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Who is Most Great Give Utangan to GOI? This newest list
of President SBY set restrictions on foreign loans that burden the state budget / budget since last year. Number of Indonesian government debt continued to decline, and was replaced in the form of debt securities (bonds). Of data from the Directorate General of Debt Management, Ministry of Finance was quoted on Monday (22/07/2013), the Indonesian government's total debt as of June 2013 reached USD 2036.14 trillion, with a ratio of 24.7% of GDP.
Of this amount, USD 577.12 trillion of foreign debt acquired from several countries as well as multilateral institutions. The amount of foreign debt was increased compared to May 2013 from Rp 573.43 trillion. But down compared to the end of 2012 from Rp 612.52 trillion. This year, the value of state budget expenditures in 2013 reached USD 1726.2 trillion, up from Rp 1,683 trillion. This year's budget deficit is set to 2.38% of GDP or Rp 224.2 trillion, because state revenues are smaller. ( read here )
Let's Take Care of Our Earth Together
In fact, our nature is now no longer a green nature. Natural condition now leads to the phenomenon of environmental damage was already evident around us. Overview of environmental phenomena damaged and neglected poured Yarno, artist canvas birth Pagar Alam, South Sumatra.
Reborn total of 9 paintings themed on the environmental phenomena on display through support Yarno Chic Gallery, in Bazaar Art Jakarta, Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta, 18 -21 July 2013. ( read here )
Wife-Husband & Son Replaces Father As They Head of
Political dynasties increasingly widespread in Indonesia. Even some wives have replaced their husbands in an area that had led previously served. Penulusaran by AFP on Monday (07/22/2013), Sri Suryawidati who currently serves as regent Bantul, Yogyakarta, replacing Idham Semitic husband who has served as regional head in the same place. Then there Widya Kandi Susanti who was sworn in as regent Hendy Boedoro Kendal replace her husband. ( read here )
President: Main Judge of Name of Religion, Islam Embarrassing
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said vigilantism in Kendal, Central Java, have been humiliating Islam. President appealed to all parties to respect the holy month of Ramadan and the applicable law in Indonesia in order to avoid further similar acts.
"Islam is not synonymous with vigilante, is also not synonymous with destruction. Clearly, if there are elements that do things like that and above name of Islam, it has hurt Islam, and disgrace the name of Islam, "the president said after opening with 5,000 orphans in JIEXPO Kemayoran, Sunday (07/21/2013). ( read here )
FPI-Residents Clashes, What Comments President?
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to assess the measures taken by the police in dealing with clashes between members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and residents in Kendal, Central Java, was right.
This is evident from not getting widespread clashes. "I consider what the police was the right time and finally clash was not developed more broadly," the president said after an opening along with the 5,000 orphans in JIEXPO Kemayoran, Sunday (21/07/2013). ( read here )
Merapi rumbled, rain PAKEM Ashes and Sand
Pakem district, Sleman, Special Region (DI) Yogyakarta, on Monday (22/7) morning, the rain-soaked sand and ash. Estimated, sand and ash from Mount Merapi is derived.
"Earlier at 04.00 pm, Mount Merapi rumbled, and after that it was raining sand in my village, but it is not heavy," said Eni Pudyastuti, Wonorejo Hamlet, Village Hargobinangun, Pakembinangun, SP contacted on Monday pagi22-07-2013 ( read here )
Jokowi Blusukan Denies Funds up to $ 26.6 Billion
Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo has denied a press release issued by the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (Fitra) which mentions that Jokowi blusukan budget in 2013 reached Rp 26.6 billion. According to him, it blusukan capital only on foot, not to take over the budget. "Blusukan baseball is no budget, it blusukan what the heck? Capital was just walking," said Jokowi Suropati Park, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Sunday (21/07/2013). ( read here )
Blusukan Jokowi Criticized, Apa Kabar Governor Other Operating Budget?
Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (Fitra) released a budget amount blusukan Jakarta Governor Jokowi reached Rp 26.6 billion. Sociologist Musni Umar consider the fund is not a vain thing to remember events very appreciated blusukan Jokowi society.
"For what sociologists do Jokowi was really liked by the community, he also directly addressed community leaders," ( read here )
Defeated by British citizens, Dispute Cap Leg Three Taken to MA
not accepted the decision of the Central Jakarta Commercial Court canceled the registration of 49 brand stamp his foot three, Wen Ken Drug (Pte) Ltd to bring this dispute to the Supreme Court (MA) to file an appeal.
Yosef B. Badoeda, assess attorney Ken Wen, one of the judges in applying the penalty considerations. Especially regarding the quality of the plaintiff or judgment similarities between logos Cap with Three Legs symbol of the Isle Of Man. "Vince Russel as the plaintiff did not have the authority to cast a lawsuit," ( read here )
Billboards Satria bergitar, Rhoma: That part I Deal pencapresan
National Awakening Party (PKB) put up billboards Rhoma Irama pictorial complete with a white horse and his guitar. Rhoma Irama calling it part of the installation billboard pencapresannya deal with the CBA.
"When any part of a deal about the candidates. Positives been a long time," said Rhoma Irama while talking to AFP on Monday (07/22/2013). ( read here )
Orangutans and Chimpanzees Can Also reminisce
Great apes such as chimpanzees and orangutans was found to reminisce or remember the events that had occurred a few years ago. Just like humans, it turns out when recalling the events that happened a long time, chimpanzees and orangutans were able to dig their memory.
was reported by the Daily Mail, Friday (07/19/2013), the researchers conducted tests involving two groups of monkeys to see how they can find the tools hidden to reach food. ( read here )
Governor Atut Blamed Manipulation accountability report
Banten governor, Ratu Atut Chosiyah judged to have lied in delivering Report on (accountability report) use of Banten 2012 budget. Lie was known as Defender of Truth Forum (Forpek) Nusantara review the accountability report Banten Banten Governor 2012, and found there are so many activities that are not accounted for in the accountability report. Based on the study Forpek archipelago Banten, found that there are a number of activities financed from deconcentration assistant task (TP) in the case of funds from the relevant ministries from the state budget amounting to Rp 27,847,500,000 ( read here )
Rubbed with Water, Fruit Label Turns Soap So!
sticker labels on fruit makes us know the type and origin of the fruit. But after that, the fruit labels do not work anymore. Unless his label can double as a soap for washing fruit.
Starting from thinking about the little things, Scott Amron successfully gave birth to great ideas. He created the label fruit sticker that can dissolve into fruit soap when rubbed with water. ( read here )
Headman Sunday Market: Here Make KTP 5 Minutes So
Desire Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo KTP enough that one hour was greeted positively Satia, Headman Sunday Market. He even called the ID card in the urban village just five minutes away.
"This is not an hour. Five minutes so," said Satia Kompas.com when met at his office, Friday (03/19/2013). ( read here )
Ready Century Suspects on trial
after promising clarity alleged corruption in Short-Term Financing Facilities (FPJP) and determination of Century Bank as a failed bank with systemic impact, thus disbursed bailout (bailout fund) amounting to Rp 6.7 trillion, in 2012, the Commission pPimpinan Eradication of Corruption (KPK) promised back in 2013 that the suspects Century case will go to trial. "In this year (2013), Century suspects will be brought to justice," ( read here )
Fire Ant bite Kills a Woman in the U.S.
ika myth says that the ants can defeat an elephant, may indeed small animals should not be underestimated. In the United States, the fire ant has reportedly killed a woman passing poisonous bites.
Jenny Pomeroy, 65-year-old Georgia woman reportedly died after being bitten by a fire ant. The bites trigger a severe allergic reaction to women who work in a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) that Prevent Blindness Georgia. ( read here )
Apparently the BlackBerry World Headquarters in Bali
Denpasar, Bali, was chosen to be the headquarters verification BlackBerry apps and games to be sold in the app store BlackBerry World. Managing Director BlackBerry Indonesia Maspiyono Handoyo said verification activities in Denpasar application has actually been a long time, but only known by certain people, especially application developers.
"However, not all applications are verified here because there are applications speak Japanese or other languages which are not verified in here. We estimate about 85 percent of applications that want to get into the BlackBerry World, verified by the team in Bali, "( read here )
Organ bodies Singaporean Perhaps Taken Without Excuse me
Like a machine, human organs are parts that will someday meet life expiry. If damaged, human organs could also be replaced. In Indonesia it is not easily found.But in Singapore, as organ transplants are already familiar with everyday life.
In that country, the government imposed rules of the Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA), in which every citizen aged 21 years and over who die, their organs will be taken for transplant. Without a lot of odds and ends, which is still useful organ will soon be donated. Law was first coined around 1987, then undergone several revisions and revised around 2008. ( read here )
Optimistic jumhur Satinah Freed From beheaded
head of the National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers (BNP2TKI), Moh Jumhur Hidayat, expressed optimism migrant worker from Unggaran, Semarang regency, Central Java, named Satinah bint Joel Amad freed from beheading executions. "Talks between our lawyers with families in diyat, his decision in August, is now approaching the intersection," said Jumhur to SP, Sunday (21/7). ( read here )
U.S. Military Drop the Bomb on the Great Barrier Reef
two fighter jets AV-8B Harrier U.S. dropped four bombs berpeledak not trained in the famous world heritage marine park, the Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Queensland, Australia.
incident happened last Tuesday's new All parties recognized U.S. 7th Fleet said in a statement on Saturday (20/7). The U.S. side said, had dropped four bombs in the sea, about 50 meters from the reef area, in order to reduce the possibility of damage. ( read here )
Earthquake rocked Papua successive
On July 20 to 21, 2013, an earthquake rocked Papua region respectively the magnitude of approximately 5 Richer Scale (SR). Noted there are three areas of Papua earthquake rocked the Yapen Islands, Sarmi and Nabire. Based on data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Region V Jayapura, if sorted biggest earthquake struck southwest Nabire (5.5 SR), southwest Sarmi (5.5 SR), northwest Nabire (5.3 SR) and northeast Yapen Islands (4.9 SR). ( read here )
Australian Doctors Urge Ban Plastic Surgery for Teens
The Australian plastic surgeons urge ban applied to plastic surgery is not important for adolescents aged under 18 years. Association of Australia said Kosmestik Surgeon plastic surgery, especially for children under 18 years of danger, and can be fatal.
"Children do not have to undergo plastic surgery of any kind, unless there are medical or psychological reasons are very strong," ( read here )
Gus Dur More Than Soeharto missed
most Prapancha Monitoring Research (PR) on social media found that the former President of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) is a person who missed the leadership and thinking. Based on PR in social media monitoring for two years back, of all utterances about Gus Dur who dikicaukan repeated over 50 times.
example, 38% of the public memory of the thought or quote Gus Dur's statement that promote tolerance; 24% personal admiration on the related account figures; 16% thought or discretion to manage the state; 5% daily jokes or pulling, and the remaining 16% others. ( read here )
This is Our Earth when viewed from Saturn
Cassini Spacecraft finally managed to take the image of the Earth from Saturn. The image was taken before the planned schedule, Saturday (07/20/2013) morning between the hours of 4:27 and 4:47 pm. Cassini image captured from a distance of 1.44 billion miles a third image of the Earth is successfully retrieved from the outer Solar System. Previously, there was the image of "Pale Blue Dot" taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft in 1990 as well as the image of "Spot the Dot" taken by Cassini in 2006. ( read here )
25 militants were killed by missiles Syria
least 25 Syrian civilians were killed and more than 85 others were injured on Sunday (21/7), when members of the armed opposition in the country to fire missiles in Syria's Idlib province West-sea, said pro-government radio Sham FM. All of the victims, including women and children, were killed when armed opposition groups fired homemade missiles into the Syrian Army positions in Small Town Areha, the report said. He added that the missile did not hit the target and hit the open spot in the town. ( read here )
Why Smartphone Sales Slowing?
smartphone market recently began to lose the passion. In 2012, as reported by The Wall Street Journal, noted reductions in smartphone upgrade by 9 percent. This year, is expected to return a decline in year-over-year by 2 percent. Wall Street Journal called one of the reasons why consumers are replacing smartphones are increasingly rare because they do not see the exciting innovations in fashion latest smartphone models. ( read here )
Ahead of Idul Fitri, Marauder Specialist Boarding House INTO ACTION
The second week of the month of Ramadan, the robbery happened back East Jakarta. After Wednesday (17/7) then failed to come away with the motor in a boarding house in the Napier area, this time the robber gang menyatroni a rooming house located at Mango Alley No. 15, RT 01 / RW 03 Sub lote China, District Djatinegara, Sunday (21 / 7) morning.
A black Toyota Inova police number B 1959 TOI and Honda Beat blue color plate number B 3219 TKU taken away the robbers, ( read here )
Residents spotted the thief Motor Suhoor on The Road Again at the Market Thursday
A specialist motorcycle theft perpetrators named Amay (24) police officers caught Market Thursday, Tangerang. Not only that, officials with citizens also successfully caught four perpetrators of the theft in a factory antennae. The fifth of the crimes police officers were arrested Thursday Market with local residents during a dawn activity on the road while on patrol in the area of Market district Thursday, Tangerang, on Sunday (21/07/2013) early days. ( read here )
Wounds in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Foot with diabetes does require attention so that maintenance can be done right.Diabetic foot often impaired circulatory (vascular) and neurological disorders (neuropathy). In addition, infection can also occur. The third condition causing wound healing in patients with leg becomes more difficult and requires management involving various areas of expertise. Therefore, understanding and practice is very important to prevent the occurrence of diabetic foot ulcers. ( read here )
3 Problems Eye's Not-Be Ignored
Eye is one of the senses is very important senses. Therefore, his health must be maintained. Do not dismiss these eye disorders if it happens to your eyes.
Currently studying science in school, have learned that the human eye functions like a camera and retina acts like a movie. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue that reacts to incoming light and sends images to the brain via the optic nerve. Problems in the retina may make it more difficult for the brain to interpret. ( read here )

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