Have you ever thought about the truth of God's Word as written in Matthew 6: 33 and Luke 12: 31 as follows:
" But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. "
Second reading on the explanation of Jesus Christ concerning kekawatiran, but not exactly reflect the contents of the above readings we invite you to ponder from a different perspective. We want to focus on discussing and outlining bawahi sentence "Look Payments from Abroad before God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you"
What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness? Many sermons that explain the sentence to advance Spiritual life of worldly life. That is the general explanation. On the posting this time we tried to give new meaning to the statement associated with Jesus Christ on "Payments from Abroad first seek God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." As is written in Matthew 6: 33 above.
People of the world all preoccupied with finding money, finding wealth, look for things that satisfy the flesh, result if not successful, or not achieving the goal, much to the despair, discouragement, live in fear, and not a little apprehensive of committing suicide. That is the life that happens on earth, 1 Jn. 2:15-17. Messages do we do not love the world and all that is in them, because all that is in the world, that the carnal lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he does-comes not from the Father but from the world, and this world will pass away, but those who do the will of God will live forever, how? "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness", that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ in spite of uncertainty and economic conditions we are not there and stuck well but we believe there is hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, Romans 4:18-22, says that calculated as truth.
The truth also talks about Government not tergoncangkan the kingdom of God and its King Lord Jesus Christ, while the governments that currently exists in the world all temporary, everything is going to go away, all will dihabisi (Daniel 2:44). The truth is also talk that the kingdom of Heaven is not about food and drink, but the truth about the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17).
Call to us all that we position ourselves as children of God, sons of the kingdom of God, wherever we are on time because we will reign with the Lord Jesus in His kingdom.
These days we are working on real life, holy life, to do His will and finish His work (Jn. 4:34), take our spiritual life standard to standard garden, have new innovations to the Government of Heaven, of the glory of God, became man- aggressive person with a burning spirit.
Facing life these days, be tenacious person and continue to pray, develop an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Go ahead, look at him, alleluia! Be the bride of Christ who sows to Him.
Frankly these questions have to be our struggle some time ago, but praise God we have to find an answer.Actually this is for ourselves but after consideration cook cook there is nothing wrong if we also share the wisdom to you. Seek ye first reading of the above mentioned "Payments from Abroad God". Kingdom of God? many assumptions that states that the Kingdom of God is Heaven? Is it true that God's Kingdom of Heaven? Before discussing further let's investigate what really intended Payments from Abroad God is Heaven?
There is a proverb and thus query that is what you expect to go to heaven and be happy or always accompanied by / with God? probably most of you have often heard of this. Then what is his answer?
If his answer in heaven and happy then that is the answer to all those, who did not want his people happy and at its peak in heaven. Further inquiry is if you live happily on earth if there is no guarantee you can enter heaven?
Then further inquiries is heaven like what you expect?. Understanding of heaven according to the view of many people is a place full of happiness - full of joy and all things positive self - well there, and everything is provided for free; according to the Qur'an, as we have already been previous posts that Heaven according to Al Qur 'an is the peak transmission lust lust ( please click here ), but the point is something positive well as our previous descriptions.
If according to our understanding of heaven on no one, and the understanding of the understanding that human beings are indeed pregnant wants to be happy, and happy people would certainly differ only diss one another because a human has its own own standart. Then what do you think about happiness from the perspective devil and his friends? We do not mean to judge the devil and his friends but we want to provide different pemahan, that Satan is happy according to tempt men can appeal and because even according to human reason strange but given the main task of the devil is seductive, and the Devil's Heaven is Hell, and hell for the devil is heaven! It most positive thing for him is Hell Satan and demons case of negative things are heavenly. That's why we say that sorganya Satan is hell, so if asked to Satan what ultimately is in heaven hope that is hell.
's why it is written that Heaven and Hell are two different things and are only separated by a line of transparent millesimal from a strand of hair. Although the limit is not very clear, but between the respective occupants will not be able to cross. In the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16: 23 states that rich people could see Lazarus in Abraham's bosom.
From the above picture we wanted to demonstrate that positive feeling (happiness, truth, joy, peace, etc.) is different from the remainder. Happy one another differently; happy creatures of God's creation with the other creatures of God's creation is also different. And there is more to be contemplated is when we have found a sense of happiness or positive sense
Understanding of heaven turns too different difference, heaven according to the Book of Heaven according to the Qur'an is also different. Whereas a common understanding mankind about heaven is a place that offers fun (well Positive), arguably an understanding of heaven have memiripan but inter-personal one with different other personally, among the religions of the other religions are also different, in a cross-flow turns to different religions.
If heaven is different from the remainder turns out what makes it different? which makes it different is the human desire and wishful thinking. Human imagine heaven is such that the human race the race to reach out, trying to get it exactly as expected. This is dangerous precisely because it can lead to frustration when it does not fit with the concept of heaven should be. But heaven or hell is the authority of God. God can make Hell Heaven or Hell Heaven is otherwise made.
From our review above we want to show that the kingdom of God referred to in the reading Matthew 6: 33 of the above is not the heaven in the sense of a place in accordance with human hopes and wishful thinking.Creed to previous questions if you are asked to choose in heaven and live happily or always with the Lord?
If the choice is to choose a happy life in heaven and it is necessary to more fully Pertanyakan? happy that like?what happy as hoped and imagined by man?
It is different if you choose always be with the Lord. Because if you are always with God and God always be with you, wherever and however it then your life will always be happy, wherever and whatever heaven there is concentrated there. Even if you live in hell, but if God is always joined and together with you then hell into heaven.
Do you understand the purpose of our writing on?
Seek First the Kingdom of God - Many people say that those who follow God's sure her life happy, peaceful, peace, blessed, and so forth. Statement is not wrong, God was real participation on us. He was always open each way when there is no way, he always underpinned the moment we fall and do not let us reach sprawl.
But is that we get for free? The answer's no! In Matthew 6: 33 clearly say, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Obviously there is a price we have to pay to get worldly pleasures. God will always bless us if we want to find the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
Finding God's kingdom and his righteousness is our intention to make Jesus as Lord over all aspects of our lives. In other words, placing a high priority in our lives. Kristen Most people have the wrong mindset, they will find everything that will be added from finding God's kingdom first. In our prayers we ask that added most of the will of God. God is not not want to bless His children but He wants us to pre-empt Him as God or the highest priority in all aspects of our lives. Therefore our Father in prayer, according to Thy Kingdom come your will so be placed earlier than the prayer asking for blessings / food.
To test if we seek first the Kingdom of God and the truth is not difficult. For example, there is currently offering us money 1 billion unconditionally, and also any money is halal. More strengthen the men said that he felt moved by God. Looks like we need the money for a spiritual ministry. Our reaction to the offer can show what we seek first the kingdom of God or not. It could be that it is the will of God but it could also not.
When we do make it a priority then we should pray first and hand it over to God so that His will that happen.But when we focus on all that is added is then we will directly receive the gift without seeking God first. This statement seems very hypocritical tone for many people. It's not a hypocrite or not but the truth should we do
There is some sense of the sentence "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33) among others:
- So, please arrange in advance so that the kingdom of God on your life and you must do what he wants.Then everything else will be given unto God also.
- So, seek ye first the kingdom of God and must do good things which He wills. After that, everything else that you need will be given to you.
- and He will give it to you, if you prioritize Him and live according to His will.
Article Mat 5:1-7:29, which is usually referred to Christ's Sermon on the Mount, containing a statement of the principles of God's truth with which all Christians must live by faith in the Son of God (Gal 2:20) and by the power of the Holy Spirit lived in us (Romans 8:2-14; Gal 5:16-25). All persons who are members of the Kingdom of God should be hungry and thirsty for the truth as taught in the Sermon Christ (Matt. 5:6)
In Matthew 6:33: "Those who follow Christ dihimbau to advance the Kingdom of God and His righteousness above all other things." Verb "to find" show the occurrence of continuous immersion when looking for something, or to strive earnestly and diligently to obtain a (bd. Mat 13:45). Christ mentions two things we should look for:
- "Kingdom of God" - we should buck that leadership and the power of God revealed through our life and worship. We should pray that the kingdom of God will come with incredible power of the Holy Spirit to save sinners, the power of demons, heal the sick and raise the name of the Lord Jesus
- "His Truth" - through the Holy Spirit we should strive to obey the command of Christ, have the truth of Christ, remains cut off from the world, and show the love of Christ to all people (bd. Fili 2:12-13).
nature kingdom of God.
Kingdom of God (Kingdom of Heaven) contains the meaning of God came into the world to express the power, the glory, and the rights of his power against Satan and the world trend line now. The Kingdom of God is a wider sense of security or church; Kingdom of God is God reveals Himself to full power in all His works.
- The government is particularly divine power statement is acting. God started His spiritual reign on earth in the heart and in His people (John 14:23 and 20:22). It comes into the world with power (Isa. 64:1; Mr 9:1; 1Cor. 4:20). We can not take the power of God as a physical or political power, but as a spiritual power. Government is not a theocracy that the religious-political nature: it does not also carry social or political power over the government of this world (John 18:36). At this time God did not intend to redeem and renew the world through a social or political movement, or through an act of violence (Matt. 26:52; World during this period will remain an enemy of God and His people (John 15:19; Romans 12 :1-2; Jas 4:4; 1Jn 2:15-17; 4:4). kingdom of God in the form of direct punishment and violence will occur only at the end of this period (Wahy 19:11-21).
- Because God reveals himself to power, the world entered a state of crisis. Meet the government's statement of the power of God with fear of Satan (Matt. 4:3-9; 12:29; Mr. 1:24), and everyone confronted the decision whether to submit to God's rule or not (Matt. 3:1-2; 4: 17: Mr 1:14-15).Fundamental and essential conditions for entering the kingdom of God is, "Repent and believe the gospel" (Mr 1:15).
- Entering the world with divine powers include:
(a) spiritual power for the government and the government of Satan (Matt. 12:28; Jn 18:36) - the coming Kingdom of God is the beginning of the destruction of the rule of Satan (John 12:31; 16:11) and release mankind from the power of Satan (Mr 1:34,39; 3:14-15; Acts 26:18) and from sin (Romans 6:1-23);
(b) the power to perform miracles and heal the sick (Matt. 4 : 23; 9:35; Acts 4:30; 8:7;
(c) the preaching the Gospel, that will convince people of sin, righteousness, and judgment (Matt. 11:5; Jn 16:8-11; Acts 4:33) :
(d) the redemption and sanctification of those who repent and believe in the Gospel (John 3:3; 17:17; Acts 2:38-40; 2Corinthians 6:14-18, and
(e) the baptism in the Holy Spirit in order to receive power to bear witness to Christ - Evidence necessary that someone is experiencing the Kingdom of God is a life of "truth, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17).
- The Kingdom of God has aspects relating to the present and the future. The government is now a reality that in this world (Mr 1:15; Luke 18:16-17; Col. 1:13; Heb 12:28), but God's kingdom and the power has not really created. Employment and the influence of Satan and the wicked will continue on until the end of time (1Tim 4:1; 2Tim 3:1-5; Wahy 19:19 to 20:10). A statement that will come from the glory, the power, and the kingdom of God will happen when Jesus returned to judge the world (Matt. 24:30; Lk 21:27; Wahy 19:11-20; 20:1-6). Fulfillment of the Kingdom of God in the end will come when Christ absolutely win over all evil and match and over the Kingdom to God the Father (1Cor. 15:24-28; Wahy 20:7-21:8;
The New Testament gives a lot of evidence about the role of faith in the kingdom of God.
1) The believer is responsible to always seek the Kingdom of God in all its manifestations, they should hunger and thirst for God's presence and power, both in their own lives as well as among federal Kristen 2 ) In Mat 11:12 Jesus gives additional information about the general nature of the kingdom of God. There, Jesus said that the Kingdom of God can only be grabbed by powerful people, who earnestly want to escape from the sinful mankind to turn to Christ, His Word and His way is right. Despite the huge demand sacrifices, such people actively looking for the Government in all his power. In other words, experiencing the Kingdom of God with all his blessing demanded painstaking effort and exertion which continues - the fight of faith accompanied a strong desire to fight against Satan, sin, and often depraved society.
3) The kingdom of God is not for those who rarely pray or that compromise with the world, ignore the Word of God, and almost devoid of spiritual hunger. Government is for men who like Joseph (Gen. 39:9), Nathan (2Sa 12:7), Elijah (1Raj 18:21), Daniel and his three friends (Dan 1:8; 3:16-18), Mordecai (Est 3:4-5), Peter and John (Acts 4:19-20), Stephen (Acts 6:8; 7:51) and Paul (Fili 3:13-14). Government is for women like Deborah (Judg. 4:9), Ruth (Ruth 1:16-18), Esther (Est 4:16), Mary (Luke 1:26-35), Hannah (Lk 2:36-38) , and Lydia (Acts 16:14-15,40).
About the nature and purpose of the Kingdom of Christ indeed redemption, three things should be noted:
- 1Yang not the Kingdom of Christ. Christ's kingdom "not of this world". Government is not from this world, and not trying to take over the world. Jesus did not come to establish a theocratic rule of the political-religious or aspire to be the ruler of the world. Jesus said that if it is meant by His, His servants would fight. His government because it doth not, they do not take up arms to provide an opportunity for Jesus to advance His purposes in the world (bd. Mat 26:51-52). They are not affiliated with a political party or social group or secular organizations to establish the Kingdom of God. His servants refused to change the cross into a conceited effort to rule "society". Instead of using mundane weapons (2 Cor 10:4), the followers of Jesus armament armed only with spiritual (Eph. 6:10-18). This does not mean that the disciples of Jesus only indifferent to the demands of the rule of a just God, justice, peace or limitation of lawlessness. Christians should carry a "prophetic message" to the government of its moral responsibility to God.
- Which is the Kingdom of Christ. Kingdom of Christ, the kingdom of God, covering leadership, the Tuhanan, power, and spiritual activity of Christ in the lives of all those who accept Him and obey His Word of truth (verse John 18:37). The Kingdom of God is "righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17). The Kingdom of God against the forces of Satan with spiritual equipment (cf. Matt 12:28; Luke 11:20; Acts 26:18; Eph 6:12). Role as a servant of the church is Jesus Christ and not the ruler of the world today. Strength is not a worldly power, but the cross; suffering and rejection by the world is his glory (2Corinthians 3:7-18). Only by denying the power of the world discover the power of God church PB. Churches today are faced with the same choice, just to lose his life in this world will find themselves in the church in God
- Which will form the Kingdom of Christ. In the future, the government and the reign of Christ will be a new heaven and a new earth: this will happen when He came to earth to judge the nations, destroy the Antichrist, reigning in this world for a thousand years and then threw Satan in the lake of fire for ever ever (Wahy 19:11 to 20:15).
(Matt. 3:2) (jerusalem: Repent) The Greek word "metanoia" which translates to "repent" means: a change of heart, change the course of life. Indonesia can be translated with the word "reverse" as well, given the original religious meaning
1Cor. 4:20 "Kingdom of God" manifests itself in power. Similarly, citizens of the state should have more than just talk or news, they should also set out the powers of the Spirit (1Cor. 2:4; Acts 1:8). In PB includes the power to convince people would sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8), to bring them to salvation (v. 1Cor. 4:15; Acts 26:16-18), to perform miracles
" But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. " (Matthew 6: 33)
Understand the above sentence again we emphasize is that man is weak and helpless, for the invite God to be present and will always live in our hearts. For that let us always prepare hearts to God's presence. And one thing we have to understand that to be present or not in full is the authority of God. Humans can only prepare a place for you, and always invite the presence of God in every prayer prayers. When God is ready to attend and stay in our hearts then will there be exceptional case that will participate in life and our lives. As stated John 15: 4 "Abide in Me, and I in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself, if it does not stay in the vine, so can you bear fruit, unless you remain in me."
John 15: 9. "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; Remain in my love that.
When God is willing to be present and live in our hearts and all these things will be added unto you add, even if you do not ask for it.
Regards, DWI Hartoyo, SP
1. http://www.glorianet.org/index.php/sunanto/1498-allah
2. http://www.renunganhariankristen.net/carilah-dahulu-kerajaan-allah/
3. http://alkitab.sabda.org/verse.php?book=mat&chapter=6&verse=33
4. http://alkitab.sabda.org/article.php?id=8437
5. http://alkitab.sabda.org/search.php?search=kebenaran% 20kerajaan% 20Allah & tab = notes
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