This is what happiness looks like
Feb 25 2014
- Anne Brunon-Ernst (Pantheon-Assas): Jeremy Bentham's Definition of Happiness.
- Valentine Ibeka (Copenhagen): Should Public Pursuance of Happiness Be Discredited?
- Roisin Timmins (Edinburgh): Fear of Crime, Fear of Control: How Structuring Freedoms Can Increase Happiness.
- Yvan I. Russell (Gottingen) and Steve Phelps (Essex): How Do You Measure Pleasure? A Discussion About Intrinsic Costs and Benefits in Primate Allogrooming.
- Viviana Ramirez (Bath): Ranking by Happiness: A New World Order? (2011).
- Finn Janning (TBS): The Happiness of Burnout.
- Happiness is not the same as a sense of meaning; how do we go about finding a meaningful life, not just a happy one? Roy F. Baumeister wants to know.
- Why is a dedication to work, no matter how physically destructive and ultimately pointless, considered a virtue? Jenny Diski urges you to down tools while you can.
- Happiness finds its way to print: Samir Husni interviews with Live Happy magazine editor in chief Karol DeWulf Nickell.
- Tim Adams interviews Robert Skidelsky: “Why don't more people aspire to living a good life?”
- This is what happiness looks like: It's possible to isolate what sustained contentment is — and it's more attainable than you might think.
- I know what will cheer you up: Emotion-detecting advertising is coming — beware.
- Can putting your child before yourself make you a happier person?
- Kameron St.Clare on happiness as resistance: Moral obligations of the oppressed.
- Research suggests a happy life may not be a meaningful life: Tasks that seem mundane, or even difficult, can bring a sense of meaning over time.
- Noise makes people unhappy, cancer may not.
- Want a happier life? Act your age.
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