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Findings splashy Horned Sea Monsters in Spain Beach
A mysterious sea creature shapes which suggest some horns on the head found along the shoreline in Luis Siret, Villaricos, Spain.

A woman who first spotted the creature, said he first saw the creature head and then his body. When stretched, the creature who could say this monster-sized 13 feet or 3.9 meters reach. "A woman who first found it. We helped found the body parts. We do not know what it is. However very smelly," ( read here )

So 18 People, Victims Killed in Bus Accident peak
Giri Victims of bus crash on Highway Scenic Peak, Kampung Neglasari, North Tugu village, Cisarua district, Bogor regency, West Java, on Wednesday (08/21/2013), has grown to 18 people. Total death toll there was 18 people, out of a total of as many as 53 passengers were treated four people and 15 others were treated with minor injuries. Currently, victims undergoing treatment at the Hospital Lung, Cisarua, and referred to Cibinong Medika Hospital Center. The victims are the GBI group REM Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. The accident occurred when the bus slid on the direction of the city of Cianjur after Flowers and going home to Jakarta. ( read here )

Bus Accident Victims in Puncak so 20 People
"There is increase in the number of victims has died, the one person in the name of Sulaiman Bogor residents who are victims of a bus crash Giri Beautiful. victim died at Medika Hospital Center, Cibinong," said one member of the Bogor Police when found Thursday.

This is justified by the Head Office Prog Cininong, Bogor regency, Syaiful Hadi Hadi."Yeah right, the number of victims to 20 people, one victim died last night named Sulaiman, gas workers were hit by a bus during an accident," ( read here )

Last Cisarua Death Bus Test KIR in 2005
Bus PO Giri Beautifully freefall into the river in Cisarua, Bogor, West Java, allegedly not roadworthy. Head of the Department of Transportation West Java Dedi Taufik said it was based on the results of interim checks.

"Once we mengkroscek, both physical and administrative data, and then we evaluate the results if the scene (TKP), the bus is not equipped with surveillance cards, books pass the test, even known since 2005 this bus was never the test, so it was 8 years never been tested, "he said. Beautiful pool PO Giri is domiciled in Cibitung, Bekasi.Then, he said, cracking and evaluate licensing authority at the Department of Transportation (Affair) each City / County. "If it was there in my area we will certainly act decisively, rogue bus companies that make the risk of accident was great,"
( read here )

List Names 19 Victims of Bus Accidents in Cisarua
A total of 19 people dead bus accident PO Giri Beautifully child wandering into the Ciliwung river, Jalan Raya Puncak, North Tugu village, Cisarua district, Bogor regency, has been identified and unidentified. "The identity of all the victims killed in the bus accident Peak Highway, have been identified and his identity was known," said Chief Hospital Emergency Unit of Lung Gunawan S, dr Surarga Adam, Wednesday, August 21, 2013, at 20:45.

According to him, most of the dead had taken and brought the family to lie in state at the funeral home. But there are still three bodies at the morgue. "There are three bodies that are still waiting and have not taken a family party," he said. Here's the name of the bus crash victim dies: ( read here )

Ustaz antidrug Caught Bring Sabu
Police Officers Sector West Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, arrested a civil servant who worked daily at the Ministry of Religious Balikpapan because it has a package that is strongly suspected as shabu. Uriansyach Rahman M (39), a resident of Jalan P Antasari, Karangrejo, Balikpapan, it could not move when police found a small plastic contain crystalline powder weighing 0.03 grams was from her wallet.

West Balikpapan Police were undergoing routine surgery on Wednesday morning.When crossing the street Lightning known narrow, deserted, and dense, police check Rahman who sat alone on his motorcycle. "We are undergoing surgery Concentrated, namely mobile policemen. Thing we check suspicious. Example, there are get-togethers while drinking, we go or we catch, including him. When we check out, we found the package in her purse," ( see here )

Underground explosions along Jalan Mangga Besar
explosion incident occurred in Jalan Mangga Besar, West Jakarta, on Wednesday around 20:30 pm, allegedly due to short circuit (short circuit) under tanah.Kepala of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Commissioner of Police Rikwanto on Wednesday, said that the explosion occurred a few times along Jalan Mangga Besar Raya.

Rikwanto revealed, once the explosion in front of the Hotel Astika, two explosions in front of the Oasis Spa, an explosion in front of the Main Billiard and two points ahead of Madonna Club in Jalan Mangga Besar 7. The explosion caused burns four people, namely Heru Kurniawan (23), Haidar Saito (44), Arsyad (37) and Saeful Junandar (29) who underwent treatment at Husada Hospital. ( read here )

Ready originator Virginity Tests Called Minister
Prabumulih City Dept. of Education, South Sumatra, HM Rashid claimed to be ready to meet the call of the Minister of Education and Culture Mohammad Nuh to clarify polemic virginity tests for high school students in the region.

"God willing, I am ready if it was called," says Rashid told Tempo, Wednesday, August 21, 2013. "I straighten that our education department never mewacanakan the program." According to Rashid, the polemic surrounding the virginity tests in Prabumulih arise because there is a statement which is misconstrued. Rashid responded initially plans only one parent student who wants to do for her virginity tests. ( read here )

Moeldoko, General TNI Create Parliament Impressed
different atmosphere appears in committee meetings in the House. Meetings are usually always showered rain interruption turned into applause and praise. This unusual atmosphere occurs when the Commission I of the House held a meeting fit and proper test for candidate Gen. Moeldoko as military commander on Wednesday (21/08/2013).

The meeting started around 11:00, or an hour late from the original schedule.Chairman of Commission I Mahfudz Siddiq chair the meeting which is open and attended by about 36 members of Commission I of the House of Representatives. At the beginning of the meeting, Mahfouz opened the meeting with the proposed mechanism. He proposed, a meeting was held up at 17.00 and each fraction is given the right to ask and deepen the discussion material through a spokesman to 7 minutes. All readily agreed and the meeting began. "All readily agreed, this rare, hopefully a good sign," ( read here )

Gen. Moeldoko: I Am Not Expert Heaven
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Moeldoko clarify allegations of his involvement in Operation prayer rug in front of the House Defense Commission, the fit and proper test candidates TNI Commander, Wednesday, August 21, 2013.

Moeldoko explanation in response to a commission of inquiry, Adjeng Ratna Suminar. Moeldoko explain allegations of Operations Sajadah occurred when he served as a regional commander Siliwangi, in early 2011. Served 10 days of new military commander, when he is faced with the attack on the Ahmadiyah community in Cikeusik, West Java. "This event is one of the toughest challenges of my work," ( read here )

Rupiah increasingly worse, beware of foreign capital flight
rupiah exchange rate of the day looked increasingly worse, approaching Rp11.000 level against the U.S. dollar on Wednesday afternoon, trading at Rp10.945 in the interbank spot market, or fell 215 points from the day before.

In Asian trade, the Indonesian rupiah weakened to Rp10.680 against the U.S. dollar, its lowest point since mid-2009, from Rp10.495 on Tuesday (20/8). In the Jakarta interbank spot market exchange rate so far this month have declined by 6.4 percent from Rp10.290 in early August. This attenuation phenomenon, also hit currencies of other developing countries. Some currencies have fallen sharply, the Indian rupee fell to a new record low for the third consecutive day reached 64.60 against the U.S. dollar on Wednesday. ( read here )

Schools in Pakistan Protests U.S. Accused Terrorist Training The
students and teachers at a Pakistani Islamic schools called "terrorist training center" by the United States strongly denied the allegations Wednesday and said they did not have a chance to defend himself of the charges.

U.S. Treasury Department imposed economic sanctions on Ganj Madrasah, or Islamic school, in Peshawar on Tuesday, arguing that madrassas "recruitment training and facilitating funding for the group al-Qaida, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba", which has been accused by Indian intelligence masterminding the Mumbai attacks in 2008.Sanctions will include a ban on U.S. citizens to do business or individual associated with or related to the school's assets. Ministry of Home Affairs and the Pakistani military declined to comment on the decision. ( read here )

Reports of "street disorder" Available on Google Maps
uni ago, Google acquired the company Waze Social GPS application with an astonishing value, which reached more than 1 billion U.S. dollars. Many have speculated about the motives behind the purchase of the company. The answer now began to surface. As reported by The Verge, Google on Tuesday (08/20/2013) announced the adoption of the disturbance reporting features directly in Google Maps mobile application, similar to that found on Waze.

Meant the disruption can vary, such as flooding, road closures, or accidents. The purpose of reporting is to tell other Maps users in order to avoid problem areas. This feature is one hallmark of homemade Waze social mapping application. In Google Maps, which is not a user event reporting software itself, but the Waze users. So, every time a member Waze reporting an incident, Google Maps users can also view the report in realtime. However, users of Google Maps can not give a report, but just look. This feature will be available to Google Maps users in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States. Other regions will follow thereafter. ( read here )

ASEAN countries reinforce cooperation with dialogue partners
of ASEAN Economic Ministers (ASEAN Economic Ministers / AEM) continue consultations with dialogue partners, namely the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Canada and India, in Bandar Seri Begawan, Wednesday, to further strengthen cooperation, especially to increase trade. Earlier on Tuesday, AEM consultations with China, South Korea, Japan separately and consultation "AEM plus three" (ASEAN with China, Jepan and South Korea).

The meeting is a series of meetings to the AEM-45 which runs from August 19 to 21.Indonesian Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan attend the meeting on August 19, followed by Deputy Trade Minister Bayu Krisnamurthi starting August 20. ( read here )

Denpasar widened OWHC Permanent Member
of Denpasar, the provincial capital of Bali as well, are now included in the network of Indonesian Heritage Cities (JKPI) as well as a permanent member of "The World of Organizational Haritage City" (OWHC) involving more than a thousand cities in the world. Many things that support a member OWHC Denpasar, one of which concerns the public to remain preserve and develop the cultural diversity that exists.

"We certainly have to be grateful to the enactment of a permanent member OWHC Denpasat. Because, in Indonesia there are only two cities that have been recognized as a permanent member OWHC, one of which again is Surakarta, Central Java," said one of the Balinese culture Wayan Geriya in Denpasar on Thursday (22/8). ( read here )

HIPPI: Thousands of workers were fired Responsibilities Jokowi
Indonesian Indigenous Businessmen's Association (HIPPI) Sarman Simanjorang assess Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo partly responsible for the sacking of thousands of experienced workers in Jakarta recently for background removal that the provincial minimum wage (UMP ), which is actually set Jokowi. "Yes Governor dong responsibility, including the fate of the workers laid off because of rising minimum wage," said Sarman, Wednesday (21/08/2013).

In November 2012, the UMP Jokowi set in 2013 amounted to Rp 2,200,000. This value is slightly below the value set wages Jakarta Wage Council, which is Rp 2,216,243.68. On Monday (08/19/2013), 60 companies in Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (JIEP), Cakung, East Jakarta, conduct layoffs (layoffs) employees. Total employees were fired reaches 1,200 people. The company decided to layoff because it was unable to pay the salaries of workers in accordance UMP 2013. ( read here )

KRI Dewaruci pole broken in shipping missions
tall mast sailing ship of the Navy, KRI Dewaruci, broken poles in the mission of the voyage to Australia some time ago, but so far there has been no official comment from the Navy and the unknown impact of the incident on the continuity of the mission, except reported voyage continues. Preaching ABC Australia, Tuesday night, said the high-mast sailing ship made Stulcken & Sohns shipyard, Hamburg, in 1952 it was known to get caught in a big storm sail from Kupang, NTT, towards Freemantle, Western Australia.

KRI Dewaruci tonnage 847 tons has three poles, the pole Way (the main and front, as high as 39.5 meters from the deck), Arjuna in the middle of the pole, and the pole at the stern of the ship Yudistira. The whole pole is connected to a steel cable as reinforcing each other and the main body of the vessel and the horizontal pole (named "cocor") on the bow. Sebanyak16 screens located around the pole, the pole Bima which has the largest screen in peruan-peruannya. ( read here )

How to Increase the Potential of Your Skin
Healthy skin is the dream of all people, especially women. Not many know that healthy skin can be owned by everyone, even the most challenging skin types though.

Svetlana Feller, founder of Spray di Sole Celebrity Stylist Los Angeles, said that having healthy skin is not that difficult. "You should always check the health and dare to do anything to realize the potential of your skin," says Svetlana. According to Svetlana, there are a number of ways to increase the potential for skin. Here are five tips: ( read here )

Soekarno-Hatta Airport monorail Serpong-2016 Operating Target
Development monorail route Serpong-Soekarno-Hatta Airport along 35 kilometers targeted to be completed and operational in 2016.
Managing Director PD Banten Global Development (PD BGD) said Saleh MT, feasibility study and basic design of the monorail is expected completed within the next three months. "After that, stay tendered to professional contractors. Targeted to be operational in 2016," said Saleh, Wednesday (21/08/2013) in Serang, Banten.

He said the construction of rail and train procurement budget is expected to spend Rp 7 trillion. The monorail will be built with 16 stations equipped with shopping centers, ranging from Serpong, Alam Sutera, Tangerang City, to the Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
"concept we want to be like in Singapore, where any transit or get off at the station directly to the center shopping, "( read here )

Once the syringe with five protection of Pentavalent vaccine
The application gets five times the benefits, that's the Pentavalent vaccine effectiveness and efficiency of its use is to be launched by the Ministry of Health and PT Bio Farma (Persero), in Karawang, West Java, on Thursday (22/8). general terms, here are five vaccines in one. It's easy, and very effective.

From the name, Pentavalent, a vaccine is the only artificial vaccine producer in Southeast Asia is very effective to prevent five diseases at once, namely diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, and diseases caused by virus infection Haemophylus influenza type B (HiB ). Pentavalent vaccine from PT Bio Farma (Persero) is the result of the development of a vaccine consisting of four antigens, the vaccine for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and hepatitis B (DPT-HB) developed 2007.Kemajuan happened since then, the addition of antigen influenza type Haemophylus B. Pentavalent vaccines that are the focus in the national declaration of the Ministry of Health immunization. ( read here )

Arab League condemns Toxic Gas Attack
Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi condemned the suspected poison gas attack near Damascus Syrian government. Hundreds of people were killed, the Syrian opposition claimed the death toll reached 1,600 people, mostly women and children.

Activists say at least 560 Syrians, including women and children were killed in a poison gas attack by the forces of President Bashar al-Assad in East Ghouta, near the capital Damascus. In a statement the Arab League chief condemned the attacks and called as "outrageous crimes that killed hundreds of innocent Syrian civilians, due to the use of poison gas and barbaric bombing." ( read here )

Syrian Regime Use of Chemical Weapons?
anti-government activists accused the Syrian Assad regime uses poison gas and killed 100 to 1,300 people, including children, in the intensive artillery and rocket attack on Wednesday (08/21/2013) morning. Attacks targeting eastern military Damaskus.Serangan this happens to coincide with the scheduled visit of chemical weapons Syria monitoring team of the United Nations. Their arrival was to investigate three sites suspected of having an attack using chemical substances during the past year.

A series of images popping up in a variety of media and social networking, which showed pale and lifeless body of the children, who lined up on the floor of the hospital emergency. Of other images also seen other children using oxygen mask while undergoing examination by paramedics. Also seen among these children, toddlers are still wearing diapers. Invisible blood and wounds on the victims. ( read here )

UNSC looking for clarity about the claims of chemical weapons Syria
UN Security Council seeking clarification on the opposition claims that the Syrian army has used chemical weapons in the attack near Damascus, said Argentine Ambassador to the United Nations who is currently the President of the UN Security Council on Wednesday. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon earlier said he was "shocked" by the report and that the UN weapons experts who were in Syria to investigate allegations before the middle of discussing the issue with Damascus.

"There should be clarity about what happened and the situation should be followed carefully," said Argentine Ambassador Maria Cristina Perceval after a closed meeting of the UN Security Council. Council members - who were briefed by the Deputy Secretary General in January Eliasson - "welcomed the Secretary-General to ensure the establishment of a thorough investigation, impartial and speedy," ( read here )

Indonesian Timber Verification System Will Expanded
Director of Processing and Marketing of Forest Products of Forestry Ministry Sudharto Dwi said the government will soon approach the Japanese and Korean party to introduce the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK).

Now the Ministry has begun the initiation to build a common understanding of the importance of this mechanism of timber certification. "This is so that they receive only legal timber from Indonesia," Dwi said when met at the Sultan Wednesday, August 21, 2013. According to him, during these two countries are importing countries that still holds Indonsia illegal timber. ( read here )

Ask Menhut Illegal Timber Market eradicated
Minister of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan, ask to close global market opportunity for illegal timber. "Consumer countries that import timber from Indonesia also have to be consistent," he said after attending the "3rd High Level Market Dialogue - 2013: The New Era of Indonesian Legal Timber Products to Meet Global Market", Wednesday, August 21, 2013. With the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK), Zulkifli insisted that the wood from Indonesia already has a warranty as to the origin and processing. "There must be no barriers from importing countries," he said.
With the closing of the "log laundering", he said, the volume of Indonesia's timber exports are expected to increase.

Improved export performance, relates: Zulkifli, can trigger the enthusiasm of farmers to plant trees. "The target of our timber production in 2020 was 60-70 million metric tons," he said. Currently, Indonesia is timber production of 40 million metric tons. (read disin i)

Requires the establishment of the Rule of Law Society Role
DPP Chairman Indonesian Advocate Association (AAI) Humphrey Djemat rate, to achieve the rule of law or make law as commander in Indonesia requires community participation. The people must be given an overview in choosing the president.Therefore, the supremacy of law should start from the president's commitment.

It was said after the ceremony Humphrey 40th anniversary of the Office of Lawyer Gani Djemat & Partners at the Mandarin Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (21/8) night. "It means that people have to choose, people should be given an overview of how to choose a good president so that the law can be better later, became commander. Thinking simply the best president will choose the best assistants. Included in law enforcement such as the National Police, the Attorney General, and everything, "( read here )

iWatch, Apple Recruitment Consultant Expert Fitness and Nike FuelBand

Liputan6.com, California: Apple has long known is developing smart watches are predicted to be named iWatch. Many news that if Apple was inspired by the Nike FuelBand, a smart wristband that is used when ...
This was disclosed by analyst Juniper Research, which explicitly says that by the year 2018, the market will still be dominated by Apple and Samsung that brings the Android and iOS operating systems, as reported ...
Although the name apple butter, no butter content in it. Do not like peanut butter or peanut butter, apple butter has a soft texture and legit like butter. Apples are cooked slowly so the sugar is mixed perfectly ripe.
A survey conducted by the agency called the Consumer Intelligence Research Partners was conducted on 500 new smartphone buyers in each quarter during the period July 2012 to June 2013 turned disclose it.

KOMPAS.com - Last June, Google acquired the company Waze Social GPS application with an astonishing value, which reached more than 1 billion U.S. dollars. Many have speculated about the motives behind the purchase of the company.
For the first time in the last five years, Yahoo managed to dominate the Internet traffic in the United States which has been dominated by Google . Google , since April 2008, has always topped the number of visits to web sites ...
Display Google Doodle was also decorated background in the form of animated lights typical European city, complete with windmill, vintage cars and a gondola that runs slowly followed the flickering lights of the city lights. Today, Google is ...
As reported by PC World, this is what seems to be modified by Google , through the patent application "pay-per-gaze" kind of eyewear that utilize smart devicesGoogle Glass to detect the user's eye movements. As the name implies ...

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: Action dancer teasing through companies advertising in the technology continues. In his latest ad,Microsoft competitor Apple teased back.Previously, Microsoft also teased the iPad via advertising because they can not ...
Microsoft is one of the most active companies combat copyright infringement on its products. In recent months, as quoted from TorrentFreak, Wednesday (08/21/2013), Microsoft has asked Google for ...
Liputan6.com, Cologne: Not only that utilize Sony's Gamescom event in Cologne, Germany. Microsoft are also competitors utilize Sony Gamescom event to introduce a number of games that will be present in the latest generation of consoles ...
The software giant said that the closure will affect the fate of the game Age of Empires Online. "You can continue to enjoy all the features of Age of Empires Online until July 1 next year when the servers will be shut down," said ...

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