Mars May Have Had Snow Mars may have experienced rain or snowfall in the past. Some of the valley networks on Mars may be created by the process. The allegations came from Brown University researchers study which analyzes the formation of the valley networks on Mars. Researchers have learned that the valley networks formed by water, but the origin of the water is unknown. Martian valley network itself is formed by connecting the flow branching valleys or mountains on Mars, much like a river on Earth. ( read here ) | ||
Polonia Airport Goodbye, Hello Kualanamu Polonia Airport, Medan officially closed to civil aviation since the dawn 00.00 Thursday, July 25, 2013. Airport operations moved to Kuala Namu International Airport in Deli Serdang. "Closure and airport transfer is certainly going to have significant impact," said Vice Governor of North Sumatra Tengku Erry Nuradi in Polonia, Wednesday July 24, 2013. One consequence is the lifestyle and socio-economic residents of North Sumatra. During the short distance to reach the airport because it is located in the city center. ( read here ) | ||
18 Cases of Robbery During Fasting Month of Ramadan During 2013, the Jakarta Police reported that there were 18 cases of robberies that occurred in the jurisdiction of the Jakarta Police. The volume of criminal acts that period, especially as curas conventional crime (theft with violence) increased compared to normal days. "For this year, to June there were 36 cases of robbery. Ramadan this time span, there were 18 cases of robbery," ( see here ) | ||
President: respect Ramadan, do no violence of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono warned all components of society to maintain the sanctity of Ramadan with no violence. "I shouted out several times so that all the glory and honor of Ramadan as well as to guard against the violence, conflict, destruction, anarchy moreover," ( read here ) | ||
Hina FPI president? It said Police Chief Police states will deepen alleged contempt by the President of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). National Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo stated no community organizations that may violate the law. "Tim still works explore the contempt issue," East said when met at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Wednesday, July 24, 2013. East claimed to still find the facts about the alleged insult the President by FPI leader Habib Rizieq, via the official website. "There should not be any organization that violates the law, including the FPI," said East. Violation of the law, said the East, would be harmful to society. ( read here ) | ||
BMKG: Until Rain Season Eid low to moderate intensity rain which flushed Lampung almost every day at noon until late afternoon that triggers cold weather, predicted the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Lampung will happen until mid-August 2013 or until Lebaran. "Phenomenon rain that occurred since the mid-late July, as the transition period which should now have entered the dry season, "( read here ) | ||
KPK won the Ramon Magsaysay award in 2013 Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Ramon Magsaysay award for being successful campaigns against corruption in Indonesia and the enforcement of the law against corrupt officials without a doubt. "This organization proved to be independent and successful campaign for anti-corruption movement in Indonesia with a combined effort Law enforcement officials err on the ideals supported reform of governance systems and educational campaigns to all Indonesian citizens to be vigilant, honest and active, "( read here ) | ||
Train accident in Spain, At Least 20 People Killed A train crash in northwestern Spain, Wednesday (24/07/2013) afternoon local time, killing at least 20 people and injured dozens more. As far as the alleged cause of the crash was not terrorism or sabotage. A Spanish assistant minister told CNN that while the investigation results of the investigation showed that the accident was not related to terrorism. From the picture, at least one car and split the other cars on fire. ( read here ) | ||
Ask Harry Tanoesudibjo sister Ratna Dewi Umar Change BAP Former Director of Medical Services (Medical Care) Elementary in the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ratna Dewi Umar claimed to have never been asked to change the contents of Interrogation by media tycoon's brother Harry Tanoesudibjo, namely Bambang Rudijanto Tanoesudibjo. When undergoing examination as a defendant, claiming Ratna attended by delegates Bambang Rudijanto Tanoesoedibjo. With the goal, so do not relate Rudi Tanoesudibjo in the case of alleged corruption in the procurement of medical equipment (medical supplies) and supplies in order outbreak of bird flu in the 2006-2007 budget year the MoH. ( read here ) | ||
10 Statement Rizieq Pascabentrok FPI-Residents in Kendal Islamic Defenders Front specifically invite Samsu Eko Julianto, deceased husband Munarti Tri-citizen victims died in clashes with FPI in Kendal, to the Chairman of the FPI Rizieq Shihab in Jakarta. The invitation came after Samsu mengahadiri dialogue on TVOne, Tuesday (07/23/2013) night. FPI spokesman, Munarman, through a press release on Wednesday (07/24/2013), stating, Samsu specifically invited to hear all complaints, suffering, as well as its claim to the FPI. FPI is not just a case of kendal alone but in almost all regions of the country have the doings of thugs. We agree jik FPI dissolved ( read here ) | ||
FPI sites in Rentas Democrat judge, hacking the website of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Wednesday (24/07/2013), in the midst of news about clashes involving FPI with residents Kendal, Central Java, last week, as a lesson. Member of Board of Trustees of the Democratic Party, Melanie mena, say, hacking it should be noted as a form of social rejection towards FPI anarchistic actions. Hopefully not just sites that direntas but dispersed organizations in course FPI ( read here ) | ||
Projected industry growth of 6.5 per cent of national industrial growth is projected to end the year at 6.5 percent, in line with national economic growth sought to remain above six per cent. "Optimistic my industry growth of 6.5 per cent until the end of the year," ( read here ) | ||
Mating donkeys with zebras? What happens if you marry a donkey with a zebra? How to shape their children?Punctate motifs that exist in zebra fur combined with the usual brown donkey owned, owned by a 'zonkey' unique. Zonkey is the name for the child of a cross-breeding between a zebra and a donkey (donkey). A zonkey been born at an animal conservation center in Florence, Italy. Similarly, as reported by , Thursday (07/25/2013). This Zonkey dominant brown on the body, but the furry black-and-white on a number of other parts of the body, especially the legs. ( read here ) | ||
Finally, consider PDIP Jokowi as 2014 candidates Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo increasingly skyrocketed. Elektabilitasnya seemed unstoppable in a survey of a number of institutions. Jokowi electability defeated political figures who had first appeared, such as Bakrie, Prabowo, even the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Struggle Megawati Sukarnoputri. Lastly, the survey Soegeng Sarjadi School of Government (SSSG) put Jokowi as the most popular figure in 2013. During this time, when asked about the possibility of "mencapreskan" Jokowi, PDI-P has always stated that Jokowi will be concentrating on completing his duties as Governor of DKI Jakarta until 2017. ( read here ) | ||
Could not Car parking, Chinese Men Kill Toddler A Chinese man bear to throw a toddler to the ground, just as annoyed at the mother of the child, which prevented him to park the vehicle. 2-year-old girl was killed in the incident. gentleman who just called by his family name, Han was upset at the child's mother.Garanya, a man aged 40 years was to park his car at a bus stop in Beijing on Wednesday, July 24 local time ( read disin i) | ||
Looking for candidates who are "It's-it's Only" ... Year 2014 will be the year of "hot" political climate of his country. Five-yearly party democracy, legislative elections and the presidential election will be held. Heat of politics had already begun since the beginning of 2013. Political parties contesting the 2014 election would have been a strategy: to consolidate internal and external. most obvious, a number of political parties have declared that presidential candidates be carried. Maybe not steal start, but may want to be seen as a party that is not confused. Call it with capresnya Bakrie Golkar and Hanura very confident that even said it would carry the internal candidate, Wiranto-Hary Tanoesoedibjo as president and vice president. In fact, the results of the legislative elections have not been bagged. Let it go, maybe part of the strategy. ( read here ) | ||
Freddy Still Hold the Phone on the LP, Send SMS 'flipped' to Vanny Bandar drug-free still holding Freddy Budiman HP at LP Narcotics Prison. The proof, Freddy who was sentenced to death by the West Jakarta District Court was able to send SMS from the cubicle prison for Rossyane Vanny, a former lover. To AFP on Thursday (07/24/2013) Vanny divide the contents of the SMS. SMS sent on Wednesday (23/7) at 19:46 pm. "Lonxx ngaku2 aja lu Dech so sorry for the wife and I never use kpn you if cha2 yes", ( read here ) | ||
The Path officials Comment Cuteness Indonesia Indonesia is famous as a country whose population is fond of social networking activity on the internet. Not just on Facebook and Twitter, smart phone users in Indonesia is the dominant social networking personal Path. Parties Path states, Indonesia entered the top three countries with the highest number of users Path to quarter two of 2013. "Indonesian people are very active and share a lot of moments in the Path," said Business Manager Path, Andreas Bezamat-Homer, during a visit to Jakarta, Wednesday (07/24/2013). ( read here ) | ||
NU and Muhammadiyah have to agree about the FPI Deputy Chairman of the Assembly stated Melanie mena Suharly Nadhlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah have agreed to dissolve the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). "We have gathered together the elements of NU, Muhammadiyah discuss FPI. Later gap which can be used from the FPI Act CBOs. Should be no human rights violations related to the FPI," ( read here ) | ||
SBY wait NU and Muhammadiyah stance of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is still awaiting official NU and Muhammadiyah's stance on proposed dissolution of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), the Democratic politician who is also Vice Chairman of the Assembly Melanie mena Suharly. According to Melanie, although full authority to disband the FPI, but President did not want to be careless and break the rules. ( read here ) | ||
California Men's Running 1.6 Km Every Day For 45 Years Mark Covert (62), the man from California, on Tuesday put an end to a routine that requires consistency and exceptional fitness: running at least 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) every day for 45 years without stopping. In total, Covert ran every morning for 16 437 days without interruption. spent her special day with a run on the track Marauders Stadium, Lancaster, a 1-mile of his last. "No one who thinks will run every day for a year, let alone 40 or 45 years. Never thought I would be like this and thank all who have supported. Apparently it is becoming important for many people," ( read here ) | ||
When the meat choking Romantic Dinner, Women's Deaths Do not underestimate the incidents that occurred at the dinner table. For example, when you eat your friends choking, do not laugh as his face turned so ridiculous.Because choking can lead to death. dilami As Helen Peploe (56) who were having a romantic dinner with his girlfriend.At that time they talked while enjoying the warm curry. Helen suddenly coughing loudly when a piece of lamb meat stuck in his throat and choked him. Her lover, Neil Whitcher (49), tries hard to help him, before finally bringing Helen to the hospital. ( read here ) | ||
Last Year USD 5.3 M, Treasure Sutarman How This Year? Chairman of the Criminal Investigation Department (Kabareskrim) Police Headquarters, Sutarman, visit the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to submit State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN). LHKPN submission is related to Police chief nomination required by the National Police Commission (National Police Commission). "(I) came here to submit LHKPN. For clarification only," ( read here ) | ||
World Internet forum is shifted to the State Neighbor Although canceled implemented in Indonesia, the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to certain fixed-8 will be held in 2013. However, its location is shifted to neighboring Indonesia. Indeed not mentioned which country so replacement Indonesia to host world internet governance forum this. The names that appear likely are Singapore, Malaysia, or Thailand. ( read here ) | ||
Nominate Obama Caroline Kennedy as U.S. ambassador to Japan of President Barack Obama, Wednesday (24/07/2013), nominate Caroline Kennedy as U.S. ambassador to Japan. The nomination has been rumored for months. Tokyo, Thursday, responding to the nomination of President John F Kennedy's daughter, saying that it showed "how important" Washington sees Japan-US relations. "The Japanese government understands that Caroline Kennedy won deep trust from President Obama, and greatly appreciate the nomination as a reflection of the importance the Obama administration see Japan-US alliance," said Foreign Ministry statement. ( read here ) | ||
Millions threatened hacked phone Sim card A defect in cell phone Sim card technology makes millions of people to become victims of data theft, a security expert said terkemuka.Karsten Nohl said he has discovered a way to unlock the digital keys Sim card by sending a special text message . He warned that hackers could use the technique for intercepting or stealing money talks. Industry organizations, the GSMA, said they were investigating the report. ( read here ) | ||
Egyptian court welcomes military calls for great demo Egyptian Presidential Palace welcomes call Commander in Chief General Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi on Wednesday that the people took to the streets on Friday next. "All people should take to the streets on Friday to huge demo against the terrorists," said spokesman Talk to the President, Ahmed Al Mosalamany, some time after the call Gen. Al Sisi. Gen. Al Sisi in his speech on Wednesday calling for the people of the people to take to the streets for what he calls strengthen the army and police in the fight against "terrorists". ( read here ) | ||
China Started Construction of World's Tallest Tower skyscraper international community skepticism of the ability of Chinese companies Board Group to build tallest tower in the world, be ignored. This week, China Board Group answer that question with a groundbreaking ceremony at once proclaim to the world, that officially started the construction of Sky City. The tower was clawing the sky with 838 meters height. China Board Group based in Changsha, Sky City construction targets in just nine months with the use of pre-fabrication techniques. The fund in order to realize this project amounted to 855 million U.S. dollars, equivalent to Rp 8.7 trillion. ( read here ) | ||
Chromecast, cheap TV output dongle Google Google launches Chromecast, a low cost dongle rival Apple TV. Dongle is connected through an HDMI channel that allows users to stream media from smart phones, tablets and computers. Be launched in the United States, this tool is priced at 35 U.S. dollars (equivalent to Rp359.000). However, there has been no confirmation about the international launch. Chromecast is Google's latest attempt to explore the television industry. ( read here ) | ||
5.2 magnitude earthquake shook northern Bengkulu adan Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) informs earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale occurred Thursday at 4:39 pm with the center 57 kilometers southwest of Bengkulu Utara, earthquake was at a depth of 17 kilometers is located in the 3 , 52 South latitude-101, 53 East longitude and no tsunami potential. ( read here ) | ||
Disputed elections in MA Vulnerable Intervention Government is proposing dispute provincial elections (elections) is returned to the Supreme Court (MA) through the High Court and courts in MA. However, the proposal was still reap rejection. Because the intervention of the judges in the area of local politicians and candidates head bigger. "intervention by the political actors in the region against judges and judicial actors definitely bigger. relationship between politicians and judicial actors in the area was very (close)," ( read here ) | ||
U.S. again urges Russia Snowden leave the United States on Wednesday repeated his demand that Russia hand over fugitive U.S. inteleijen, Edward Snowden, for trial. Secretary of State John Kerry contacted his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov after hearing reports that the authorities in Russia to give permission to Snowden leave a layover at Moscow Airport, and formally entered into the country, AFP reported. ( read here ) | ||
Swiss Ambassador Complains Performance Immigration Indonesia Indonesian Ambassador to the Swiss Confederation and the Grand Duchy of Liechtenstein, Djoko Susilo, complaining about DGI is considered less support RI tourism promotion and increase in the number of European tourists to Indonesia in the summer holiday period. In fact, it also affects the discharge plan citizens of Indonesia (WNI) in Switzerland and surrounding areas to the country to celebrate Eid. "Their work is very slow. This can result in very sluggish European tourists entering Indonesia," ( read here ) |
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