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Sharing a page from Face This, Ch.12 - Shooting Star. 

There is alot of work that goes in to looking your best for a photograph, besides just being beautiful! Summer is here, which translates into weddings, swimsuits and more revealing clothing for the heat.  If your diet has not quite caught up with you yet, there are ways to make yourself look thinner in a photo by the way you pose or position yourself to the lens. You can also hide perceived flaws like a big nose, or close set eyes by how you are placing yourself in front of the camera. 

Face This offers all of this advice and more! It is available on Amazon.com, Nook and iTunes for iBooks. Just click Face This, to  buy all 188 color pages for just $7.99 on Kindle and download a free app to read on your phone, mac, or PC. 

Learn about the tricks and tips of real models, photographers and makeup artists to put you well on your way to becoming Picture Perfect! 

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