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Definition of Fasting:
According to the Grolier Encyclopedia, fasting is: Actions abstain from food, either in whole or in part, for a certain period.

Fasting is voluntarily and intentionally not eating and drinking with a purpose.

Fasting in the Christian faith
the Bible presents fasting as something good, useful and necessary. The Book of Acts records believers fasting before they take important decisions (Acts 13:4; 14:23). Fasting and prayer are often linked together (Luke 2:37; 5:33). Fasting does not just focus on not eating or not drinking alone, should be the purpose of fasting is to take your eyes from earthly things and God-centered. Fasting is a way to demonstrate to God, and to yourself, that you are serious in your relationship with God. The point of fasting is repentance, against keiginan worldly, keiginan meat on meat mean in the sense of the meaning of Christian flesh is man himself human flesh because the Christians more often mention humans in certain words as your own flesh the lust of the flesh means the man himself

How true story about fasting and since when God commanded the man to fast. How fast is good and pleasing to God. In this article we will discuss it based on the Bible both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Why are we talking about fasting with reference to the Bible? does not refer to the Qur'an. In the previous postinga we also have membahwa about fasting according to the Qur'an. But the result is a big question mark will give the truth of fasting according to the Qur'an. ( please click here ). To get a better answer from the Quran on fasting herewith we tried to find the answers we are looking through the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament).

Today, the word " Fasting "became trending topics are widely discussed and searched the internet. This is understandable because the Muslims are / will be doing Fasting in the month of Ramadan. On the one hand it turns out many Christians are also looking for articles about Fasting for deeper knowing Fasting in the Bible .

Fasting differences in the Old Testament and the New Testament:
Fasting in the Old Testament is done routinely by the nation of Israel was to await the coming of the Messiah, the Savior of Israel promised in the Law and the Prophets. Meanwhile, in the New Testament, the Messiah had come and work. Safety means for coming, and we are fasting to maintain the safety of what we already have. Throughout the Old Testament, we can find people who are fasting like: Moses fasted 40 days and 40 nights without food and no drink (Exodus 24:16 and Exodus 34:28), David, do not eat and lay all night on the ground (2 Sam 12:16), Elijah, fasting 40 days and 40 nights (1 Kings 19:8), which proclaims Esther fasts 3 days 3 nights not eating and not drinking (Est 4:16), Job, 7 days 7 nights voiceless (2:13), Daniel, 10 days eating only vegetables and drinking water (Dan 1:12), prayer and fasting (Dan 9:3), mourning for 21 days (Dan 10:2), is also Jonah, 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish (Jonah 1:17), and Nineveh, 40 days and 40 nights do not eat, do not drink and do not do evil (Jonah 3:7). In the New Testament, we can also find things about fasting is diilakukan by: Jesus, 40 days and 40 nights did not eat (Matthew 4:2), John the Baptist, not eating and not drinking (Matt. 11:18), Paul, 3 day 3 night do not eat, do not drink and do not see (Acts 9:9), and the early Church, fasting to strengthen the ministry of Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:2-3)

What are fasting are recorded in the Old Testament?
1. Musa fasting, 40 days and 40 nights without food and no drink (Exodus 24:16 and Exodus 34:28)
2. David fasting, not eating and the night lying on the ground (2 Sam 12:16)
3. Elijah fasting, 40 days and 40 nights on foot (1 Kings 19:8)
4. Esther fasting, 3 days and 3 nights was not eating and not drinking (Est 4:16)
5. Job fasting, 7 days 7 nights voiceless (2:13)
6. Daniel fasting, 10 days of eating only vegetables and drinking water (Dan 1:12), prayer and fasting (Dan 9:3), mourning for 21 days (Dan 10:2)
7. Jonah fasting, 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish (Jonah 1:17)
8. Fasting of Nineveh, 40 days and 40 nights without food, do not drink and do not do evil (Jonah 3:7)

What are fasting are recorded in the New Testament?
1. Jesus fasting, 40 days and 40 nights does not eat (Matthew 4:2)
2. John the Baptist fasting, not eating and not drinking (Matthew 11:18)
3. Paul fasting, 3 days and 3 nights do not eat, do not drink and do not see (Acts 9:9)
4. Fasting early Church, to strengthen the ministry of Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:2-3)


  1. Normal fasting, without food for a certain period and simply enter the liquid. The duration can be one day (Judges 20:26).
  2. Absolute fasting, without food or water (Esther 4:16; Jonah 3:5-7).
  3. Partial fasting, involves the removal of meals in a day, or eliminating certain foods for a certain period.Turns fasting, specific eating avoidance involves periodically.


  1. To crush the soul (Psalm 69:11).
  2. To humble yourself (Ezra 8:21; Psalm 35:13).
  3. To seek the Lord (2 Chronicles 20:3-4).
  4. To prepare for the spiritual war (Matthew 17:21).
  5. To discipline our bodies from worldly desires, one way to deny yourself.
  6. To add a sense of sympathy for others, in order to feel the suffering of others.
  7. To ask God's answer to our problems.
  8. To repel certain kinds of demons that can only be driven out by prayer and fasting.

- Putting in place the body (1 Corinthians 9:27).
- Gives victory over temptation (Matthew 4:1-2).
- Sharpening our spiritual understanding that enables us to make the right decisions (Matthew 4:10).

CHARACTERISTICS FAST THE BIBLICAL (Isaiah 58:3-9) - Fasting The Disciples (Matthew 17:21.)- Fasting Ezra (Ezra 8:23). - Fasting Samuel (1 Samuel 7:6). - Fasting Elijah (1 Kings 19:4-8.) - Fasting widow (1 Kings 17:16). - Fasting Apostle Paul (9:9 KPR..) - Fasting Daniel (Daniel 1:8.) - Fasting John the Baptist (Luke 1: 15.) - Fast of Esther (Esther 4:16 '5:2).

Here are the results of our search, may be enlightening to anyone who reads this article.

Leviticus 16 tells how God spoke to Moses relating to the position and how harun Aaron shall make an atonement with God for himself, his family and the nation of Israel. This is our first set of God to man for fasting as a form and sign purification and reconciliation with God is to humble themselves to God. God is holy and man is sinful so that the sinful saint can not be united. Through fasting Allah give opportunity to people who pray to encounter God. Verse that we make Nats are Leviticus 16: 29-31 as follows:

This is what should be a statute for ever unto you, that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict your souls, and do no work, either the native Israelis and foreigners who live among you.
For on that day shall atonement be made for you to cleanse you. You may be clean from all your sins before the Lord. Today it should be a Sabbath of solemn rest, for you and ye shall afflict your souls. That is a statute for ever.

Leviticus 23: 26-32
Leviticus 23: 26-32 is a restatement of the previous word of God (Leviticus 16: 29-31) that God commanded that the Israelites fasted Lord said to Moses: "But on the tenth day of the seventh month No Day of Atonement; You must be a holy convocation, and shall afflict your souls and present an offering by fire to the Lord. 'At that day ye shall do no manner of work: it is a day of atonement, to make atonement for you before the Lord your God. Due to each person who on the day it does not afflict your souls shall be cut off from among his people. every person who does any work on that day, that person I will destroy from among his people. Ye shall do no manner of work: it is a statute for you ever hereditary in all gates. was to be a Sabbath of solemn rest, and ye shall afflict your souls. Starting in the ninth day of the month, from sunset to sunset , you should celebrate your Sabbath. "

God's provision for fasting were also evident in Numbers 29: 7, which requires Israel to fast on the 7th month on the 10th day of his words such as: "On the tenth day of the seventh month you shall hold a holy assembly and degrading yourself by fasting, then you must not do any work. "

It is also found in fasting Numbers 30: 13 is the form of the Oath and Promise vultures by Wife
In Numbers 30: 13 is a provision to fast because of a vow and promise daklam oath by a wife. God's Word mentions how a wife who vowed and promised in an oath to humble ourselves before the Lord by fasting valid or not in accordance with the decision of her husband, so the wife can apply fast or canceled by her husband. As recorded in Numbers 30: 13, as follows: "Every vow and every oath promise her to humble yourselves, be declared valid by her husband or may be canceled by her husband."

Fasting Magistrate Judge 20 verse 26 is a form of supplication to God
the Judge Judges 20: 26
tells how the civil war of the tribes of Israel against their brethren the children of Benjamin in three days. Civil war triggered by the behavior of the people in Gibeah against the children of Benjamin belongs to women of Wife Levite so that the behavior of the people in the city of Gibeah had been tarnished and do nasty to his fellow Israelites. So there was a civil war that resulted in a fatality that is not little in between the two sides. But ultimately the will of God on the third day after the conquered tribe of Benjamin in the day before the children of Israel from across the nation who arrives at Bethel wept and fasted until evening before God. They cried because of the people who were killed in Israeli civil war. So fasting undertaken by the Israelites before God expects victory and justice for the actions of the people in Gibeah of Benjamin. So by doing so God gives what is expected by the people as recorded in Judges Judges 20: 26 "Then all the children of Israel went out, the whole nation, and came at Bethel where they lived before the Lord wept, fasted until dusk on that day and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the LORD. "
Fasting in II Tawarih 20: 3 is an attempt to ask for help to God as it is written as follows: Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord. He called upon all Judah so fast.
Ezra 8: 21. Then over there, by the river Ahawa it, I declare that fasting we humble ourselves before our God and ask Him a safe way for us, for our children and all our possessions. Ezra 8:23 So we fasted and sought it to Allah and Allah granted us.

It fasting also written in I Samuel 7: 6 is a form of remorse for his offense against God.
Fasting is done to the Israelites as recorded in I Samuel 7: 6 is the shape of the nation Isreal regret that God has made God other than the Lord God in the Mizpah. Form of regret is done is by removing all of Baal and Ashtoreth from the middle of the nation and all the people of Israel had been fasting at the time of Samuel. And when people come together and fast by Israel in Mizpah utilized by the Philistines to attack Israel. And the Lord finally kehedak Israel could defeat the Philistines.
According to this reading of fasting is a form of repentance to God for the deeds that are not pleasing before God. As recorded in I Samuel 7: 6 "Once assembled at Mizpah, they drew water and poured it out before the Lord. They also fasted on that day and said there:" We have sinned against the LORD. "And Samuel judged the children of Israel at Mizpah . "

Fasting according to I Samuel 31: 13 is a form of mourning .
As it is written in I Samuel 31: 13 "They took the bones and buried them under the tamarisk tree in Jabesh. fasted for seven days." and II Samuel 1:12 "And they mourned and wept and fasted until evening for Saul and for Jonathan his son, because of the LORD and the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword." and is also found in I Chronicles 10: 12, "then be prepared all the dashing mighty, then go take the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons. brought them to Jabesh, and buried their bones under the oak in Jabesh. fasted for seven days. "
Nehemiah 1: 4 When I heard these things, sit down I cried and mourned for several days. I fasted and prayed to the presence of the God of heaven,
Nehemiah 9:1. On the twenty-fourth day of the month the children of Israel assembled with fasting and wearing sackcloth, and with earth on the head.
Esther 4:3 In every province, where the commandment and the law the king had arrived, there was great mourning among Jews with fasting and lamentation; many people spread sackcloth with ashes as his pedestal.
Esther 4: 16 "Go, assemble all the Jews who are in Susa, and fasted for me, and do not eat, nor drink three days, either at night, a good time of day. dayangkupun I and the ladies will be so fast, and then I will go to the king, though contrary to law; if I perish, I perish. "

Fasting in II Samuel 12: 16 is the form of the petition of David that God will have mercy on his son
terulis As in II Samuel 12: 1-25 tell how God spoke to David through Nathan the deeds of David that is not pleasing to God that made Uriah the Hittite killed and David took Uriah's wife (Bathsheba) became his wife. So that children born by the wife of David, former wife of Uriah sick and eventually died on the 7th day. During the 7 days that David had been fasting in the hope God granted his petition for God to have mercy on the boy. As stated in II Samel 12: 16 "And David pleaded with God through the boy, he fasted diligently and when he went inside, all night he lay on the ground." And II Samuel 12: 21-23 "And he said his servants to him, "What is this that thou hast done this? While the child was still alive, you fasted and wept, but when the child died, you arose and ate! "He said:" While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept, for I said: who know the Lord have mercy on me, that the child may live. But now he is dead, why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me. "

Fasting in I Kings 21: 19 is the finesse and cunning to deceive.
On the first King of Kings 21 tells how the king of Israel "Ahab" covet a piece of land belonging to Naboth, and Naboth did not give the ancestral land to Naboth. Above strategy, cunning and guile of Ahab's wife "Jezebel" who wrote a letter to the leaders and parents who live in the old city of Naboth so fast and beguiling declare that ended in the death of Naboth Naboth so that king Ahab managed to take possession of Naboth the land belonged to him. And how God's punishment inflicted upon the king Ahab. All contained in I Kings 21. Below are the words associated with about fasting as follows: first the king of kings 21 :: 9 In a letter she wrote: "Maklumkanlah fasting and dispatch Naboth sit among the people at the front.;: 12 They declare fasting and ordered a front row seat Naboth among the people.;: 27 When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted on his body. fact he was wearing sackcloth, and walked with slow steps.

Fasting in Esther 9: 31 is a form of thanksgiving and victory
In the Book of Esther 9: 20-32 states that fasting is required by the provisions of Mordecai and Queen Esther is a form of gratitude because God protects Israel. With the killing of Haman the son of Hammedatha which has designed to destroy the Jews. So with the death of the wicked Haman the plan could not materialize. Written obligation to fast in Esther 9: 31 as follows: "that the days of Purim was celebrated at the appointed time, as required of them by Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen, and as they are required to themselves and their descendants, about fasting and wailing. "

Word of God as written other fasting in the Old Testament as follows:

Psalms 35:13 But I, when they were sick, I wore sackcloth; I tortured myself with fasting, and my prayer arise again in the chest,

Psalm 69:10 (69-11) I crushed myself with fasting, but even then a reproach me;

Psalm 109: 24 My knees be flexible because of fasting, and my body was emaciated, exhausted fat.

Isaiah 58: 3. "Why have we fasted, and thou seest not? Why have we humbled ourselves, and thou takest no knowledge?" Indeed, on the day of your fast you still take care of your business, and you're pushing all the laborer his.

Isaiah 58: 4 -6 "Behold, you fast for contention and strife and to strike with the fist-mena. Fasted like the way you present your voice will not be heard on high. Seriously is this the fast that I delight, and held a day humble yourself, if you bow your head like a reed, and spread sackcloth and ashes as a sleeping mat? Seriously is that what you mentioned fasting, held a day acceptable to the Lord?'s not! Fasting I delight, is that you may unlock the shackles of tyranny, and release yoke straps, so you liberate the oppressed people and to break every yoke,

Jeremiah 14:12 Although they fast, I will not hear their cry; though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them, but I would spend them with war, with famine and with pestilence. "

Jeremiah 36:6 So the fasting day that thou go read the words of the LORD to the people in the house of the LORD of rolls you write it directly from my mouth; unto all Judah that come out of their cities must kaubacakannya too.

Jeremiah 36:9. As for the fifth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, in the ninth month, people have been proclaiming fasting before the Lord for all the people in Jerusalem and for all the people who have come from the cities of Judah to Jerusalem. -

Daniel 6:18. (6-19) Then the king went to his palace and fasted all night he was, he did not have to come entertainers-entertainers, and he could not sleep.

Daniel 9:3 Then I direct my face unto the Lord God in prayer and supplication, while fasting and wearing sackcloth and ashes.

Joel 1:14. Hold the holy fasting, maklumkanlah bevy highway; gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the LORD, your God, and cried out to the Lord.

Joel 2:12. "Yet even now," declares the Lord, "turn ye unto me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with a groan."

Joel 2:15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, Thou holy fasting, maklumkanlah bevy of highway;

Jonah 3:5. People of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and they, both adults and children, dressed in sackcloth.

Zechariah 7:5 "Say to all the people of the land and to the priests, saying, When ye fasted and lamented in the fifth month and the seventh for seventy years, is there anything you really fast for Me?

Zechariah 8:19 "Thus saith the Lord of hosts: The fast of the fourth month, in the fifth month, in the seventh month and the tenth months will become joy and gladness and be times of joyous celebration for the house of Judah. Then love truth and peace! "


In the New Testament there are also some verses on fasting, how should fast according to Jesus Christ. The Bible does not command Christians to fast. Fasting is not something that is required or requested God of the Christians. At the same time, the Bible presents fasting as something good, useful and necessary. The Book of Acts records believers fasting before they take important decisions (Acts 13:4; 14:23). Fasting and prayer are often linked together (Luke 2:37; 5:33). Fasting does not just focus on not eating or not drinking alone, should be the purpose of fasting is to take your eyes from earthly things and God-centered. Fasting is a way to demonstrate to God, and to yourself, that you are serious in your relationship with God. Though fasting in the Bible is not necessarily related to eating, there are other ways to fast. Whatever you can temporarily in order to focus on God in a way that better can be considered a fast (1 Corinthians 7:1-5). Fasting should be time-limited, especially fast food. Do not eat in the long period of time can damage the body. Fasting is not to punish your body, but to focus on God. Fasting should not be regarded as one of the "method of dieting." Do not fast to lose weight, but to gain a deeper communion with God. True, anyone can be fast. There are those who can not fast from food (diabetics for example), but everyone can temporarily give up something in order to focus on God.

By taking our eyes off the things of this world, we can focus on Christ better. Fasting is not a way to get God to do what we want. Fasting changes us, not God. Fasting is not a way to appear more spiritual than others.Fasting should be done with humility and with joy. Matthew 6:16-18 says, "" And when you fast, do not be gloomy face as the hypocrites. They disfigure their faces, so that people see that they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have got his reward. But when you fast, minyakilah your head and wash your face, so as not to be seen by the people that you are fasting, but only to your Father who is in secret. Then your Father who saw the hidden will reward you. "

What are fasting are recorded in the New Testament?
1. Jesus fasting, 40 days and 40 nights does not eat (Matthew 4:2)
2. John the Baptist fasting, not eating and not drinking (Matthew 11:18)
3. Paul fasting, 3 days and 3 nights do not eat, do not drink and do not see (Acts 9:9)
4. Fasting early Church, to strengthen the ministry of Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:2-3) fasting Fasting remarkable because in 40 days 40 nights are not eating and not drinking as told by the Bible is

  1. Musa fasting, 40 days and 40 nights without food and no drink (Exodus 24:16 and Exodus 34:28)
  2. Elijah fasting, 40 days and 40 nights on foot (1 Kings 19:8)
  3. Fasting of Nineveh, 40 days and 40 nights without food, do not drink and do not do evil (Jonah 3:7)
  4. Jesus fasting, 40 days and 40 nights does not eat (Matthew 4:2)

Fasting 40 days and 40 nights fasting is a type of gift because only the grace of God alone can all happen, including the people who do get a special gift from God that can run fast above. So not everyone can run it; seen from a health standpoint it is not possible because naturally people will die.

How fast is good according to the New Testament:

1. Fasting is a personal relationship with God so that others do not need to know as it is written in Matthew 6: 16-18 as follows:
"And when you fast, do not be gloomy face as the hypocrites. they disfigure their faces, so that people see that they're fasting. I tell you the truth, they have got his reward. But when you fast, minyakilah your head and wash your face, so as not to be seen by the people that you are fasting, but only to your Father who is in secret. then your Father will see the hidden reward you. "

2. Why did Jesus' disciples did not fast while he is with them? (Matthew 9: 14-16 and Luke 5: 33-35 - Mark 2: 18)
Because fasting is to demonstrate to God or a relationship with God, while Jesus is Immanuel (God with us =).So what does it mean to fast if Jesus Christ is God amid the disciples there. As it is written in Matthew 9: 14-16 as below:
Then John's disciples came to Jesus and said: "Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not?"Jesus answered them, "Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the time is coming when the bridegroom is taken from them and at that time they will fast.

Jesus made it clear in Matthew 9:15. Jesus also explained through parables that fasting in the Old Testament is different from fasting in the New Testament. (Matthew 9:16-17).

3. Fasting for expulsion stubborn Satan (Matthew 17: 14-21)
In Matthew 17: 14-21 narrated how a young child who has seizures as possessed by the devil disciples of Jesus Christ and the disciples could not heal or cast out the demons, so it must be Jesus into their own hands, so that the child healed. After all the disciples of Jesus' disciples asked why they could not cast the demon? Jesus' answer is because the students lack confidence disciples and Jesus explained once again that for this type of demon that can not be driven out except by prayer and fasting. As recorded in Matthew 17: 21

4. Fasting for the sending of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 13-1-3)
In Acts 13: 1-3 recounted how the Holy Spirit sent Barnabas and Saul received the task of the Holy Spirit to carry out the mission of the service is determined by the Holy Spirit.
"On a day when they worship Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Separate Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I whereunto I have called them." Then they fasted and prayed, and after laying his hands on two of them, they let them go.

5. Praying and fasting done before handing over to the elders of the elders of the church of God (Acts 14: 22 and 23)
Prayer and fasting done by Paul and Barnabas before handing elder elders to God. This is done in the city of Lystra, Iconium and Antioch. As recorded in Acts 14: 23, as follows:
In each of the apostles and church elders to establish the church and after prayer and fasting, they handed the elders said to the Lord, who is the source of their belief.

6. Prepared to suffer - prayer and fasting in service (2 Corinthians 6: 1-10)
As a servant of God as Paul wrote in his letter that the 2nd to the Corinthians that as a worker in the ministry in the Lord should remain pure, does not accept bribes, patient in suffering and hardships. As written in II Corinthians 11: 27, as follows: I do a lot of labors tired and heavy work; often times I do not sleep, and I hunger and thirst; often times I fasted, cold and naked,

Metatags on Fasting in the Quran:
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