Here is a listing of all known (at this time) articles about Marc Gafni that have appeared since the December 25th New York Times article.
After the list of current articles, there is a list of articles on Gafni that have appeared on this blog, dating back nearly a decade (May, 2006).
And now, below that, is the beginning of an archive of other posts/articles from around the Web about Gafni and his abuses. These articles go back to the first known piece in 2004.
December 26, 2015:
- Marc Gafni, A Child Rapist, And His Ever Growing List of Famous Accomplices: The New York Times, Huffington Post & Whole Foods from Melayna Lokosky at Killing My Career
December 27th:
December 31st:
January 1st:- The online Jewish magazine, Haaretz, picked up the story: Former Rabbi Accused of Improper Sexual Conduct Now Rising Star in U.S. Spiritual Movement.
- Soon followed a second article from Oppenheimer at Tablet Magazine, part 2 of the NYT article.
- Also on the 29th, the Jewish Telegraph posted 4 quotes by ex-Orthodox rabbi Marc Gafni not in The NY Times article.
- Matthew Gindin posted Some Thoughts On Marc Gafni at his blog, Seeking Her Voice.
- Joe Perez "leaked" the supposedly "official" Integral Institute Report on Marc Gafni: Summary and Conclusions (circa 2008) , then deleted it. It became fully available online on Dec. 30th. To its discredit, there are several issues with this document, not least of which is the inclusion of material post-2008, with an addendum noting that it had been updated in 2011 and 2014. An "official" document of this nature is not updated, unless of of course it's NOT official. There is also the issue that those who know Gafni and his writing see his language and perspectives all over the text, again confirming it as unofficial, and in fact, pro-Gafni propaganda. What this DOES show is the lengths to which Gafni will go to cover his ass - forgery, lies, manipulation.
- A Call to Shun Marc Gafni (at Finding Ourselves in Biblical Narratives).
- The Jewish Telegraph reported on ALEPH's (Alliance for Jewish Renewal) disavowal of Gafni, Marc Gafni repudiated again by Renewal group after airing of sexual behavior.
- Failed Messiah added their commentary in Who Supports Accused Child Sex Abuser Marc Gafni? These People Do.
- The Jewish Week also posted The Reinvented Rabbi, Again.
- Amichai Lau-Lavie posted on Facebook about his brief but disturbing experience as Gafni's employee.
- Rabbi David Ingber began a petition at Change.org directed at John Mackey and Whole Foods and Esalen, as well as the follow sites: www.ievolve.org (an old link for Gafni's Integral organization that is still active), Marc Gafni, Center for Integral Wisdom, Ken Wilber, Integral Life, Trainingen - Venwoude International, and Phillips Exeter Academy.
- Spiritual teacher Andrew Harvey offered a 12-minute audio of his Reflections on the Marc Gafni Situation.
December 31st:
- The Times of Israel posted Petition urges Whole Foods to cut ties with controversial ex-rabbi: Marc Gafni accused of of sexual misconduct; co-founder of supermarket chain on board of his New Age think tank.
- The Religion News Service posted Disgraced former rabbi’s ties to Whole Foods questioned.
- The Times of Israel posted a moving first-person account from Gafni's third wife, A voice for Gafni's victims, from one who was there.
- Jew School also posted their position on this, which is also a report on the petition from Rabbi Ingber - Stopping Serial Sex Abuser Marc (Mordechai) Gafni: Pressure His New Financial Backer, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey.
- The New York Daily News posted a scathing article (New Age guru Marc Gafni allegedly molested two NYC teen girls during the 1980s, denies sexual misconduct allegations) that did not let Gafni off the hook as the NYT had done.
- Kipp Friedman discloses on Facebook that in 1987 he was asked by rabbinic leaders to cover up Gafni's alleged sexual abuses in Boca Raton.
- Forward (an online Jewish magazine) posted an overview of clergy abuse, which is what this really amounts to - Marc Gafni and the Misused Power of Religious Leaders.
- Frank Visser at Integral World posts What's Love Got to Do with It: Love Guru Marc Gafni under Attack after New York Times publications.
- From The Times of Israel: Controversial ex-rabbi Gafni and an alleged victim square off.
- A Newswire press release: Marc Gafni Scandals Are Only the Tip of a Melting Iceberg, from Scott Edelstein, author of Sex and the Spiritual Teacher.
- From the Jewish Journal, Petition against ex-rabbi Gafni gains Jewish community support.
- Integral Church posted on Facebook their decision to no longer work with Marc Gafni.
January 7th:
January 20th:
February 29, 2016:
March 1, 2016:
- From the Monteray County Weekly, Abuse allegations catch up to a former rabbi.
- From the Santa Cruz Sentinel, New Age guru Marc Gafni says Esalen workshop still on despite past misconduct allegations.
- Elana Sztokman posted On Marc Gafni, the New York Times, and how sexual-predator rabbis get communal support on Medium.
- From J Weekly (Northern Cal), Social media storm circles ex-rabbi, alleged abuser Gafni.
- Again, from Forward: In Recorded Conversation, Gafni Considers Strategy Against Critics.
- At Corporate Governance, shit gets real: John Mackey & Whole Foods in Spotlight.
- The post you are reading appeared. As of 1.20.2016, it has more than 1,800 views.
- From RealNancyLevine: Op-Ed: Whole Foods In Hot Water: CEO Linked To Accused Sex-offender Rabbi
- ‘I Was 13 When Marc Gafni’s Abuse Began’ in Forward.
- From a group of former Gafni students (on this blog): An Open Letter In Support of the Petition to Stop Marc Gafni (Maggidic Journey Havurah)
- From Alternet: The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru: New Age spiritual leader Marc Gafni's most noteworthy partnership is with John Mackey, the founder of Whole Foods Market
- From The Jewish Week: Former Gafni Students Speak Out Against Him: ‘Open letter’ from ‘maggid’ program attendees disavows ex-rabbi; ‘incredible sense of betrayal’
- From Forward: Marc Gafni Scraps Appearance at New Age Retreat Amid Outcry
- Also from Forward: Let's Reform Sex Abuse Laws To Offer Justice — Not Protect Predators
- From Monterey County NOW: Marc Gafni, spiritual teacher under fire, cancels Esalen workshop
- From Nancy Levine at EpicTimes: Open Letter to Whole Foods CEO John Mackey RE: Marc Gafni
- From The Jewish Week: Sacrificing Victims On The Altars Of Silence And Power
- From Hevria, another Gafni victim comes forward: Confronting My Relationship With Marc Gafni, by Anonymous
- From the Jewish Star: The ‘get away with it’ factor, by Tehilla R. Goldberg, on the cloak of power in pathological leaders.
- From the ValueEdge blog: How Should Whole Foods Respond to a Scandal Involving the CEO’s Outside Activities?
- From the Non-Profit Quarterly: The Whole Mess at Whole Foods: Questions of Leadership and the Personal Sphere
- In the Shadow of New Age Spirituality by Carolyn Baker (author of Dark Gold: The Human Shadow And The Global Crisis) at Huffington Post
- From Nancy Levine at EpicTimes: Joe Biden at Davos on Violence Against Women: Goldman Sachs, Whole Foods, and Corporate Social Responsibility
- At Hevria: To The Woman Who Slept With My Husband, by Anonymous (Gafni's 3rd ex-wife)
- The Bittersweet Aftertaste of Marc Gafni by Arjuna Ardagh (this post is needtoknow password protected)
January 2016:
- From Stripping the Gurus by Geoffrey Falk: Appendix III: On Ken Wilber, Ex-Rabbi Marc Gafni, and Integral Blindness (original publication 2009, this Appendix was added in light of the current controversy)
- The Global Implications Of The Marc Gafni Scandal by Caroline Baker at Huffington Post
- The sex scandal following the Whole Foods’ guru by at Open Democracy
- New York Times Silent On Alleged Sex Abuser Rabbi: The curious connection between the New York Times, Whole Foods, and a sexually abusive Rabbi by Nancy Levine at EpicTimes
- From Hevria, by Gafni's 3rd ex-wife: I Admit It, I Was Using Gafni Too - The last half of this article contains a survey of Gafni's victims (up to 2006) give by the author as part of her research for her MA in Clinical Psychology.
- Petition update: Wilber and Gafni by David Ingber. Rabbi Ingber provides a form letter to be sent to the producers at Wisdom 2.0 encouraging them to drop Ken Wilber as a presenter due to his support and defense of Marc Gafni.
- Spotlight on Whole Foods CEO’s Ties to ‘Spiritual Leader with Troubled Past’ by Gael O'Brien at Business Ethics
February 29, 2016:
March 1, 2016:
- Marc Gafni Expose – Introduction from the Facebook page for Families Against Cult Teachings, Inc.
March 2, 2016:
- Marc Gafni Expose – Part 2 from the Facebook page for Families Against Cult Teachings, Inc.
March 3, 2016:
- Marc Gafni Expose -- Part 3 -- Bayit Chadash from the Facebook page for Families Against Cult Teachings, Inc.
March 4, 2016:
As readers of this blog are well-aware, I have been tracking and reporting on Gafni and his predatory behaviors since May of 2006, when three women (Gafni was 46, they were in their 20s) in his Israeli Jewish community came forward about him having affairs with each of them and swearing them to secrecy. [Other reports placed the number at five women, three of whom filed complaints with the police, as well as others from the community and from Jerusalem who came forward when the story broke.]
Here are some old posts from this blog:
Marc Gafni on the Web, prior to this recent episode. [In progress]- Marc Gafni Expose -- Part 4 from the Facebook page for Families Against Cult Teachings, Inc.
- Marc Gafni Expose – Conclusion from the Facebook page for Families Against Cult Teachings, Inc.
- Nancy Levine at Epic Times: Whole Foods CEO Link To Alleged Sex-Abuse Rabbi Condemned: Time To Break The Code of Silence
As readers of this blog are well-aware, I have been tracking and reporting on Gafni and his predatory behaviors since May of 2006, when three women (Gafni was 46, they were in their 20s) in his Israeli Jewish community came forward about him having affairs with each of them and swearing them to secrecy. [Other reports placed the number at five women, three of whom filed complaints with the police, as well as others from the community and from Jerusalem who came forward when the story broke.]
Here are some old posts from this blog:
- Ken Wilber on Rabbi Marc Gafni's Sexual Misconduct May, 16, 2006
- More on Marc Gafni May 16, 2006
- Abusive Gurus -The Return of Marc Gafni [Updated] July 7, 2008
- Marc Gafni Update & A Confession/Apology July 12, 2008
- Notice to Marc Gafni Supporters July 13, 2008
- How to Have Relationships the Integral Narcissist Way March24, 2010
- Why Is Marc Gafni Featured in 3 Sessions at the 2010 Integral Theory Conference? July 27, 2010
- Comments Reopened on the #ITC2010 Marc Gafni Post August 8, 2010
- [UPDATED] Plagiarism: Marc Gafni Plagiarized Alan Barstow and Diane Hamilton Took the Fall August 8, 2010
- Rocky Anderson's Personal Statement on Gafni's Plagiarism August 9, 2010
- BREAKING: Marc Gafni's Sexual Impropriety Re- Emerges - Will Integral Leadership Step Up this Time? September 12, 2011
- Robb Smith's Response to the Marc Gafni Situation September 13, 2011
- Diane Hamilton Owns Her Role in the Gafni Situation September 14, 2011
- John Dupuy - My Opinion on the Marc Gafni Situation September 22, 2011
- Joe Perez Joins the "Protect Marc Gafni" Camp September 26, 2011
- Open Letter to Joe Perez on Attacking Tami Simon October 3, 2011
- Ken Wilber Says a Whole Lot of Nothing about the Latest Gafni "Debacle" October 7, 2011
- Tikkun - Zvi Bellin Recounts His Experience as Marc Gafni's Student in Israel December 16, 2011
- Ken Wilber Offers His Final Statement on Marc Gafni December 26, 2011
- INTEGRALES FORUM - A Statement on Sexual Ethics January 27, 2012
- Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad - Gurus and the Masks of Authoritarian Power May 29, 2013
- Why Predators Are Attracted to Careers In The Clergy April 22, 2014
- How Perpetrators Make Themselves the Vicitms: "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender" (DARVO) May 28, 2015
- Cults and Intelligent Sociopaths July 15, 2015
While Marc Gafni's sexual abuses (2 statutory rapes in the 1980s) go way back (as well as a series of incidents in Boca Raton in the brief time he was there), the 2004 story by Gary Rosenblatt in the Jewish Journal was the breakthrough piece.
September 30, 2004 (The is the first known article that exposes Gafni's abuses):
- UNFORGIVEN: A Rabbi Accused of Sexual Abuse Seeks to Reinvent Himself, from the Jewish Journal
- Mordecai Gafni At Oxford by Luke Ford at Your Moral Leader
- In Defense Of Rabbi Mordecai Gafni (letters from Rabbi Saul J. Berman, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, and Jacob Ner-David, Avraham Leader, Neil Markowitz - board members of Bayit Chadash in defense of Gafni following Rosenblatt's article) by Luke Ford at Your Moral Leader
- Rabbi Gafni to 21 yo Susan: 'Male Sexual Health. I bet there's a lot you could teach me about that.' (statement from Susan, the friend Judy Mintzer spoke to after being abused [raped] by Gafni, then Mordecai Winiarz) from Your Moral Leader (Luke Ford)
- Rabbi Mordecai Gafni's Teachings to a Teenage Girl (then anonymous statements by Sara Kabakov, Gafni's first known, 13-yr-old victim) from Your Moral Leader (Luke Ford)
- Rabbi Yosef Blau On Mordecai Gafni (Luke Ford speaks by phone with rabbi Yosef Blau of Yeshiva University, Oct. 12, 2004) from Your Moral Leader (Luke Ford)
- Maariv Profiles Mordecai Gafni at Your Moral Leader (Luke Ford)
- Ways of Pleasantness, by Sherri Makover-Balikov at Maariv via the Awareness Center (and the Internet Archive Wayback Machine) - This is the article Luke Ford posted on above. This is the only copy I have been able to find.
- Rabbi Gafni/Winiarz revelations: censured by FL rabbinical association for inappropriate behavior (censure later withdrawn), supported JFK at age of 3, from Jewish Whistleblower
- Luke Ford's two lengthy profiles on Marc Gafni (part confrontational and part sycophantic): Part 1, Part 2 - (these posts gather blogs from Luke Ford's own site, and his Your Moral Leader site into 2 long posts)
May 15, 2006 - September 13, 2011:
May 19, 2006:
- Rabbi Marc Gafni and Sexual Improprieties at NHNE Pulse - This post covers Rabbi Marc Gafni & Sexual Improprieties by Ken Wilber (Ken's original statement, May 15, 2006, the letter from Bayit Chadash, Gafni's apology and claim to sickness, Gafni's recanting of his original apology and now total denial of wrong-doing, and links, most of which do not work now); Love and Suffering: Dr. Marc Gafni Reemerges by Robb Smith in Integral Life (November 3rd, 2008 - includes Spiritual Teachers Letter From Sally Kempton, Gabriel Cousens, M.D., and John Kesler); Marc Gafni's Sexual Impropriety Re-Emerges – Will Integral Leadership Step Up this Time? by William Harryman at Integral Options Cafe (September 12, 2011); and Where I Stand by Robb Smith at Integral Life (September 13, 2011)
May 19, 2006:
- Rabbi Fired Over Sex Claims, Defenders Offer Mea Culpa, by Jennifer Siegel at Forward
- Facts in Gafni Case Must Be Brought to Light: Rape Charge against Controversial Rabbi Offers Rare Chance for Bi-Partisan, International Cooperation at BishopAccountability.org via YNet
- Rabbi Kenneth Hain's Part in Protecting Rabbi Mordechai Gafni from Jewish Survivors of Sexual Violence Speak Out
- Rabbi Gafni Ousted for Misconduct by Gary Rosenblattat Jewish Journal
June 16, 2006:
May 1, 2007:
- Call to Action: Locating Rabbi Mordechai Gafni and His Return to Israel by Vicki Pollan of the Awareness Center, via BishopAccountability.org
July 8, 2008:
July 10, 2008:
July 17, 2008:
July 20, 2008:
February 13, 2015 (with several updates):
- Mordechai Gafni Is Back, In Utah, And Going On Offense by Gary Rosenblatt at The Jewish Week
- Trial by Internet? An “archetypal spiritual drama” by Jeff Bell and Greta DeJong at The Catalyst (This was Gafni's article, written by him with Bell; the rumor is that he seduced the editor/publisher/founder of the magazine, Ms. DeJong, to get this published. Gafni frames himself as "the hero of a spiritual epic.")
- Moshe Kranc - Choose a Mentor Carefully, at the Hassidic Management blog, in which he relates his experience with Gafni.
- Case of Rabbi Mordechai Gafni (AKA: Marc Israel, Marc Gafni, Mark Gafni, Mordy Gafni, Marc Winiarz, Mordechai Winiarz, Mordechai Winyarz) at The Awareness Center (via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
February 13, 2015 (with several updates):
- HACK ATTEMPT Boycott The Huffington Post for Supporting Known Child Rapist Marc Gafni & “Demoralizing” Employees by Melayna Lokosky at Huffington Post
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