![]() | Exposing Adam and Eve Gen Recent research shows, almost all men can trace its origin from ancestors who lived about 135 thousand years ago. The ancestors then produce offspring with someone who is a mother of all women in the world. The findings, published Thursday by the journal Science research is the result of a complete analysis of the male sex chromosome, or a Y chromosome known as Research is a renewal of a previous study that concluded, the first man lived about 50 thousand to 60 thousand years ago.Although there is overlap time when Adam and Eve lived, it is likely they do not live together. "Adam and Eve did not know each other," ( read here ) | |
![]() | SBY: Campaign Candidates Do not 'Wind Heaven' President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono suggested that the campaigns of the presidential candidates the 2014-2019 period was not fulfilled promises similar to 'wind of heaven.'Yudhoyono said that the candidate prepare realistic campaign materials. According to him, the material is explicit and clear campaign will allow people to choose the right candidate. "Not just a vision and mission that is too popular, but should achievable," Yudhoyono said at an iftar with the ministers and businessmen at the Ministry of Industry, Saturday, August 3, 2013. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Threatened Al Qaeda, the U.S. Embassy Close 21 U.S. Department of State (U.S.) will close 21 embassies and consulates in the Middle East, North Africa and the surrounding areas due to the threat of attacks from Al Qaeda terrorist network, in the coming weeks. "The threat seems to be much worse than what has happened in a long time," said a senior national security officials in Yemen, where the local government imposed a high alert against possible terrorist attacks in the future. According to three sources, the U.S. has information that members of the al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is in the final stages of planning attacks that have not been determined. One source said that such preparation appears to have increased in the last few days before the end of the holy month of Ramadan. ( read here ) | |
![]() | It may cite this mosque MUI reception place, Currently, many mosques are built on two floors, but one of the floors are often used for wedding receptions. Through fatwa issued today, Saturday, August 4, 2013, the Indonesian Ulema Council said it was not prohibited. "Utilizing part of the mosque area for economic interests, such as renting a hall for a wedding reception is permissible along intended for the prosperity of the mosque and keep the honor of the mosque," said Chairman of the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council, ruf Amin when contacted Saturday, August 4, 2013. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Create Moratti, Inter Bathtub Selling Girl Child Unleash Although in need of funding assistance, Massimo Moratti Inter Milan weight off especially to entrepreneurs outside Italy. Create Moratti, Inter's like his daughter."Look, Inter Milan like a beautiful girl and has amazing ability. You have to do everything for him to be happy," said Moratti as reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport.Moratti statement although it is not yet definitely a sign of softening his attitude to take Inter Milan shares were offered Indonesian businessman Erick Thohir. According to Moratti, revenue continued to decline to the reason I had to remove the Nerazzurri. ( read here ) | |
![]() | July 2013, Most Deadly Month in Iraq More than 1,000 people have been killed in Iraq in July 2013. That figure is the highest number of monthly deaths in five years, according to the United Nations (UN), Thursday (1/8). The mortality rate is reflected in the deteriorating security situation in Iraq due to sectarian conflict that erupted nearly two years after U.S. troops pulled out of the country. Since last month, the number of attacks on civilians and security forces have occurred during the holy month Ramadan.Meningkatnya bloodshed has intensified fears that Iraq is heading back to the widespread chaos. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Burned building in Semarang, Dozens Dead Goat roasting fire burned at least four buildings in Jalan Ronggowarsito, Semarang Kebonharjo early this morning. The fire led to dozens of goats that were in one of the buildings scorched dead. One of the witnesses, Bambang said the incident occurred at around 01.30 pm.Four semi-permanent buildings that burned the goat barn, rice stalls, workshops plitur furniture, and welding. "The fire of garbage near the goat pen mas. Continues cage on fire," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Soros Shares of Herbalife Borong lunge snapper always invite the attention of investors. Understandably, those who had a high-flying stock market is considered to have a view one step further. Well, the latest action being attracted the attention of international market participants that the George Soros. Billionaire is profitable abundance of the stock market is reportedly just bought Herbalife stock. It is a nutritional supplement company that dispensing with the multi-level marketing scheme (MLM). Soros buried action first investment in Herbalife terendus by CNBC. these media reports, Soros bought shares in a large percentage of Herbalife. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Hassan Rouhani Will Officially Be President of Iran Hassan Rouhani is scheduled to be sworn in as the new president of Iran on Sunday (4/8). Rouhani inauguration will be ratified by the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on state ceremony in the Iranian capital, Tehran. The cleric, who won the presidential election in June, has promised reforms and an end to the international isolation of Iran. When his term officially began on Saturday, the public inauguration will take place on Sunday. The 64-year-old man is a former nuclear negotiator for Iran and an Islamic activists before the 1979 national revolution. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Drink Eight Glasses a Day Air, Enough? Drinking eight glasses of water a day did not ensure physical fitness. Eight glasses were sometimes not enough to avoid dehydration in certain circumstances. Jams M Rippe, a cardiologist from the U.S. said the fluid needs of each human being is different, depending on activity level, weather, environmental conditions, and even the treatment of what we are doing. "There is no point in drinking more water just because we are required to so. Could-could you even bothered because every 10 minutes go to the bathroom," Lack of fluid in light levels can be felt through the mouth and lips are dry, like gummy mouth, trouble concentrating , fatigue, headache, or increased heart rate. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Near the Indian embassy attack kills 12 people in a suicide bomb attack near the Embassy (Embassy) India in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, killing 12 people. Three of the dead, wrote the AP on Saturday (08/03/2013), is the suicide bomber. While, there were 24 people injured. Jalalabad is the capital of Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan. "Nine civilians were killed in the incident," ( read here ) | |
![]() | It Trivial Causes of Depression Depression is a mood disorder, prolonged emotional states that color all mental processes (thinking, feeling and behaving) a person. In general, the dominant mood that arises is a feeling of helplessness and loss of hope. But apparently without experiencing these things a person can also experience depression. Depression can be caused by many things, such as trauma, prolonged sadness, financial problems, to not have a job.In fact, there are things that may not be aware that contribute to depression. Smoking - thyroid disease - lack of sleep - too much use of social media - tv show / movie ( read here ) | |
![]() | Prevent Early Menopause with No Smoking Smoking is able to accelerate the female menopause. Cessation of egg production in the ovaries is common for women in the age 46-51 years. But a study shows that women who smoked an average of a year earlier menopause is 43-50 years of age."The results of this study provide additional evidence that smoking significantly accelerated the onset of menopause. This could be a warning for the women to leave bad habits," ( read here ) | |
![]() | FIFA complains Cocaine and Marijuana Medical Staff Chief World Football Federation (FIFA), Jiri Dvorak, believes there is no systematic doping in football. He also complained about the use of illicit substances such as cocaine and marijuana in the given dose as a cause of drug tests can footballer tested positive. "I believe there is no culture of systematic doping in football. Certainly there are individual cases. Sampling we perform 30,000 procedures per year. From there there are 70 to 90 positive cases, especially marijuana and cocaine. There is also the use of steroids, but it was an isolated case , "( read here ) | |
![]() | Imitate Style Hacker, FBI Reconnaissance Android Users Not only hackers who often spread threats to computer users, the FBI is now also do the same. The U.S. secret security agents reportedly targeting Android devices and notebooks to spread attacks. Relying on a common method used by most hackers, the FBI will send an email to the target that contains a file when the file is opened by the targets, the FBI itself would have power over his eye devices. Of course that the target is not aware that the email received is a threat, ( read here ) | |
![]() | Drinking Coffee With the need for the Boeing 777-300ER Garuda Indonesia Airlines flight was forced to delay the opening of the Jakarta-London nonstop flights with Boeing 777-300ER (Extended Range). The reason, the runway at Soekarno-Hatta yet strong enough to support the weight of the Boeing 777-300ER if the maximum takeoff weight. To operate at full capacity Jakarta-London direct flight (nonstop), Boeing 777-300ER aircraft require a runway hardness (pavement classification number / PCN) 132 R / D / W / T. In fact, the current PCN runway at Soekarno-Hatta only 120 R / D / W / T. capacity this means full-300ER Boeing 777 carrying 314 passengers (8 first class, 38 business class and 268 economy class) and 11 tons of cargo (maximum takeoff weight of 351,534 pounds). ( read here ) | |
![]() | Ahok scolded Much More Scary than Conjuring Film Reputation Jakarta Vice Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaja apparently known until deep into the cinema. An owner of a Twitter account, @ mIqballux, judge scolded Ahok far more terrifying than the movie Conjuring. "Conjuring usual aja ah ..., Sereman Wagub kemana2 Get yelled," chirping @ mIqballux yesterday. Conjuring is a movie about the supernatural that is currently playing in theaters. The film is touted as one of the scariest movies ever made. Chirp was re-tweeted by @ ernestprakasa, fishing comments Dewi "Dee" Lestari. What does the writer and the singer? "Conclusion: Ahok more frightening than Batsheba." (B aca here ) | |
![]() | Gas Prices Trigger Stagnation polemic Infrastructure Development turbulent industrial gas price hike, implementation of the liberalization of the gas business in the form of unbundling (repositioned, the separation of commercial ventures, and transport), as well as open access policy (PGN pipeline utilization by the gas broker) can inhibit the growth of infrastructure gas. Head of Corporate Communications Department PGN Ababil Ridha confirmed, it denied that PGN take a high margin. According to him, the selling price to the consumer PGN consists of the purchase price plus the cost of gas from the upstream transmission and distribution costs. "It's all always be reported to the government. Currently there are more than 55 brokers gas in Indonesia and I doubt if their margins and selling prices to consumers also reported to the government as well as PGN, "( read here ) | |
![]() | New Offside Rule in Serie A preseason meeting held ahead of the 2013-2014 season, the referees League Serie A Italy agreed on a new interpretation of the offside rule. In the agreement confirmed that the ball bounce should not be forwarded by the players standing in an offside position."The term 'live ball' has been clarified well," said Nicola Rizzoli on Sky Sport Italia "That means (a loose ball resulting from) the movement of the player to the ball, to cut the pace of the ball. Was different from the concept of term ball bounce." ( read here ) | |
![]() | Every Day There Nine New Theaters in China's recent report agency PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) says that in one day, in nine theaters across China appear new. This shows the very rapid growth of the Chinese economy. The cinema growth compared with ten years ago. PwC sampled in Liaoning Province, Northeast China. Last year alone, the number of theaters in the province jumped 44 percent to 716 pieces as news Xinhua on Saturday (08/03/2013). Despite record revenue of China's largest movie theater in the first half of 2013 were 11 billion yuan, equivalent to 1.78 billion U.S. dollars, the rapid growth of the cinema ticket price makes the competition stronger. "Because of the competition, any gains tend to be smaller," said Marketing Manager Orange Sky Golden Harvest Cinemas (OSGH Cinemas), based in Hong Kong Wang Cheng. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Arrested Again, Hercules snared Extortion and Money Laundering Case After a period of detention for 4 months 27 days for cases of thuggery, Hercules Rozario Marshal immediately recaptured by officers. This time, he snared two new cases. Invisible Criminal West Jakarta Metro Police Commissioner Heng Haryadi, Saturday (03/08/2013), say, Hercules secured due to extortion and money laundering cases. The case is a reason the Hercules police arrested last April. However, the Hercules has been demonstrated only act against officers. After a trial run Hercules, officers were able to prove allegations of extortion and money laundering. said Heng, the case lasted from 2006 to 2013. He said the suspect reached 164 people total. Today, he said, it arrested two people, one of them is Hercules. ( read here ) | |
![]() | FBI Can Sadap Android Phone Conversations Law enforcement United States (U.S.) using advanced methods in investigating cyber crimes. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reportedly could have access to spy on a laptop or Android device is suspected. A source told The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that the FBI is developing a new tapping program that combined with software from a private party. According to a source who is also a former U.S. digital security officials, the latest FBI program can turn your laptop or Android phone microphone to record conversations. WSJ has requested confirmation from the FBI as well as Google, but both declined to comment. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Bonokeling, Local Wisdom Javanese radisi-upload upload a valuable cultural heritage Banyumas land-based agriculture.Followers of indigenous Bonokeling shed human lust to return Fitr. This is part of the folk wisdom of ancient Javanese tradition that still survives in the midst of the hustle and bustle of modernity. Kemban with hundreds of women clad in white shawl wrapped around the shoulders of sitting cross-legged under a scorching sun. In the silence, one by one wash their hands, feet, and face them with a mantra. they getting run-upload upload ritual, praying ancestors, inner cleansing before Ramadan, three weeks ago. They are lined up neatly, in the tomb complex Bonokeling, Jatilawang district, Banyumas, Central Java. ( read here ) | |
![]() | House Small Type Translucent Rp 500 Million! Currently, it is difficult finding the tiny type size of 30 square meters to 45 square meters at a price of Rp 300 million. If anything, the location of more than 6 kilometers from the toll booth last or if the calculated travel time, up to 1 hour to 1.5 hours drive from Jakarta city limits. Cluster housing Serengeti in Serpong City Paradise, for example. Developer, Progress Group, set prices smallest size 41/72 amounting to Rp 600 million! In fact, this residential location away from the city center, about 3 kilometers-4 kilometers from the Toll JORR Kilometer 12. Prices are almost equal size were also charged on the 45/105 in Metland Transyogi, Cullinan. PT Metropolitan Land Tbk (MLTA) membanderol Rp 542 million. Two years ago, this type of area is still in the range of Rp 250 million to Rp 300 million. Residential location is approximately 10 kilometers from the Toll Cibubur. ( read here ) | |
![]() | House Hunting Cheap Looking for a dream home according to the financial condition, not an easy matter.Especially when now, in the middle of the property sector is moving rapidly, house prices shot too. However, not to worry. There are many developers who build non-subsidized housing with a relatively affordable price, at under $ 500 million. Despite its location in the outskirts of Jakarta, at least still accessible by various modes of transport such as public transport and the electric train. In addition, the housing is also surrounded by or close to public facilities such as hospitals, shopping centers, schools, terminals, stations, and a sports center. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Animation films that will be released in 2015 A Hollywood film company had set a date for their flagship animated film to be released in 2015. Paramount Animation production house, for example, has set a date for the release of two animated films production in 2015. Spongebob Squarepants 2, the sequel to the movie that will air in 2014, for example, will be released on February 13, 2015. ( read here ) | |
![]() | How to Forget Bad Memories Each person would have a bad memory. There are bad memories of the good to be accepted, there are also bad memories that should be removed and forgotten. A study shows that humans have a selective memory and can erase bad memories. A study conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Lund in Sweden, using EEG scans to monitor the parts of the brain that become active when a volunteer trying to forget something. Humans can actually know the right time to permanently erase bad memories. According to the researchers, mastering this technique can be useful for people who suffer from depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Condition in which there is that traumatic memories will continue to live on in the memory, so that it has an adverse effect on mental health. In this study, the volunteers were trained to forget neutral information in a controlled laboratory environment. The training is to forget the traumatic event is more complex. ( read here ) | |
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