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4 Ways Knowing the Fertile Period Ayahbunda.co.id
Graph the fertile period of a woman

By knowing the fertile and infertile times of a woman that can do the program a more intimate relationship wise. If you crave a baby in the middle of a family then you should have intercourse where the woman is in the fertile period, and vice versa if you do not want children but lust is at its peak then you should do a future relationship is infertile, or could be using condoms. Fertile period for a woman is where the egg cells in the ovaries (ovarian) are ripe and ready to be fertilized.

How to recognize and know the fertile period of a woman? The following is information from us:

  1. By knowing Menstrual Cycle.
    Generally aggregated average for a woman's menstrual cycle lasts between 28 to 35 days. Ripe ovaries will ovulate naturally or exit from the ovary. Time will it take for the egg to mature and get out of the ovaries is in the middle of the menstrual period, or about 14 to 16 days from the start of menstruation. So the fertile period of a woman is - 3 days from 14 days at the start of menstruation and 3 + days of 16 days from the start of menstruation or 11 days to 19 days since the start of menstruation is a fertile period for a woman. At the time of this period is the period in which the fertile egg ready to be fertilized. And a study also says that by knowing the fertile period can predict the possibility of babies born male or female is to calculate the time of egg fertilization. The trick if the egg is fertilized between 11 to 14 days after the beginning of menstruation it is most likely formed fetus is female, whereas if fertilization occurs in 16 to 19 days it is most likely formed fetuses were male. The reason is the level of maturity of the egg. But still, that which determines the sex of the fetus is the only God, humans can only estimate it. Child's sex is determined by which sperm cells are successfully fertilize the female egg. If the sperm cell containing an X chromosome fertilises, it will be born daughter. But if the sperm cells that contain a Y chromosome fertilizes, the boy who will be born.
    every man in the sperm normal sperm cells contained Y and X with the same comparisons. There is a guy that his X sperm cell very much, but a little Ynya sperm cells. But some are otherwise.
    Both types of sperm cells that have biological differences as follows. Spermatozoa X has a larger head and moves slower than spermatozoaY cells. X sperm cells more resistant to acidic atmosphere, while the Y sperm cells more resistant to alkaline atmosphere.
    Based on this difference, then try the following method. To get girls, doing sexual intercourse about two days before the fertile time and is set to achieve orgasm and ejaculation husband first, while the wife may or not have an orgasm later orgasm. May also during sexual intercourse, vaginal rinse first with an acidic liquid.
  2. Observation by viewing sap mucus in the cervix (cervical)
    fertile period can be known and looked at changes in mucus viscosity of the vagina. Observe any time in the mucus. During the fertile mucus has a shape like a fern leaf that is springy to the touch and not interrupted, if drawn will be elongated, as well as sticky as agar agar.
  3. Fertile period with body temperature.
    When the fertile period of a woman's eggs are mature then the uterus will naturally getting ready to receive the eggs successfully fertilized by sperm. At this condition, the body temperature will rise, so that by observing the pattern of increase in the body temperature of a woman can feel when he was in the fertile period or not. How to find out is by measuring body temperature in the morning, do every day at the same time for 3 months. Measure the temperature at the right time or just got up before doing any activity. Please note until it forms a curve, when the temperature is above the average curve then it is a woman's fertile period.
  4. Knowing the fertile period by ultrasonography (USG)
    Determination of the fertile period using ultrasound done regularly for 3-5 days according to your menstrual cycle. Of monitoring and observations made then it will be evident when the egg begins to form on the ovaries, when a mature egg until the egg when released. This method is very suitable for those of you that future irregular menstrual cycles.

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Sources www.htysite.com

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