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This is the Video Maker Birthday Asiana plane crash
Saturday afternoon, July 6, 2013, a Boeing 777 with flight number 214 approaching runway belonging Asiana Airlines San Francisco, USA, for the landing. There was nothing strange glance towards the final seconds of landing, but the plane was then slammed to the ground and started to drag. Three of the passengers lost their lives in this incident, while hundreds of others are reported to be admitted to hospital. ( read here )
Coming Suhoor, Action brawl Broke in Central Jakarta strains and Depok Sawangan
action brawl between residents going ahead eat the meal in two different locations.There were no reports of casualties in the incident. Brawl among teenagers occurred at 02.00 pm in Strain, Central Jakarta. Handling officer immediately. "Police officers are doing handling," ( read here )
Unmanned Aircraft Ready to Secure the Border RI
Supadio air base commander, Pontianak, Airmen Colonel Ir. Novyan Samyoga said, in the near future, as many as 12 units will be operated unmanned aircraft to conduct surveillance in the border region of West Kalimantan. "In doing aerial surveillance in the border area between Indonesia and Malaysia, Pontianak Supadio Base will operate unmanned aircraft. Unmanned aircraft that will be overseeing the entire border region," said Novyan in Sungai Raya, Friday (19/7). ( read here )
Palmerah Station Renovated to Draw DPR Up Train
Station Palmerah, Central Jakarta, was renovated. Later, the station would have to walk the stairs and hall to the MPR / DPR / DPD and Manggala Wanabakti. Director General of Railways Ministry of Transportation Tundjung Inderawan admitted hoping a new facility that makes legislators interested in using the train. ( read here )
U.S. shocked Dzhokhar photo Tsarnaev
policemen suspended after spreading the photos taken on the day of the Boston Marathon bomber suspects arrested so Dzhokhar Tsarnaev increasingly heated media controversy regarding juveniles accused of terrorism it. Sergeant Sean Murphy, tactical photographers on the Massachusetts State Police, said it was important to show these photos to fight one of Rolling Stone magazine cover photo this week showing that Tsarnaev sadly at the camera. ( read here )
Timezone Police Vs SIM simulator, Good Where?
witness experts from the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Edi Leksono, said that the tool driving simulator driving license (SIM) do not meet quality standards. In fact according to him, the quality of the game at Timezone tool better than a tool of two-wheeled driving simulator SIM (R2) and four-wheel (R4). "Specifications are too general and loose, not in accordance with the standard. If I compare, this is worse than a plaything in Timezone," said Edi in the Corruption Court, South Jakarta, Friday (19/07/2013). ( read here )
Federer into semi-finals of Hamburg
Roger Federer took almost two hours to subdue the German Florian Mayer in three sets last Saturday morning to reach the semi-finals of Hamburg clay. The Swiss top seed is playing his first tournament since a shock defeat in the seventh round of Wimbledon and the hard-earned win 7-6 (7/4), 3-6, 7-5 in the quarterfinals. ( read here )
Century case, KPK: This year will Suspect Taken to Court
Commission continues to speed up the handling of the Bank Century bailout case.KPK deputy chairman Bambang Widjojanto, said that the suspects would be brought to justice. "In this year the suspect will be brought to justice," said Bambang, in the Commission, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Friday (07/19/2013) night. ( read here )
Abraham Samad Say There's still going to New Suspect in Case Century
So far the Commission has set two suspects in Bank Century bailout case. KPK chairman Abraham Samad said, it is not possible suspects will increase. "We predict that once this case goes, it is possible there are other suspects," said Samad, KPK, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Friday (19/07/2013) night. ( read here )
Chris accounts Suddenly Filled 92 quadrillion dollar
astonishment Chris Reynolds, a man aged 56 years old from Delaware Conty, USA, when he saw the amount of money in his PayPal account was a few days ago. The amount of money he has so far has increased over billions of times. The amount of money he had in the account details is equal to 92,233,720,368,547,800 dollars.
( read here )
Police headquarters homemade bomb thrown
Rajapolah Police Headquarters, District of Tasikmalaya, West Java, Saturday morning was thrown a homemade bomb explosion to occur. Information from Tasikmalaya Police officers said the improvised bomb blast did not cause casualties. Allegedly using a motorcycle fled as bombs thrown at police headquarters Rajapolah direction around 01.30 pm. ( read here )
Immigration Detainees rioting in Nauru, 59 Injured asylum seekers, Hundreds Fleeing
Hundreds of asylum seekers in Australia rebelled Nauru, an island nation in the South Pacific. Dozens of asylum seekers transferred to prison, while about 200 more blurred.Rebellion occurred in immigration detention centers. Skynews.com, reported on Saturday (07/20/2013), hundreds of asylum seekers fleeing in the uprising. Explosions, flares, and a frenzy of screams dye house arrest on Friday (19/07/2013), ( read here )
Basarnas Find Bodies Passenger KM Daughter Allegedly
National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) found the body of a passenger allegedly KM Putri Krakatoa, which sank around Sangiang Island, Sunda Strait waters. "Currently drowning victim's body was taken to Krakatau Medika Hospital, Cilegon," said Public Relations Jakarta Basarnas Ramli Prasetio in Merak, Friday (19/7). ( read here )
BlackBerry Q5 Priced Rp 4 million in Indonesia
after market Z10 and Q10 smartphone, the BlackBerry will soon market the Q5 in Indonesia. This product to be the first BlackBerry 10 phones targeted to upper middle market segment. A reliable source told the KompasTekno, that BlackBerry Q5 will be priced around $ 4 million. The plan, the product will be available in the market before Idul Fitri. XL mobile operator plans to roll out the initial booking (pre-order) for Q5. ( read here )
BlackBerry Q5 Present in Indonesia before Lebaran
BlackBerry Management has confirmed that the Q5, the third series of BlackBerry 10 handsets at prices that are more economical and more choice of colors, will be present in the Indonesian market before Eid arrives. Disclosed by the Director of Distribution BlackBerry Indonesia, Andi K Utomo, Q5 have got passed the certification test to be marketed in Indonesia. Lived through a few more stages, the Q5 could be marketed in retail. "Q5 we present before Lebaran, before August 8 to 9 ( read here )
Parliament asks government run national food reserves
consistent in running the Government asked the national food reserves in order to meet the food supply throughout the region for human consumption, industrial raw materials, and to deal with emergencies. "The policy is not the way of food reserves, only promises," said House of Representatives Commission VIII Adang Ruchiatna Puradiredja in discussions about food in Jakarta on Friday. ( read here )
Megawati Not Attend Commemoration Day 40 Taufiq Kiemas
fifth President of Indonesia Megawati Sukarnoputri did not attend the 40th anniversary of the death of the late Taufiq Kiemas made in Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Friday (19/07/2013). Puan Maharani present representing the family.
To the reporters, Puan said, Mega fatigue after the death of the 40-day event Taufiq Kiemas held on Wednesday (7/17/2013) ago. "Because Mega exhausted, so I'm a representative of the family," ( read here )
Perpetrators of bombings in Iraq yet known
bomb explodes during Friday prayers at Masjid Abu Bakr al-Sidiq, Iraq killed 26 people. Suspected bombers planted in this AC
is still not known. "Terrorism is targeting all the sects in Diyala attacked mainly by Sunni and Shiite mosques, funerals and football field to make this province as a sectarian conflict, all the victims are civilians," ( read here )
Jakarta Police chief: Shoot Armed Offenders!
Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General of Police Putut Eko Bayuseno ordered its members to shoot criminals who carry firearms. "Police chief orders that members did not hesitate to take action against the perpetrators of the crime by shooting in place," said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Comr Rikwanto in Jakarta on Friday. ( read here )
Again, due to Electrical Shock Fall Victim of iPhone
Cases iPhone electric shock from happening again. After killing a flight attendant due to electric shock from iPhone, similar incident happened to a man from China. Lucky enough, not electric shock to kill the man named Wu Jiantong. However, at this time, Wu Jiantong into a coma and had to be hospitalized Beijing.
As quoted from ZDNet, during the last 10 days, 30-year-old man was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) because of his condition continued to decline.
( read here )
President Director of PT HNW So Suspects Corruption Superior Seed
President Director Nur Hidayah rides (PT HNW) a suspect in the alleged corruption case Superior Seeds Direct Assistance (BLBU) 1 package of director general in 2012 on food crops. In this case the value of the project to reach Rp 209 billion. "Setting the President Director of PT HNW initials S as a suspect," said Head of Information at the AGO AGO Arimuladi Setia Fortunately, Jl Sultan Hasanuddin, Jakarta, Friday (19/07/2013). ( read here )
Fight Heat, Schools in England Ice Cream for Pupils Give
Schools in the UK to change some of the rules related to the ongoing heat wave.
Several of them provide ice cream and popsicles and air conditioning hire to make the students still feel comfortable.
Principals also cancel or reschedule the sport, while others suggest that students are under the shade of a tree during a break. ( read here )
Puan Maharani: Do not Force PDIP Capreskan Jokowi!
statement LIPI researchers that PDIP stupid if not mencapreskan Jokowi, got a loud response from the Chairman FPDIP Puan Maharani. All parties are reminded not to force his party would carry Jokowi as a candidate just because survey results show the high popularity of the new icon PDIP it.
"We have the mechanism itself. Do not we forced to nominate someone who might be considered sufficient results of the survey," ( read here )
Technology "Magical" Print 3D Face Baby In Womb since
those women who are pregnant, imagine the face of the unborn baby usually becomes a habit that is often done. Now, the face of the unborn child is not only conceivable, but also can be printed in three dimensions. Fasotec, medical devices company based in Tokyo, working with a clinic in Japan, presenting fetal facial printer technology called BioTexture. Venture Beat reported on Wednesday (07/17/2013), this technology using ultrasonic waves to produce three-dimensional models of the beginning. ( read here )
This 3 Supreme Court Justices 'Juggle' verdict Rp 185 billion to Rp 185 Million
After three years of disconnected, revealed errors Supersemar verdict to return the money to the state. Soeharto's foundations should be required to restore 75 percent of the Rp 185 billion. For some reason, that number changed to Rp 185 million. In addition, Supersemar also owes money to the Republic of Indonesia 75 percent of USD 420 thousand. The value is the value of Supersemar embezzled state bank profits by 50 percent of 5 percent.
funds being sucked through Government Regulation (PP) No. 15/1976 had been due to funding public education but instead abused. Like placed in the Bank Duta, PT Sempati Air, PT Kiani Lestari, PT Kalhod Main and Kosgoro. ( read here )
Sunni mosques blown up in Iraq, 20 killed
in a suicide bomb blast one Sunni mosque in central Iraq, Friday (19/07) killing at least 20 people and injured dozens more. Police said the blast occurred at Masjid Abu Bakr al-Sadiq in Wajihiya town in Diyala province. Witnesses said the perpetrators detonated the bomb when the priest delivering a sermon Friday. ( read here )
Dubai Gold Rate for Residents Success Reduce Body Weight
Authority Dubai offers gold for people who successfully lose weight for the sake of promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Residents who are interested can sign up starting on Friday (07/19/2013) for a movement that will last for 30 days and coincides with the month of Ramadan.
1 kilogram Each fall, participants will receive 1 gram of gold, which is now worth 45 U.S. dollars per gram. ( Read here )
Search the Office of the Attorney General and Kemkominfo BP3TI
Attorney General's Office (AGO) searched Hall's office and your Provider Financing Telecommunications and Informatics (BP3TI) and Director General of the Ministry of Communications and Postal Operator Information (Kemkominfo).
Penggeledaan conducted in order to investigate cases of alleged corruption procurement projects Car Service Centers Internet districts (MPLIK) 2010-2012. (read here )
Ready to Disband FPI, as long ...
A spokesman for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Muchsin Alatas said his organization is ready to dissolve itself if other institutions such as the House of Representatives (DPR) net. This answer insistence that FPI disbanded after clashes in Sukorejo, Central Java, which caused one death. "The FPI does not need to be dissolved but will disperse themselves over the law is upheld and the House of Representatives to stop corruption," ( read here )
200 premium tanks stationed on the route
alerted Limited Company Pertamina over 200 premium tank cars at vulnerable points of congestion along the route on the island of Java.
Vice President of Communications Pertamina Ali Mundakir after the draw PERTAMAX-Fastron Goes to Monza on Friday night , said it was ready to face the Lebaran 2013. "main focus is to mobilize fuel vehicles when severe congestion in the route. ( read here )
Contact Weapons Happening in Papua Honor, 2 Killed
Two people were shot dead in a gunfight that occurred at the end of the runway Mulia Airport, Kampung Karubate, District Mulia Puncak Jaya, Friday (19/07/2013) afternoon. The security forces found a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition caliber 38 millimeters, with a mobile phone, after a gun battle finished. ( Read here )
One Killed and 7 Missing After Boat Overturned Carrier Illegal migrants in the waters
of Malaysia. One person was reportedly killed and several were missing, after boat capsized off the coast of Malaysia, local media said on Friday (19/7). Indonesian ship carrying 35 people working in the dark Malaysia suffered engine failure before it capsized due to strong waves on Thursday morning.
many as 28 passengers were rescued by a tanker nearly 12 hours later in the sea off Malaysia's southern state of Johor. ( read here )
Vatican ambassador in Malaysia protested because the word "Allah"
Islamic activists in Malaysia, Friday (19/07/2013), demanding the replacement of the first Vatican ambassador to Malaysia because he supports the use of the word "Allah" by non-Muslims.
Members group Perkasa and Movement Teak protest outside the Vatican embassy in Kuala Lumpur on Friday (07/19/2013), demanding the return of Archbishop Joseph Marino. ( read here )
Folding chairs for Different Spaces
One of the practical kind of furniture that you simply must not miss for use in the home is a folding chair. Folding chairs can be used in various rooms, able to meet a variety of needs, and still look beautiful. One type is the versatile folding chair folding chair made of wood. The form is simple and sleek makes it applicable in a variety of spaces, from the dining room to the workspace. For spaces with limited area, this kind of folding chairs could be the right answer. ( read here )
AP Online
ID, JAKARTA - iPhone maker, Apple Inc., has acquired location data Locationary company, which provides local business data from around the world, according to the blog Apple Insider, Friday (19/7). Not just acquisition, technology Locationary will also ...
Apple is reluctant to tell the purpose of purchasing Locationary. However, some sources say it was a matter of the acquisition of the Maps application on IOS is widely criticized, especially the iOS 6 operating system. Maps application on the operating system ...
Liputan6.com, In April, Apple is reportedly developing a fingerprint scanner technology. The plan, this technology will be implemented in mobile devices, both the iPhone and iPad. This allegation comes after Apple loading vacancies ...
Liputan6.com, projected sales of mobile devices will still continue to be dominated by Apple and Samsung as a major player.Research firm Gartner duopoly judge thatApple and Samsung will continue belanjut until 2014.

While fellow technology giant Microsoftalso released the results below expectations. it megnirim stock company founded Bill Gates is sagging Microsoft 4.5 percent to 33.82 dollars in after-hours trading.
Metro TV News
The news gives a bad signal to the company, given the Surface is the mainstay of Microsoft to market Windows 8 operating system. Microsoft has been out of his comfort zone in the software industry and get into the business of manufacturing ...
President of Windows and Windows Live Division Steven Sinofsky (left), Vice President of Windows Planning, Hardware & PC Ecosystem Michael Angiulo and General Manager Microsoft Surface Panos Panay (right) show off the tablet MicrosoftSurface as ...
CALIFORNIA - Microsoft is reportedly preparing to launch the smartwatch or smart watches this year. The software giant is called to compete with Apple and other companies are also reportedly set up similar projects.

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