![]() | Alien Planet Like Earth eclipse was observed Successfully Alien planet eclipses or transits of extrasolar planets in the face of its parent star successfully immortalized by X-ray This is the first conducted since astronomers discovered the first extrasolar planet more than 20 years ago.The position of the planet and its parent star, HD 189733, is advantageous because it allows astronomers Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM Newton NASA Observatory belongs to the European Space Agency to conduct more in-depth observations of the flickering glow of X-ray-based "Thousands of planetary transit candidates usually only able to be detected based on optical beam, "( read here ) | |
![]() | Learning from the story of bankruptcy Who would have thought in 2013 was a disaster for the (partial) United States? This is not about terrorism, but the problem prosperity. Yes, in the last few months, various media at home and abroad preaching bankruptcy crowded cities in the United States. One interesting to note is that experienced by a Detroit bankruptcy. By taking refuge in Chapter 9 Bankruptcy Protection Act local, Detroit filed for bankruptcy in federal court, July 18, 2013 last. If the petition is granted, the curator appointed will be given the authority to sell city assets to pay its debts. At the time of filing for bankruptcy, Detroit has a debt of $ 18 billion, and has a myriad of problems.The lack of tax payers, the high cost of pensions and health insurance, as well as the deficit in the operating budget since 2008, forcing the city services reduced drastically. As a large city with only 60% of the street lights are still functioning, Detroit was transformed into one of the dangerous cities in the United States. This is compounded by the condition of the 911 emergency call requiring a response of up to 40 minutes to get service. ( read here ) | |
Police Investigate Package Contents "Bomb Vihara" Failed Explode Police officers are still doing if the crime scene (TKP) explosion in the Shrine Ekayana, Sunday (08/04/2013) night. Two packages of explosives were found in the monastery, a certain package did not explode. Disposal team of the Jakarta Police bomb squad was examining the contents of the package that failed to explode. "There's one that has not exploded, there are no materials. What are the ingredients, this is our meticulous," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Police, Commissioner General Sutarman, at the blast site, on Monday (08/05/2013) early days. He explained that a package placed near the glass door, explode, and broke the glass in the door. While the other package did not explode, although smoke. Victims injured in this incident is affected pilgrims temple shattered glass from one of the blasts. (read here ) | ||
![]() | Regarding the Bombings in Vihara No Fatalities in blast in Vihara Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Commissioner Rikwanto ensure there were no fatalities in a suspected bomb blast at the Shrine Ekayana, Kebun Orange, West Jakarta, Sunday (04/08/2013). ( read here ) Three People Injured due Explosion Reported in Vihara Kabareskrim: Explosion at the Shrine of Terrorist Acts | |
![]() | Menkopolhukam Vihara condemns bombing Ekayana Jakarta-Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Djoko Suyanto condemned the bombings in Shrine Ekayana, Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta, on Sunday August 4, 2013. Djoko asked the police to deal with this problem and immediately find the bomber. "Security forces have been asked to find and arrest the perpetrators whoever Ekayana explosion at the Shrine," he said in a press release, Monday, August 5, 2013. Djoko said the bombing has damaged the atmosphere in the holy month of Ramadan. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Know the Ekayana Vihara Amara, Starting from office Ekayana Vihara Amara present at RT 08/08 Village Duri Kepa, Kebun Orange District, West Jakarta, in 1992. Originally, the monastery occupies a shophouse in Jalan Raya Asem. "A few years later the temple caretaker buy two shophouses in Jalan Mangga II, and turn it into the monastery," said Bachelor, RW 08. Scholars do not know for sure, when the monastery was moved. That he knew, the monastery continues to grow, with the purchase of shophouses in the vicinity, and the houses are situated around it. Temples were constructed in such a way, with four floors high. First floor for worship activities Buddhists Buddhist sect. The second floor is the ballroom. While the third and fourth floors are the home of ash. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Ranomi Kromowidjojo finally captured gold Dutch swimmer Ranomi Kromowidjojo add swimming world championship gold in the London Olympic gold last year, when Sunday won the 50m freestyle final at the world swimming championships in Barcelona.Kromowidjoyo record time of 24.05 seconds, or 0.09 seconds adrift of Australian swimmer Cate Campbell, who last Friday won the women's 100m freestyle, while Fran Halsall of Britain got the bronze medal with a time of 0.25 seconds adrift. It was Britain's first medal at the Palau Sant Jordi pool which is where the swimming world championships. Having just won the bronze in the 100m freestyle, 50m butterfly and the 4x100m freestyle relay in Barcelona's daughter, 22-year-old Kromowidjojo acknowledge pleased to finally win a medal. ( read here ) | |
This chronology Della Caroline Death Model Chronology death of Caroline Della Beautiful Model | ||
![]() | Special significance Francis Pope Ramadan Message Executive Secretary of the Commission on Religion and Belief Relations Indonesian Bishops Conference Father Antonius Benny Susetyo said the Holy Father Pope directly Francis has announced the end of Ramadan message to Muslims around the world. The message according to Benny became more special because it was announced directly by the Holy Father, not announced by the intermediary. "The Holy Father always sends a letter every year, but this year is special because it is declared by the Holy Father," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Saudi bans presidential plane Sudan entered its territory Saudi Arabia has refused to allow aircraft carrier Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir through the airspace. Bashir plane that was heading for Iran to attend the inauguration of the new president was forced to turn back after a rejection. "Saudi Arabian authorities have refused to allow a plane carrying President Bashir pass through their airspace," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Nyebrangi Straits of Florida with Wood Board A musician United States (U.S.) became the first to cross the Straits of Florida from Cuba to the United States by using a plank of wood. Guitarist Ben Friberg from Tennessee, U.S., traveling through 179 miles and takes 28 hours. In those waters which separates the two countries, accompanied by a ship driven Friberg father and his support team. They provide food supplies as well as advice related navigation. Round trip from Port Hemingway, Cuba, to Key West, Florida, Friberg more standing on board a specially designed yellow color it. ( read here ) | |
HSBC Often Used and State Narcotics Kingpin Fraudster Senate Committee on United States (U.S.) in a statement said, HSBC provides a channel for'' drug lord and fraudster states "for laundering money. Mentioned in the report, a number of suspicious funds coming from countries such as Mexico, Iran and Syria . chief executive and president of HSBC Bank USA, Irene Dorner, has apologized to the committee for violations which he calls extremely regrettable. ( read here ) U.S. Senate: Prone HSBC Money Laundering HSBC Even Close Account The Diplomat | ||
![]() | Israel will release 26 Arab prisoners on August 13 Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said Israel would release on August 13, 26 of the 104 Palestinian and Arab prisoners to be freed. "Release the prisoners that will be done in four group because Israel refused to release them all at once," Israel said their release is done in stages depending on the progress in the peace talks with the Palestinians restarted. ( read here ) | |
![]() | "Crop Circle" in the Seabed, Made Who? In 1995, the structure is similar geometric crop circle discovered in the seabed area Amami-Oshima Island, Japan. Looks neat structure, consisting of valleys and peaks, but its origin is unknown. Is it man-made or natural structure? Could aliens made crop circles as most often identified? Research in 2011 finally revealed that the structure of natural, made by stud pufferfish (Torquigener sp). Also revealed that the structure plays an important role in this type of fish mating process. Pufferfish males will try our best to make the "crop circle" best female that interested him. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Intentions View "Sunrise" Even Hit 5 People in Senen Jimmy onathan Latumahina (29) is the impactor five people who were gathered on the overpass Senen, Central Jakarta, Sunday (08/04/2013) morning. Jonathan admitted when the driving license number B 1875 Grand Livina traveled SXZ to see the sunrise (sunrise) in Ancol, North Jakarta, on Sunday morning. "He (Jonathan) at the spur vehicle with a speed of 80 km / h. Mobil, it contains a driver and three passengers, "said Police Chief Unit Laka So Jakpus AKP S Bremen on Sunday afternoon. Based on the investigation, known shortly before the incident occurred, the driver and passenger were chatting. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Samsung Working on 8 Core Processor "For real"? MediaTek following the recently announced 8 core processor with alias octa-core, Samsung is rumored to be launching a similar product. As quoted from Phone Arena, the Korean gadget manufacturer already has a processor Exynos 5 Octa. However, the processor uses of ARM big.LITTLE configuration consisting of two sets of processor cores (4 +4). Each one contains 4 core and 4 core high-performance low-performing and can not run concurrently. Low performers in the four core Exynos 5 Octa will be active when the phone is idle or not require substantial computing power. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Orange Lemon, Powerful Clean Microwave trick! All electronic items would provide convenience in human life, whether it's an electronic device that serves as a cleaning tool, a means of entertainment, or cooking tools. Call it, for example, you have a microwave in the kitchen.Undeniably, the microwave makes the cooking more efficient, especially for those who have a solid rushing. But keep in mind, every microwave needs to be treated, either by keeping it clean. This microwave hygiene conditions will have an impact on the cleanliness of the food you produce. That's why, lest you forget to clean it regularly to keep your food was hygienic and maintained. Moreover, in the increasingly busy highway you'll use this cookware. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Housing of Used Containers, The rental price of Rp 340 Million Per Year! Development is supported by a community of Atira social housing is first made from shipping containers of used material obtained in the harbor not far from the location of the housing. Containers that stand as high as 3 meters and has a floor and windows in each room. Each container has a kitchen, bathroom and wash his own room. For safety, additional staircases built to connect to each floor. Housing is built specifically for women aged over 50 years old and low income. As a condition to occupy, the tenant can get out and rent amounting to CAD 34,000 or approximately USD 340 million per year. (read here ) | |
![]() | Kompasiana 'Master' on Google Ahok 1 Ahok, man who does not know this one. Of course there is also yes his name is also the world of duality there is love there is sorrow, day and night, happy pain, success failed, adored abused, we know there are some that are not necessarily familiar with. Deputy Governor of this one lately and sticking his name into the conversation a lot of people, both real world and the virtual world. Kompasiana no exception. Like we know the same is kompasiana citizen media lets anyone write here all abide by the terms and conditions. Associated with a lot of kompasianer Ahok (call for members kompasiana) who wrote about the temperamental vice governor, including the writing of this paper. There are even some that kompasianer write up some posts about Ahok. ( read here ) |
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