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Arab countries Declare Support to the Government of Egypt
Arab countries support the claim of King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, who is supporting the Government of Egypt to fight "terrorism". Government of the United Arab Emirates said the statement Saudi Arabia comes at the right time and got the full support of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

"Saudi statement reflects the awareness and approach very carefully related conditions in Egypt," the statement quoted the UAE government news agency WAM."UAE underline that statement shows Saudi King Abdullah is very concerned for the security and stability of Egypt," ( read here )

Exchange 2014 Proposed Budget Unrealistic
Chief Economist at Standard Chartered Indonesia Ichsan assess the exchange rate assumption of Rp 9,750 per U.S. dollar as unrealistic. The reason, he said, the stimulus that predicted improve global economic conditions have not been fully estimated yet works well. "Commodity prices predicted to remain high," Fauzi said when contacted on Sunday, August 18, 2013.

Fauzi predict the exchange rate will still be translucent to Rp 10 thousand due to higher interest rates and commodity prices are still high. In addition, he said, political upheaval ahead of the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections will lead to high exchange rate following the government's concentration on controlling monetary split."Especially ministry that ministers have an agenda in 2014," ( read here )

Substitution Police, Fighting Four Commissioner General
Chair Trunojoyo I will soon be rotated. The position of Chief of Police who is currently held by Gen. Timur Pradopo, will soon be filled by a new candidate for the East will retire. Supposedly, retired East in January 2014. However, pergantiannya accelerated due next year already entered the 2014 election. Following up on the turn of the Chief of Police, the National Police Commission in accordance with the duties and responsibilities set forth in the Act No. 2 of 2002 on the Indonesian National Police filed a police chief replacement names to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

At least, there are eleven candidates who have filed police chief replacement Kompolnas to SBY. Eleven of the name is the Head of the Criminal Investigation Department (Kabareskrim) Commissioner General Sutarman, head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Commissioner General Anang Iskandar, Chief of Police Institutions (Kalemdikpol) Commissioner General Budi Gunawan, and Head of Security Preserver (Kabaharkam) Inspector General Badrodin Haiti. ( read here )

Tear Gas Hit, 36 Prisoners Killed in Action Demo Egypt
Egyptian police fired tear gas to free a hostage in a riot officer. At least 36 killed by tear gas shelling on Sunday night local time. As reported by ABCNews (19/08/2013), local officials claimed that the victim was killed because of shortness of breath due to fire tear gas. Local officials claimed that the actions taken by police officers to release the hostage and were severely beaten Morsi supporters in custody protesters truck.

Standoff began when his entourage truck convoy containing 600 prisoners demonstrators moved towards Abu Zaabal prison in northern Egypt. The inmates of one of the trucks and then managed to lock up a police officer in the truck. The death toll was part of a prisoner inside the truck. ( read here )

Seven Things That Make We hated Friends Work
Work performance can be obtained from good work habits. This is supported by the office atmosphere and comfort bekerja.Teman is one key to survive in the workplace.

Maintaining key relationships between friends office is to not offend each other. if you do not want to be hated coworker should never disclose some of the following, as reported by U.S. News: you are pregnant? - You're skinny or fat at all - it's not my job - gossip - the fierce new manager - how old are you? - Tumben wear nice clothes ( read here )

Miniarta Bus Rollover in Cimanggis, 3 Killed
A bus Miniarta majors Depok-rolled Sunday Market at Jalan Raya Bogor Km 35, Sunday (18/08/2013) at around 18:38 pm. Three people were killed. Location ouster bus plate number B 7480 MW is located in front of the RT Gang 01/RW 01 Jackfruit waterfall, Cimanggis, Depok. In addition to the fatalities, three other bus passengers were also injured seriously.

One of those killed was a helper on the bus, with all the dead male sex. Meanwhile, three seriously injured and 19 passengers who suffered minor injuries were treated in hospital Sentra Medika.
From the information obtained, the two passengers who died was named Yono (25) and Yanto (26). Both from Cirebon, West Java. "All the passengers on the bus there are 25 people. Generally passengers suffered injuries on the head. Bus driver, Alex (54), have been secured and asked for testimony," ( read here )

Midwives at Performance Dental roundabout, Demand Lifted So PNS
's midwife About 1,000 rallied in the roundabout. In a peaceful protest that they did, these midwives requested appointed as civil servants.

Based on the observation, Monday (08/19/2013), the midwife's actions triggered their fate is not clear. Employees midwives Variable (PTT) requires iangkat be automatically and gradually CPNS order service period. They urge the central government to revise regulations related health minister (Minister of Health) No. 7 of 2013 that regulates midwives temporary employees (PTT), which has been contracted for 9 years should not be extended again and have no right to become civil servants. ( read here )

30 Prisoners Escape Prison Labuan Ruku
is estimated at least 30 prisoners and prison inmates Labuhan Ruku, Coal, North Sumatra, blurred, Sunday (08/18/2013). They fled after the riots and arson in the penitentiary.

"It is estimated there are 30 people who fled," said Sutopo Brutu, Chief Security Penitentiary Labuan Ruku, Sunday (08/18/2013). He ensures that the inmates escaped when the prison on fire. When an incident occurs, call Sutopo, there are 874 inmates in the institution. "(With) 49 is a surrogate of Lubukpakam Prison," ( read here )

Embassy insist there has been no evacuation of citizens from Egypt
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Embassy) Cairo insists there are no plans evacuation of Indonesian citizens in Egypt associated with a deterioration in security in the land of the pyramids. "Just now our internal meeting at the Embassy to discuss the situation of citizens in Egypt, but no decision has been evacuated," said Chief Executive Function Information, Social and Cultural Embassy Dahlia Kusuma Dewi told Reuters in Cairo on Sunday.

Dahlia explained that the Embassy is essentially internal meeting to discuss the possibilities of rescue citizens in case of the worst situation. "Embassy intensive monitoring all citizens, both in Cairo and living in a provincial town," ( read here )

Century will be exchanged convicted drug dealers?
allegedly lobbying the British government to exchange Indonesian grandma drug dealers, Lindsay Sandiford, with Rafat Ali Rizvi (52). Sandiford was sentenced to death by Indonesian courts have proven to smuggle cocaine worth 1.6 million pounds, or USD 26 billion to Bali in May. As reported by the Daily Mail, Monday, August 19, 2013, senior minister for foreign affairs of England, Baroness Warsi asks Indonesian Law Minister Amir Shamsuddin order Sandiford who is now 57 years old and another British citizen who was also sentenced to death, Gareth Cashmore (34), can serving a prison sentence in the UK.

In return, offered to extradite Rizvi Warsi, who entered the Interpol wanted list in the case of embezzlement of Bank Century. Rizvi, British man major shareholder of Bank Century was sentenced to 15 years in prison in absentia in 2010. ( read here )

"If Shoot 'Airsoft Gun' There is Dead"
The hobbyist claiming that airsoft gun airsoft gun is not a firearm. They consider it harmless toy.
Which are widely used by unscrupulous people to commit a crime is a kind of water gun, not an airsoft gun. "Airsoft gun is a tool used for airsoft sport that uses a plastic ball or bullet ball by utilizing pressure generated from the power per (cock), gas, or electric. Based on its driving force, airsoft gun is divided into three, namely spring or hand power ( cock), gas, and electric or battery power.

Bullets are used airsoft gun is made of plastic the size of 6 mm and a weight of 0.12 to 0.3 grams. The water gun bullets made of lead with a size of 4.5 mm and a weight of 1.3-2 grams. The resulting energy airsoft gun is 1-2 joules, while water gun produces 3.5 to 7.5 joules of energy. (Read here)

Marc Marquez Perfect in Indianapolis
Marc Marquez closes the Indianapolis GP takes place at Indianapolis Motor Speedway circuit on Sunday (18/08/2013) afternoon local time on Monday morning local time, with out as champions.

Marquez, who started from pole position, perform poorly prefix. Meanwhile, Jorge Lorenzo smooth skyrocketed and led the race, followed by Dani Pedrosa in second, ahead of Marquez. At the end of the first round, survived Lorenzo led the race, followed by Pedrosa, Marquez, Bradley Smith, and Cal Crutchlow. Enters the next round, position changes began to occur. Crutchlow and Alvaro Bautista passed Smith, while Rossi, who started from ninth up one level by passing Nicky Hayden. ( read here )

Rudi gestures Already Monitored Since May
Former Head of Special Unit Managing Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), Rudi Rubiandini, was already observed well before the Corruption Eradication Commission or the start of Ramadan last May. Tempo source said Rudi was going to be arrested about a week before the holiday. KPK suspect Rudi had received bribe money in his home, at Jalan Brawijaya, South Jakarta.

"There are technical constraints, so that the target escapes," the source said.According to him, Deviardi, golf coach who later joined dicokok with Rudi, also had escaped from the first arrest attempt. It was not until after Eid, said the sources, the Commission received another submission information will be money for Rudi.Tuesday afternoon last week, KPK investigators received information commissioner PT Kernel Oil Pte Ltd., Kernel Simon Tanjaya Gunawan, will hand over money through Deviardi. Later that night, Rudi KPK arrested at his home after receiving U.S. $ 400 thousand. ( read here )

Immerse two Goal Chelsea Hull City
Chelsea managed to win two goals without reply over Hull City in the Premier League at Stamford Bridge Stadium, Sunday (18/08/2013). The Blues scored two victories achieved by Oscar and Frank Lampard. Thanks to the achievement of three points, Chelsea climbed to fourth Premier League standings, goal goal difference from Manchester United (MU) at the top. While, Hull goes down in the rankings to 18th. In the match, the Chelsea squad immediately appear mengebrak primarily since the early minutes. Jose Mourinho's squad get a golden opportunity to score in the sixth minute after Hull goalkeeper, Allan McGregor, assessed against Fernando Torres in the box telarang.

However, the occasion failed to put to good use by the appointed executioner Lampard penalty. Because, McGregor is able to pay off mistakes with the ball brushed Lampard shot from the point hit putih.Terus, home fans cheered after Oscar finally able to struck the ball into the goal in the 13th minute. The goal dilesakannya after successfully maximize feed cooked Kevin de Bruyne. After the goal, Chelsea looked more comfortable control of the tempo of the game. Many times the movement without the ball three Chelsea midfielder, Eden Hazard, De Bruyne and Oscar fuss Hull defense. ( read here )

Ensure EMR Tender Crude Oil
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Susilo Siswoutomo said there would be no tight control over the implementation of the tender process crude oil sales appointment scheduled for parts of the country Monday, August 19, 2013.According to him, Special Executing Unit Operations Oil and Gas regulatory governance has had a good bidding. "Actually, the procedure in SKK Oil is good, just execute it. Regarding the case that got crowded, yes no problem, yet we do not assume what is reported in the media that has to do with the implementation of the tender tomorrow," Susilo said when contacted by Tempo, Sunday, 18 August 2013.

He also said he did not need the extra control over oil and gas operations in SKK.Neither the Commission nor the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Supervision is not required to oversee the tendering process that is part of the operational duties of the institution formerly known as the BP Migas. ( read here )

Police Sniper Police Coverage Face Sketch in Pondok Aren
Police are still looking for the shooter two members of the Police Pondok Aren, Bripka Maulana Ahmad (35) and Aiptu Hendratma Kus (44). To facilitate the search, the police have spread a second sketch of the shooter's face.
"Officially, we have spread to the public," said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Commissioner Pol Rikwanto when contacted, Sunday (08/18/2013).

First offender (left) was fat, black, 170 cm tall. Longish hair, a large nose. Estimated age of 30 years. Time of the incident, he was wearing a black parachute jacket. The second offender (right) were thin, curly hair and thin. Height 168 cm. Estimated age of 27 years. When doing the action, he wore a collared shirt in brown. Rikwanto said, until now there has been no significant progress on the investigation of the shooting. ( read here )

"It's Time for Introspection Police Yourself"
Case shooting at police officers recently assessed because of the attitude of the police as well. It's time, police introspection. In just over a month, police shootings occurred four times in three separate places in South wilayahTangerang, Banten.Police Hospitals three corps members died as a servant of the state. They are Aipda Koes Bripka Hendratma and Maulana Ahmad who was shot in Pondok Aren, Friday (08/16/2013). Then Aiptu Dwiyatno shot in Chester, on Wednesday (07/08/2013). One more Aipda Broken Saktiyono shot in Pamulang, Saturday (27/07/2013), but survived.

Beyond four shootings in South Tangerang, in fact there are still some more cases showed resistance to the action of the police in the jurisdiction of the Jakarta Police.Of whom attempted robbery against two police officers, Brigadier Brigadier Elvin and Ricky in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (06/08/2013), the AKP Andreas Tulam shooting in Cipete Pinang, Tangerang, on Tuesday (13/08/2013), and that just happened last night, Sunday (08/18/2013), a member of the beatings of Traffic Police in East Flood Canal, Jakarta Timur. ( read here )

President appreciated the spirit of the example
of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono appreciate the fighting spirit and hard work of the National Exemplary and success in achieving success. It was announced by the President on the occasion of friendship with the National Exemplar, member forces as well as forces of Honor flag raisers at the Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, Sunday night.

"You are present in this room proves to be successful, success, and progress. Therefore we are proud. Thank you to all of you," the president said in front of about 3141 best sons and daughters of the nation's 33 provinces and 342 companion of ministries and institutions. ( read here )

In 3 Years, Men's Save 1,000 Babies from Abortion
More than 54 million fetuses have been killed by abortion since 1974. This is what moves a man from Orlando to save thousands of babies from abortion in the last three years. Surprisingly, the country has many active an abortion clinic. Estimated, 400 fetuses aborted each month.

Reporting from Life Site News, Monday (08/19/2013), John Barros, standing in a well-known abortion clinic, Women's Center, in order to change the mindset of every woman who wants to abort her fetus. John Barros is not the man who is actually in good health, he has cancer and the doctor said that he might not live long. But he persisted rescue the baby. ( read here )

Baseball star Australian Youth Shot Dead in America
A baseball star from Melbourne Australia who are studying in the United States, Chris Lane (22) was shot to death by three teenagers in the city of Duncan, Oklahoma, United States, Saturday (17/08/2013). Lane is alleged to have followed the three teenagers, were shot dead, and then abandoned on the streets deserted.Duncan Police have arrested three teens aged 15, 16, and 17 years, as the perpetrators of the shooting on the Lane. They are scheduled for trial beginning on Monday (19/08/2013). Police Chief Duncan, Danny Ford, as quoted by the Herald Sun, said Lane was running past a house where three teenagers were gathered.

"They are following the Lane, I can not explain what they were thinking. One of the teenagers was decided Lane became targets after seeing him. They did intend to commit mass murder. We may find more bodies that did not catch them last night, "( read here )

Moto GP standings, Marquez top
standings following race Moto GP motorcycle world after the race after the Indianapolis GP on Sunday. Spanish rider Marc Marquez managed to maintain the top position, which stood at 188 points, leaving the other Spaniard, Dani Pedrosa, who had won 167 points.

1. Marc Marquez (Spain) Honda 188 points
2. Dani Pedrosa (Spain) Honda 167
3. Jorge Lorenzo (Spain) Yamaha 153
4. Valentino Rossi (Italy) Yamaha 130
5. Cal Crutchlow (UK) Yamaha 127
6. Stefan Bradl (Germany) Honda 93 ( read here )

Means of Transport World Future?
current technological developments increasingly unstoppable. The more new things that could be found in a variety of sectors, one of which is in the transportation sector.

One of the successful entrepreneurs have a unique idea, but it makes sense. This guy named Elon Musk has poured all their ideas in the proposal Hyperloop. He intends to revolutionize human tranpostrasi system that had been there. Elon is not foreign in the world of transportation. He is the inventor of the Tesla electric car and for general spacecraft SpaceX. ( read here )

Android Tablet iPad Still Lagging Behind the
second quarter of 2013, Android tablets reportedly managed to exceed the iPad for the first time in history. But it was in terms of the amount of sales of the device, the other about the quality and quantity of his business application. According to information from research institutions Canalys cited by BGR, related to the above two things, Google's tablet platforms lagged behind the iPad. Canalys noted a "deficiency" in the Android tablet ecosystem due to the minimal number of high quality applications and optimized for tablets.

As many as 30 percent of the 50 most popular free and paid apps iPad (in the U.S.) for example, is not found in Google Play. Approximately 18 percent of these apps are not optimized for the tablet so that it looks the same as the version of the smartphone, it's just the visual elements are larger.
applications available on Google Play and optimized for tablet presentation, only about 52 percent. "In short, the developer has not prioritized the development of high quality applications for Android tablet devices," ( read here )

With a salary of Rp 10 Million / Month, Buy House or Car?
you're confused determine the choice, buy a house or a car in advance with a salary of Rp 10 million per month and within a period of 7 years? Following exposure of ZAP Finance Financial Planner Pritchard Hapsari Ghozie.Untuk well planned great desire, first, calculate the value of the house and the car you want to buy. If you do intend to buy it within 7 years from now, you have to make adjustments to the inflation rate.

If you intend to buy a house or a car in cash, for a duration of 7 years, alternative investment products that can be used is a precious metals mutual fund or an aggressive mix. I usually target yield of 15% per year, to fund my place. With an income of Rp 10 million, then ideally the funds could be set aside to buy a house and a car needs might Rp 2 million. So, if you diligently set aside Rp 2 million to buy an investment product with the assumption that the results of 15% per year, 7-year investment balance again to Rp 297 million (future value). ( read here )

Women's Requested Trade your passport with Kidney
P. Jayadevi is a domestic worker Madurai, India, whose fate in Malaysia. When he heard the news of her husband in the country sick, she intends to return. But when asked for the passport to his agent, asked for money instead Jayadevi approximately USD 20.6 million, or give one of his kidneys.

"I've begged him (agent) to allow me to go home, but she said if I want a passport, so I had to pay RM 6,500 (approximately USD 20.6 million). He says if I do not have money, then I have to sell a kidney to her , "( read here )

New 77 Percent Improvement Commission Voter Data Sent to
approximately 77 percent of New Voters' List While results Repair (DPSHP) received the 2014 legislative election of the Election Commission and the Election Commission kabaten city. Total voters in DPSHP still smaller than the population data of potential voter election (DP4) from the Ministry of Interior, which is used to start the preparation of voter lists.

"(The data that has been received DPSHP KPU) 145 million of the 187.9 million people, (data) coming from the Commission districts of the city," said Commission Member Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah when contacted, Sunday (08/18/2013) night.DPS released before the Commission on July 11, 2013. Before there was improvement of data now collected and will be DPSHP, the number of voters in the DPS tedata reached 177,257,048 people. While, the data DP4 from the Interior Ministry reported that there were as many as 190 411 133 potential voters for the 2014 election. ( read here )

Injured workers in Hong Kong with the Communist designation by Ustad Solmed on Twitter
about the Chaotic Solmed cleric preaching rates in Hong Kong have also turned over. After the inviter Solmed spoke, workers who are now working in Hong Kong as well go to vote.

A self-TKI (Indonesian Workers) who worked in Hong Kong named Rihanu Alifa wrote an open letter containing his disappointment Solmed cleric. This is related to the cleric in question kicuan Twitter is still a matter related to the cancellation of his lecture in Hong Kong. ( read here )

Case citizens abroad plummeted
Ward Deputy Foreign Minister said, the cases that afflict citizens abroad during the past two years declined drastically, but to make the protection of Indonesian citizens fully effective in absolute need of coordination and synergy with other agencies.

"In 2011 the number of cases occurring citizens abroad by the Foreign Ministry records events reached 38,880, while in 2012 reached 19 218 cases. Years 2013 to date amounted to 9,359 cases," Ward said in the opening Rakornas Protection of Indonesian Citizen (WNI ) in Jakarta on Sunday. Ward said the challenges ahead in protecting Indonesian citizens abroad is to continue to improve coordination and synergies with relevant agencies both inside and outside the country, ( read here )

This virus Instagram Create Like & Follower Phony
Cyber criminals increasingly astute seek profit via the internet. Recently, cyber experts to uncover the fact that the virus is typically used to steal credit card data, modified to create a "like" and "follower" fake Instagram.

Zeus, is the virus in question. Later, "like" this can be used to collect the required buzz by a number of companies or individuals. The existence of "like" is considered essential for the business. The more "likes" that tertoreh, posted products look more popular. ( read here )

UFO mystery revealed
a recent CIA documents that have been declared no longer a secret to ensure that Area 51 in Nevada was right there.

But the conspiracy theorists will be disappointed because the CIA did not reveal no evidence of aliens who landed in the Nevada desert.
secret Area 51 is not about aliens but to hide a new type of aircraft, from the target of the Soviet Union. Spy plane U-2 is designed to infiltrate the Soviet Union in the high altitude flight, and its development was very secret. ( read here )

CALIFORNIA - Apple officially provide answers about the problems that occur in iMac graphics card output 2011-2012.Company led by Tim Cook will replace the iMac graphics card each user that is damaged ...
Having the logo Apple under number 12, these watches are also only able to show the seconds, minutes, and time. iWatch launched Apple in 1995 as a gift for Mac users to install the latest Mac system at the time.
As is known, until now Apple has never included facility expansion memory expansion via external storage media on any iPhone series. Previously Apple also had offers wide choice of 128 GB of memory on the ...
CALIFORNIA - Following the case of burning iPhone because battery charging devices that are not original, Apple officially launched the USB Power Adapter takeback program. Apple as reported by Softpedia, Sunday (08/18/2013), ...

After allowing users to see the interior of Burj Khalifa in Dubai, interior Airbus A360, to explore Diagon Alley, now Google Street View invites users looking straight back interior TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in ...
FOR the umpteenth time, world's giant search engine, Google , to celebrate Indonesia's independence day. For the celebration of Indonesian independence to 68, Google paid tribute to install GoogleDoodle nuanced flag ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The world internet search engine Google celebrated the 68th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Saturday (08/17/2013), with a design featuring decorative (doodle) shades of red and white, complete with a colorful figure of a bird ...
Sidomi News
Some time ago, as reported by the Daily Mail, Google was 'dead' for five minutes.The impact of the 'collapse' the search engines, internet world could 'lame'. What and how this event started? The incident took place on ...
Liputan6.com, Washington: the latest operating system made by Microsoft , Windows 8.1 is rumored to have reached the testing stage and the final version will be launched in October 2013. According to the latest information circulating,Microsoft will ...
Liputan6.com, Microsoft claims Google deliberately blocking YouTube from Windows Phone app Store. It was announced by Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for Litigation and Antitrust Microsoft , David Howard in the post ...
... through a software client for Games for Windows Live. According to Microsoft , that should be emphasized here is just the availability to purchase games are deleted, not the menu Games For Windows Live is deleted in its entirety. [Ikh].
Parties Microsoft Reveals If Google has deliberately blocking Youtube Application In Windows Phone, Corporate Vice President & Deputy General Counsel for Litigation and Antitrust at Microsoft , David Howard, The Preaching If Google has ...

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