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You know, the doctor's advice twenty years ago may be outdated, and now changed?
For centuries, the medical world continues to develop ways safeguarding public health. It changes more quickly in recent years thanks to new discoveries. Sometimes, doctors do not get health information immediately when they are not actively participating in the development era. As a result, some health recommendations now so old-fashioned as 7 points below.


1. Finished eating right toothbrush
Once we are advised to brush your teeth after eating to get rid of plaque causes. Well, now there are changes in the rules: rinsing after eating, then wait at least 30 minutes if you want to brush your teeth. toothbrush straight teeth after meals can harm teeth because the acid content of foods and beverages. The action could erode tooth enamel and dentin.

"Like a pot scrubbing with detergent, brushing teeth immediately after eating can lead acid content that causes damage," said Steven Ghareeb, DDS, spokesperson for the Academy of General Dentistry.

2. Green snot mean bacteria
Previous snot green believed due to bacterial infection, so patients should be given antibiotics. However, science has shown it tidakselalu true. Colored mucus is normal as the healing process. To fight infection, white blood cells release enzymes that kill the disease. Some enzymes have a greenish color. So not all green snot automatically because the bacteria. Antibiotics may need to be considered. Overuse of antibiotics for influenza may lead to resistance.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide and Alcohol sterilizing wounds
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and Alcohol is destructive bacteria, unfortunately we can not distinguish between good and bad bacteria. Excessive use of slow wound healing process.


The medical world is now more advise to wash the wound with mild soap and for 3-5 minutes, then rub a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to prevent infection. In the Journal of Family Practice, the use of bandages are necessary in order to keep the wound clean and moist. Took off the bandage and let the wound exposed to air can menimulkan scabs and scars that difficult to heal.

4. Direct fever medicine
Normally doctors recommend that fever medication immediately if fever occurs.Especially in young children who are prone to seizures. Modern medicine recommends taking medication only when a very high fever.When only a mild fever, let the body fight so much stronger and recover faster.In general, if you have a fever above 38 C is the category mild fever.

5. Limit your intake of eggs to protect the heart
Since the 1970s, cardiologists warn the public that the egg yolk contains high cholesterol that can clog arteries and lead to heart disease. Modern medical world says another. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the consumption of egg yolks in healthy individuals does not increase the risk of heart disease. Other studies also showed that even people with high cholesterol remain safe to eat an egg a day.

Cholesterol in eggs are very small effect in the bloodstream. With 164 milligrams cholesterol content, eggs are still far below the specified limit the American Heart Association - recommended no more than 300 mg of cholesterol a day (200 mg for patients with heart disease). Egg yolks are loaded with essential nutrients, including choline to the brain protective antioxidants which improve eye health.

6. Eat small portions for diet
Previously, people who diet are encouraged to eat smaller portions and more often five to six times a day. Now, scientists from Purdue University tested.Apparently, they were given less food portions six times a day even feel hungry faster, compared with a given portion of a lot and eat three meals a day.


"Small portions do not give a sense of satiety," said Heather Leidy, PhD, assistant professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri, which is engaged in the research above.

7. Should sit upright
Until now we are still encouraged to sit upright to prevent back pain problems.

In fact, pose a more relaxed body is the best strategy. It is based on the results of an MRI scan, Canadian researchers at the University of Alberta, that the people who sit lie almost precisely 135 degrees of pressure to free the bone. "Over time, excess pressure can cause your spinal discs swell and cause injury, such as that known as a herniated disk," said Evan Johnson, DPT, director of physical therapy at the Spine Center in New York.

So it is recommended when you sit down, put your head in line with your shoulders and hips so that the body can slightly curved towards the front, and please lean back. Adjust the seat to be able to support your back perfectly.

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