Update Terbaru BLUE.. Pada Article Hari Ini Penulis Akan Memberi Anda Cerita Yang Amat Menarik Hari Ini . Jadi Mari Kita Mula Membaca.
For those of you who are always so 'hotbed' of mosquitoes due to including people with 7 factors - read again the previous article here , be prepared with a new radar-jamming equipment mosquitoes. The mechanism was simple enough, affixed to your clothing. Patch tool name Kite. This thing is able to disguise the "smell" of CO2 emitted by the human body.


Developed by Grey Frandsen, Michelle Brown, and Torrey Tayanaka of Olfactor Laboratories. They inspired creating this tool after reading the research Anandasankar Ray and colleagues from the University of California Riverside, published in Nature in June 2011. This study reveals three chemicals that can disrupt the "radar CO2 recipient" mosquitoes.

The third of these chemicals work in different ways to repel mosquitoes. The first chemicals mimic carbon dioxide and can be used to keep mosquitoes from human and insect traps.

Experiment in the laboratory

Kite Patch app in Uganda / indiegogo
Two chemicals make mosquitoes can not detect CO2 at all. And the third is precisely alter mosquito radar capabilities that are sensitive to CO2, making the mosquito feel confused.

But you have to be patient, because step Frandsen and his team is currently seeking funding through the web site "indiegogo" to conduct field trials in Uganda. If the test is successful, they will start mass-producing Kite Patch and distribute globally starting from the U.S..

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