In many beliefs, people who died unnatural is often associated with a curious spirit. So there should be a certain ritual to the spirits that haunts not interfere.Ritual is called Maschalismos, already Adak in ancient Greece. Maschalismos are manifold according to local belief in certain areas. One method is common in ancient Maschalismos cut legs, hands, ears, nose or other body parts, and body parts that are cut then tied under the armpit.

Sometimes Maschalismos categorized again as the cause of death. For example, in some areas of Europe, when it died by suicide will be buried with the body upside down. That said, earlier times more extreme. Before the burial, his stake is plugged, or cut off his head, then placed in between the two legs.This ancient practice is still practiced in many rural areas in the UK by making the corpse legs tied together as well as his fingers. Other fields of other locusts. American Indian tribes would cut the palm of every person killed by lightning. While in Africa, Maschalismos ritual performed by slitting the muscles and spinal cord of the dead.
Treatment of Aborigines in Australia for people who died unnatural pretty awful.Beaten with a stick up his bones broken and crushed, and then filled with stone. In addition to these Countries, Maschalismos also performed in many regions around the world, albeit in different ways. But the point is to prevent the spirits of the dead come to life again or become a ghost haunts. What about Indonesia, anyone have a story?
Treatment of Aborigines in Australia for people who died unnatural pretty awful.Beaten with a stick up his bones broken and crushed, and then filled with stone. In addition to these Countries, Maschalismos also performed in many regions around the world, albeit in different ways. But the point is to prevent the spirits of the dead come to life again or become a ghost haunts. What about Indonesia, anyone have a story?
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