Exporters of Raw Materials Ecstasy seized BNN An exporter precursor (raw material narcotics) alias JY initials HW (29), arrested by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) after caught supplying ecstasy precursor species Benzo Dioxole to Australia and America, on Wednesday (24/7) morning , at his residence at No. 5 Road Pete Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. case came to light thanks to the cooperation between the Police BNN The Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Drug Enforcement Administration in the United States or the United States Enforcemet Drug Administration (U.S. DEA). ( read here ) | ||
More than 2,000 people have been killed in Syria during Ramadan At least 2,014 people were killed in the civil war in Syria since the month of Ramadan began last July 10, according to calculations organization Syrian Observatory for Human Rights delivered on Thursday ,25-07-2013. During the month of Ramadan as many as 639 civilians - including 105 children and 99 women - were killed, said the director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Rami Abdul Rahman told AFP. ( read here ) | ||
Hina FPI President, Police Form Special Teams National Police have formed a special team to investigate the case the outrages committed Islamic Defenders Front chairman Rizieq Shihab against President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The formation of a special team was done on the basis of orders police chief Gen. (Pol) Pradopo East to the Head of the Criminal Investigation Police Commissioner General Sutarman. "Police have formed a team to investigate and examine the criminal element in the sayings,". We waited for the dissolution of FPI, the government should not "wishy plank" ( read here ) | ||
Deadly Train Accident Spanish, Victims Still Possible Increased Spanish police continue to investigate the cause of a fast train crash that killed at least 80 people on Wednesday (24/07/2013) afternoon local time. Spanish government set up 3 days of national mourning for the crash. Spanish Health Minister Rocio Mosquera said the death toll was likely to rise. Currently recorded 178 passengers were injured, including 94 people who are still hospitalized. Of the number of victims still hospitalized, 32 of them in critical condition, including 4 children. ( read here ) | ||
Three Days of Mourning Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy declared period of national mourning for three days after a train accident in the city of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. "Today is a difficult day," said Rajoy, Thursday, July 26, 2013. "Today we have to go through a terrible incident, a dramatic accident, that will always haunt us for a long time." This accident coincide at Saint James Day in the country. Rajoy said that day as the saddest day for the life of the people on the Day of Saint James Santiago. "For people who are from Santiago, like me, believe me, this is the saddest day of all life on the day of Saint James." ( read here ) | ||
Unmanned Aircraft Need for Disaster Images Utilization drone or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for disaster relief through air portrait shortly after the disaster need to be improved. because UAVs can be used anywhere and at any time, the resulting portrait was more obvious than not closed clouds. Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) has also conducted a series of such efforts. use of UAVs is applied, among others, to photograph the condition of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta with ketinggiaan about 2,000 meters above sea level. ( read here ) | ||
Space agency disaster response SOP developed National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) began to develop a standard operating procedure (SOP) specifically to deal with the disaster response. Chief of Environment and Disaster Mitigation LAPAN, Rokhis Khomarudin here on Thursday, said that until now still being discussed whether they could be appointed national level to be SOP for the National Disaster Response. "So if we can be of BNPB disaster information, mass media, or Space agency leaders, there will be` on `the duty officer will process the data and remove the release` 1 `," ( read here ) | ||
Vice Chairman of the City Council Basuki Check Suggest Mental Health Deputy Chairman of the City Council, Abraham Lunggana, appealed to the Vice Governor of Jakarta Basuki Purnama Tjahaja to check his mental health. This was conveyed the attitude that often Basuki been talking carelessly about street vendors (PKL) Tanah Abang. "Yesterday Ahok (greeting Basuki) says there are unscrupulous Parliament in Tanah Abang Market. now I tell ya, the Deputy Governor had checked his mental health because ngomongnya always indiscriminate, "( read here ) | ||
President praying for 5,000 orphans success of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to pray at least five thousand orphans who attend the open joint titled "Sharing the BRI Happy Together" has a good future and success. "God willing, the brothers will be successful, "President Yudhoyono said that wearing white koko in Jakarta Convention Center, Thursday ,25-07-2013. ( read here ) | ||
Three Employees BP3TI Dicecar Estimated Price MPLIK Attorney General's Office (AGO) examined three employees and business financing provider Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics (BP3TI) as a witness in a case of alleged corruption in the procurement of Internet Car Service Center District (MPLIK) in 2010-2012. Examination is conducted for know the approximate price MPLIK. "Witness of BP3TI examined principally associated with the position of the witnesses who are part of the reconciliation team to estimate the MPLIK that have been implemented by the service provider," ( read here ) | ||
A man suspected of Air France Fall Villagers near Niamey airport, the capital of Niger in West Africa, made shocked on Thursday (07/26/2013) morning around 05.00 local time. they suddenly heard the sound of falling bodies which was the body humans. He is thought to have come from a commercial Air France plane that was about to land at Niamey. reported AP news agency, the Interior Ministry officials Niger, Abdou Labo, stating that the human body had fallen from an Air France plane prepared to land at Niamey.( read here ) | ||
Hatta: "tax holiday" should weigh employment Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa suggests giving "tax holiday" should no longer based on a minimum investment of Rp 1 trillion, but taking into account the amount of jobs created an industry. "It's a consideration. Avoid we give incentives, but can not create a lot of jobs, "( read here ) | ||
Receive Power of Attorney, the Attorney General PK Ready Supersemar Attorney General for Civil and State Attorney General, Burhanuddin, said prosecutors are now receiving letters from the government to conduct a judicial review (PK) against the decision of a typo on the case Supersemar. "It has been received yesterday, but still we have everything ready, "Burhanuddin said when met at his office Thursday, July 25, 2013. therefore he was not sure when the state prosecutor will file a PK to the South Jakarta District Court. "Must be discussed first, we did not want to fail," ( read here ) | ||
Cyber attacks from Indonesia the World No. 2 highest last quarter of 2012, the name Indonesia invisible in the list of countries "contributor" in the world's biggest cyber attack. At that time, only 0.7 percent of attacks originate from the country, according to a quarterly report "State of the Internet "from Akamai, cloud computing service providers and content delivery are responsible for almost one-fifth of the traffic on the web. But that changed dramatically in the first quarter of 2013. The number of attacks coming from Indonesia tremendous increase, amounting to 30 times the previous amount has now reached 20 per cent of the total number of cyber attacks across the world. ( read here ) | ||
Looted a massive, pipe-Plaju Tempino emergency status Pertamina set a state of emergency for the oil distribution line Tempino-Plaju because the object of massive looting and organized by an average of 18-39 percent of the oil lost 12,000 barrels per day of oil flowed. Strip Tempino-Plaju oil pipeline that began commercial operations on July 17, 2013 is managed by PT Pertagas, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), VP of corporate communications, said, Ali Mundakir, in Jakarta, Thursday ,25-07-2013. replace the pipeline long pipe that was not safe to operate because too many suffered damage from looting (illegal tapping) which can not be controlled. ( read here ) | ||
Beware Four Point Crime Prone in Merak total of four points in the crime-ridden port of Merak. Critical points of the crime, among others in the alley way (pedestrian bridge), passenger ticket counter, Pier II and Pier I. "The perpetrators of a crime at some point in the harbor typically perform an action when the early morning until dawn. usually targeting travelers who fatigue on the way, "( read here ) | ||
Mourinho's suggestion for the Indonesian Team Coach Chelsea, Jose Mourinho, provide advice to the Indonesian team. According to Mourinho, the Indonesian team will have to play with high spirits and full of pride to defend the national team. Chelsea just bulldoze the Indonesian All Stars by a landslide score 8-1 at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, Senayan, Thursday (07/25/2013). It was a crushing defeat Indonesia rather than against Arsenal or Liverpool, some time ago. ( read here ) | ||
Afghan police arrest 12 Taliban Taliban poison and arrested at least 12 Afghan police when they break their fast in the southern region of the country, officials said Thursday ,25-07-2013. attacks that took place in Zabul province, where many militants are believed to roam despite a number of offensive operations carried out by security forces backed Afghan government. "Tragically, 12 policemen were poisoned and then taken away by a mini-van after they break their fast in the evening yesterday Shahjoy in Zabul," ( read here ) | ||
Will Surpass 10,300 rupiah per dollar and rising inflation expectations omission by Bank Indonesia rupiah rupiah made increasingly worse. In the money market trading yesterday, the rupiah has weakened 38 points (0.37 percent) to Rp 10,301 per U.S. dollar. Rupiah increasingly moving wildly after the Finance Minister said the weakening of the rupiah is still reasonable and indicate a weakening rupiah left. Analyst Currency Management Group, Farial Anwar, considers excessive inflationary pressure will encourage the depreciation of the rupiah. The occurrence of a complex combination of inflation from the inflation demand, costs, and imported inflation increasingly negative perceptions of dollars to build. "Due to high inflation, investors were reluctant to take dollars," ( read here ) | ||
Nude fight in the streets of China to couples who fight in public places may have often seen. However, couples in China are doing something unusual. They fight in the middle of the highway while removing clothing until completely naked. unnamed couple was standing in the middle of the street, shouting to each other. The young couple seemed to find the only way to defuse their feud, with undressed. The man who first stripped, then the woman followed him. They do not care about the riders and the people who pass in Dongguan, Guangdong Province. ( read here ) | ||
Giving to DS Not the First Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspect receiving a sum of money by DS, a clerk in the Supreme Court (MA) is not the first. Therefore, the amount of money were also found at the house in question. "Earlier investigators also found more money in the DS home believed to be related to this incident," ( read here ) | ||
DS, MA Employee Arrested At tricycle ride the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested an employee of the hands of the Supreme Court (MA) with the initials DS, for allegedly receiving money from a lawyer with the initials MCB, on Thursday (25/7) afternoon. allegedly referring DS to Djodi Supratman arrested while riding motorcycle taxis in the area around the National Monument (Monas) in Central Jakarta. "It was delivered that afternoon at about 12.15 pm, KPK investigators arresting the initials DS, the staff of the Supreme Court (MA). Arrest around the monument. Concerned riding motorcycles, "( read here ) | ||
Chronology arrest lawyers and clerks MA by KPK investigators Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arresting an officer and a lawyer of the Supreme Court as evidence of the amount of money associated with the handling of a case in the Supreme Court on Thursday ,25-07-2013. "Thursday afternoon around 12:15 pm KPK investigators arresting someone with the initials DS, DS is the staff of the Supreme Court, the arrests were made around the time the concerned monument was riding a motorcycle, "( read here ) | ||
This Jokowi innuendo that's been Declaration candidates for Jakarta governor Joko Widodo satirical figures who have declared themselves as candidates for president in 2014. According to him, the leaders who have declared themselves the overly confident. In fact, said Jokowi, not necessarily the party nomination. "Now a lot of people who have run for president. fact, those who run it is not necessarily the party nomination, hehehe," ( read here ) | ||
German data raise the euro strengthened against the dollar The euro hit a one month high against the dollar on Thursday (Friday morning GMT), following a strong German economic reports and disappointing U.S. data. around 22:00 GMT (05:00 GMT Friday), the euro traded at 1, 3277 dollars, up from 1.3199 dollar level on Wednesday after hitting a peak of 1.3296 dollars in morning, June 19 tertinggisejak level. dollar also weakened against the yen, the Japanese currency bought 99.24 compared with 100.26 yen. Euro falls to 131.75 yen from 132.34 yen the previous day. ( read here ) | ||
Oblong's sock Monitor Heartbeats can continue to be utilized and the sophistication of the technology developed by scientists and developers in order to facilitate human activity as well as to monitor health. Not long ago, Japanese scientists succeeded in developing a textile with computing capabilities that will serve to monitor the heart rate. scientists under the auspices of the telecommunications company Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) in particular have found a wearable textile electrodes that can be placed inside the T-shirt. The textile is made from synthetic fiber core which is coated with a conductive polymer. ( read here ) | ||
Clashes Central Java Police Mobile Brigade Vs Sabhara fuel Triggered Message Triggers clash between Brimob and Dit Unit Sabhara Central Java Police allegedly triggered by a message on BlackBerry Messenger (BBM). The message content is thought to be the reason about 50 members of Brimob based in Srondol, Banyumanik, attacked the headquarters of the Directorate Sabhara Central Java Regional Police, in Mijen, Semarang, Thursday (25/07/2013) morning. distance between the headquarters and the headquarters of Brimob Sabhara about 25 kilometers. "trigger no BBM messages allegedly insulting Brimob unit. Nah, intentions Sabhara Brimob headquarters to the actual content of the fuel to inquire," ( read here ) | ||
This Futuristic Golf Cars of Mercedes-Benz sports golf is always synonymous with luxury. This claim is also housed on the automotive manufacturers in providing golf car. Manufacturers from Germany, Mercedes-Benz car design luxury golf future and current. The general shape resembles like a car, not a car usually form golf carts. Mobil is named as the Mercedes-Benz Vision Golf Cart. At the British Open Golf Championship event some time ago, the car was launched. ( read here ) | ||
Cawagub PDI-P: Protest Pictures Thumb Not Cogent Protests team-mate petahana cagub cawagub East Java, Soekarwo-Saifullah Yusuf, the advent of the thumb image in the draft ballot pair number 3, Bambang Dwi Hartono-Said Abdullah, considered not unreasonable and nonsensical there. Image thumb was also considered not violate Commission rules. "For us, it's a thumbs up icon set in stone. There is no rule that prohibits the inclusion of any image," said Said, Thursday (07/25/2013). He also said the picture was already decided will be used by the Commission and announced to the media after the draw serial number candidates. ( read here ) | ||
Rambah cybercriminals mobile device cybercrime threat now reaching mobile devices along with the growth of smartphone users through the threat of viruses and "phishing" that lurk on the Internet. "In the first quarter of 2013, there were 22,750 new modification malicious programs that target mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, "says Business Development Manager for Indonesia Kaspersky Lab Southeast Asia Dony Koesmandarin in Jakarta, ( read here ) | ||
Police go into Case Dragged Police Killed Suspect Falls to Gorge Head Unit Resmob Central Java Police AKP Renaldy LiHu Yahya was killed falling off a cliff after a fugitive who was caught and handcuffed her hands to try to escape by plunging into the abyss. This case is being explored Central Java Police. "Central Java Police are still steeped incidents experienced by our friend, the investigator who is developing fraud cases in which the suspect committed suicide into a deep ravine, and then our friend also apparently play a victim," ( read here ) |
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