Flies are insects from the order Diptera suborder Cyclorrapha. Morphologically indistinguishable from mosquito flies (suborder Nematocera) based on the size of the antenna; flies short aperture, while the aperture length mosquitoes. Flies generally has a pair of wings and a pair of small wings original used to maintain stability during flight. Flies often live among humans and some types can cause serious illness. The fly is called a very serious disease agents because every fly landed somewhere, approximately 125,000 germs fall into place.
Flies rely heavily on vision for survival. Fly's compound eye consists of thousands of lenses and are very sensitive to movement. Some types of flies have an accurate three-dimensional vision. Several different types of flies, for example Ormia ochracea, have very advanced hearing organs.
order Diptera
existence of a pair of patent, metathoracic wings distinguishes flies from other insects, such as mayflies, dragonflies, damselflies, stoneflies, whiteflies, fireflies, alderflies, dobsonflies, snakeflies, sawflies, caddisflies, butterflies or scorpionflies. However, some secondary flies have wings, for example, many members of the superfamily Hippoboscoidea and some species inquilines in colonies of social insects.
Estimated 240,000 species of flies consisted of mosquitoes, gnats, midges and others. flies have a very important role in terms of both ecological and human (medical and economic). Flies, especially mosquitoes (Culicidae), are of great importance as disease agents, acting as vectors for malaria, dengue fever, West Nile virus, yellow fever, encephalitis and other infectious diseases.
Anatomy and biology Flies
Anatomy of flies adapted to the role of flying usually have short and streamlined bodies. The first tagma fly, the head, consists of ocelli, antennae, compound eyes, and mouth (the labrum, labium, mandible and maxilla forms the mouth). The second tagma, chest, with wings and contains the flight muscles on the second segment, which is greatly enlarged, first and third segments have been reduced to collar-like structures. The third segment bears chest halteres, which help to balance the insect during flight. A further adaptation for flight is the reduction in the number of neural ganglia, and concentration of nerve tissue in the chest.
Flies have a mobile head with eyes and in most cases have large compound eyes on the sides of the head, with three small ocelli on the top. Antenna flies take many forms, but often shorter, which reduces resistance during flight.
Because no species of fly has teeth or other organ or limb that allows them to eat solid foods, flies consume only liquid food or fine granular foods, such as pollen, and their mouths and digestive tracts show various modifications to the diet.Female Tabanidae use knife-like jaws and maxillae to make a cross-shaped incision in the skin of the host 'and then lap up the blood. Diverticulae includes large intestine, allowing the insect to store small amounts of fluid after a meal.
Reproduction and development
Male and female flies Flies
Flies female genitalia rotated to some degree from the position found in other insects. In some flies, this is a temporary rotation during mating, but in others, it is a permanent organ of torque that occurs during the pupal stage. This torque can cause the anus which is located below the genitals, or, in the case of 360 ° torsion, to the sperm duct wrapped around the gut, despite the external organs being in their usual position. When flies mate, the male initially flies above them, facing the same direction, but then turned around to face the opposite direction. This forces the male to lie on his back to keep his genitals against the genital female fly, or torsion of the male genitals allows the male to mate while remaining upright.This leads to flies having more reproduction abilities than most insects, and at a much faster rate. Flies occur in great populations due to their ability to mate effectively and in a short time during the mating season.
Females lay their eggs near food sources (such as the nearly ripe fruit), allowing the larvae to consume as much food as possible in a short time before changing into adulthood. The eggs hatch soon after laid, or the flies that ovoviviparous, with the larvae hatching inside the mother.
Developmental cycle of flies
Larval flies have no true legs. Some Dipteran larvae, such as species of Simuliidae, Tabanidae, and Vermileonidae, have prolegs adapted to function as holding on to a substrate in flowing water, holding the host tissues, or holding prey roughly., There are some anatomical differences between the larvae of Nematocera and Brachycera (see Classification section, below), especially in Brachycera, there is little demarcation between the chest and abdomen, though the demarcation may be very visible in Nematocera many, such as mosquitoes (see image, both here and in the mosquitoes article), in Brachycera, head of the larva is not clearly distinguished from other body parts, and there is little, if any, sclerites. Informally, such Brachyceran larvae called maggots, but the term is often used nontechnical and indifferent to fly larvae or insect larvae in general. Eyes and antennae Brachyceran larvae are reduced or absent, and the abdomen also lacks appendages such as Cerci. The lack of features is an adaptation to food such as carrion, decaying detritus, or host tissues surrounding endoparasites Nematoceran larvae generally have visible eyes and antennae, though usually small and of limited function ..
Cocoon has various forms, and in some cases develop in a cocoon of silk. After emerging from the pupa, the adult fly rarely lives more than a few days, and serves mainly to reproduce and to disperse the search for new food sources.
Adult flies lay eggs on the leaf surface or places that are above the water surface. The larvae are aquatic, while adults are often found on flowers to suck nectar. The mare blood sucking flies harmful to humans, horses or deer, sometimes also acts as vectors of disease.
Types of flies
Some types of flies and their descriptions are as follows : 1. Little flies (Family Chironomidae) has a small body size even very small, sometimes much like mosquitoes. The wings do not have scales and a long proboscis. Forelegs rather long, very hairy male antenna.
Found in almost all places, these larvae are largely aquatic, some are the ingredients begin to decompose, under wood or moist soil. Generally dwarf flies are scavengers.
2. Black Flies (Family Simuliidae)
characteristics of black flies have a small body about 4 mm or less. It has a short antenna and there are no ocelli. His back was bent like a wand, wings wide, and costa ending very close to the wing tip. Generally these types of flies are gray-black color.
Classified as having spread wide, their larvae are often found around water flow. Black flies are bloodsucking females often are as vectors of disease.
3. March Flies (Family Bibionidae)
flies have a small to medium size. Her body is relatively sturdy, the dominant color is black, partly March Flies have red or yellow thorax. Ocelli located on the hump situated between the compound eyes. Costa ending before the end of the wing, and tibia with apical spur.
Found in many flowers. The larvae eat the roots and destroy the plant. As the name implies many March Flies abundant in March.
4. Flies Lantern (Family Stratiomyidae)
characteristics flies medium to large bodies. Sometimes it looks like a bee. Antenna segment to 3 rounded, with no stylus or arista. Abdomen robust and well-built, some widening but some are elongated. Generally have a dark color.
Adult flies are often found on flowers, living aquatic larvae eat algae, aquatic insects and rotting material smaller. Some larvae live under logs.
5. Fruit Flies (Family Drosophilidae)
Head of Fruit Fly (Drosophila)
Characteristics: small body size of approximately 3-4 mm. Having a yellowish or brownish color. Near the mouth parts are fur-bulu.Sub costa ending at costa, aristanya plumose.
Often found in the garden near the rotting fruit, or home store fruits in the open. Larvae live in rotting fruits and mushrooms that grow around it. A small percentage are ectoparasites on the caterpillar, the larval stage of the often predatory mites and small homoptera. Often used in the practice or study of genetic activity.
6. House flies (Family Muscidae)
house flies are small to medium, usually at the bottom of scutellumnya without hairs straight. Sternopleural hairs usually more than one. Proboscis short and fleshy, these flies do not bite.
Can be encountered in almost all places, particularly in areas that are less maintained clean. Some act as pests, others act as vectors of disease.
7. Grass flies (Family Anthomyzidae)
is a family of flies with a small body size, body shape sometimes elongated. A pair of last hairs of the face facing forward.
As the name suggests grass flies frequently encountered in the grass and low crop or pasture. Larvae live in grass or other weeds.
8. Horse flies (Family Tabanidae)
Medium-sized to large, generally have a size slightly larger than house flies. His body was relatively robust, with black, gray or brownish, sometimes there is a black spot on the wing. Colored eyes glazed, tersi to 3 feet.
For Flies, groans Married It Off
Stefan GreifSaat flies mating, females and males to spread its wings in the female wing flick, producing a sound like a "click".
Lowing during mating or sexual intercourse can be said is normal and not have any consequences, including in humans.But the flies, even deadly groans mating.
That study Stefan Greif of Ma Planck Institute of ornithology in Germany, published in the journal Current Biology, recently.
Greif and his 9000 motion video recording flies for four years. Researchers revealed that at the time of mating, females spread its wings, while males over females waving his wings.
Male wings swish create noise like the lowing of interest to bat. His voice was like a "click".
In the study revealed that 26 percent of the flies that produce sound during mating attack, while more than half eaten.Lowing sound finally made the flies mating failed to produce new offspring.
Bats have echolocation abilities, wheezes and reflecting back, looking for prey. Researchers investigating how lowing mating attract bats.
Greif male and female flies lay dead on mating position. Researchers suspect the outstretched wings during mating is an interesting bat. Wider surface makes the reflected sound bigger.
However, the result was different. Dead flies attract bats. Only when the researchers played recorded voice groans flies, the bats will close.
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
1. http://www.livescience.com/
2. http://sains.kompas.com/read/2012/07/24/12453736/Bagi.Lalat.Lenguhan.Kawin.Itu.Mematikan
3. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lalat
4. http://www.mjumani.net/2011/10/beberapa-jenis-lalat-dan-deskripsinya.html
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