Facts do not mention the name Mecca in the Assyrian inscription Inscription
A fact based on archaeological evidence inscription Inscription Assyrians never mention the name Mecca in the centuries BC; evidence and facts break the Qur'anic description of the city of Mecca. The big question is why are we Archaeological evidence in Assyrian inscriptions inscription does not mention the name of Mecca.Where as it is known that the victorious Assyrian inscription inscription from the 8th century BC until at least a century - 2 BC, while according to the Koran of Mecca has been around since the time of Abraham and Ishmael. From this difference which one is more reliable? Archaeological evidence and facts or the Qur'an that began there in the 7th century AD was a lie, or no politics behind the Qur'an.
Mecca was built in the eighteenth century - 4 M, Mecca bought many items from Yemen and market it to Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia in the Fertile Crescent. Assyrians control all the land since the end of the 8th century BC and recorded all the tribes who traded in the region. By doing so, how can they possibly escape record of Mecca in these times? The reason is of course because Mecca no time. When according to archeology that Mecca was built in the 4th century AD, then what Islam essentially claiming that Mecca has existed since the time of Prophet Ibrahim?
Before going any further on the Assyrian inscriptions following is information about Mecca:
Geography Mecca
Mecca city is located about 600 km south of Medina, about 200 miles northeast of the city of Jeddah. The city is a narrow valley surrounded by mountains with building the Kaaba at the center 21 ° 25'24? N 39 ° 49'24? E.Thus, in the old days when the city is prone to flooding during the rainy season before the Saudi Arabian government fix this city and renovate the city. Like most cities in Saudi Arabia, the city is temperate desert.According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica and Encyclopaedia Islamia, Arabs did not write about their history before Islam. Surprisingly, they even call it a period full of contemptible ignorance and darkness. an assumption that Arab governments delete history in light of publicly over 2,500 years. Where to systematically destroy everything associated with the past. This is done because they are ashamed of their identity as a nation of slaves.
History records that the Arab world is a descendant of Ishmael, the son of a slave named Hagar, who was expelled by Sarah, Abraham's lawful wife. Sarah gave birth to a boy named Isaac who became the father of the Jewish nation. Jealousy Ishmael to Isaac that causes jealousy of the Arabs to the Jews. The zeal of Islam against Jews, which eventually spread also to the Christians.
Arabs have erase all memories of pre-(before) Islam in their minds. They use Islam to remove their negative stigma as a slave nation. Islam then turned their nation status to be God's chosen nation. If they choose to be stupid and do not know anything about their past, so it's ironic that they accuse the pre-Islamic era as stupid and do not know what's what.
Research Assyrian inscriptions also not Find Information about Mecca in Ancient Times
According to the Assyrian inscriptions state that the Arab lands along the Red Sea, including areas not inhabited Mecca at all until the path into the trade routes to the 3rd century BC.
history of the Arab countries and cities up before the 4th century AD did not explain about Makkah. Four Empire that never colonized Arabia northwest and west central Mecca everything is never mentioned in historical records note. Even Mecca was also not listed in the annals of Mesopotamia, especially Assyria.Assyrians are one of four empires that once colonized northwest and western Arabia in the middle of the 8th century BC and 7.
Mecca is Listed in the Second Millennium BC Reports
Culture Mesopotamia, Egypt and Syria are very familiar with the city and the royal royal cities in the Middle East from eastern Arabia kingdom of Dilmun and Magan.
Historical records prove that the ancient Countries always left many inscriptions and historical records .
relationship with the state Mesopotamia eastern Arabia has existed since 3,000 BC. For example, Magan or Oman in the year 2800 BC as recorded in the inscription Akkadic.
Some examples of the Assyrian inscriptions, BC era
History shows that the royal kingdom in southwestern Arabia, such as Yemen, represented by the Kingdom of Saba had not yet existed before the 13th century BC. Some historians argue that the newly formed kingdom in the 12th century BC, the other called the 11th century BC. The Egyptians began to call Yemen in the 14th century BC before the city and kingdom in the wake of the area. So if it is not called the kingdom in southwestern Arabia in Mesopotamian inscriptions as the royal kingdom is not in these times. This fact inspired archaeologists to trace the history of Arabia, according to the inscription inscriptions of royal power.
P. Michalowski, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, 40 (1988), p. 156-164; quote, p. 163; quoted by KA Kitchen, Documentation For Ancient Arabia, Part I, Liverpool University Press, 1994, p. 159
Cities in northern Arabia began to emerge after the 10th century BC. In the time that the royal kingdom Yemen associated with the Fertile Crescent region through northern Arabian oasis oasis, located in the cities Dedan, Qedar, and other cities. In the 6th century BC, then Yathrib and other cities are built.
Tanah Arabia along the Red Sea, including the area where Mecca was later built, was not inhabited at all, until the trade routes made in that area in the 3rd century BC. Trade routes near the coast path is parallel to the trade routes of central Arabia, and the path is the path linking Yemen with oasis oasis in northern Arabia, which was built in the 8th century BC. In ancient times, the Mecca is not mentioned among the many towns that are known to be in the path of the trade routes. We have seen a similar statement on the report of the Greek and Roman geographers, and also the various empires that invaded northern and central western Arabia.
Various information about the abundant history of western Arabia indicated no one kotapun visited Abraham.Even in the time of Abraham, Ishmael and Hagar no one any caravan could ford the desert is very broad.
The Assyrian king Adad-Nirari II, 911-891 BC
Ancient Assyrian inscriptions research is important because there has been Assyrians in northern Iraq since the third millennium BC, together with other kingdoms such as the kingdoms of Mesopotamia. Inscription they did not write anything about western Arabia, because there was no kingdom / whatever government was there in those days.
Overview of Assyrian and Assyrian Inscriptions Inscription
Tukulti Assyrian king Ninurta II, 890-884 BC
Assyria became a great empire under the reign of King Adad-Nirari II, who reigned in the years 911-891 BC.Under his reign, the Assyrians controlled Babylonia, Anatolia and a part of Syria. After Adad-Nirari II, the King of Tukulti-Ninurta II ruled in 890-884 BC. Then King Ashurnasirpal II ruled in 883-859 BC. He widened the Assyrian power to reach the Mediterranean Sea. Of particular interest is the area's southern and northern Arabia is never mentioned by all the kings reigning monarch, when the Assyrian borders Arabia.
New Arabia mentioned in Assyrian inscriptions under the rule of King Shalmaneser III, who led in the years 858-824 BC. This is because only in the 9th century BC only our city build oasis oasis northern Arabia. The information contained in Assyrian inscriptions inscription. King Shalmaneser III, the Monolith Inscription of Kurkh, mentions that the Assyrians against the alliance of the kings at Qarqar war. Among the kings allied king is King Hadadezer of Damascus; King Ahab of Israel, King Gindibu 'of Arab camel has 1000 troops. In the inscription Tiglath-Pileser III, who ruled in 744-727 BC, there is a description of the royal kingdom of northern Arabia. In the inscription from the wall castle wall King Shalmaneser III at Nimrud 'also known as Calah, the old capital of Assyria'. Zabibe Queen, "Queen of Arabia" on Shalmaneser III, in the year 738 BC to pay tribute. Other information about the Queen tribute Zabibe also listed monument in Iran. Qedar tribe also called on the memorial, as different tribes with Arab tribes. Based on that information, an ethnic tribe of Ishmael Qedar separate and distinct, until the tribe was attacked by Arab tribes that lost its independence. But not long after the attackers became known as the nation Qedar. Tiglath-Pileser III inscription mentions the name of the other Arab queen Samsi.
(Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, I, Chicago, p. 223; Rogers, Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testaments, page 296; Barton, Archaeology and the Bible, 6th edition, 1933, p. 457; cited in Arabia and the Bible, James Montgomery, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1934, p. 58)
It is clear that the kingdom Qedar in northern Arabia did not exist before the 8th century BC. Although inscriptions Mesopotamia did not mention any northern Arabian kingdom work, inscriptions inscription Shamaneser III in 858-824 BC called "Gindibu, the Arabs." Gindibu possibility is the chairman of the Arab tribes who had 1000 camels were hired King Ahab of Israel and King of Damascus, and kings king, to fight against the Assyrians.
Sargon II ruled over Assyria in 721-705 BC. Egypt has one of the conquests. He also strengthened the power of Assyria Babylonia. From the time of Sargon II, a description of the Arabs increase. Inscription inscription of Sargon II fame because they contain information on the tribute to Assyria diberian various kings, including King of Saba. Also referred to some tribes in northern Arabia.
After Sargon II, there are inscriptions of the Assyrian king Sennacherib who ruled in 704-681 BC. Sennacherib destroy the city known as Babylonia. The main inscription Inscription from the time of Sennacherib was Herper Letters letter, which was made at the time of Sennacherib and Assurbanipal.
After Sennacherib, there is a stele inscriptions of the Assyrian king Esarhaddon ruling in 680-669 BC. Then came the inscription inscription of King Assurbanipal's ruling in 668-627 BC. Assurbanipal defeated Elam, Egypt and Lydia. Stele inscriptions of Assurbanipal in 649 BC contains information on the nation Arabia.
(AC Piepkorn, Historical Prism of Assurbanipal, Chicago-USA, 1933, p. 19-20)
Many historic letter containing a letter of Arabs. Among them is a letter a letter Herper and Nimrud. Nimrud letter and made in the late 8th century BC. Other sources such as the Babylonian Chronicles, which tells about the attack is on the ground Esarhaddon Bazu in central Arabia. Babylonian Chronicles also explains the Babylonian attack in the Arabian desert in the time of Nebuchadnezzar. Chronicles describes the attack Nabonidus Nabonidus in Arabia and sojourn in Teima.
Saggs, Iraq 17, (1955), p. 142-143; Von Soden, Orientalia 35, (1966), p. 20; quoted by I. Eph'al, The Ancient Arabs, EJ Brill, Leiden, 1982, p. 94th
Remains of Assyrian and Babylonian heritage contains a lot of information about western Arabia, east and center of the end of the century - 9 BC to the 6th century BC. It's a long time span that reveals various tribes, kingdoms, cities in most Arabia to the Assyrians and Babylonians. But none of those inscriptions that included information about the tribes of Mecca or Islamic literature says living in Mecca. Assyrian and Babylonian inscriptions inscription testifying five centuries of relations between the two powers Arabia and Mesopotamia.The historical record of this great nation begins the second century - 9 BC, and mentioned various tribes and nations in northern Arabia, but no one mentions Mecca.
Mecca is not in such activities Politics, Military, Trade and Assyria, while other western Arabian tribes mentioned in Assyrian inscriptions.
In the second half of the 8th century BC, the Assyrians began to affect the Arabian tribes, they were trying to avoid occupation by paying tribute to Assyria. Other Arabian tribes want to get protection from the Assyrians to their trade routes. This trade routes linking the Assyrian colony in Sinai and southern Jordan with regional Fertile Crescent region, which is also under the control of Assyria. All kingdoms and city in western Arabia depends on trade for a living and wealth. To maintain the trade, they paid tribute to the king of kings of Assyria. It is important for cities such as no rain for farming, and they need to trade for food. The area where Mecca was later built was one area that receive little rain. Because it started as a trading city of Mecca in the seventh century - 4 M. Mecca existence depends on the sustainability of trade, especially with the countries of the Fertile Crescent, such as Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine. Thus cities Arabia needs to build good relations with countries that trade with them, so that they have a market for buying and selling.
Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser III, 744-727 BC
Kingdom of Assyria received tribute from the tribes Qedar, and it is written in inscriptions Tiglath - Pileser in 738 BC. King of kings Saba also paid tribute to the Assyrian trade so they are safe. To maintain influence and keep trading in their area, many Arab tribes that seek to build alliances with one another. Usually this then leads to war and fight each other.
P. Rost, Die Keilschrifttexte Tiglath-Pilesers III, Leipzig, 1893, p. 150-170; quoted by I. Eph'al, The Ancient Arabs, p. 82
Mecca is not mentioned in the record notes that dominate the trade between the Fertile Crescent of ancient times up to the time of the Assyrian and Babylonian. Not just a description of Mecca that no trading record, but not in the list of tribal alliances and cities western Arabia, although their location with the location of Mecca.
Tarikh Assyrian king Tiglath-Pileser III
In the stele inscriptions Tiglath - Pileser III, years 744-727 BC, we find a description of the war the war has done to many Arab tribes. Tiglath - Pileser describes attack against Samsi, "Queen of Arab," in northern Arabia. Another inscription of the Assyrian assault reported on the Arab tribes. Tiglath-pileser, in the beginning of the inscription, writes:
10,000 troops, I made subject to all under my feet. People Massa, Teima, Saba, Hayappa, Badanu, Hatte, Idiba'ilu, on the borders of countries sunrise, which is not recognized by my ancestors and where they terpencul, now they worship the power.
, and camels, camel, various spices spices, their tributes together, they bring them before me and kiss my feet.I was nominated to become superintendent Idibi'ilu entry point into Egypt.
The Ancient Arabs, I. Eph'al, p. 36th
In observing the lists of people who are called inscriptions Tiglath-Pileser III, found the name Massa, Teima, and Saba. Mass known as Ishmael tribe who live in the desert Syro - Arabia. Teima is the city and the Arab tribes. Saba is a kingdom in Yemen at the time of Tiglath - Pileser III in the century - 8 BC. Many historians believe that is the tribe Badanu BDN, whose name is mentioned in inscriptions and Safaitik Thamud. Pliny also mentions the town in the tribal Badanatha Thamud.
concluded that Badanatha name probably derived from the name of the tribe Badanu, who joined the tribe of Thamud in the 8th century BC. Chances are they living in the same area in which the city was built Badanatha later.
Winnett, Safaitic Inscriptions from Jordan, 1957, Nos. 87, 237
Pliny, Natural History, book VI, Chapter 32
Idiba'ilu tribe known as interest Adbil. Abd is one of the sons of Ishmael. In the inscription Tiglath-Pileser III, the tribe says that he is the keeper into the path of Egypt. This statement implies that Ishmael tribe is still living in the Sinai in the 8th century BC.
Description Assyrian inscriptions according to the biblical description of the origins of tribes and countries mentioned in the book of Genesis. It is reasonable to write the name of the Assyrian tribes according to their pronunciation in their own language. For example, they write Adbil as I-in-ba'-il-aa, and Saba as Saab'-aa.
In the stele inscriptions century - 8 and 7 BC, we find the various tribes of Moses written in the Bible.However, there is no description of Mecca and other tribes, such as spare Jurhum, who said Muslims living in Mecca since the time of Abraham. Many tribes are called the Bible from the 15th century BC mentioned again in any other book in the Bible, thus revealing their existence and historical events. Examples are interest Efa, which comes from the son of the son of Abraham and Keturah, Abraham's wife after Sarah died.
Historians found Hayappa tribe, called in the inscription Tiglath - Pileser III and Sargon II, is the tribe Efa. In the Septuagint (the Hebrew Bible translated in Greek), is referred to as interest rate Ghaifa. The Bible reveals the location of this tribe, as the book of Genesis gives genealogies of the sons of Keturah. Efa is tersulung son of Midian, the father of the tribe of Midian. Efa so powerful Midianite tribe, often representing the entire Midianite tribe. People living in Midian northwestern Arabia, the Aqaba region. They united with the nation in the days of Gideon Ismael, who fought against the Midianites in the year 1170 BC. Midianite pottery found in the Sinai-Negev, southern Jordan, and various places in northern Arabia, to the border Teima. Pottery dated Teima Midian in the early twentieth century - 13th century BC and the mid - 12 BC. There are no Midianite pottery in south Teima. This suggests that the Midianites and Efa never reach the central west Arabia, Mecca was later built on the site.
Sawyer John and David Clines, Midian, Moab and Edom, JSOT Press, Department of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield, 1984, p. 101
In the Bible, the book of Isaiah, we read Efa and the Midianites as one group. Isaiah 60:6 reads:
A multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Efa. They will all come from Sheba will bring gold and frankincense, and proclaiming the Lord illustrious deeds.
Efa lived in northwestern Arabia, around the Gulf of Aqaba. This verse shows Efa has a role trade between Yemen Saba, called Sheba, and Palestine. Isaiah began to prophesy in the year 739 BC, the year King Uzziah's death, and Tiglath-Pileser III came to power as King of Assyria in 745 BC. We can conclude that the Bible says spare Efa as traders between Saba and the nation of Israel in the final quarter of the 8th century BC. The Bible also describes Saba. Some historians argue that the Sabian tribes living in northern Arabia, near Dedan. They argue that because the information in Job 1:15, which says the nation Sabian rob and kill the son of the son of Job's servants. Other historians found Saba is a colony north of Saba in Yemen. Other Bible verses show that Saba is located in Yemen. Jesus said that the Queen of Sheba came from the southern regions ( Matthew 12:42). Jeremiah 6:20 reads:
Is good for me you brought incense from Sheba and good cane from a far country?
From the above paragraph, first Jeremiah describes where incense originated, and it records the history of Saba in Yemen confirmed that a massive incense trade. Then he mentioned a distant land. Even in the book of Job is also known that Saba is the country of origin of the travelers, as it is written in Job 6:19, "The caravans of Sheba and of Tema look for water and expect it." It has been widely known that the Sabians of Yemen is the traders who accompanied the caravan desert caravan to sail to Palestine and Syria, and other Mediterranean countries.
In the first chapter of the book of Job was noted that the land owned by the Sabian attack Job. People it seems are Sabian northern Bedouin tribes, who live in the desert Syro - Mesopotamia. They are descendants of Keturah, Abraham's second wife. Other historians found Sabian people who called in the book of Job is probably the nation's colony from Sabian in Yemen who tried to control the spice trade. They reached the area in which Job lived, as it is also written in the inscription of Tiglath-Pileser III, and have a connection between the northern Arabia and the Sinai. Inscriptions show that Tiglath - Pileser III forced 10,000 soldiers under his feet Sabian subject. And he demands a wide range of spices as tribute, showing that he is in touch with the people who pass through the trade routes of spices, especially Saba, Teima, and Efa. The three tribes are known as a nation that control the spice. Tiglath-Pileser III said lands remote and unknown ancestors. Tiglath-Pileser III said in his inscriptions, 'I subdue under me those people Massa', Teima, and Saba 'and it is clear that the Assyrian army attacked the ethnic tribe. Sabian does not define a colony Saba of Yemen or the Bedouin tribes of the north. But clearly, the king of kings of Saba and offers a tribute to the king of Assyria, a sign that they acknowledge the supremacy of Assyria in the area. they also want to enter the controlled area of Assyria to expand trade markets.
Of historical information at the time of Tiglath-Pileser III who ruled in 744-727 BC, we learn about the dominant tribes in commerce, politics and military in southern Arabia. We know that the tribe Qedar pay tribute to the Assyrian empire. We also know that Efa, the dominant tribe of Midian, to pay tribute. Spare Badanu associated with Thamud tribe, the tribe that emerged a decade after Sargon II (who ruled in 721-705 BCE), also paid tribute. Similarly Teima, as well as Saba tribe, which is the dominant tribe in Yemen.
After studying the important information of Sargon II, which will be discussed further, we find a variety of ethnic groups, but there is no any information about the city of Mecca or tribe Jurhum who said Muslims have long lived in Mecca. Mecca was never mentioned in the annals of the country throughout the millennia BC.Assyrian inscriptions inscription mentions a small tribe like Badanu and other tribes in western Arabia, so they could not escape writing about Mecca, when the city is already in the period. Muslims are supposed to check the description of the history of Islam.
1. Archaeology fact no mention of Mecca in Assyrian inscriptions inscriptions (911-891 BC) ...... click here
2. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC.) ........ click here
3. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sennacherib (705-681 BC) ..... click here
4. Mecca is not called a call during the reign of Assurbanipal (669-626 BC) ..... click here
5. Mecca is not listed as a center of religion, while Dumah Arab tribes known as a religious center. (7 BC) ....... click here
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
1. http://img852.imageshack.us/img852/1907/sargonbust.jpg
4. http://trulyislam.blogspot.com/2009/01/sejarah-arab-mekah-kabah-zamzam.html
5. http://www.hinduunity.org/articles/islamexposed/preislamicarabia.html
6. http://hinduunity.org/articles/bharathistory/vedicpast1.html
7. http://www.hinduism.co.za
8. http://religionresearchinstitute.org/mecca/classical.htm
9. http://media.isnet.org/islam/Silsilah/Muhammad02.html
10. Herodotus http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/Herodotus #
11. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/arabia1.html
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