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During this time we are already familiar with the password (key words), ranging from e-mail accounts, social networking, up other electronic devices. So much to remember. Sometimes be a problem when we forget the password one owned. A number of researchers at the UC Berkeley School of Information, Berkeley made the breakthrough so that people do not need to remember and write down key words that are usually in the form of letters and numbers. But just think about it.

With devices such as headsets, devices called NeuroSky Mindset can record the keywords you think.

Device with the price of U.S. $ 100 could detect keywords from brain waves. According to Prof. John Chuang, leader of the study, the brain waves or electroencephalograms (EEG) measures the electrical activity on the scalp in the form of long wave associated with mood, mental state and behavior. EEG measurement results is connected to a computer or device via bluetooth.

"It's like connecting two devices as usual," Chuang said in his presentation at the Workshop on Usable Security at the Seventeenth International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Okinawa, Japan.

This research will focus on developing a user-friendly order. Researchers believe that this passthought can be used safely, accurately, and mass.

Constraints passthought
Obstacles still exist is how the computer will set the mind of the user with another user's mind when they think of passthought same. However, this constraint can be solved. The key on the computer's ability to recognize the user, the authentication system aka brain waves.

"In experiments, the error rate of only 1 percent," said Chuang. Users can make passthought in various forms. For example, by singing a tune, do certain movements, and given a certain color.

Before appearing in the security system of this equipment, researchers have been able to hack into people's minds to. Another team at Berkeley found that they could take the data, such as ATM PIN, to identify when the user is thinking of personal information. For decades, cognitive scientists have been using the EEG as a therapy for a variety of mental health problems of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or post-traumatic stress disorder. First, EEG device is large in size. Along with the development of technology, size is more compact and can be taken anywhere. With the use of EEG for passthought, passthought This model may be used in future technologies.


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