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British Soldiers Killed Princess Diana?
Police England, Saturday (17/08/2013), received new information related to the death of Princess Diana and Dodi al-Fayed, including allegations that Prince William's mother was killed by a British soldier. Scotland Yard said they are now investigating the information and check its credibility.

"We checked the information, but this is not a re-investigation (the case of Diana's death)," according to Scotland Yard. The information was submitted by the ex-soldier-in-law to the British metropolitan police through the military police unit.

Princess Diana, Dodi al-Fayed, and driver Henri Paul died after the Mercedes car they were riding crashed into a wall Pont de l'Alma tunnel, shortly after they left the Ritz Hotel, Paris on August 31, 1997. ( read here )

Reply cannon Israel Syria
Syria after Israeli soldiers opened fire cannons neighboring countries hit sectors in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Saturday. So says a military spokesman.
"Today, some bullet fired from Syria landed in the middle of the Golan Heights, adjacent to the Israeli-Syrian border," he told AFP.
"Israeli military forces carried out attacks targeting the source shooting. attacks were confirmed. "( read here )

Microsoft Releases Xbox Clear One
Some time ago, Microsoft was showing its ambition to immediately release the Xbox One, the newest generation of video game machines in November. No kidding, the company founded by Bill Gates will soon be spreading the game console in 21 markets around the world simultaneously. However, this ambition looks back muffled.
According to a news released by The Verge on Wednesday (14.08.13), Microsoft was forced to delay the launch of Xbox One in eight European countries. Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and Switzerland, are the countries that will not be visited in the near future Xbox One.

Microsoft itself has not provided a detailed explanation about the causes cancellation of the launch in these countries. The company only said there are several factors that forced difficulties delaying the release. Some of these include the addition of language problems, partnership with local authorities, and a dash localized support facilities.
consequence of this delay, the eight players in the country must be willing to wait until 2014, to be able to play using the Xbox One. "We understand how bad this news to you guys," Microsoft spokesman said, as quoted from The Verge JerukNipis. ( read here )

Saudi Arabia Send Three Egyptian Field Hospital to
the Government of Saudi Arabia by King Abdullah sends three hospitals (RS) field complete to Egypt. The delivery orders, on Saturday (17/08/2013) occurred after the previous day Saudi Arabia expressed support for the government of Egypt crush "terrorists".

According to the SPA news, it is a form of policy attention to Egypt. "Delivery is answering the needs of hospitals in Egypt," ( read here )

Mosque imam Irish family stuck Egypt unrest
Four Irish citizens trapped in a besieged mosque in Cairo by the Egyptian security forces. One of them told Irish state broadcaster RTE on Saturday. The three women and a teenager is the largest mosque imam Irish children in Dublin and was on vacation in the Egyptian capital.

They sought refuge in Al-Fath Mosque in Cairo after dozens of people were killed in clashes between supporters of ousted President Mohammed Moursi and security forces in the Egyptian capital on Friday. Omaima Halawa, 21 years old, with his two sisters Somaia, 27, and Fatima, 23, and their brother Ibrihim, 17 years old, said that security forces have fired tear gas at them in the building. ( read here )

Bloody Tragedy chronology Al Fath Mosque Egypt
Egyptian Police spew their bullets while trying to forcibly disperse supporters of the ousted president, Mohammed Mursi, who took refuge in a mosque in Cairo, Egypt, Saturday (17/8). A correspondent for the French news agency AFP reported the chronology of events.
clashes occurred on the fourth day of bloodshed between the two parties. While the government claimed 173 people had died within the last 24 hours.

The toll rises to over 750 people since Wednesday when clashes broke out across the country and as many as 578 people died after police violently cleanse the camp of the supporters of two Mursi in the capital. Tragedy at Al Fath Mosque in Ramses field, Central Cairo, began Friday. Security forces surrounded the Al Fath Mosque is a place for pro-Mursi protesters take cover. Officials urged protesters to leave the mosque in order. ( read here )

This Sunday Evacuate Citizens from Egypt Thailand
on Sunday (08/18/2013), the Thailand evacuate its citizens from Egypt. According to the Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul in Bangkok, this is the first stage of evacuation. "We rented the Egypt Air plane that departed from Cairo," he said as news page Bangkok Post.

Surapong added plane to take off from Cairo airport at 13:30 local time. Aircraft will transit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates or Jordan. According to the plan, in the location of transit, the citizens of Thailand will be picked up by plane from Thailand's national airline, Thai Airways. Evacuation orders, said Surapong, came from Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, yesterday. According to Yingluck, the security situation in Egypt has reached danger level 4. "This is the most alarming condition," ( read here )

Forbidden Citizens Traveling to Egypt Indonesia
Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said the government continues to monitor the condition of Indonesian citizens in Egypt. "We make sure our citizens are in good shape," said Marty, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Saturday, August 17, 2013.

According to him, some Indonesian citizens in Egypt have also been placed at the Embassy in Cairo. The move comes as a rescue effort for the safety of Indonesian citizens of Egypt are increasingly heated conditions. However, Marty said there had been no return of Indonesian needs of Egypt. "We have concluded there is not need to evacuate," he said. According to him, repatriation efforts will depend on developments in Egypt. ( read here )

Authors of Israel: Zionist Lobby International Engaged Egyptian Military Brutality Supports
Israeli authors, Yossi Melman, said that Israel was involved in a diplomatic lobby, especially in the United States and some European countries, with the aim of convincing the government not to denounce the latest military operation that attacked Egypt demonstrators supporting end-Akhi Muhammad Mursi this.

Israel's senior author revealed since the army ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi six weeks ago, Israel secretly moving the friendly countries.
Israeli diplomatic influence to stop the spread of Western governments, especially the United States, denounced the overthrow of the Egyptian security forces. "Israel also deter countries to refer to the Egyptian military attack against civilians who were conducting the attack as a 'massacre'," Melman said as quoted by the Middle East Monitor ( read here )

Youtube Google Block Application on Windows Mobile
cold war between Google and Microsoft is likely to continue. Microsoft is currently developing the latest special YouTube application for Windows mobile users, but still blocked by Google.

"Google is very difficult hurdle to overcome, and I know it," writes Howard Davis, vice president of Microsoft on his blog, Friday, August 16, 2013. "Google block this app so that users of Windows phones have difficulty in accessing YouTube from the phone. Unlike the iPhone or Android users to have easy," he continued. Google asking Microsoft to change the system is by using a code transition to HTML5 YouTube application developed by Microsoft today. However, it turns out Google does not require an iPhone or Android for the same case. ( read here )

Next Year, All the gas stations Already Installed RFID
PT Pertamina targets in 2014, public refueling stations (gas stations) in Indonesia, already installed control equipment Subsidized fuel oil with a radio frequency identification technology (radio frequency identification / RFID). First, Pertamina is targeting the installation of RFID in every gas station in Jakarta at the end of this month, as many as 274 locations. After that Pertamina will focus on the use of RFID in the vehicle.

"Initially we put on government-owned vehicles, then gradually into the cars owned by the community. So it requires a process," RFID is an automatic identification technology using radio waves. Through the installation of this equipment, it will be known, whether the buyers of subsidized fuel quota has been exceeded or did not. If it has been surpassed, the concerned buyer could not buy subsidized fuel. ( read here )

By Air, Anti-Corruption Virus Will Spread Until areas to
continue to socialize KPK KPK Channel streaming radio. Not only accessed the internet, the Commission also has a program that can be accessed through the radio stations in the area. "We will be working with radio stations in the area. Corrupt so corruption will invade the whole region," said Bambang Widjajanto in KPK channel radio talk show in the car free day event, Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta, Sunday (08/18/2013).

Radio Commission at this time until the end of the year will be live streaming only 4 hours in a day that is at 10.00-14.00 hrs. However, not only there, the Commission also has a program that can later be accessed through the local radio stations in cooperation with the Commission. ( read here )

Fire swept street vendors stalls in Duri Kosambi, Jakarta
Fire swept street vendors selling place in the Duri Kosambi, West Jakarta, on Sunday. "The fire occurred in a number of street vendors stalls near STT PLN Duri Kosambi, West Jakarta at about 4:17 pm," as quoted from the official Twitter TMC Ditlantas City Police on Sunday morning.

According to the statement, the Fire Department is still dealing with the blaze until 6:20 WIB.Selain it fires also create traffic in the area Duri Kosambi became choked up. "The impact of fire management at 6:21 pm at the street stall near STT PLN Duri Kosambi make a dense traffic around the site," ( read here )

New Type of Face Mammals Have Similar Teddy Bear
Researchers from the Smithsonian Institute had found a new species of mammals called olingoito (Bassaricyon Neblina). This new species is the smallest species of the animal family that includes raccoon. Olingoito got an awesome face like a Teddy Bear.

According to the BBC, Friday (08/16/2013), the discovery of large mammals in the 21st century are scarce. Olingoito is the first carnivorous were identified in the western hemisphere in the last 35 years. Last carnivorous mammal found in the western hemisphere is a weasel Colombia. Although recently declared a new species, a olingoito named Ringerl actually never lived in a zoo in the United Anerika.However, the mistaken olingoito olingo, close relatives olingoito. ( read here )

Indonesian team to the Homeless World Cup semis in
Indonesian football team became the sole representative from Asia to qualify for the Homeless World Cup 2013 semi-final in Poznan, Poland. In the semifinals, Indonesia will face a strong team of Chile on Saturday afternoon, August 17, 2013, local time.

Indonesia has estimated the escape team in the final game of the second round in Group D against co-hosts Poland team, Friday afternoon yesterday, August 16, 2013. Playing tight early on, the game must be completed on penalties. Poland supported a lot of the audience did beat Indonesia with a score of 7-8. But from the total of each team in Group D, the value of the Indonesian team better. Indonesian team collecting 10 points, the result of three wins and one defeat. While Poland only managed to collect 8 points. ( read here )

Birds in Google Doodle August 17 Not Garuda?
website internet search engine Google celebrated the 68th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Saturday (08/17/2013), with a design featuring decorative (doodle) shades of red and white, complete with a gold-colored figure of a bird .

But, if the bird is truly "Garuda" is known as the symbol of Indonesia? If you notice, the sheets of feathers on the bird image on the doodle has 9 pieces in each wing, while the tail has 6 strands of fur. For comparison, images of birds, the emblem of Garuda Pancasila, the Indonesian state has 17 feathers on each wing, and 8 strands on the tail, symbolizes Indonesia's independence date and month. The number of feathers at the base of the tail there are 19 and there are 45 strands neck, symbolizing the year of the proclamation of independence in 1945. It is a fatal mistake from Google do not display any emblem Ripublik Indonesian state correctly ( read here )

Create a Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Agriculture Farmers
Agriculture Minister Suswono said it had prepared the Strategy for Agricultural Development Master plan long-term development. This strategy, he said, would lead to the well-being of Indonesian farmers.

"100 years of independent Indonesia, all Indonesian farmers should prosper," said Suswono at his office on Saturday, August 17, 2013. According to him, this rule will be the basis for future agricultural development until the year 2045. Suswono expect, this strategy can also be a reference for the medium-term agricultural development, not only for the Ministry of Agriculture, but also for the government as a whole."Because agricultural development involving cross-sector," ( read here )

Airlangga develop male birth control pill from willow plants Papua
Universitas Airlangga (Airlangga University) have completed the study pills making family planning (FP), specifically for men made from plant origin Gandarusa Papua."His research has been done," said researcher Dr Gandarusa Bambang of Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya Prajogo told Reuters on Sunday. Airlangga University has awarded purified ethanol extract of Gandarusa to officials of a pharmaceutical company.

Bambang explained that extracts handover marks the next process in the hands of the industry to take care of the marketing authorization and produce it. "The birth control pill was later kind fitofarmaka (drug / herb that has been undergoing testing in humans).
, we conducted experiments since 1985, and completed in 2013 or 28 years, but it has been accelerated, because the study abroad can be up to 100 years, "
( read here )

Found, Intestine Bacteria Triggers Colorectal Cancer
Colon cancer or colorectal known is one type of cancer triggered by unhealthy living habits, such as eating fatty foods, less fiber, less drinking, and rarely moves.However, two new studies find, this cancer is also triggered by certain bacteria. Both studies were published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe reveal, the type of bacteria that can be found in the mouth can trigger an attack is highly colorectal cancer by manipulating the body's immune response.

The researchers emphasize studies on certain species of bacteria called Fusobacteria nucleatum. They had previously found, the number of bacteria in the mouth that many colorectal cancer patients. However, they have not been able to ascertain whether this bacterium is the cause of kanker.Dalam first study, the researchers found, Fusobacteria the benign tumors in the colon can increase the potential of these tumors become cancerous. They also argue, that bacteria may be related to the initial formation of tumors. ( read here )

5 Most Expensive Apps in the Android
Mobile Android led as much as 80 percent of the market share of smartphones in the world. Wide variety of handsets are also available at a cheaper price than the iPhone, and can be said as well as Android apps. When Apple put prices up to 999.99 dollars for an app, Google put a maximum price at 200 U.S. dollars. Here are some of the most expensive Android app version as reported by PCMag jeruknipis.com : The Rob and Joe Show - Tuition Medical Application - Live Clock Pro - VIC Traffic View - Deduce - Grandmaster Edition
( read here )
Police Shooting, Police Alert Bogor
Bogor Police Board increases alertness by increasing patrols and raids against motorists or car, motorbike, even shuttles downtown in all the good points as well as the border areas that intersect with other areas.

Increased vigilance and alert status is related to a number of shootings against police officers for some time. Especially the case of two police officers who were shot dead by an unknown person in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Banten, Friday, August 16 night. "I ordered the officers in the field to improve kawaspadaan and gave permission to shoot in a place for criminals who try to fight and endanger the lives of members in the field," ( read here )

Global Warming, More Taste So Sweet Apples
Global warming effect on the flavor of fruits. In one study showed, apple loses kerenyahannya and become sweeter because of the earth's temperature is increasing.The research was conducted by scientists from the matter of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science, Fujimoto, Japan. They collected data from 1970 to 2010 from two plantations in Japan. The result showed that there is strong evidence that climate change affects the taste and texture of apples.

"All the changes to the apples produced from early expansion and higher temperatures during the growing season," said the researchers in the journal Nature Scientific Reports, as reported by the Daily Mail, Friday, August 16, 2013.
two plantations used in the research and manufacture of Fuji apples Tsugaru, the two most popular types of apples in the world. The farm location is in the area of Nagano and Aomori in Japan which has an average temperature rise respectively 00:31 and 00:34 ° C ° C per decade. ( read here )

World's Largest Owl Endangered
biggest owl in the world that many live in Russia, threatened with extinction. Owl population decline also be an indicator of forest health in Russia. Because the reduced species of owls that occur due to rampant logging in the region. "Owls Blakiston's fish-eating is an indicator of forest health, rivers, and also their prey populations, salmon," said Jonathan Slaght, a wildlife biologist at the Wildlife Conservation Society told LiveScience, Friday, August 16, 2013.

Owl which can reach weights 4.6 kilograms requires large trees that the proponent of the Russian forest health. If the owl population decline, this indicates that a large tree was also reduced due to logging more and more. ( read here )

Founder of Apple Not Satisfied With Film 'JOBS'

Kapanlagi.com - Co-founder of Apple Steve Wozniak seems to have watched a movie about fellow late founder of Apple , Steve Jobs, played by Ashton Kutcher in the movie JOBS. Not only watch, Wozniak also write a review ...
Of the name of the leading technology companies, Apple is the only name that has yet to have a representative office in Indonesia. But now through the official website, Apple looks to open vacancies for four positions ...
Previously, Apple had been offering three positions were also placed in Indonesia.The third job look complementarity with current job offers. All three are iPhone Channel Manager, CES (Consumer Electronic ...
Reportedly Apple's seventh generation iPhone aka iPhone 5S will be made of gold color variants. It's certainly out of the ordinary color variants of the technology manufacturer based in the City of Cupertino, it was reported on page GSMArena, on Saturday (08.17.13).

FOR the umpteenth time, world's giant search engine, Google , to celebrate Indonesia's independence day. For the celebration of Indonesian independence to 68, Google paid tribute to install GoogleDoodle nuanced flag ...
"Obstacles Google is very difficult to overcome, and I know it, "writes Howard Davis, vice president of Microsoft on his blog, Friday, August 16, 2013. " Googleblock this app so that mobile users have difficulties in Windows ...
Liputan6.com, Dublin: According to the latest data released by research firm StatCounter, Google Chrome is claimed as the world's most popular web browser for desktop PC platform in the second quarter of 2013. Through research, titled 'Global ...
Liputan6.com, Microsoft claims Googledeliberately blocking YouTube from Windows Phone app Store. It was announced by Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for Litigation and Antitrust Microsoft, David Howard in the post ...

Liputan6.com, Redmond: Microsoftapparently secretly developing a new technology. Companies based in Redmond, Washington that has just announced an innovative touch screen based technology Kinect.
Liputan6.com, Microsoft claims Google deliberately blocking YouTube from Windows Phone app Store. It was announced by Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for Litigation and Antitrust Microsoft , David Howard in the post ...
... through a software client for Games for Windows Live. According to Microsoft , that should be emphasized here is just the availability to purchase games are deleted, not the menu Games For Windows Live is deleted in its entirety. [Ikh].
AP Online
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Some time ago,Microsoft was showing its ambition to immediately release the Xbox One, the newest generation of video game machines in November. No kidding, the company founded by Bill Gates ...

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