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Craco is an abandoned medieval village located in the region of Basilicata, about 25 miles inland from the instep of the boot of Italy. Craco has been abandoned since 1963.

The medieval village of Craco is typical of the hill towns of the region with mildly undulating shapes and the lands surrounding it sown with wheat. Around 540AD the area was called “Montedoro” and inhabited by Greeks who moved inland from the coastal town of Metaponto. Tombs have been found dating from the 8th century suggesting the original settlement dates back to then. Today, earthquakes, landslides, and a lack of fertile farming land have contributed to the abandonment of Craco.
Because of its unique and particular landscape, Craco has been the set of many movies. King David, Saving Grace, Nativity, and Quantum of Solace are some of the more famous films that have used Craco as a backdrop. In The Passion of The Christ, Craco is where the hanging of Judas scene was filmed.
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