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Two Police Shot To Death in Tangerang
Police Sector Two members of Pondok Aren became the victims of the shooting are not known at Jalan Graha Raya Pondok Aren, Tangerang, Friday night, August 16, 2013, at 21:30. Both were killed with a bullet wound in his head. Spokesman for the Jakarta Police, Commissioner Rikwanto said both victims were members of the Police Pondok Aren named Bripda Maulana and Aipda Hendratma Kus. "Both of them died and were taken to the Police Hospital, Kramatjati (East Jakarta)," said Rikwanto Tempo when contacted on Friday.

According to Rikwanto, the victim was shot by two actors who ride motorcycles Yamaha Mio black. "Right near the mosque of Bani Umar, actors memepet driven motors Aipda Kus Hendratna and firing guns to his head," ( read here )

President's speech 55 Minutes, 22 Seconds Corruption Just Touched
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono raised the question of corruption in his address before the 68th Anniversary of Independence in Parliament House Complex Senayan, Jakarta, Friday (08/16/2013). Only, of a total duration of about 55 minutes speech, the president just 22 seconds talking about corruption.
This problem was alluded to by the President shortly before the closing speech. Earlier, the President talked about things like the economy, tolerance, elections, problems in other countries, to its role in the international world.
What does the president of corruption?

"We continue to make the prevention and eradication of corruption for the creation of Indonesia's increasingly clean. I continue to urge law enforcement agencies, both police, prosecutors, and the Commission to continue to undertake effective measures in the prevention and eradication of corruption without selective logging," ( see here )

Jokowi: First MRT, then Toll Roads 6
Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo said he will decide on the continuation of the construction of a six-lane toll road project after the Mass Rapid Transit or MRT is completed. "Six toll road I decided it would be after the MRT," said Jokowi told reporters at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Friday (08/16/2013).

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle politician was revealed, it was considered that development, whether the development will be carried out by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, the Ministry of Public Works, or divided. "Patience, was calculated. Still calculated it all," ( read here )

4 Jokowi Want Change In State Toll Road Public Road So
Jakarta Vice Governor Tjahaja Basuki Purnama said Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo want to change some of the design concept of a six-lane toll road in the city. Of a six-lane toll road, four toll roads will be maintained by the city administration and the city budget by using transformed into a public road and not pay.
"concept of the governor's four toll roads in the city's make our own baseball so the motorway, so public roads, "said Basuki at City Hall in Jakarta, Friday (08/16/2013).
He said private investors PT Jakarta Tollroad Development, which proposed the concept of six toll roads in the city to city government, will soon be working on two toll in the city, ie-Semanan Sunter and Sunter-Pulo Gebang. ( read here )
SBY Government Claims Neutral in the election
of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono thankful many new faces to the presidential candidate in the 2014 General Election. According to him, dozens of new faces that have a strong desire to build the future of Indonesia.

"Presidential elections this time not followed by the incumbent," Yudhoyono said during his official speech at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Friday, August 16, 2013. This statement was immediately greeted by applause from the invitees in a plenary session.As mandated in the constitution, the presidential term just two periods. Yudhoyono can not run again because it served two terms. ( read here )

Yogyakarta cold temperatures influence utor storm
cold temperatures in DIY these days is a short-term impact of weather disturbances utor tropical storm in the Philippines that occurred since last week. Head of Data and Information Center of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency Tony Agus Wijaya Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta on Friday said the cold temperature impact of tropical storm utor now has begun to diminish.

According to Tony, the cold temperatures that occur in today Yogyakarta some had recorded up to 18 degrees Celsius, while in the daytime heat can reach 32 degrees celsius.Fenomena is due to clouds or water vapor should be collected in DIY attracted by wind pattern towards the center of the storm utor in the Philippines. "So for three weeks in the province is likely to cloudless skies. So hot during the day and cold at night," ( read here )

In the final moments of His life, Sisca Crying While Kissing Necklace Cross
Roads Cipedes atmosphere at RT 7 RW 1 Village Cipedes, Sukajadi District, City of London, Monday, August 5, 2013, at approximately 18:00 pm deserted. At the time of wrenching events that occurred that killed Franciesca Yofie aka Sisca.

34 year old pretty girl was a victim of a crime. His body was full of wounds carried hundreds of feet to keep pace with a driving motor (24) and W (39), two men who had previously claimed to snatch the bag belongs to Sisca. Sisca is dying and then discarded by both players in the side of the road. "I ya see clearly with my own eyes the head, the victim was 'evicted' together perpetrators. I thought the man was carrying what? I think bringing dolls, because no voice and his size well," ( read here )

Petronas petrol stations owned Pertamina Bandung Official
General Fuel Filling Station owned Petronas at Jalan Ir H. Juanda, Dago Bandung, West Java starting today officially changed to be owned by Pertamina. Bandung Mayor Dada Rosada in his speech said, the first time the 'flag' Malaysia revealed in Bandung.

"First time in Bandung 'flag' downgraded by Malaysian Red and White, in here," he said Friday, August 16, 2013. In front of the President Director of PT Pertamina Karen Agustiawan, who greet a fellow graduate of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, and President Commissioner of PT Pertamina Sugiharto, Chest talked at length about the gas station was unveiled today. ( read here )

Toothbrush diligent if not Want Kena Colon Cancer
More recently two new studies reveal how certain bacteria can form a chain reaction that can lead to the emergence of colon cancer. Bacteria called fusobacteria can cause excessive immune response and turn genes on the growth of cancer cells. Fusobacteria This is one of the strains of bacteria in the mouth that often cause gum disease, but may actually be resisted by diligent toothbrush or dental hygiene.

In the first study, fusobacteria is associated with colorectal cancer (colon and rectum), although it is not known whether the bacteria are associated with tumor growth or not.The study, conducted by a team of researchers from the Harvard Medical School, fusobacteria proven emerged with high levels in the adenoma or benign tumor in the intestines and can sometimes turn into cancer. ( read here )

Park Bench Turns CSR results Jokowi Volunteers
Head and Cemetery Department Widyo Dwiyono revealed, as 344 park bench in the city center is the result of corporate social responsibility as well as entrepreneurs who volunteer Jokowi. "That's from Solo entrepreneurs, volunteers become the governor that observers beauty Jakarta," said Widyo when contacted by reporters, Friday (16/08/2013) morning.

CSR distribution process, continued Widyo, happened about three months ago, before the anniversary of Jakarta, June 22, 2013. The volunteers want to contribute in order to welcome the anniversary of Jakarta Capital City sidewalk segments friendly to pedestrians. ( read here )

Basuki: Tomorrow Gue "Bubarin" Ahok Center
Jakarta Vice Governor Tjahaja Basuki Purnama said, there is no deed of non-governmental organizations called Ahok Center. He was ready to dissolve the NGO is touted as a partner with corporate social responsibility (CSR) companies to the city administration.
Basuki said, he never used the name Ahok Center as the name of the foundation was founded in 2007. Basuki raise it with the name of the Center For Democracy and Transparency (CDT). Ahok Center name is called by some people to more easily call it. There is no memorandum of understanding or a notary records and accounts in the name of Ahok Center.
"(Ahok Center) is just the origin of the name alone. Tomorrow I also told bubarin, baseball can no longer wear Ahok Center," ( read here )
Basuki: You Kira Gue Corrupt?
While giving an explanation of Ahok Center, Jakarta Vice Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaja confirmed that it is very transparent. According to him, the existence Ahok Center should not be cause for concern.

"I confused the fuss? Lo guess I really corrupt? Lo never heard of baseball officials who challenged his wealth and his tax review, the same cost of living he? If elo I say the same corruption, the same would bluff me, we talk in situ," ( read here )

Basuki Feel Wrong Use Ahok Center Names
Vice Governor of Jakarta Tjahaja Basuki Purnama feel guilty about using the name Ahok Center for volunteers-volunteers in the Center For Democracy and Transparency (CDT) in Apartment Juanda, Central Jakarta. With that name, according to him, so there's little use.
'If it was if I wanted to, I was stupid really why use the name Ahok Center, now even dipelesetin, "Basuki said at City Hall in Jakarta, Friday (16/08/2013).
He explained that the relief goods corporate social responsibility or CSR company will be directly submitted to the relevant agencies. This was done to smooth the flagship program of the city government. Basuki said Ahok Center name he never used the name of the foundation was established by him in 2007. Ahok Center name is called by some people to more easily call it. ( read here )
Know the different types of vaccines
Many diseases can be prevented by vaccination vaccine made through a variety of vaccine producers worldwide. Indonesia also has a PT Bio Farma (Persero), the sole manufacturer of the vaccine in Southeast Asia, which stood since 1890, and has long based in Bandung, West Java.

So far, there are dozens of vaccines that have been made many vaccine manufacturers worldwide. What are the vaccine? The following briefly stated that vaccines. A. BCG vaccine, a vaccine to prevent tuberculosis alias disease that attacks the human respiratory tuberculosis, by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. B. Toxoid vaccine or diphtheria, which also attacks the human respiratory tract, caused by bacteria Corymebacterium diphteriae. Mode of transmission is airborne from human splashes. ( read here )

Eye Surgeon: Smartphone Makes The More People Farsightedness
Myopia or nearsightedness more experienced young people because many activities such as reading books or facing the computer to perform tasks. But recently, an eye surgeon from the UK claiming the presence of smart phones also adds to the long list of the patient's eye disorders. David Allamby is also the founder of Focus Clinics said the number of patients with nearsightedness increased by 35 percent since the launch of the first smartphone in the UK in 1997. Allamby was warned this figure could rise to 50 percent within the next ten years.

Because of the widespread this problem, to the extent Allamby refer to this phenomenon as 'screen sightedness'. How not, according to the analysis Allamby, half of Britons have a smart phone and a day on average they spent two hours just to use it. ( read here )

Dragonflies function for the World Robot
Two Australian researchers, Steven Wiederman and David O'Carroll reveals their new findings about the dragonfly visual system for detecting and tracking targets in the world of robotics. Wiederman and O'Carroll who works at the Center for Neuroscience Research at the University of Adelaide in Australia is studying insect vision. They assess the dragonfly has an unusual visual circuit, making it possible to see objects moving in the dark.

Visual processing in most animals, both vertebrates and invertebrates, consists of two channels of light and dark with a separate process. The term is called ON and OFF channels. "Most of the animals will use a combination of ON channel with other channels in the brain ON, or OFF and OFF, depending on the circumstances," ( read here )

"I'm Not Thinking Pluit Reservoir So like This"
A lot of people are starting visited Jakarta Pluit Reservoir State Park, Penjaringan, North Jakarta. They were amazed by the changes that take place there. Residents who come to the park to be inaugurated by Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo on Saturday (08/17/2013) tomorrow admitted salute.

For example, Ros (63), a resident of Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta. He who took time to stop by the park said that they felt happy to be in a garden. "Baseball I thought, what was once overlooked by the government, has now turned into a place as good as this," said Ros who came with her relatives said on Thursday (15/8 / 2013). Resident of RT 05/09 Village Kebun Kacang, Tanah Abang Sub-district, it said had twice visited the park. The first, it comes as all buy fish at Muara Karang, while the second, he was deliberately come to the site. ( read here )

Subject to color Clothing Women At High Levels libido
A recent study reveals that women - consciously or not - give a signal about the state of their bodies by the way she dressed. And if wearing the color red, the strong suspicion that mean women are having libido levels are high, or in short, want sex.

The researchers found, women tend to want to wear red or pink when they are ovulating, the period in which a woman's eggs are fertile-fertile. Instinctively, it was done to attract a partner. ( read here )

Dangers of Drinking Coffee 4 cup Every Day
Many people who have the habit of drinking coffee in the morning. Habit is not wrong, just good to excite and repel drowsiness. In fact, drinking coffee also has many benefits, among others, good for heart health, reduce the risk of breast cancer, Parkinson's disease, and depression. Only, if taken in excessive amounts, then the coffee can increase the risk of death, especially for those who are young.

A new study from the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that people aged under 55 years who drank four or more cups of coffee per day had a 50 percent higher risk of death than those who do not. That's why, should you begin to limit the number of cups of coffee are drunk every day. The researchers analyzed data from about 43,000 participants. They asked participants to answer a questionnaire containing lifestyle and family medical history between 1979 and 1998. Having followed 17 years later, 2,512 people of the participants had died. Studies show that participants who are heavy coffee drinkers tend to die sooner than those who do not. ( read here )

Hezbollah leader says ready for war in Syria
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said on Friday that he is ready to fight in Syria, a day after a deadly car bomb attack in Beirut against Shiite base pro-Damascus.

Nasrallah also accused the radical group responsible for the bombing that killed at least 22 people, after a previously unknown group, which is probably a Syrian rebel cell, said it carried out the attack on Thursday. "I will go alone to Syria if needed in the battle against takfiris (Sunni radicals), Hezbollah, and I would go to Syria" to fight the rebels seeking to overthrow the regime in Damascus, ( read here )

Jokowi: So Impossible Other Party Candidate
Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo said there was no invitation from the Democratic Convention Committee crawl presidential candidate. Jokowi asserted himself a cadre of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle.

"There was no invitation," said Jokowi as confirmed on the invitation convention in parliamentary complex, Senayan, Friday, August 16, 2013. Jokowi added, "I have to say, I was PDI-P cadres." He asserted, it is unlikely he will be the presidential candidate of the other party. That's why, Jokowi said his job is as PDI-P cadres. ( read here )

This meteor Surround Earth in Time 4 Hours
With extraordinary speed, the dust belt around the earth can in just 4 hours. The dust belt is a meteor that exploded in Russia in February last. Thin belt inflict dust explosion in stratosphere laposan.

This incredible speed is detected by a NASA satellite. The experts were surprised by the measurement unprecedented. They claim, that energy can be generated from this rate is 30 times greater than the atomic bomb that ravaged the city of Hiroshima."Initially, this observation satellite just wanted to test whether we could detect meteor dust," said atmospheric physicist, Nick Gorkavyi of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, was quoted in the Daily Mail, Thursday, August 15, 2013. ( read here )

Apple Official Video Streaming Service Acquisition Matcha.tv

Liputan6.com, California: Actual news of the presence of the Apple TV is getting closer to reality after the company's Cupertino, California was declared officially acquired Matcha.tv, a company liaison video streaming service that has ...
Liputan6.com, China: Apple has worked with 2 of the 3 operators in China. Cooperation agreement anatara Apple with the operator at the Panda Home Affairs has been established since 2009.
COM, Jakarta - A credible analyst suggested that the iPhone 5S will be launched Apple in the near future will receive 128GB of storage options and a choice of gold color. KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo is the one who ...
Apple is in a pretty difficult position in the stock market. However, big names Apple assessed investor Carl Icahn is still a great opportunity to continue to develop a specific strategy.

"Obstacles Google is very difficult to overcome, and I know it, "writes Howard Davis, vice president of Microsoft on his blog, Friday, August 16, 2013. " Google block this app so that mobile users have difficulties in Windows ...
FOR the umpteenth time, world's giant search engine, Google , to celebrate Indonesia's independence day. For the celebration of Indonesian independence to 68, Google paid tribute to install Google Doodle nuanced flag ...
... Glass Used As Surgical Patients. Google Glass Used As Surgical Patients. A models wear a new product from Google "Glass by Google "as exhibited in collections Spring / Summer 2013 Fashion Show in New York, 9-9, 2012.
Liputan6.com, Dublin: According to the latest data released by research firm StatCounter, Google Chrome is claimed as the world's most popular web browser for desktop PC platform in the second quarter of 2013. Through research, titled 'Global ...

AP Online
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , Some time ago, Microsoft was showing its ambition to immediately release the Xbox One, the newest generation of video game machines in November. No kidding, the company founded by Bill Gates ...
Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for Litigation and Antitrust at Microsoft , David Howard, in his blog post saying that Google 'knowingly' made an excuse to block their YouTube app. It is ...
Liputan6.com, Redmond: Microsoft apparently secretly developing a new technology. Companies based in Redmond, Washington that has just announced an innovative touch screen based technology Kinect.
Sidomi News
Microsoft continues to try to persuade users of Windows XP operating system and Windows 7 to switch to the latest operating system made by them, Windows 8. Microsoft revealed that Windows 7 six times more at risk of malware infection ...

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