This weekend's season finale of The Clone Wars reminds me continuously why 1) I wish I had this kind of programming when I was a kid and 2) why Star Wars is so cool and can continuously reinvent itself. For those of you who have kept up with the storyline, Darth Maul and his apprentice/brother Savage Opress (it falls to him to continue the legacy of the lightsaber staff) have taken over Mandalor from Duchess Satine. Remember: Darth Maul only got cut in half when he battled Qui-Gon Jinn in Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. With the technology available in the Star Wars universe, he now has a cybernetic lower half that is hinted about via a belt of shiny illuminated buttons that girds his waist.
I first spoke of season 5 in this post located HERE. And as predicted in that post, my favorite scene happened in "The Lawless" which premiered this weekend.
Season 5 Episode 16 called "The Lawless" ended with a spectacular lightsaber battle between Palpatine, Darth Maul, and Savage Opress. Needless to say, it did not go well for either of these upstarts. I had a few favorite lines, most of them spoken by Palpatine.
Palpatine: (Upon admitting that he is impressed with what Darth Maul has accomplished he hurls both him and his apprentice against the windows of the throne room cracking the transparisteel glass and says) "You have become a rival! (thus starting the lightsaber duel to the death).
Palpatine: (Upon killing Darth Maul's apprentice) "There is only one reality of the sith: there can only be two, and you have been replaced." At that point, he just cooks Darth Maul with force lightning which reminds one of the same treatment Luke Skywalker received at the hands of the Emperor in the film "Return of the Jedi."
A ton of things happened in this episode. Duchess Satine (who is in love with Obi-Wan and vice-versa and also a major character through at least three seasons) was imprisoned by Darth Maul who is now in control of the crime lord syndicate. She did manage to get a message off to Obi-Wan. Of course, Yoda and the Council of Jedi's can't do anything because Mandalor is a neutral territory, and the senate won't get involved in a territory that has openly declared it's neutrality. This doesn't stop Obi-Wan from going to the rescue. Already a great jedi by this point, Obi-Wan reminds us of why he's such a great hero and also, that he's not immune to love. All is in vain because this happened (a difficult scene for those in love with the series):
I wanted to scream "Nooo! You can't kill Satine! You bastards!" I hate it when my favorite characters die.
So yeah, Darth Maul using a black lightsaber killed Satine right in front of Obi-Wan, and he couldn't save her (I think that's rather cool, because previously I'd only known of three colors for the lightsabers). It's also quite poetic because now Obi-Wan has lost two people he loved to Darth Maul (his former master went that way as well, and he couldn't save him either).
Obi-Wan also finds out who Duchess Satine's sister is (leader of the rebels on Mandalor). In a way, Mandalor is a mirror of the Old Republic's fate. It's completely overrun by criminals who ultimately are enslaved by the sith in the form of Darth Maul. Although by episode end, it's essentially headless as far as we know unless Darth Sidious wants to use Mandalor somehow in his plots within plots. By far the most spectacular part of the episode though (minus the emotional drama) is when Palpatine took out two powerful sith all by himself because he views them as rivals.
I love how the extensiveness of the universe that Lucas created essentially makes for infinite storylines with characters and villains from the original series popping up all over the place to give credit to what I'm watching.
Below in the 4 minute YouTube clip is the most exciting part of "The Lawless" in which you see the entire interaction between Darth Maul, his apprentice, and Darth Sidious (Palpatine). If hearing about the death of Duchess Satine didn't tug at your heart strings and make you fall madly in love with this cartoon series because of its emotional content, then the entire fight between Palpatine, Darth Maul, and Savage Opress should leave you awestruck because this is a Saturday morning cartoon. Impressed? Nods head.
Are you watching "The Clone Wars?" If so, what have you thought thus far of season 5? Does the crispy clean super-detailed HD make you think "boy, kids sure have it nice these days with mp3 players, smart phones, and high definition so clear it's better than what we got in movies in the nineties).
Have a great Monday my writer friends.
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I first spoke of season 5 in this post located HERE. And as predicted in that post, my favorite scene happened in "The Lawless" which premiered this weekend.
Obi-Wan and Duchess Satine (the ruler of Mandalor) have found themselves in this situation a lot. |
Palpatine: (Upon admitting that he is impressed with what Darth Maul has accomplished he hurls both him and his apprentice against the windows of the throne room cracking the transparisteel glass and says) "You have become a rival! (thus starting the lightsaber duel to the death).
Palpatine: (Upon killing Darth Maul's apprentice) "There is only one reality of the sith: there can only be two, and you have been replaced." At that point, he just cooks Darth Maul with force lightning which reminds one of the same treatment Luke Skywalker received at the hands of the Emperor in the film "Return of the Jedi."
A ton of things happened in this episode. Duchess Satine (who is in love with Obi-Wan and vice-versa and also a major character through at least three seasons) was imprisoned by Darth Maul who is now in control of the crime lord syndicate. She did manage to get a message off to Obi-Wan. Of course, Yoda and the Council of Jedi's can't do anything because Mandalor is a neutral territory, and the senate won't get involved in a territory that has openly declared it's neutrality. This doesn't stop Obi-Wan from going to the rescue. Already a great jedi by this point, Obi-Wan reminds us of why he's such a great hero and also, that he's not immune to love. All is in vain because this happened (a difficult scene for those in love with the series):
I wanted to scream "Nooo! You can't kill Satine! You bastards!" I hate it when my favorite characters die.
So yeah, Darth Maul using a black lightsaber killed Satine right in front of Obi-Wan, and he couldn't save her (I think that's rather cool, because previously I'd only known of three colors for the lightsabers). It's also quite poetic because now Obi-Wan has lost two people he loved to Darth Maul (his former master went that way as well, and he couldn't save him either).
I love how the extensiveness of the universe that Lucas created essentially makes for infinite storylines with characters and villains from the original series popping up all over the place to give credit to what I'm watching.
Below in the 4 minute YouTube clip is the most exciting part of "The Lawless" in which you see the entire interaction between Darth Maul, his apprentice, and Darth Sidious (Palpatine). If hearing about the death of Duchess Satine didn't tug at your heart strings and make you fall madly in love with this cartoon series because of its emotional content, then the entire fight between Palpatine, Darth Maul, and Savage Opress should leave you awestruck because this is a Saturday morning cartoon. Impressed? Nods head.
Are you watching "The Clone Wars?" If so, what have you thought thus far of season 5? Does the crispy clean super-detailed HD make you think "boy, kids sure have it nice these days with mp3 players, smart phones, and high definition so clear it's better than what we got in movies in the nineties).
Have a great Monday my writer friends.
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