Indonesia is rich in art and culture, it is already famous to everywhere. In this post we try to figure out the mystery of Tomb Hanging in Blitar - East Java - Indonesia. Where, we will review a story full of mystery puzzle of an old cemetery or better known as the hanging graves. Because it is the location of the tomb is located on the ground.
That said, this tomb is the tomb Grandmother hanging Joyodigo - a rare Sufi master science: Aji Pancasoka.Science can revive someone who died when his body hit the ground. Reasons that make tomb Grandmother Joyodigo hanged. However, his body was not hanged but put in an iron box with four buffer.
Biran, "Kuncen" (caretaker) hanging graves, said that Grandmother Joyodigo was the only person who mastered Aji Pancasoka. In the epic Ramayang only one person who had the Aji Pancasona Vali - Sugriwo twins. Both nations apes. Ravana was so sophisticated sweet mouth, Aji Pancasoka be mastered.
Then how can master Aji Joyodigo Grandmother Pancasoka?
Biran said again that the figure Joyodigo Grandmother likes to do penance and behavior are concerned.Various kinds of knowledge already mastered. Talking Grandmother Joyodigo not separated well from history.Because he was also close to Prince Diponegoro. Here is a little review of the magazine Mystery:
"And in 1825, a dispute arose between the Netherlands and Prince Diponegoro. Causes, the palace of the Diponegoro, too demeaning. Sultan Palace, as if standing only because of the generosity of the Dutch. Not only that, which makes the blood boil Diponegoro. It , the power of the kings of Java continues to be narrowed ground.'s more, the king's power is equated with high-level government positions pengawai Colonial. fact, too much government meddling colonial palace by way interfere in the turn of the king. greater concern for Diponegoro, the Dutch picking road tax, cattle, homes and agricultural products to the masses. Having said that, when the Company made its mark on the frontier through his heritage, marks the boundary immediately revoked. way, have kindled the fire of war. During the period of war that lasted five years (1825-1830), one of the loyal followers of Prince Diponegoro ie, Joyodigo. Together Diponegoro, Joyodigo continue to take the fight to the Netherlands. Not just once, this powerful figures captured and executed by the Dutch. however, because it has Pancasona Aji, so his body was dumped by the Dutch, Joyodigo live again without the knowledge of the Company.
Until eventually, in 1830, Prince Diponegoro was arrested for the cunning ploy Company. But while Prince Diponegoro was exiled to Makassar after being caught, does not mean blood Joyodigo fighters extinguished.Although Prince Diponegoro at the outbreak of war, he was still stomping around the 30's. He continued to fight a guerrilla war with the other followers of Prince Diponegoro. However, because it was too much of Yogyakarta region custody by the Company, Joyodigo choose guerrilla warfare eastwards.
In short, the journey to the east, all heading Dutch guard, certainly attacked. Until at last, came Joyodigyo Blitar region. In this city, without the knowledge of the authorities at that time Blitar, Joyodigo continue to fight against the safe territory of extortion Belanda.Merasa Company, later the Duke of Blitar the time, sent troops telik password (intel) to find out who exactly has made fear Company in Blitar region.
Until the end, telik password sent by the Duke, found in a forest Joyodigo entering South Blitar. On the orders of the Duke of Blitar, telik password Joyodigo invited to come to Duke Blitar pendopo.Namun envoy request is rejected with the smooth. The reason, Joyodigo moment, still busy train army to repel kompeni.Karena subtle repulsion Joyodigo, then telik password straight home and reporting to Duke. Two years later, Duke Blitar again sent messengers. At that time, duke of the duchy Blitar died and had to immediately look pengganti.Maksud Duke sent a second messenger, so Joyodigo willing to starch the duchy Blitar. And because many of the Company who left Blitar Lantara Joyodigo forces guerrilla attacks, these figures are willing to accept the offer of the Duke Blitar.Sebagai a blue blood descent and had lived in the palace, when the duchy was appointed governor Blitar, Joyodigo already familiar with the government. Patih Joyodigo able to take a very skillful policy.
Because of these skills, then the Duke gave fief, now at Jalan Melati Blitar. In this fief, Joyodigo then built a large home for his family and given the name, Joyodigo Guest Houses. "
No explanation as to why the story remains hanging Joyodigo Grandmother and since when Grandmother died Joyodigo. And the cause of death is also not explained. But our assumption is that the death of Grandmother Joyodigo demand is concerned, because the science / "Aji" Pancasoka. Or there could be enemies who know the drawbacks of that then kill Grandmother Joyodigo and his body was not buried in fair but hanging on atanah.
Society believes that the tomb Blitar hanging wingit, besides the tomb of Bung Karno (not far from the grave of hanging). And hanging tomb is guarded by two figures with the occult form of animals, that serpent of palm trees and a tiger stripe for calves. That said, there are pilgrims who've shown these two magical guardian.That's because until Joyodigo Grandmother died, keeper of magic was still faithfully waiting for his master's tomb.
An intriguing question is if only our current body was taken down and touch the ground if Joyodigo Grandmother's body will live? when the body is dead hundreds of years ago. You want to try? please flush the soil in the grave Grandmother Joyodigo but be careful because there are penunggunya particularly grave caretaker of the tomb. he .. he ....
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
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