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Homebound Residents abandoned, deserted streets Capital
After a back and forth flow waves occur on Saturday (3/8) and Sunday (4/8), the condition of a number of main roads in the capital on Monday (5/8) morning deserted observed. No more traffic jams and queues that usually color the vehicle earlier in the week in Jakarta.Berdasar observation, in East Jakarta, Jalan Maj. NLI towards Rawamangun which usually has stalled since Jagorawi Exit Toll Gate junction or right in front of the Military District, on Monday (5 / 8) morning bustling activities smoothly. The streets around the campus a little choked up at Indonesian Christian University (UKI) because of the many taxis, motorcycle taxis and public transport for passengers. Similar conditions were also seen on Jalan MT Haryono, or right in front of the Office of National Narcotics Agency (BNN) from the direction of Cawang towards Jewel. On a normal day, traffic on these roads can snaking up along more than one kilometer. A number of roads in other East Jakarta today is much more quiet than usual days, among others, Matraman Jalan Raya, Jalan Raya Bogor, Jalan TB Simatupang, Jalan Raya Scouts, Jalan Ahmad Yani, Jalan DI Panjaitan, Otista Jalan Raya, and Jalan Dewi Sartika. ( read here )
Ensure MUI Eid Compact On 8 August
Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to ensure the Eid al-Fitr 1434 H will fall on August 8, 2013. The date is the same as the date specified by the Muhammadiyah."Certainly, God willing, this year Eid Fitrinya us together," said Chairman of the MUI, MUI ruf Amin Building, Jl Proclamation, Central Jakarta, Monday (08/05/2013).For according ruf, on Wednesday (7/8) position later in the hilal is 2 degrees."Tomorrow is Eid together not for the (difference) has been resolved. But it happened the same," ( read here )
Unison Eid Celebrated on August 8
National Aeronautics and Space Institute (LAPAN) ensure this year's Eid celebrations held simultaneously. Eid falls on August 8, 2013. "Hilal will look the same in Indonesia, so the celebration of Eid may fall on the same day," said Deputy Science and Air Space Space agency, Thomas Jamaladin, when contacted, Monday, August 5 2013.Menurut Thomas, young crescent moon on the 7th of August at Sunda Kelapa will be at a height of 3 degrees 26 minutes. This altitude is above the minimum height requirement of 2 degrees agreed Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, and Islamic Unity. "The calculation of the new moon will be the same, Eid was celebrated in unison," ( read here )
JK: Ali Sadikin Even More Galak than Basuki
Period 2004-2009 Vice President M Jusuf Kalla (JK) assess actions Jakarta Vice Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaja alias Ahok to curb street vendors (PKL) in the area of Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, is appropriate. He considered it necessary that the leader firm and hard to fix Jakarta. He asks firmness Basuki not politicized."Cook the firm should be politicized, let alone confront thugs, memangnya should smile? None. Must be fierce," said JK in the Office of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI), Jakarta, Monday (05/08/2013). He warned, former Jakarta governor Ali Sadikin harder than Basuki. However, he said, the success of Ali are always remembered well. ( read here )
Baznas target this year reached Rp3 trillion zakat
National Zakat Agency (Baznas) national charity expects to raise as much as Rp 3 trillion. Last year, Baznas gather around Rp2, 3 billion. The amount is more than the previous year, 2011, Rp1, 7 trillion. "Based on trends from 2011 to 2012 at least 3 trillion. Was approximately 22 percent increase," said Chairman Prof Baznas. Dr..Didier Hafidhuddin when found in Office Baznas Reuters on Monday. That figure is less than the potential zakat Indonesia based research Baznas with IPB and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). Based on the study, said Didier, the general potential of zakat in Indonesia reached Rp217 trillion each year. "Now is Rp2, 3 billion. We expect a minimum of Rp 3 trillion this year," ( read here )
The Abu Roban bombers Vihara
National Agency Penanggulan Terror (BNBPT) pelakukan bombing suspect Ekayana Vihara, Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta, linked to the terror group Abu Roban network. Abu Roban alias alias Lucky Bambang Jackfruit previously been killed during a shootout with Special Detachment 88 anti-terror police in Batang, Kendal, Central Java in May. BNPT chief, Ansyaad Mbai said, although Roban killed in action Detachment 88 arrests, but some of its members allegedly was scattered in a number of areas. Ansyaad said one bomb made of PVC and placed in the Shrine Ekayana Sunday (4/8) night, similar to the homemade bombs that have been arrested a number of groups in the Lower Dam police, Jakarta bomb in Marga Asih, Bandung and in Kebumen, Central Java. ( read here )
Fukushima nuclear power plant in Emergencies
Japanese nuclear regulators said the Center for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Fukushima crippled facing a new problem, which is caused by the increasing amount of radioactive contaminated groundwater.
They warned that if a solution can not be found within three weeks, then the polluted water will begin to flow into the Pacific Ocean.
BBC's Tokyo correspondent, Rupert Wingfield Hayes, said the issue has emerged in recent months, but it seems NPP operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), do not know what should be done.
"The ground water into the damaged reactors and the water here is contaminated with radiation. Polluted water then flows into the Pacific Ocean," ( read here )
Fukushima nuclear plant are facing an emergency situation
Japanese nuclear regulators said the Center for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Fukushima crippled facing new problems caused by the increasing amount of radioactively contaminated groundwater. They warned that if a solution can not be found within three weeks, then the polluted water will begin to flow into the Pacific Ocean. BBC's Tokyo correspondent, Rupert Wingfield Hayes, said the issue has emerged in the last few months but it seems NPP operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), do not know what should be done.
"The ground water into the damaged reactors and the water here is contaminated with radiation. Polluted water then flows into the Pacific Ocean," ( read here )
France extended closure of embassy in Yemen to Thursday
France on Monday to extend the closure of its embassy in Yemen until Thursday, following the steps Britain and the United States related to fears of Al Qaeda attacks.The embassy one among many Western embassies are closed on Sunday and Monday in Sanaa after the U.S. issued a warning to the whole world related to Al Qaeda plan to attack in the Middle East or South Africa in August. "Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has decided to extend the French embassy closure in Sana'a, until Wednesday, August 7, "( read here )
Extend U.S. Embassy Closure
Government of the United States (U.S.) decided to extend the closure of diplomatic missions in the Middle East and Africa until the end of the month of Ramadan, on August 9, 2013. Not only that, the U.S. government also issued a travel alert travel (travel warning) for citizens who want to Middle East countries and Africa until August 31, 2013. The State Department, in a press statement on Sunday (4/8), announced the government decided to close 19 of the 22 embassies (the embassy) and consulates in the Middle East and Africa, until Friday (9/8). The decision, as well as extending the closing 15 embassies and consulates in the Middle East and Africa that have been imposed on Saturday (3/7). Some are following the U.S. Embassy closed from Sunday (4/8) among others in Saudi Arabia and two East African countries, namely Burundi and Ruwanda. ( read here )
Garuda copilot Positive Drug Derived from Spain
Garuda Indonesia copilot who tested positive for drugs after undergoing urine tests, Lopes Victor Munoz, Spanish citizenship. Victor positive for drugs after urine checked at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar, Monday (08/05/2013). "He co-pilot airline Garuda Indonesia flight number GA 678 goals Kendari. Upon examination of South Sulawesi conducted BNNP Mitha, the test results are still equivocal. Hence, repeated urine test and she tested positive for drugs," ( read here )
The aircraft pilot indicated drug consumption
A commercial airline pilot indicated taking drugs after their urine tested by the National Narcotics Agency Provincial (BNNP) South Sulawesi, at Hasanuddin International Airport, Makassar, on Monday. The urine test was held related to the smoothness and safety of flight during Lebaran 2013. 10 pairs of pilot and co-pilot of the airlines that fly to Makassar route taken and urine drug testing. Tim BNNP southern Sulawesi is divided into four teams in the test include pengawak aircraft belonging to Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Sriwijaya, Merpati Nusantara Airlines, Trans Nusa, Wings Air, and Air Express. ( read here )
Drifting in Water Release citizen Malaysia
Rescuers have found three bodies Malaysian citizens of Indonesia (WNI) and is looking for another 37 citizens who disappeared when their boat sank in waters off Malaysia, Sunday (4/8). Wooden boat carrying 44 Indonesians reportedly drowned while trying to cross the waters of the state of Johor, Malaysia to Batam Island to celebrate Eid. Rescuers have saved four Malaysian citizens, Friday (2/8). "It is believed the three bodies, two women and one man, were victims of a boat accident. Thirty-seven are still missing," ( read here )
Man Threatens Free Radical Type
Free radicals that threaten humans turned out to be everywhere, can be outside or inside the body. Free radicals contribute to many chronic diseases and degenerative diseases such as heart attack, Alzheimer, stroke and cancer.
Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons. In their quest to find another electron, they are very reactive and cause damage to the surrounding molecules.However, free radicals are also useful because they help important reactions occur in our bodies and can be used to manufacture drugs, a specially designed plastic and other innovative materials. Free radicals in the human body comes from two sources ie endogenous (from within the body) and exogenous (outside the body). Exogenous from outside bodies such as air pollution, UV radiation, X-rays, pesticides and smoke roko. Free radicals are endogenous free radicals that come from within the body itself as autoxidation, enzymatic oxidation and respiratory burst. Free radical is an atom or molecule compounds containing one or more unpaired electrons that are highly reactive. Free radicals can be formed in the body during breathing as a byproduct of the process of oxidation or burning, excessive exercise, when there is inflammation, exposure to environmental pollutants such as smoke from cigarettes, motor vehicles, radiation, and so on. ( read here )
"Tomb Comet" Found in Between Mars and Jupiter
Astronomers find a "tomb" comet. In the "tomb" of the comet, comet or die while dormancy and could rise again. The team of astronomers University of Anitoquia, Colombia, found the "tomb" after the comet reveal the origin of the 12 newly discovered comets. Led Ignacio Ferrin, a team of astronomers from the universities revealed that the newly discovered comet that came from the asteroid belt region, the area located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Region where the discovery of comets was then called the "tomb" comet. International Business Times reported on Friday (07/02/2013), astronomers stated that in the "tomb" that many comets comet "hidden" millions of years, but it could rise again because of the influence of Jupiter. (read here )
Landa flood Pakistan, 45 Killed
Flash floods that hit Pakistan killed 45 people, through Sunday (4/8). Pakistan disaster relief officials issued an alert on Sunday after the latest flood death toll from heavy rains rose to 45 and the overflow crippled most of the city of Karachi. Flash floods caused by heavy rains have flooded some of the main roads in the port city wide. Floods also swept the houses in the northwestern province, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. National Disaster Management Authority warned that there could be more storms and heavy rain on Monday so some streams may overflow. At least 45 people have been killed in flooding over the weekend. Officials in Karachi claimed at least 19 were killed in the town to add 20 people were killed in the northwest and six in the southwestern province of Baluchistan. ( read here )
Banks Operates on This Week
Several banks said it would remain open its services this week, although on leave with effect until August 9. Therefore, travelers who were on home ground can still get banking services. BNI - Bank Mandiri - Bank Central Asia (BCA) CIMB Niaga (read here )
Living Things in the World Most Extreme
During this time, people may feel the most powerful beings on earth. However, it turns out there are several other living creatures which proved much more powerful than humans. These living creatures dubbed "extremophiles". They can survive in very hot, cold, dry, salty, acidic, alkaline, high pressure, or radioactive. Here are five things extremophiles as summarized NationalGeographic.com. ( read here )
Includes two Australian cities Most Friendly Cities in the World
Two cities in Australia entered the top 10 most friendly cities in the world. Hobart, the capital of the state of Tasmania, an island south of Melbourne, only to lose in the Brazilian city of Florianopolis, as reported by news.com.au Tuesday (05/08/2013).Florianopolis has "a friendly people, beautiful scenery and excellent airport," wrote the travel magazine Conde Nast Traveler conduct a survey to various cities in the world.
While Hobart is said to have "unique location, beautiful, and friendly, flavorful friendly rural town." ( read here )
7 Things To Try It Easier asleep
It was already nearing midnight but you still can not close my eyes, it would be a hassle. If you want to sleep easy at night before, there's nothing wrong do some of these tips. Excerpted from Health Me Up, on Monday (05/08/2013), here are some tips that you can do to make it easier to fall asleep and wake up the next keeseokan with bright eyes and fresh body: Read the book - Limit your drinking water - avoid technological devices , dim the room lights, relax, say no to caffeine, avoid the noise (read here )
There are 6 million Chinese citizens Difficulty Water
There were around 6 million Chinese citizens clean water shortages since mid-June 2013. According to Xinhua news on Monday (08/05/2013), the trigger is the season kering.Laporan China's Ministry of Civil Affairs show there are 13 provinces in the land of the Great Wall which was devastated by the drought. Because of the dry season, there are at least another 4.3 million people affected indirectly. They came from Guizhou and Hunan Province. Residents also from Hubei, Chongqing, Jiangxi, and Zhejiang. Recorded, at 09.00 am today, 4.03 million people need government assistance. ( read here )
"Speed Boat" Owned USD 900 Million Left Devastated
The results of the procurement unit of speed boat from the Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP), North Central Timor (TTU), East Nusa Tenggara, with a budget ceiling of USD 910 808 800, is now damaged and not worn. The procurement process of the ship that was suspected of problems. Because the funds allegedly embezzled hundreds of millions by eight people who are now languishing in the State Prison cell (Rutan) Kefamenanu, as a prisoner of the State Attorney Kefamenanu deposit. Related damage to the ship, the Chief State Prosecutor Kefamenanu, Dedie Tri Haryadi, Monday (05/08/2013), said they would make a re-calculation of the total loss. "Initially, the calculation of loss to the state in accordance with the BPK audit results NTT Rp 121.183 million. But when we saw the condition of the ship as it is, and can not be used again, then the total losses could reach USD 600 million for the procurement of the ship was not useful at all, "( read here )
Beware of fog in Jember-Banyuwangi Line
For travelers who pass through Jember heading Banyuwangi, rain and fog to watch.Because, since the beginning of this week tends to cloudy weather, sometimes rainy."In addition, in Jember-Banyuwangi border rainfall and heavy fog that night," said Adj So Jember Police, Assistant Commissioner of Police (AKP) Purbaya, Monday, August 6, 2013. Purbaya added, on the border of Jember-Banyuwangi there gumitir mountain path. The region is one of the jam-prone path and traffic accidents. Today, cloudy and drizzling include the winding region. Towards dusk until morning, he said, usually a thick fog covered the area. "Especially the 31 to 38 kilometer point on the summit of Mount gumitir, if not careful could be fatal," ( read here )
Dozens Kilometer Walk Shopping for Eid
Although Eid only days away, but residents living in remote villages in Pinrang, New South Sulawesi, on Monday (05/08/2013) has started to look crowded central market in the city Pinrang. The reason, they have to travel for hours to even spend the night in the street in order to buy the various needs of Eid, such as rice, chicken, cakes, and Eid clothing. Limited transport between villages become obstacles for citizens in remote villages. They also must use any means of transportation in order to reach the market place. Starting from the gig, pickups, or public transport if lucky. (read here )
Washington Post Purchased Amazon Rp 257 Trillion
The Washington Post will be sold to Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon's web retail giant, in a move that surprised many observers. Agreement to sell one of medi legendary in the United States, ending 80 years of control by the Graham family media have uncovered the Watergate scandal in 1972 that. The deal was done in secret, even journalists themselves were surprised by this decision. "This is news that is truly amazing," said media analyst Jim Romenesko, told the Guardian. "It is also surprising because the news did not leak even among full internal investigative reporter." ( read here )
Will Corruptor Can Remission Lebaran
Sukamiskin warden Bandung, Giri said it had proposed remission Purbadi Eid and Independence Day August 17 to 240 inmates in the institution. According to Giri, about 150 of whom are prisoners of corruption. "The proposal that we have proposed in June and the decision in the Directorate General of the Ministry of Social Justice and Human Rights," Giri said when contacted via cell phone, Monday, August 5, 2013. Giri justify the hoodlums proposed is convicted mafia Gayus Tambunan, a former prosecutor Gunawan, a former Governor of Bengkulu Agusrin Najamudin, former Bekasi Mayor Mochtar Mohamad, former Subang Regent Eep Hidayat, as well as former Interior Minister Hari Sabarno. ( read here )
Sold in 6 Months Motorcycles Rp 7, 1 Trillion
The period January-June 2013 PT Federal International Finance (FIF) - a subsidiary of Astra - managed to finance 612,107 units of the new bike with a value of Rp 7.1 trillion, up 7.9 percent from the same period last year only Rp 6.5 trillion. The main financing company Honda is also channel funds for used motorcycles until RP 1.5 trillion or 248,000 units in the same period. "Although the market situation is still affected by the application of advances, but we continued to innovate through various lottery programs. Optimistic we can be recorded in accordance with the financing of the targets set," ( read here )
Wear Homecoming Car Service, PNS Given Sanctions
Semarang City Government will impose sanctions for civil servants to use official cars for Lebaran. Even if one is desperate to replace vehicle number plate with black plate will do the prosecution. Semarang City Government Head of Public Relations, Achyani in Semarang on Monday (5/8) said, according to the rules, replacement car license plate from red to black there are provisions, in particular to support the smooth running of official duties.
"But if the replacement was used for the sake of going home, if caught will we give sanction. Penalties may reprimand or written warning," ( read here )
Rollover travelers car Unggaran In Toll-Bawen
Accident began stalking the travelers. Isuzu Panther Touring A 8051 ME B single accident after hitting a road divider and overturned at KM-33 passing in Semarang-Solo toll road segment Unggaran-Bawen, Monday (5/8). Although not claimed casualties, but the driver of the car Djoened Yulianto (57) with his wife and two children are citizens of Defense Complex, South Grogol, South Jakarta suffered minor injuries. The car carrying them bounced and rolled out to the east side of the main line toll. ( read here )
Bang Ucu: 'Langkahin' bodies used Gue!
Figures as well as elders Tanah Abang M. Yusuf bin Muhi or familiarly called Bang Ucu refuse removal plan slaughterhouses in the ground floor of Block G Tanah Abang Market to the suburbs. The reason many nieces, grandchildren, and siblings Bang Ucu who became butchers goats there. "If slaughterhouses in pindahin of Tanah Abang, langkahin my body first!" he said at the Masjid Al-Makmur Tanah Abang now open along Central Jakarta Mayor and street vendors, Monday, August 5, 2013. ( read here )
Apple Labelled "Coward" about the Indonesian Tin
Following Samsung who had already given a statement in April, five major manufacturers of smartphones has given recognition about the use of tin from Bangka Island in its products. They are Nokia, Sony, BlackBerry, Motorola, and LG Electronics. Each of these states use raw materials from the island of Bangka tin experiencing social and environmental damage caused by mining activities. One name that is still absent from the list is Apple, which has not made a statement in connection with the issue directly. As a result, manufacturers of the iPhone and iPad gadgets is drawn criticism from environmental organizations Friends of the Earth (FoE) is urging industry players in order to improve the situation on the island of Bangka. ( read here)
Miras party, 4 People Killed in Majalengka
A total of 4 people were killed after partying (alcohol) in Majalengka. A number of other residents currently in critical condition and is still undergoing treatment at the hospital. Based on Opera that have been collected, the incident began on Saturday, August 3, 2013 until Sunday night (4/8) morning around the area of Market Street Village pond Majalengka Kulon, District Majalengka. At least 20 young men join the party after the alcohol obrog activities. After a while, they suddenly develop symptoms one by one seizures, dizziness, and vomiting. In fact most of them vomiting blood. ( read here )
Kirobo, Robot First Talk
Unmanned vehicle Kounotori 4 Transfer Vehicle (HTV4) slid from Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan, yesterday local time. But it is very unique and not at HTV4 it. But who brought the robot weighing 3.5 tonnes that is the spotlight. The robot measures 13 inches. The creators of the robot named Kirobo. Special because he can speak like a human. Kirobo made through Robo Kibo project at the University of Tokyo's Research Center for Science and Technology Andvanced. The robot has been tested on the International Space Station (ISS) by astronaut Koichi Wakata. Koichi is guiding the project space in mid-November. This little robot will be taking off at the space station ISS began in December 2014. ( read here )
Victims Still Missing One of the U.S. helicopters crash
As of Monday (05/08/2013) night, still one person missing victims of the U.S. military helicopter crash in Onna, Japan. News NHK said the plane crashed around 04.30 pm. "Three of the four passengers survived the helicopter confirmed," said Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said, adding that the ill-fated helicopter HH-60 manifold. Information from the U.S. military showed that the location of the crash is still in the region of U.S. Marines in Camp Hansen. "The area was the site of the landing and firing exercises," ( read here )
U.S. helicopter crashes in Okinawa Panggkalan
Military helicopters United States (U.S.) crashed while trying to land in the south of Okinawa, Japan, Monday (5/8). Until now there has been no reports of no casualties as a result. "We can only confirm that a U.S. helicopter crashed during landing," (read here )
Inaugurated President of Iran, Israel Fears
Elected president of Iran, Hassan Rouhani was sworn in Tehran on Sunday, August 4, 2013, amid fears over its nuclear program Israel Affairs Mullah. Israeli Prime Minister warned that the Islamic Republic continued threat to regional security (Middle East). Rouhani, a moderate cleric, in his inaugural address on state television said he promised to uphold the constitution and protect the religious authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Earlier, on Sunday, August 4, 2013, Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Nentanyahu, criticized the new president of Iran. Netanyahu said that Rouhani has a goal to destroy the Jewish State. "The Iranian president may change but the regime is not there at all," ( read here )
Landslide Kills Nine People in India
Landslides in the State of Kerala, India, killing at least nine people. According to AP on Monday (08/05/2013), the disaster that struck the region pascahujan heavy South India a few days ago. According to local police, the hills in Idukki into the scene.Heavy rain in situ lasted since Sunday (08/04/2013). Kerala government to temporarily close the airport Cochin. Two aircraft were scheduled to land at the airport was transferred to another location because of the flooding. ( read here )
Former Turkish Chief Sentenced to Prison for Life
Turkish court sentenced him to life imprisonment to former military chief for his role in a plot that allegedly sought to topple the government. Gen. Ilker Basbug is the highest of 275 military officers accused in a trial that lasted five years. The Court held in Silivri prison complex, west of Istanbul, with very tight security, where Gen. Basbug was arrested. Enhanced security when the trial took place. The security forces had opened fire tear gas outside the courtroom to disperse the protesters who oppose this court. Some defendants acquitted in court is seen as a test for the government party leaders who are rooted in Islam in conflict with the military, ( read here )
Give Beragan, Various Benefits
Berries, which is often called strawberry or berry has many variants, such as blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and goji berries. Behind her tiny form, the berries are not able to provide little benefit. Berries have surprising benefits. The following variants give benefits to health, as quoted by the Daily Mail website, Sunday, August 4, 2013. ( read here )
"THR" Thugs Tanah Abang Rp 3 Billion
Despite dozens of thugs caught Tanah Abang, but there are still many in operation. In fact, hundreds of thugs around Tanah Abang market claim to be thankful this year can still get "holiday allowance" (THR) Lebaran a spectacular amount, at $ 3 billion.According to City News searches said the money was a gift (charges) from the street vendors (PKL), which amount to Rp 3 million (USD 1.5 million before Lebaran and Rp 1.5 million after Lebaran) each merchant. If around Tanah Abang Market (Tenabang) there are 1,000 street vendors, the total of Rp 3 billion. ( read here )
Author of 'Key Witness' Threatened
Metta Dharmasaputra, author of Key Witness found five letter threatening a lawsuit when it arrives in his office. Five letter was sent using brown envelopes at the same time, Monday, August 5, 2013, morning. It asked Metta Key Witness appeal throughout the book and corrected within seven days. Sending letters threatening to take legal action with a libel suit, if the demand is not met within seven days. "I'm not going to revise the contents of the book Key Witness. Because the writing of the book was based on court documents and testimony," Key Witness book contains about tax fraud by PT Asian Agri Group in 2002-2005. Lawsuit threat addressed to Vincent Amin Sutanto, Asian Agri tax whistleblowers are forwarded to Metta as the author of the book. ( read here )

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