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Illustration of playing with the baby - Shutterstock

Children are the hope and future parents and leaders in the future. Various kinds of intelligence can be developed in children or called with multiple intelligences or multiple intelligence. Intelligence capabilities such as bodily-kinesthetic (movement skills, dance, sports), verbal - linguistic (ability to decipher the mind in sentences, presentations, speeches, discussions, writing), visual spatial (three-dimensional thinking skills), musical (sensitivity and the ability of expression in sound, tone, melody, rhythm), naturalist (ability to understand and utilize the environment), logical - mathematical (logical-mathematical ability to use in solving various problems), interpersonal (the ability to understand and adjust to other people), intrapersonal ( ability to understand and control ourselves) and many other capabilities.

Several factors that affect multiple intelligences is heredity (congenital and genetic parents) and environmental factors. Multiple intelligences in children can be developed if it has a hereditary factor and stimulation by environmental factors on an ongoing basis.
cells brain cells in the womb (fetal stage) mother's fetus begins to form at age 3-4 months; when it is born into the world to infants aged 3-4 the number of brain cells grow rapidly in number to billions of cells. At the age of 4 months of pregnancy brain cells are formed not connected or still own, and begin to establish relationships between cells to form a series of functions when the gestational age of 6 months. own and have not formed a relationship between the cells. At the age of toddler brain nerve cells grow very rapidly.The condition can be known with increasing weight of the growing brain and head circumference toddlers who showed volume increases. Newborns have a brain weight of about 25 per cent of the adult brain, and until the baby is 1 year old brain weight reaches 70 percent of adults aged brain; baby's brain will continue to grow rapidly until 3 years old. Brain development will be slow when the child enters school age and adolescence.
chain relationship quality and complexity of nerve cells in the brain is determined by stimulation from the environment to the baby.

Considering the time constraints in order to maximize the ability of multiple brain child then parents should take advantage of the little time to provide as much stimulation to children early on. Stimulation is done early are very effective for toddlers with intelligence to optimize maximum, and vice versa if the stimulation is less.

Stimulation given to the nutritional quality and environmental stimulation given to the toddler, the toddler age in the womb until the age of 3 years after birth. Relationships on brain cells will be more complex if the stimulation is performed and accepted by the baby. Intensity and regularity of the continuous aims to strengthen ties in the cells of the brain, the higher and varying intelligence of children in the future. If developed over time then the child will have a lot of variety of intelligence.

Stimulation intervention for infants intelligence must be done so that the baby can experience a sense of comfort, safety and fun in a way hug or hold, the baby's eyes, inviting smile, invited to speak even though the baby is still not understood, various sounds or music sounds alternately, to overthrow baby left or to the right, stomach and back, baby stimulated for holding or touching toys and many others. Stimulation should be done frequently and continuously for interacting with the baby. Stimulation is done every day and continuously with variations to suit the baby's age and development as well as his ability. The stimulation can be performed by anyone who is interacting with the baby either by parents, other family members or caregivers or anyone. Stimulation is done while caring for the baby and play with him.

Stimulation provided a hurry and do not force the will of the caregiver but pay attention to the interest and desire of the condition of the baby with the baby as the baby sleepy, bored or want to play another baby.Caregivers are often upset, angry, impatient or something similar has indirectly affected the negative emotional stimuli in infants. Because any stimulation from the environment in the form of speech, gesture or deed will be recorded and will be remembered and emulated by the baby and can even cause fear in infants.

Here is how to treat the multiple intelligences with environmental stimulation: 1 Intelligence verbal language Some efforts to improve intelligence and verbal skills with infants and toddlers are invited to speak and sing baby, you can also read the story again and again, to stimulate talk and talk, or can by singing children and others. In infants aged 3 to 6 months can be done by playing "peekaboo" with a baby face and caregivers through the mirror, baby stimulated to his stomach - his back - turn around, sit down.At the age of 6 to 9 months babies stimulation can be done by calling his name, invited shaking, clapping, read fairy tales. In infants aged 9 to 12 months of stimulation coupled with repeating the name mama and papa, brother name, stuffed toys into a container, taught to drink from a glass, took the ball rolling, trained up and running with holding.

2. Interpersonal emotional intelligence
At age 9 to 12 months of stimulation interpersonal emotional intelligence can be done by getting to play with the younger children and children younger than herself, sharing cake, toy lending, learning to shake hands with others and introduce new people or to the other.

3. Intra-personal emotional intelligence
Stimulation to enhance intra-personal emotional intelligence is to tell the feelings, wishes, stories - stories, experiences, imagining, writing stories and others. Invite children to always smile and laugh, avoid using the word rant, dirty and slovenly, emotional attitude, fighting and quarrels in front or can hear or see the baby's behavior.

4 Naturalist Intelligence
Naturalist Intelligence stimulation can be done by telling stories with props such as pictures, objects, nature and activity around him. Invites baby always laughing and having fun with the incident and the events surrounding it. Using objects that surround could be props and baby interaction source for learning about the environment and learning to communicate.

5. Logical-mathematical intelligence
intervention and stimulation can be performed by singing and telling stories using numbers, especially the unit numbers 1-10. Such as counting objects around him, singing the one I love you, and so on

6. Visual-spatial intelligence
intervention and stimulation stimulate visual intelligence - can the observed spatial images or photographs, especially the shape of the face or a funny cartoon. Parents can tell by the words or long sentences with a large enough image to view or object or environment and natural events. Hang up and move objects with striking colors with a variety of shapes such as circles or squares of black and white, sound objects

7. Intelligence gestures
Intervention and stimulation (gross motor) in 6-8 months it stimulates sitting, standing holding trained. Ages 9 -12 months plus stimulation stuffed toys into a container, drinking glass, roll the ball, trained to stand, walk with holding. At age 6-8 months delays usually occur, could be late for alternating or late sitting at a light level. Stimulation can be done with balance and vestibular swimming, therapy balls and play swing.

8 musical intelligence
musical intelligence intervention and stimulation could by listening to music, took singing, playing a musical instrument use, the rhythm and tone. Get used when communicating or contact with children such as changing diapers, bathing or eating bribe always singing and chanting with the song.

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