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Most models will tell you stories of long castings stuck in corridors, looking around at a sea of clones all dressed in tight black clothes, wearing heels, and with their hair pulled back in a pony tail.  How is a model supposed to stand out and get noticed?  There is no golden ticket answer, but how you present yourself and the impression you leave can go a long way in increasing your odds of separating yourself from the pack and getting the booking.

For over a decade the modeling industry has seen an extremely limited range of models, which is the polar opposite of the “cult of personality” of the supermodel era.  Knowing how agents and clients perceive you is critical: do they consider you professional, mature, focused, committed?  Do they see you as a waif when you feel like a bombshell?  There can’t be a disconnect here or it will mean a much bigger struggle to achieving your dreams. 

There are golden rules to creating a great reputation as a model so pay attention: 

  • Always be professional:  Strive for a good relationship with your bookers and agents, since you must work as a team to build your career.  Always being professional, means being reliable, cheerful, a team player, on time, and never being a know-it-all.  If your agents and bookers know you are ambitious, focused, and a good listener, they are more likely to go above and beyond to help you achieve your dreams.  Ask them how you can build your brand to get more attention from editors and casting directors.  Be interested, and interesting!

  • Be original:  The old adage that you should always be yourself because no one can do it better than you is true, and no more so than in building a modeling career.  Don’t be a cookie-cutter model. No one can do you better than YOU!  And do yourself a favor and don’t look at all the other models in the model apartments or at castings and measure yourself against them.  Ever.  Everyone is building their own career, so concern yourself with yours.  That goes for fashioning your “look” on another model – it doesn’t work, and a copy is just a copy. 

  • Know your strengths and work them:  Whether it is high cheekbones, long legs, amazing eyebrows, a great body, a supermodel walk, a chameleon face, or a great personality, see it for the advantage that it is and work it.  Are you a good mover, or a power poser? Are you athletic or super feminine, androgynous or sexy?  Own it and make it work for you.

  • Be aware of your social media presence:  This is somewhere that you can have more control over your “model image” and show your strengths to their best advantage.  But be careful what you show – clients DO look at model’s social media accounts – it matters!  If you are athletic and can do cartwheels, here is your platform to show it off.  If you are a fun-loving model who likes to dance and giggle, make a little clip and post it to show you have a great personality.  Just remember – the industry is watching.

Be fearless:  Stay true to yourself because clients and agents notice a confident, focused model who is a pleasure to work with, who delivers, and is professional.  There are too many models with hang ups, insecurities, or a bad attitude, so don’t be that model – and you will stand out for being the opposite!  Be YOU!

#business of modeling #standing out  #know your strengths #how to succeed in modeling #be unique #be original #beyourself
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