Philosophers gonna philosophize
Jan 15 2014

- From The Guardian, Clare Carlisle on Bertrand Russell: philosopher, mathematician and optimist.
- Rebecca Newberger Goldstein on the vindication of Spinoza, the most lovable of philosophers.
- Martin Cohen reviews If A then B: How the World Discovered Logic by Michael Shenefelt and Heidi White.
- Socrates as management consultant: Julie Conti on why executives are embracing philosophy.
- Why are hundreds of Harvard students studying ancient Chinese philosophy? The professor who teaches Classical Chinese Ethical and Political Theory claims, "This course will change your life".
- Chinese philosophy lifts off in America.
- You can download A History of Philosophy in America 1720-2000 by Bruce Kuklick (2002).
- Luke Muehlhauser interviews Scott Aaronson on philosophical progress.
- How can we end the male domination of philosophy? Jonathan Wolff wonders (and a response by Mary Midgley).
- Carol Hay on a feminist Kant.
- Drake Baer on the workday secrets on the world’s most productive philosophers: Haters gonna hate, thinkers gonna think, philosophers gonna philosophize.
- When Socrates met Phaedrus: Simon Critchley on eros in philosophy.
- John Emerson on where philosophy and sex both went wrong.
- Woody Allen, P.D. James, and Bernard Williams walk into a philosophy book.
- Play the game: Jack James on rebellious pseudo philosophy; and on stadium philosophers: Marketing Philosophy 101.
- Begging the question: MG Piety on education and philosophy.
- Michael H.G. Hoffmann on why the presentation of arguments in logical form has advantages.
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