U.S.: Israeli-Palestinian talks on August 14 in Jerusalem, Talks began again last month in Washington under U.S. mediation, and the parties agreed to try to resolve their differences within nine months, reported AFP.Spokesman for the U.S. State Department Jen Psaki told reporters that the U.S. mediator Martin Indyk will attend the next stage of the talks, which will be followed by a meeting in Jericho. ( read here ) | ||
Indications BIN Engagement Same Group Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Marciano Norman says, there is a strong indication the shooting of two police officers and a guard in Jakarta Yogyakarta done by the same group. "It was a strong sinyalemennya done the same group, which is certainly nothing to do with the groups," Marciano said when met at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (8/8). He explained that the shooting incident in Jakarta and Yogyakarta it indicates that there is indeed a threat which has been directed at security forces by a certain group actually implemented. ( read here ) | ||
Family President Holds "Open House" with Residents After the open house with state officials, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and family held a community open house with Idul Fitri 1434 H at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (08/08/2013) . Thousands of people had come from various regions around 11:00 pm. They seem thronged the gates opened and the Secretariat of State before willingly sat on the sidewalk. Party State Secretariat prepared 5,000 coupons were divided into 10 waves. Coupons starting split 13:30 pm and will close at 16.30 pm. Coupon was used to enter the Presidential Palace Complex. Prior to meeting the president's family, the community must pass three examinations.They were given a package containing two wafer, a glass of mineral water and sweets. ( read here ) | ||
Heavy rain, Golkar candidates Bans Journalists in 'Open House' DPP Chairman of Golkar Party (PG), Bakrie on Thursday (8/8) held an "open house" Idul Fitri 1434 Hijri. But not all journalists are allowed entry to bersilaturahim and do reporting. Bakrie home guards in Jalan KH Mangunsarkoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta, banning dozens of reporters to enter the residence of the presidential candidate of the Golkar Party and allow journalists from media companies Viva Group. "I'm sorry (reporters) are not allowed in the other, is 'decision' of the owner of the house" ( read here ) | ||
Bakrie friendship to President Chairman of the Golkar Party (PG), Bakrie bersilaturahim with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who held "open house" at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (8/8). Bakrie said on the occasion berisliturahim and only used to mutually Greetings by the President. "Just friendship, Greetings," he said. Meanwhile, on the occasion, seemed also figure Golkar Party Akbar Tanjung.Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Golkar Party arrived earlier than Bakrie. ( read here ) | ||
Ballad "open house" at the State Palace on Thursday morning when the people bersilaturahim with relatives and neighbors, Darno (67), pedaling a bicycle from his home in Prohibition, Tangerang Banten to the State Palace in Central Jakarta. He wants to meet with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for the second time in the open house. Darno left the house at 09:00 pm, and arrive at 11:30 pm when the monument open house begins at 15:30 pm. In Monas, the bike has many years it was moored at the fence and locked, he then boarded the police bus that had been prepared to take them into the Palace of the State. "This is the key mas," ( read here ) | ||
"Not Sent Kue Lebaran, Posted In fact Floods" In the midst of the joy of celebrating the feast of Eid, a resident of Kampung Pulo, Jatinegara, East Jakarta, was forced to wait with anxious hearts. Their homes were flooded and they worry there will be flood again today. "Lebaran not sent cake, even sent a flood. shipped People Lebaran cakes, ketupat, opportunistic, this was a flood," said Subhan (43) a resident when found in the Gang IV, RW 03, Kampung Pulo, Thursday (08/08/2013). gentleman who lived in the village all his life around the Ciliwung River said, floodwaters began to enter into settlement since Wednesday (08/07/2013) at midnight. Water level which was originally only 30 cm to 1 meter continued to rise Thursday morning. This condition lasted until the late afternoon. reassured those worried residents had begun when the water entered into their settlement overnight. How not, opportunistic ripe, diamond has been cut, and Eid clothes are hanging in the closet. Residents worry flooding harass Lebaran celebrations they had prepared this year. ( read here ) | ||
OECD: Economic Growth in Developed Countries Stronger Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris on Thursday said that the main economic indicators show different growth patterns around the world, with an indication of "moderate improvement" in developed countries, but its performance is stable or decreases in rapidly developing countries like China and India. 34th OECD said economic growth strengthened in the United States, Japan and Britain. The OECD says the economy is growing momentum in the 17 countries in the euro currency bloc Europe, which slumped into a recession and a half years ago. OECD says Europe's strongest economy, Germany, began to recover again while Italy and France are more stable. ( read here ) | ||
Indonesian Vice Loloskan Six Into Quarter Finals Indonesia passed a six representatives to the quarter-finals at the 2013 World Championships Indoor Tianhe Gymnasium, Guangzhou, China, Thursday (8/8), quoted from badmintonindonesia.org , Friday (9/8). Representatives who managed to secure a ticket to the quarter-finals, Tommy Sugiarto men's singles, men's doubles Hendra Setiawan / Mohammad Ahsan and Angga Pratama / Rian Agung Saputro, women's doubles Pia Zebadiah Bernadet / Rizki Amelia Pradipta, mixed doubles Tontowi Ahmad / Natsir Liliyana and Muhammad Rijal / Debby Susanto. Angga Pratama / Rian Agung Saputro finally avenge their defeat of Liu Xiaolong / Qiu Zihan the seventh seed from China. Angga / Rian won two straight games with a score of 21-19, 21-15. "We can play loose and keep pressing them from the beginning. Liu / Qiu could not find his rhythm," ( read here ) | ||
Australian politicians: I'm Not Against Islam as State A One Nation party politician in Australia not only face criminal charges because of anti-Muslim behavior, but also the Australian media ridicule for his ignorance of Islam. Stephanie Banister (27), a mother of two children, faces criminal charges for posting anti-Muslim stickers that read "Food Halal financing of terrorism" in the Nestle product packaging in supermarkets. Banister is one parliamentary candidate of the Party of One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, the extreme right party. Banister ran in the State of Queensland. According to news.com.au on Thursday (08/08/2013), not only faced Banister.Knowledge about Islam and other religions like Jews much inaccurate. ( read here ) | ||
Scandal in the Cabinet of President Popularity Goyahkan Taiwan Taiwan Defense Minister Andrew Yang resigned Tuesday over allegations that he played a role in the plagiarize for a book in 2007. Former academics was then less than a week as the Minister of Defense and is the first to come from civil society. The incident happened after the death of a 24-year-old corporal recently, likely because it is placed on the very hot conditions, which in turn triggered a public outcry over the military. Which account for them at a news conference Monday. That said errors had an impact on his personal honor and the military government, and also have an impact on the reputation of the president and prime minister. Who said she had to be responsible and therefore he had spoken with the president and prime minister of his decision to resign. President Ma Ying-jeo accepted the resignation of Yang. ( read here ) | ||
Jerusalem immediately go to hospital relic of the Crusades One large hospital that was used to accommodate patients crusading army would soon be opened in Jerusalem, as revealed Israeli Antiqities Authority (IAA). Until about ten years ago, the building was used as a fruit and vegetable market in the Old City of Jerusalem. In fact, the place was once believed to be filled with patients and physicians at the time of the Crusades. When a developer intends to convert the building into a restaurant, asked IAA archaeologists investigating the building of the 900-year-old. Only some parts of the building were revealed during the recent excavations. The first medical complex covers 1.5 hectares. ( read here ) | ||
Officer Killed in Clashes in Ecuador Colombia Border Ecuador lieutenant was killed on Thursday (08/08/2013) local time in clashes with armed groups in Colombia border between the two countries. Ecuadorian military officials said unidentified gunmen opened fire on an army patrol that Ecuador that killed Lt. Diego Maldonado (28). incident occurred on Thursday morning in Puerto Mestanza, a village in northeastern Ecuadorian province of Sucumbios, which borders Putumayo, Colombia. ( see here ) | ||
Syria regime denies attack on the convoy of President Bashar Syria took the rare step to deny reports of the attack on the entourage of President Bashar al-Assad, when he headed a mosque in Damascus on Thursday for Eid prayers. It was the first report of a direct attack on the leader who is facing a civil war in the country since the revolution antirezim Assad broke out in Syria in March 2011. Some media, including Al-Arabiya television based in Saudi Arabia, and the opponents of Bashar reported the rocket and mortar attacks targeting the convoy of vehicles Bashar. ( read here ) | ||
Muslims Punia village in Bali title "megibung" The Muslim community in Kampung Punia, Karangasem regency, Bali, held tradition "megibung" or eating together on the terrace mosque after the Eid prayer on Thursday. "It's hereditary culture. We are obliged to preserve it," said village head Punia H Suemi. Villages on the slopes of Mount Punia it has enough cool air. The Muslimat in the village serving "sagi" containing rice and side dishes, fruits, and snacks are served pasar.Masakan Balinese were identical with minced meat or "lawar", plecing satay, spiced fish, nuts, and -ointment ointment. ( read here ) | ||
Coach Ball Kills 4 People in Texas gunman rampage in Texas, killing at least four people and wounding at least four others in Dallas on Wednesday (08/07/2013) local time. Melissa Frank of the DeSoto Police Department, said that the shooter Erbie Bowser suspects have been arrested in the Dallas suburb where two of the four victims were killed. According to Frank, peritiwa shooting occurred at a home in Dallas and ended up in another house about seven miles from DeSoto. Bowser allegedly blowing up one or two explosive devices that may be a hand grenade at the house. The victims have not teridentidikasi, but the reports could not confirmable mention one of the dead was a former lady friend Bowser. ( read here ) | ||
Gunmen kill four people in Texas gunman rampage in Texas, killing at least four people and wounding four others approximately at the crime scene the Dallas area on Wednesday night (7/8), local police said. The suspect shooter, Erbie Bowser, was arrested on the outskirts of Dallas where two of the four victims were killed, said Cpl Melissa Frank of Frank DeSoto.Menurut Police Department, peritiwa shooting occurred at a house in Dallas and ended up in another house about seven miles from DeSoto. | ||
U.S. drone kills eight militants of Al Qaeda Yemen attack U.S. drone killed at least eight militants unpredictable Al Qaeda in Yemen, Thursday, officials said. With the latest casualties, the number of people killed in U.S. drone attacks to at least 25 in less than two air pekan.Serangan came after Yemen announced Wednesday that they had foiled plans to attack Al Qaeda to take control of the two main oil export terminal and gas and a provincial capital in the country's eastern region. ( read here ) | ||
8 killed in air strikes in Yemen At least eight people were killed in drone attacks (drone) United States (U.S.), in Yemen, Thursday (08/08/2013) local time. Eight men were suspected members of the Al Qaeda network. Thus, the number of people killed in U.S. drone attacks to at least 25 people since July 28, 2013. airstrikes came after Yemen announced on Wednesday (07/08/2013) that they had foiled plans to attack Al Qaeda to take control of two terminals The main export of oil and gas and a provincial capital in the country's eastern region. ( read here ) | ||
Haula Rosdiana: Online system encourages tax compliance For Professor of Tax Policy, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Social), University of Indonesia, Haula Rosdiana, if all the required data is already connected online. the Indonesian people will automatically be proactive and honest in paying taxes. Haula prefer the modernization of tax services such as the online data base, rather than the addition of management of taxes. According to this recipe is more efficacious than raising the cost of collection, although Indonesia is small compared to the level of other countries. "If there is an online system, the A admitted that salary is $ 100 million, but in the system it will be discovered that the data actually showed he had bought a house worth a billion dollars, "( read here ) | ||
Saudi Arabia Arrest 2 Suspected Foreign Citizens Planning Attacks on Saudi Arabia's government said on Thursday (08/08/2013), the security forces arrested two Yemeni men and Chad on suspicion of plotting attacks. The arrests were announced a few days after the U.S. closed their embassies in the Middle East because of the threat of Al Qaeda. Both men were arrested in late July after they share information on social media about the attacks in the near future, Saudi Arabia's official news agency SPA quoted an interior ministry official. ( read here ) | ||
Herbal Pharmaceutical Ingredient Might Cause Urinary Tract Cancer Compounds known as aristolochic acid is an ingredient found in Aristolochia plants, commonly known as birthwart. The vines used to treat rheumatism, gout and inflammation as well as herbal medicine weight loss. exomes of Scientists studied 19 cancer patients affected aristolochic acid and 7 patients with bladder tumors but never use herbal medicines. The exome is the part of the human genome that contains protein function code and can reveal a specific mutation. ( read here ) | ||
Said Network Factory Cipinang Narcotics and Law Minister Ham (Menkumham) Amir Syamsudin, claimed the Inspector General (IG) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemkumham) is conducting an internal investigation related to the discovery of tool-making materials or ecstasy were found in the Penitentiary (Prison ) Class II Narcotics Prison, East Jakarta."Internal, in this case the IG is conducting an internal examination," said Amir, who was met at his official residence in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday (8/8). However, said Amir, proyustisia process or legal process also continues to run in the Criminal Investigation Police Headquarters. Amir further explain the chronology of the discovery of the narcotic plant. According to him, all stems from information from headquarters to the prison officers. Later, delivered to Acting (Acting) Kalapas Narcotics Prison, Alysyahbana. ( read here ) | ||
Case streak at LP Narcotics Prison, Menkumham Shame Minister of Justice and Human Rights (Menkumham) Amir Syamsudin admitted embarrassed by a series of events that occurred in Penitentiary (Prison) Class II Narcotics Cipinang, East Jakarta, ranging from misuse of facilities by the prison death row case of narcotics, Freddy Budiman until the discovery of drug plants in lapas.Apalagi, said Amir, a report concerning the drug-making factory are from the information the Police Headquarters. "It's what happens in prisons Naarkotika Cipinang pretty embarrassing," Amir said when met at his official residence in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday (8/8). As is known, some time ago in mind that death row narcotics cases, Freddy Budiman freely use prison facilities, which is a special room to meet her lover. ( read here ) | ||
Ask Menkumham Feel Aspirations MA Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham), Amir Syamsudin asked the Supreme Court (MA) felt the community justice polemic concerning the existence of PP No.99 of 2010, which contains about tightening remissions for convicts (prisoners) corruption case. "Hopefully, MA may also feel a sense of justice aspirations of the people," said Amir respond polemic regarding PP No.99/2012, when met at his official residence in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday (8/8). According to Amir, the PP was made as an effort to accommodate the aspirations of the people are saturated with corruption in this country. Therefore, it should be supported by all parties agree to the eradication of corruption, including the Parliament. ( read here ) | ||
Scientists Develop Monitor Biodiversity scientists are facing difficulty in identifying the species of animals because thousands die each year. They want to know how climate change and habitat destruction affect species such as Plains Coqui frog from Puerto Rico forests are endangered. But how scientists can tell if they are dead if researchers do not know the number of frogs are there? For that created the Automated Remote Monitoring Biodiversity Network (ARBIMON), a generic system that monitors diversity hayati.Mitchell Aide of the University of Puerto Rico ARBIMON lead this team. The team is developing new technologies that can help activists conservationist for monitoring biodiversity worldwide. The software can be used for any species, such as shrimp crooked, or whales, or it could be frogs, insects or monkeys. ( read here ) | ||
Japan Help Companies Overcome Problems TEPCO Fukushima government spokesman said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will instruct the government to hold a greater role in helping the company Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) address the problem of radioactive contamination. The pollution will become a problem for the region's emergency. The workers are struggling to keep the radioactive water is not seeping out of underground tub, custom built, into the sea. TEPCO has admitted that most of the water used to cool the damaged reactors of the plant, has been leaked to the outside plant. ( read here ) | ||
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