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Year-long mission on Mars, Curiosity space vehicle managed to uncover the facts. New facts that range from giving any sign of life ever, exposes the dangers of life on Mars, to Mars similarities with Earth. What are the new facts revealed by the Curiosity? Following his presentation as summarized Discovery and continue to be followed by all Kompas.com Curiosity mission over the last year.

Similar views of Mars Earth
Soon after landing, Curiosity immediately send photos first. Awesome one was taken on August 8, 2012, menggambarakan how Mars is similar to Earth's desert regions. Looking at the picture, there may be a thought that was a fake Mars landing.

In addition to the photo, Curiosity via his Twitter account managed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) also published the first photos were taken, the first color photograph, and the first photo of Mars at night. NASA developed a 360-degree panorama of Mars.

The photos were taken the first successful robot Curiosity. Photo on the left shows the shadow while the right side shows the Curiosity Curiosity with one of the wheels. | NASA

Curiosity spacecraft captures first photos of Mars in the evening on Tuesday (22/01/2013). Picture object is a stone "Sayunei" which previously had been gouged. | NASA

Curisoity exploration footprint in the first color photographs. | NASA

Similar Jake Stone rocks on Earth
After a few weeks of being on Mars, Curiosity began analyzing rocks Jake.Results of the analysis revealed that Jake has similarities with stone rocks on Earth, formed through volcanic events and has also owned mineral rocks on Earth.

Jake Matijevic rock on Mars. Analysis by two devices Curiosity robot shows that these rocks are chemically similar to Earth rocks. | NASA

Same with Mars soil Soil in Hawaii
In November 2012, the Curiosity Mars has been up in the area called Rocknest.In the region, Curiosity analyze Martian soil. Known then, has the mineral composition of Martian soil similar to the soil in Hawaii.

Image analysis of Martian soil samples by the Chemin instrument Curiosity robot. Analysis shows, has crystal with Mars soil contains feldspar, pyroxene and olivine as well as the content of non-crystalline. Colors in the image indicate the intensity of X-rays, with red as the most intense. | NASA

Evidence of Water on Mars
Mars Curiosity reveals a circular gravel. Curiosity scientists involved in the project said, the gravel is the strongest evidence yet of water on Mars.

Traces of Water Flow on Mars taken with the camera lens Mastcam owned Curiosity on September 14, 2012 and released by NASA on 27 September 2012. | NASA

Mineral Mars
Analysis of the stone "John Klein" revealed that Mars has minerals formed in the presence of water. The rocks containing clay minerals and sulfate.Allegedly, Mars also once had a drinking water source.

Other research conducted by spacecraft Opportunity also revealed that Mars had water to drink. Opportunity in observations at Endeavour Crater find no indication that Mars had water with a neutral pH.

John Klein stone dust, evidence of the success of drilling spacecraft Curiosity on Mars. | NASA

Endeavour Crater | Wikipedia

Atmosphere of Mars
Revealed that the first Mars Curiosity never had a thick atmosphere. However, not being able to maintain the gas of solar radiation, the red planet's atmosphere slowly depleted. This then affects the ability of Mars to support life.

Danger sides Mars
Mars does have water confirmed. However, Mars also has toxic compounds such as sulfates that would be very dangerous if inhaled, and perchlorate. Not to mention, the solar radiation on Mars is very risky for humans.

Phenomenon Astronomy
In addition to uncovering new facts, Curiosity also reveal interesting astronomical phenomena on Mars. For example, Curiosity captures images that appear as Phobos eclipse blocking the Sun.

Eclipse of the Sun by Phobos like robot Curiosity taken on Thursday (13/09/2012). | NASA

Phobos | Wikipedia

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