Hacking Society
Dec 24 2013
- Timothy J. Demy, Demetri Economos, and Jeffrey M. Shaw (NWC): Historical and Social Constructs of Technology: Contexts and Value for the Contemporary World.
- Mark Featherstone (Keele): Einstein's Nightmare: On Bernard Stiegler's Techno-Dystopia.
- Richard Placzek (UWO): The Social Network: Panopticism 2.0.
- Brad A. Greenberg (Columbia): Tollbooths and Newsstands on the Information Superhighway.
- Ivar Alberto Hartmann (FGV): A Right to Free Internet? On Internet Access and Social Rights.
- Maria Farrell on how something changed on the Internet.
- Phillip Longman on the myth of technology and the death of distance.
- L. Rhoades on the dwindling potential of digital democracy.
- Balaji Srinivasan on how software is reorganizing the world.
- Jathan Sadowski on why pushing people to code will widen the gap between rich and poor.
- What is it like to work at Amazon? Carole Cadwalladr lands a job in one of its giant warehouses and discovers the human cost of our lust for consumer goods.
- Deborah Friedell reviews The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone.
- No, technology isn't making everything terrible (or amazing).
- Secularizing the tech debate: Geoff Shullenberger reviews Who Owns the Future? by Jaron Lanier and To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism by Evgeny Morozov.
- Adam Fisher on Google’s road map to global domination: In the battle for digital dominance, victory depends on being the first to map every last place on the globe — it’s as hard as it sounds.
- Hacking society: Tom Slee on three books that look at the current state of play in the interconnected world.
- “Unplugging” from the Internet isn’t about restoring the self so much as it about stifling the desire for autonomy that technology can inspire.
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