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Bizarre Aircraft

The VZ-9AV Avrocar
is evidence humans could make flying saucers, at least the most successful. Yes, The Avrocar projects developed in the 1950's by a Canadian. The goal is to help the United States are entering the phase of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

HTY, htysite, restsindo

Designer Avrocar is Jack Frost, who test-flew from November 1959 to finally retired in 1961.

The Pregnant Guppy
Developed by Aero Spacelines as cargo plane that aims to bring the components of the Apollo flight to the moon. Similar forms of cargo aircraft pregnant guppy fish have made them look ridiculous.


The Pregnant Guppy is actually a combination of other aircraft parts, such as the elderly and the Pan Am Boeing 377. Had operated from 1963 to 1979.

AD-1, or the Ames-Dryden-1, developed by NASA aircraft development program in 1979. What makes this strange aircraft as lopsided wings.

HTY, htysite, restsindo

The wings can actually be shifted from 0 degrees to 60 degrees during flight so it looks lopsided. Its function is to increase the speed of the aircraft. Could be tested as many as 79 times, but no further explanation of why the plane was not used back then.

The Flying Pancake
The Vought V-173, also known as the Flying Pancake, is an experimental test aircraft built during World War II. Time to do the test flight since November 1942 until retired five years later.

Wings are weird shapes - nicknamed so as pancakes - enables these aircraft can take off and land without a runway length.

The Northtrop Tacit Blue

This is the first aircraft designed shape with square corners alias is not aerodynamic. Developed in the early 1980s and began flying in 1982. Only operates for 250 hours of flying before finally retiring in 1985.

The Kalinin K-7

K-7 is a project of the Soviet Union in the 1930's. Kalinin designer, because that plane is named after him.The story is really na'as plane. The only aircraft that made it did not allow for a smooth flight, even at the last test flight killing 14 people on board including one pengujui on the runway. As a result, Kalinin was executed and declared by Stalin as an enemy of the state.

The Spruce Goose
The Spruce Goose is arguably the most famous aircraft in history, designed by Howard Hughes. Name this plane actually Hughes H-4 Hercules.

The aircraft is made from wood because of wartime restrictions, designed as a heavy transport aircraft to carry personnel and logistics of war to England during World War II. After all, the plan did not happen because of the new Spruce Goose flown one time in 1947. That is, the war had passed.

Fastest Fighter in the World

1. SR-71 Blackbird 'Mach 3.2 +

Although first introduced in 1966, the SR-71 Blackbird was crowned as the fastest manned reconnaissance until four decades later. Produced by Lockheed SR-71 was designed by Clarence? Kelly? Johnson eorang important figures in the history of aviation.

Debuting on December 22, 1964, and began his career in the military in January 1966. SR-71 capable of flying at mach 3.2 even more. SR-71 is a U-2 reconnaissance aircraft are highly vulnerable to Soviet air defense because of the speed and capability of flying higher and comes with the ability to escape.

In fact, this plane never crashed by the enemy, 12 units from 32 units ever built were destroyed in accidents.The aircraft painted with the new technology that allows hard to track radar. The overall shape of the aircraft is also one of the first stealth aircraft technology.

What they say now?
days you will not find SR-71 flying in the clouds. Instead, you will only find in the museum, or if you work for Lockheed in Palmdale, you'll find three of them locked in their hangar warehouse.

SR-71 was permanently retired in 1998 when Congress and the U.S. Air Force decided the plane was very expensive for the maintenance and operational costs. Although retired for the first time in 1991, Congress decided to re-activate a small fleet to be used during the Cold War. Awesome upgrades to the aircraft, such as advanced radar systems and data links that can send images in real time, the SR-71 remained in? hangar? it in 1998 for good.

If you ever want to see traces of the greatness of SR-71, you can find them in a variety of museum space and at the Air Force base in Tucson, Arizona; Edwards Air Force Base in California; Kalamazoo, Michigan; Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, as well as numerous museums in California, England, Ashland, Nebraska, Ohio, Utah, and Virginia.

2. F-111 Aardvark 'Mach 2.5
F-111 Aardvark is perhaps best known for its design of the cockpit module designed for two crew escape in an emergency. First designed the early 1960s by General Dynamics, F-111 Aardvark, despite having a weird name, Aardvark was a strategic bomber that is widely used at the time.

First aired on December 21, 1964 and taken to join the military in July 1967. The purpose built F-111 is a long-range interceptor for the U.S. Navy and Air Force bombers. But then, the plane is only beneficial to the Air Force because when assembled and ready to be put into the carrier deck of the Navy aircraft carrier, they are considered too heavy to be used.

What they say now?
During the Vietnam War, the F-111 the most widely used, but due to high operating costs, the aircraft is slowly being retired. Today's F-111 Aardvark was not used in the United States. United States Air Force stopped using the plane in 1998. In the U.S., you will find F-111 on display in many museums, including California, Illinois, Texas, Alabama, New York, Ohio, New Mexico, and many other places. Australia is still small enough to use a fleet of F-111C, but the country plans to stop using it by the end of 2010 and replaced by the F-35.

3. F-15 Eagle 'Mach 2.5
to replace the F-4 Phantom that was out of date, the U.S. Air Force fighter aircraft superior look sophisticated with the ability of long-distance cruising. In 1965 the request was made, only seven years later, the aircraft was flown for the first time and joined the military in 1979.

McDonnell Douglas, a company known as a maker Boeing, the airplane that has a large wing with remarkable agility to the size of the aircraft about 64 feet long and 42-foot wingspan. Although the plane is larger than the average size of most aircraft, the use of titanium as well as a customized jet engine compression allows the aircraft to reach speeds of Mach 2.5 in a short time. However, the Eagle is only able to go about mach 1.78 when loaded weapon.

Of course, like most aircraft, F-15 Eagle has a variety of series, including the F-15A and F-15D. The new models are much more sophisticated, equipped with radar top-of-the-line, new computers, and more.

What they say now?
days, F-15 Eagle is one of the few aircraft that are still in use by U.S. forces including the National Guard and the Air Force. Eagle is often considered one of the most successful aircraft ever made. This aircraft has over 100 successful missions since its debut. Widely used in the Middle East conflict in the past. In the Iraq war and missions for Operation Iraqi Freedom, the F-15 has proven to be a vital element to success in the war. Outside the U.S., many countries decided to keep using the F-15. Including Japan, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

4. MiG-31 Foxhound 'Mach 2.83
debuts its first flight on 16 September 1975, MiG-31 Foxhound made to replace the MiG-25. His job intercept foreign aircraft at high speed as well as thwarting cruise missiles and low-flying aircraft. Although similar to the MiG-25 Foxhound undergone major refurbishment. The aircraft is larger than the MiG-25. Having the ability to fly at supersonic speed, even at low altitudes. The aircraft has also been given a new machine with a large capacity and sophisticated radar tracking system that makes Foxhound much more reliable and efficient in his work.

Officially entered the military in 1983, Foxhound slowly replacing the use of MiG-25. About 400-500 units of the MiG-31 was created for Russia and the Soviet Union.

What they say now?
days, Russia, Kazakhstan, and soon Syrian MiG-31 count. Russia has about 286 units used for military purposes, with an additional reserve of 100 units. Kazakhstan also has several Foxhounds, but many do not operate, but the state plans to fix about 10 units that will use their Air Force. Syria does not have Foxhounds, but they had booked plane.

5. MiG-25R Foxbat-B 'Mach 3.2
In 1959, the Soviet Union focused on creating aircraft that can be used to intercept and surveillance activities as well.

Like several other Russian aircraft, the aircraft is designed to compete with U.S. aircraft such as the Lockheed SR-71 and North American XB-70. In March 1964, the MiG-25R Foxbat its maiden flight and soon in 1969, signed legislation to allow testing of the aircraft with reconnaissance capabilities and tests conducted in 1970.

In 1972 the design refinement has been used by the Soviet Air Force. The aircraft is equipped with automatic fire control system and large radar system with look-down and shoot-down after 1980 when all MiG updated.

MiG-25R Foxbat is also able to use the bombs to bomb stationary free fall from a height of 65,000 feet while flying at supersonic speeds. There is also a system installed that allows the aircraft to drop 10 bombs at once!

What they say now?
Various countries around the world still use the MiG-25R. Places like Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Algeria all have access to the aircraft. Of course, Russia as a major aircraft craftsmen continue to use it. Approximately 39 units of the MiG-25 units have been built. While some still flown, others have dimuseumkan, including those in the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.

6. F-14D Super Tomcat 'Mach 2:34
If you ever watch Top Gun, you'll see the Tomcat, though perhaps one of the previous series. F-14D Tomcat, designed by Grumman, is definitely one of the fastest types of military aircraft.

Capable of reaching speeds of mach 2.34, the aircraft was made in order to destroy enemy aircraft at night.While many planes are only allowed to fly in decent weather, F-14D can fly and destroy in all kinds of conditions. Not only that, but can strike at night and the weather is not too good, the aircraft is also capable of shooting six targets simultaneously at the same time. Tomcat is also great for detecting enemy aircraft from a distance of 100 miles.

Maiden flight on 23 November 1987 from Grumman Calverton pages and the final prototype flew on February 9, 1990. F-14D Tomcat is the last series of the series F-14 F were upgraded with computer software that is much more powerful and sophisticated. However, Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney think this plane is not competitive enough to compete with today's modern technology and canceled the F-14 in 2008.

What they say now?
On March 10, 2006, F-14D Tomcat retired from his service in the U.S. Navy. Earlier, on February 8, 2006 marked the date of the last aircraft is used when engaged in combat in Iraq.

The aircraft was built as many as 712 units, but most of it is now to be "punished" ruthlessly. Tomcat is still intact without any mechanical damage stored at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. You'll also find plenty of models in different trajectories of air and space museum. But others deliberately destroyed so that Iran and other countries will not have access to this aircraft spare parts (reportedly 20 units of F-14 in Iran are still operational, out of a total of 44 units in total).

In 2007, 23 of 165 Tomcat accidentally destroyed. Destruction of the aircraft cost right around $ 900,000, equivalent to approximately 42% of the total manufacturing cost of the F-14D Super Tomcat!.

7. MiG-23 flogger 'Mach 2:35
flogger MiG-23 was built to replace the MiG-21 Fishbed before. Made with a more powerful engine and wing sweep angle settings that can change variables such as speed, time off and landing time.

Those who have flown with the aircraft said that flogger is one of the best fighter ever made and relatively easy to fly.

Although used for the Russian defense radar and infrared tracking system, the aircraft was acquired by the U.S. and renamed the YF-113 with a few changes.

Flogger widely used by the Soviet Union and Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, East Germany, and several Warsaw Pact allies. Countries such as Cuba, North Korea, India, Egypt, Syria, and others also have the MiG-23s.

What they say now?
Although not used as often as it was in the past, the MiG-23 remains a fighter who is very popular in many countries. Around 11,000 units of MiG-23s are flown by various air forces around the world, such as Angola, Ukraine, Sudan, Kazakhstan, and India. MiG-23s are also found in many museums, including the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Kiev and Aviation Museum in Belgrade.

8. Su-27 Flanker 'Mach 2:35
Soviet Union created the Su-27 Flanker air supremacy to rival the U.S. F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon it.Capable of flying at mach 2.35, Flanker became the most powerful fighter of its time.

Su-27 final draft was completed on 20 April 1981. Flanker lots of record, including the speed of take-off and climb the highest heights. Although it is a Russian project, other countries such as Vietnam and China is very interested in producing their own version of Flanker, but this cost to be incurred is very charming: $ 180 million!.

What they say now?
These days you will find the Su-27 Flankers still flying and still used by the military. Although the Soviet Union has become history, Russia still has 449 active aircraft, Belarus has 19 units, 74 units and Ukraine. In addition to these countries, the U.S., Ethiopia, Indonesia, and other countries also have some of this plane.Currently, the aircraft was sold for about $ 5 million. Interested!

9. F-14 Tomcat 'Mach 2:37
U.S. Navy was looking for a long-range fighters and Grumman has the answer: the F-14. Equipped with wing angle settings that can be changed and a large fuel capacity, the aircraft is indeed topnotch. With the ability to fire missiles at enemy aircraft of more than 100 miles, it becomes very useful to protect carriers from being attacked from the air.

After the Soviet Union broke up in the 1990s, the aircraft was lowered ability only to a limited ground attack capabilities previously installed and are no longer needed. Today the F14 has been replaced by the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet due to increased maintenance costs.

What they say now?
Tomcat F-14D was retired on September 22, 1996. Last military mission in Iraq is dropping bombs on February 8 that same year. Because the cost to build and maintain the F-14 was too expensive, the creation of any new F-14 has been discontinued, and tomcat still operate slowly lowered from the air. In the U.S., you will not find the F-14 aircraft flying or against foreigners. Instead, you will often find them in the museum-museum.Meskipun none F-14 flying in the U.S. again, the Iranian Air Force still have it when the U.S. donated to them in 1976. So that Iran is the only country other than the U.S. that use these planes.

10. Su-24 Fencer 'Mach 2.4
Su-24 Fencer is a Soviet-made aircraft were originally intended to rival the U.S. F-111. However Fencer proved that he is much better, much faster, smaller, lighter, and more powerful than the F-111. In fact, often referred Fencer As with most dangerous aircraft ever owned Soviet Union.

The advantages of this plane is that it is able to reach Mach 2.4 at low altitude, while not many planes are able to do so. It takes a certain height to be able to fly at supersonic speeds. Fencer is also equipped with a laser-designators missiles that have better accuracy. This technology along with powerful radars make Fencer.Despite its maiden flight on July 2, 1967, was officially introduced to the military Fencer 1974.

What they say now?
Su-24 Fencers built as many as 1,400 units. The aircraft is still used by the Russian Air Force as well as the Ukrainian Air Force. The aircraft was used in 2008 during the conflict in Georgia. In addition to these countries, places like Iran, Algeria, Iraq, Libya, Belarus and many other countries still use aircraft to their military.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://www.didunia.net/2013/02/10-pesawat-tempur-tercepat-di-dunia.html
2. http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2013/02/10-pesawat-tempur-tercepat-di-dunia.html
3. http://www.didunia.net/2013/02/bentuk-pesawat-teraneh-di-dunia.html

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