (09/08/2013) this morning. However, Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo later asserted that he did not hold an open house in order Idul Fitri 1434 H Day at his residence. "Nah no open house," said Jokowi, when found in the middle of reviewing flood Ulujami, Guest Houses, South Jakarta, on Friday afternoon.

Jokowi said, since the early morning, he was not in his official residence. Former mayor of Surakarta is claimed to go around and meet a number of senior figures on the second day this time. However, Jokowi reluctant to call anyone and senior figures meant. ( read here )

Rollover cars in Door TNI headquarters group Contains Cilangkap Thieves
A minibus overturned near 5 Doors Military Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta. It turns out that a group of passenger car thieves fled empty house specialists from the pursuit of the citizens.

"The car specialists contents culprit empty house," said the officer on duty Adj So East Jakarta, Joko Aiptu as confirmed by AFP on Saturday (09/10/2013). The car is known to run away from the pursuit of citizen action after theft. Finally lost control and crashed into a utility pole, then rolled. ( read here )

Notes BlackBerry service in Indonesia Disorders
Disorders BlackBerry services have repeatedly occurred in Indonesia, one of the countries most cell phone users like BlackBerry products. In addition to harming the user, the BlackBerry service disruption is also detrimental to cellular operators who have established partnerships, including Telkomsel, Indosat, XL Axiata, Tri, Axis, Esia Smartfren up. Between BlackBerry with operators, certainly has a cooperation agreement, including the obligation to pay the operator a license to BlackBerry. Not to mention, the BlackBerry has the corporate segment customers who use the service BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES).

In 2012 and 2013, noting KompasTekno BlackBerry service crash 6 times, ie, 3 times in 2012 and 3 times in 2013. Here are the details of BlackBerry in Indonesia disorder in the last two years. ( read here )

Lebaran holidays, The Flying Breeze Presents Aladdin Musical Show
In enliven Idul Fitri holiday this year, Sinar Mas Land prepare a variety of interesting events. Therefore in August 2013 Lifestyle Center The Breeze BSD City will be enlivened by performances Flying Aladdin Musical Show from Australia and DJ performance.

The Breeze BSD City, presenting a spectacular show for the visitors, which is imported directly from Australia. Shows are presented in the form of an open theater was organized to welcome Idul Fitri 1434 H and open to the public from June 2 - August 18, 2013. ( read here )

Request Indonesia Catch America Snowden
Head of International Relations Division Police Headquarters, Inspector General Boy Salamudin said the U.S. government cooperated with Indonesia regarding the Interpol arrest former U.S. intelligence, Edward Joseph Snowden, 30 years. "Although they are a superpower, they need cooperation with Indonesia, "said Boy in Police Headquarters, Thursday, August 8, 2013.

America, Boy continued, asking the Indonesian government to help capture accused Snowden as whistleblowers country. "There is a friend of a friend-there asking for help to make arrests while we call professional arrest. Professionals arrest him when Snowden transit in Indonesia. If it's yes," ( read here )

Predicted, 1 Million Job Seekers Post-Eid Assault Jakarta
Indonesia Labor Institute or the Institute of Labour Policy Development Alternatives predicts one million job seekers will enter the post-Lebaran Jakarta this year. Most of them are unskilled workers (unskilled workers).

Just like previous years, these workers came to the home with the workers going home and back to Jakarta. It is predicted that around 1 million formal workers in a number of industrial areas in Jakarta that homecoming will bring relatives or friends from home along with them at the time of the reverse flow. "The new workers into jobs in Jakarta due to their areas of origin reduced or no longer exists because a lot of land used for the opening of new mining areas and housing facilities especially in East Java and Central Java. Moreover, Jakarta is still considered a" modernization "and provide jobs for them," ( read here )

Up to Lebaran, Homecoming Death Toll Reaches 276
Traffic accidents continue to rise in the flow back and forth. Until the day of the Eid, Wednesday (08/08/2013) deaths from traffic accidents reached 276 souls. Head of Public Relations Division of Public Information Police Commissioner Agus Rianto said, that number is dari1.331 victims of traffic accidents.

"The number of total accidents to-day Eid 1,331 cases with 276 fatalities," said Agus via text message on Friday (09/08/2013). He explained, the victim suffered severe injuries 435 1,656 souls and the soul of minor injuries. On the day of Eid-H alone, he said, the death toll reached 44 souls. Meanwhile, severely injured 83 people and injured more lightly, which is 279 souls. "The number of occasions there were 207 cases," ( read here )

TMII degree Gebyar Plus Independence Day Eid
Eid Welcoming 1434 Hijri, Garden Mini "(TMII) held Gebyar Lebaran, which coupled with the anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia which will be held from 8 to 25 August 2013. According Suryandoro TMII Information Manager, various events will be held for 18 days. Starting with the World Record breaking MURI "beating the drum of 8 Quarters Simultaneously Oldest", at 8, 8 months starting at 08.00 am in the 8 directions.

In this event the public is given the opportunity to participate vying beating the drum, and those who appear attractive prizes will be awarded. For the homesick migrants who can not return home but do not have to worry. ( read here )

Two shot stop TransJakarta Strangers
Two TransJakarta bus stop at Jalan MT Haryono shot by unknown persons on Friday (09/08/2013) morning. The incident took place around 00.30.

Two stop it is stop Cawang Cikoko, Tebet, South Jakarta and Cawang Ciliwung, Djatinegara located right in front of the Indomobil. As a result of the shooting, some parts of the glass that broke in two stops confirmed berserakan.Saat City News, Kanit Criminal Djatinegara Sector Police Assistant Commissioner DP Ambarita, confirmed the incident Friday morning. "Yeah right, there are two bus stops, in Tebet and Jalan MT Haryono in front Indomobil," ( read here )

TransJakarta shelter Shot
TransJakarta Public Service Agency Pargaulan Butar-Butar said that there has been a shooting at two stops TransJakarta Corridor IX route Pinang Ranti-Pluit. "The incident happened in TransJakarta bus stop Cikoko Cawang and Cawang Ciliwung," said Pargaulan when contacted by Tempo, Friday, August 9, 2013.

Sri Ulina, spokesman TransJakarta Public Service Agency said that when the officer stops the guard said she heard the sound of glass cracking, as seen there was a hole in the glass stops, such as the former brunt of bullets. "What about shooting in automatic door that leads to the Pinang Ranti, the second stop in the same location," ( read here )

New Type Bird Flu Transmitted Between Humans Could
A group of scientists in China said, there is evidence to suggest that a new strain of bird flu, H7N9, can be transmitted between humans. The first case of H7N9 infection in humans was reported by the Chinese government in March this year. At the end of May there have been 132 cases and 37 deaths in China, as well as one case in Taiwan.

Dr Alan Hampson, chairman of Australia's Influenza Specialist Group, told Radio Australia's Pacific Asia program that the composition of this type of bird flu can be transmitted between making more humans than the H5N1 strain. More recently, the death of a father and daughter who care seen as proof of impossibility of inter-human transmission of H7N9. ( read here )

Educating Residents Want City? Adopt Dutch!
modest discoveries, will impact unbelievable. One of them, a bright red clip. If you walk down the park in the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, you will find "Ruilbank", a kind of large clip that attaches on a park bench. This clip is useful to insert various types of reading for anyone who happened to be on the bench.According to his official website, www.ruilbankamsterdam.nl , Ruilbank is one form of intervention in the public park bench in the city.

Just like the clips in general, Ruilbank also made of iron. The difference is, this clip is larger than a paper clip and spiked with bright red paint. City residents can put books, magazines, newspapers, or anything else in the clip. ( read here )

Work Space Governor and Deputy Governor of NTT Ludes
floor two and three Governor's Office of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) at El Tari Road No. 52, Kupang, NTT, burnt down on Friday (9/8). Seen since the fire started at 7:30 CDT. According to Robi, one of the residents, the fire began to appear and grow on the 3rd floor and then spread to the second floor.

The fire was allegedly due to short circuiting. Meanwhile, rescue efforts against all the goods that were in the building was in vain, because all employees a holiday. Space as well as the governor and lieutenant governor secretary burned area. All important documents charred. City of Kupang police also hold all municipal police and the night watchman on duty at the time, for further questioning. ( read here )

Behind Broken brawl Cipinang
brawl broke out between youths in the region Cipinang, East Jakarta, precisely behind Cipinang. There is now in the handling of police officers. The incident reportedly occurred at 3:25 pm. Cause of the brawl is not known.

"Events occur in Cipinang back," said Metro Police officer Djatinegara, Brigadier Budi as confirmed on Saturday (09/10/2013). The fight has now been dealt with by the police. No reports of fatalities or injuries in this incident. ( read here )

Second day of Eid, Some Roads in Jakarta Jam
Streets in Jakarta this morning still deserted. But some point, experienced street congestion. For those of you in the area of Jakarta who want to stay in touch on this day, it's good to always monitor the condition so as not to get stuck in a traffic jam occurs.

Police TMC of Twitter, here is the way in Jakarta and surrounding areas that have been jammed in the morning ahead of this afternoon, Friday (08/09/2013): ( read here )

It's him, in the Final Five Human Regrets Her life
Canberra - Bronnie Ware, an Australian nurse who spent years working in palliative care, which is care for patients who have to live the rest of the last 12 weeks., noting some regrets his patients in an Inspiration blog. Blogs that apparently made a lot of public attention. Seeing the enthusiasm, Bronnie then poured his research into a book called The Top five Regrets of the Dying.

In his book, Bronnie wrote about the phenomenon of human vision that has not reached the end of their lives. "We can see and learn from their wisdom,": Not true to yourself - working too hard - courage uncover feelings - a relationship with each other - a happy life ( read here )

Fire Landa Housing Residents in Tambora, West Jakarta
Fire incident occurred in densely populated Tambora, West Jakarta. Currently firefighters (Tackling) is trying to extinguish the fire.

The incident reportedly occurred at 2:20 pm. Flames quickly devoured several houses in Canal Levee Road, Tambora, West Jakarta. "Officers already in the field to extinguish the fire," said TMC Metro Jaya Police officer, Brigadier Harlen as confirmed by AFP on Saturday (10/08/2013). ( read here )

China Inflation 2.7 Percent
Inflation in China last position of 2.7 per cent year on year and gives leeway for authorities in China for economic stimulus. Inflation data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China was below analysts' estimates, which are projected at 2.8 percent. Gradually, China's inflation may start to weaken, having earlier touched its highest level in the position of 3.2 per cent in February due to the Chinese New Year moment.

Engine number two economy in the world grew by 7.8 percent in 2012, and the lowest level in 13 years. The continued growth slipped to 7.7 per cent in the period January-March 2013. ( read here )

Demi Mustache, Men's Rela Family Leave
For centuries, bushy mustache has become a sign of virility and authority in the Indian sub-continent, one in the Khyber region. Whiskers are considered as a symbol of courage and virility.

Is Malik Amir Mohammad Khan Afridi, a Pakistani man who still preserve the tradition of keeping the mustache though lives and families at stake. Currently Afriadi has lengthened his mustache up to 76 cm. Mustache was treated like long hair, combed, oiled, and twisted to form a curve that extends upward until it reaches the forehead, defying gravity. ( read here )

Overwrite aircraft in the U.S. House, Three People Missing
small plane that fell into a home in the United States precisely in the state of Connecticut, manifold Rockwell International 690B Turbo Commander. Three men lost in the fateful incident.

Three people are missing is the crew of the aircraft, and two children who lived in the house which is located in the district of East Haven. The accident occurred at 11:25 local time. "We're still working at this time and we expect there will be a bad thing as the team to evacuate," said East Haven Fire Chief Douglas Jackson, quoted by Fox News, Saturday (08/10/2013). ( read here )

Israel at the Red Sea Airport Closed due to Safety Problem
Israeli military ordered the cancellation of all flights in and out of Eilat at the Red Sea resort after a security issue. "It was decided to close the airport after a report on the situation," said the spokeswoman told AFP, without elaborating. The woman added that the airport will remain closed until further notice.

Israeli media said that eight domestic flights had been due to land or leave the tourist town overnight. Last month, Israel deployed a missile defense system battery Iron Dom near Eilat, which is located next to the border with Egypt's Sinai Peninsula turbulent. A number of media reports at the time said that the pengerahkan related to unrest in Egypt, where the army launched a campaign to drive militants out of the Sinai. ( read here )

Habibie: Indonesia Will Jaya If ...
Many important messages delivered to the former President Jusuf Habibie Bacharuddin-3 when holding an open house event on Thursday, August 8, 2013.Located at his home in Jalan XII Patra Kuningan, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Habibie began to open their homes to guests Lebaran at 17:00 to 20:00.

After having kosher-bihalal with relatives and society, Habibie gave Eid message to the media for all the Indonesian disampikan. Habibi said, this time Lebaran moment should be used as a platform for mutual forgiveness and resurrection of the Indonesian nation.
"In the day of Eid we forgive each other, the other does not mean that we should remain patient, so that what has happened in the past mistakes are not intentional or inexcusable . So we can unite together to build a better Indonesia suit 1945 ", ( read here )

More So the motivation for Terrorist Friends and Family Influence
An Australian study concluded that a person's motivation to be more terrorists due to the influence of family or friends, instead of the extreme variety of reading material available on the internet. The research lasted for four years conducted by Monash University in Melbourne, Australia along with the police, through interviews with more than 100 extremists in Australia, Indonesia, Europe and North America.

According to the ABC report Thursday (8/8) the researchers also spoke with counterterrorism experts to understand how to prevent acts of violence by extremists.The study said that the militants and terrorists Australia is repeatedly extreme reading materials on the internet, but many other factors are more important in shaping their behavior. Social networking in the form of friends and family, including contact with those who are fighting overseas or have completed terrorist training camp, a more powerful influence. ( read here )

In Hand Artists, Eels were transformed into the Human Body Organ
is undeniable, the scarcity of donor organs often occurs while the need for it is always there. Artists in the UK react by designing human organs from animals that are not uncommon, the eel, and rattlesnakes. The artist, Agatha Haines believes that hybrid organ someday be developed from the cells of the body and even from other species.In his salahs atu, London-based artist designed the human body organs of electric eel and rattlesnakes.

For now, the new design is realized in the form of a statue of silicon. Haines believes However, one day her dream exploit animals to make human organs that can actually be used will be realized through the concept of bioprinting. ( read here )

Juxtaposed with BlackBerry Z30 Z10 and Q5
Photos appearance BlackBerry A10 - which then allegedly going to use the official name Z30 - re-emerged on the internet. Different than usual, in the photo, BlackBerry Z30 looks juxtaposed with other BlackBerry products, namely Z10 and Q5. From the image that was launched by site observers BlackBerry product, CrackBerry, Z30 looks have bongsor size of both his elder brother's.

This is in line with recent rumors. The rumor said that the Canadian company will enter into the category Z30 phablet, a hybrid between mobile devices and tablets, with a 5-inch landscape display. BlackBerry Z10, which currently occupy the top strata of products based BlackBerry 10 operating system, has a 4.2 inch screen. While the Q5, BlackBerry 10 phones with keyboards affordable version, armed with 3.1-inch screen. ( read here )

Habibie: Do not Ever Take Religion in Conflict
Former president Jusuf Habibie Baharudin said that the Indonesian people are united and are not familiar with Inter-Racial and Religious Interest groups (SARA).

"We did not know it, Pancasila is not justified," said Habibie told reporters during Idul Fitri open house in his home, Thursday, August 8, 2013. Asked about the many conflicts in the name of religion, Habibie said that in an effort to change will happen of conflict, but he is not right if the conflict carries the name of religion. "The conflict is not a religious conflict, we do not directly blame the religion," ( read here )

President Obama Promises Transparency Monitoring System
U.S. President Barack Obama, Friday (09/08/2013), said that immediately improve the country's surveillance system and will create more transparency. Obama also confirmed he did not have any interest in watching ordinary citizens after a furor related communications citizen oversight by the government.

A few weeks after Edward Snowden leaked U.S. intelligence oversight, Obama insisted there was no violation whatsoever regarding the oversight. However, Obama felt the need to clarify this issue again in connection with the growing concerns of citizens. ( read here )

Hydraulic problems, Garuda Return to Cengkareng
Housing Institute Indonesian Air Navigation Service Provider (LPPNPI) called a Garuda Indonesia flight number 834 to Singapore GIA return to base. "Return to Cengkareng because hidrolic trouble," said Director of Safety and Standards LPPNPI, Vishnu Darjono, through short message to Tempo, Thursday, August 8, 2013.

Hydraulic problems that make the plane should land on the north side of the runway Soekarno-Hatta Airport at 19:12 pm. So the runway shall be operated exclusively for Garuda or blocked the runway for seven minutes. Vishnu continued, at 18:00 the weather at Soekarno-Hatta very bad. "Visibility was about 500 feet," ( read here )

New record, Debt Japan Translucent Rp 100.000 trillion
addition to your own country who likes to lend to other countries, Japan was also wrapped by the middle of the debt, which at the end of the first half of 2013 has broken the 1,000 trillion yen.

Japanese Finance Minister in a statement today, Friday (08/09/2013), said Japan's total national debt at the period exactly reached 1008.6 billion yen or 10.46 billion U.S. dollars (approximately USD 100.000 billion). The amount is up 1.7 percent from the previous 3 months. The amount of debt it will encourage Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government to raise taxes in order to reduce the impact of increasing the amount of the debt. Japan's debt burden is greater than the combined debt of the government three other developed countries, namely Germany, France, and the UK, a total of 830.5 trillion yen. ( read here )

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