![]() | Black Box Reveals Speed "Train of Death" Spanish Black box train that derailed in the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela on 24 July revealed that the train was moving at the speed of 179 kilometers per hour or more than twice faster than the maximum speed allowed. " When slipping, the train was moving at the speed of 179 kilometers per hour. maximum speed allowed is 80 kilometers per hour, "( read here ) | |
![]() | Two Katulampa Alert, Flooding Threatened Jakarta Heavy rain which flushed the Peak, Cisarua, Bogor regency, resulting in Ciliwung River water level drastically. Even based on the observation in Weirs Katulampa lighthouse, Eastern District of Bogor, Bogor, the water level reached 200 centimeters or idle II. Bentung Katulampa duty officer, Andi Sudirman, said the water level has increased since the weir Katulampa at 20:15. Whereas before the water level at 19.00 Katulampa only 50 centimeters. "Splash is quite heavy rain that occurred in the Peak area rapidly rising water resulting from 19:30 with a height of 150 centimeters," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Support Basuki, State thuggery No Need to Fear Face the Conflict between the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Tjahaja Basuki Purnama, and Deputy Chairman of the Parliament of Abraham Lunggana Legion seized the attention of the Chairman of the Veterans of the Republic of Indonesia (LVRI) Jakarta Colonel (Ret.) HW Sriyono. The former independence fighters found the state does not have to be afraid in the face of thuggery. "The state should not be afraid of the thugs. Countries could have fielded the military or the police (to eradicate hooliganism)," he said in LVRI Regional Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday (02/08/2013). ( read here ) | |
![]() | Poor weather, Ships Navigator Requested Alert Transportation Ministry requested the ships navigator who served during the forth to guard against extreme weather. "The cartilage was in cross Merak - Bakauheni," said Director General of Sea Transportation Ministry Bobby R. Mamahit, Friday, August 2, 2013. He said bad weather occurs in a number of cruise track ranging from Java to south of Southeast Maluku and Nusa Tenggara. Ministry of Transportation reported that there were ten boats that had an incident or accident in July. The vessel is the tenth Pan Marine CB 11, The Works KM, KM Binaiya, I Sukma KM, KM Young women, KM Putri Krakatoa, KMP Dharma Kartika I, Kumala Bakti KM, KM Bintan Jaya, as well as an unnamed vessel. Three out of ten ships sank. "The majority of due to bad weather," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Police arrest 22 thugs in GBK total of 22 people were arrested in Operation Condition Copyright by Metro Jaya Regional Police. They were arrested on suspicion of extortion or illegal parking in the Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Central Jakarta. What the City Police continue to run. Arrest thugs back by Jakarta Police to target the areas surrounding the Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Central Jakarta, there are several groups who allegedly thuggish conduct extortion or illegal parking. Dozens of people were arrested at a number of locations, namely in the parking area Gelora Bung Karno ( GBK), GBK Tennis Indoor parking, parking door I Statue Circle Arrow GBK, Door Sports Stadium and parking I soree GBK on Thursday (25/07/2013). Of the suspects seized evidence in the form of money amounting to Rp 400,000 from one person, USD 361.00, USD 150,000 and USD 20,000 which is the extortion of money from the proceeds. Extortion they do is to raise parking rates many times, the car should be illegal levies charged Rp 5,000 to Rp 20,000. Can you imagine if the cars are charged a fee of Rp 20,000 with parking capacity in Senayan which can accommodate more than 2,000 cars. ( read here ) | |
![]() | American Promise End Drone Attacks in Pakistan U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, promised an end to the attack jet aka unmanned drones to fight against Pakistani militants. "It will soon be done," Kerry said in front of reporters in a press conference with Pakistani Foreign Minister, Sartaj Aziz, in Islamabad, Thursday, August 1, 2013. Several journalists said the statement was deliberately delivered Kerry as well as a message to remove the anti Americans in Pakistan, as an important ally. In a meeting with counterpart Sartaj Aziz, Thursday, August 1, 2013, the two agreed to a negotiated transfers on security issues at a high level. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Syrian Hackers Hijack The more active hackers group calling itself the Syrian Electronic Army tried to hack into voice over internet protocol services such as Viber and Tango. Previously, they had hacked Twitter account owned media such as Reuters. "If they are successful then they will have access to millions of user communication," kat Alqatarh Ayed, systems engineer from FireEye, a consulting firm. This group came to light in mid-2011 in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who was shaken by the public authority. The group attacked the websites belonging to the media, government and other organizations that are considered not to support Assad. The group has successfully hacked Twitter account of Al-Jazeera, the Associated Press, BBC, Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, The Guardian, Human Rights Watch, and America's National Public Radio. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Research: People Convicted by Evolution Proud f you are arrogant and cunning person, be prepared to face the penalty imposed by evolution. Research conducted by scientists from Michigan State University (MSU) outlining new evidence on the matter. "For a short time, specifically, some organisms will exit. However, pride is not evolutionary," The study, published in the journal Nature Communications focuses on game theory commonly used by biologists, economics, politics, and various disciplines other sciences. Throughout the last 30 years, scientists studying cooperation between single cell organisms to be able to form a human life. In 2012, a paper mentioning about the new discovery strategy called zero determinant. The study states the sneaky surely defeated by the cooperative. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Galaxy Evolution Mysteries Solved Recent observations from NASA telescopes, Hubble helped astronomers solve pieces of information about the evolution of galaxies. For years, scientists wondered how galaxies are forming new stars are extinguished. The scientists think possible, galaxies that have been extinguished, is actually still growing. It was marked by the emergence of small stars. But apparently, the study indicates, the hypothesis deviated. "We have found a number of galaxies with a larger size, not extinguished, but joined with other galaxies to grow," ( read here ) | |
![]() | There is reason Gen. Djoko Report All Treasure Inspector General Djoko Susilo admit not all his property was reported in the State Officials Wealth Report. He reasoned that, if the reported amount of his property would be considered unnatural as a member of the Police. "That I am as officers toil with such wealth would not be seen as normative, not fitting," checkup when he has declared the defendant at the Corruption Court in Jakarta, Djoko kemarin.Menurut, in addition to working in the police force, he has a wide range of businesses. Former Head of the Police Traffic Corps said it has had a gas station in Semarang business since 2005. He was doing business of buying and selling dagger and entrust their money to a number of employers to be played. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Android Mobile "Quad Core" Below USD 1.5 Million? Xiaomi, smartphone vendors from China, launched a quad-core smart phone with a very affordable price. The product is called Red Rice. A device that is sold at a price not more than USD 1.5 million, which is about 130 dollars, or USD 1.3 million. With these prices, as quoted from Phone Arena, Thursday (08/01/2013), the consumer will get a fairly high hardware specs. This device is equipped with a MT6589T Mediatek processor speed of 1.5 GHz quad-core processors combined with 1GB of RAM. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Advanced ... Without Wires, Kitchen Table It Can Charge Cell Phone Battery! Have you felt very disturbed by the phone battery consumption is too fast? With the advances in technology that is no less rapidly, there are now many ways to resolve this problem, start raising capacity battery, providing power bank, until now we come to one another discovery that is much more compact and sophisticated. DuPont Corian kitchen countertops or table surface is made of DuPont ™ Corian ®, for example. At first glance, this table looks simple. Its surface is smooth, sleek, and available in various colors such as kitchen counter surfaces in general. Only, the surface of the kitchen table to charge (charge) for wireless mobile phone battery. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Deadly blast Syria Weapons Depot Smash A weapons depot in the city of Homs, Syria, exploded, killing 40 people and wounding at least 169 other victims. Remarks were made by opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, Thursday, August 1, 2013. Locations explosion is in the southeast district of Wadi al-Dhahab, Thursday, August 1, 2013. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the human rights organization based in London, the region has taken over the Syrian Armed Forces. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Wife Gives Birth After Sperm husband smuggled from Israel Prison A Palestinian man imprisoned in an Israeli jail became a father on Wednesday (07/31/2013). It looks like nothing special from the information. However, the announcement that has been making headlines as Abdul Kareem al-Rimawi, the woman's husband, has been jailed for 13 years and can only see her from behind a glass wall. Lida al-Rimawi, wife of Abdul Kareem, said he is pregnant after receiving her husband's sperm was smuggled out of the prison where her husband was arrested on charges of attempted murder. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Habibie expect "IABIE" able to increase productivity Former President BJ Habibie Habibie expect Alumni Program (IABIE) can improve the management of the construction of a more productive, more superior and more competitive, particularly in the fields of science and technology. "alumni association I hope this better performance , "Habibie said that as well as the protector of the alumni association on the sidelines of the signing of the deed at his residence IABIE Association, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Friday, August 2, 2013. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Today's free, Hercules will be Arrested Again on Saturday (03/08/2013), the possibility of Hercules Rozario Marcal will be free from detention. However, there is also the possibility, of freedom will only be inhaled just by Hercules. "Attorney janjiinnya (Hercules freed) tomorrow (Saturday's) morning at 08.00 am," said Reskrim West Jakarta Metro Police Assistant Commissioner Heng Haryadi, in Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Saturday morning. However, Heng said that Hercules was released from custody, the police will make an arrest for a different case. "Tomorrow morning (Hercules free) we pick you up and take it directly to the West Jakarta Police," ( read here ) | |
![]() | 22 policemen, 76 Taliban killed in fighting in Afghanistan More than 20 Afghan police and dozens of Taliban militants were killed on Friday when hundreds of militants attacked a convoy of police and military in eastern Afghanistan, officials said. Five hours of fierce fighting in Sherzad district in Nangarhar province came after the convoy was attacked while returning from an operation to rescue a politician who was threatened by the Taliban. "It was a fierce battle and the rebels using heavy weapons and light to attack the convoy of security forces in Sherzad district, "( read here ) | |
![]() | Claimed Commanded Nazaruddin Anas Receive Money Project Pigeon Former Democratic Party Treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin, again accused the former Democratic Party chairman, Anas Urbaningrum. Nazaruddin Anas ruled admitted to receiving money from a fictitious project procurement types Merpati MA 60. "For the time quota told Mas Anas, I as treasurer (party), told to take, so I took," Nazaruddin said in the House of the Corruption Eradication Commission on Friday (08/02/2013), after the examination. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Jambi provincial government's official website hacked hacker -owned website or portal which is located in Jambi provincial governmenthttp://www.jambiprov.go.id/ hijacked by people who are not responsible, Friday, August 2, 2013. In the regular site featuring a variety of activities and the Governor of Jambi ranks was now only a black background. Amid the site, there is a picture of two policemen who were writing (or cross out text) contained in the walls with spray paint. Over the image, it says "Change admin Dong" and the fine print reads "Only this limited IT skills Provincial admin? Fund of the results are just this much? ( read here ) | |
![]() | Three Killed Journalists Killed in Philippines Journalists were targeted killings in the Philippines. Most recently, three journalists were reported killed in the Philippines last week. Quoted by AFP on Friday (02/08/2013), the third murder of the journalist referred to as the worst incident in the last four years in the country. Recent murder victim was a news photographer, Mario Sy, who was killed in front of his wife and daughter on Thursday (01/08/2013) night.Sy occurs in the murder of General Santor city in southern Philippines. By Marisol (15), daughter of Sy, their family had just finished dinner when two suspected killers broke into their home. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Awaits Indonesia's response to the tragedy of the Egyptian "political tragedy" occurred in Egypt on July 3, 2013, when a military coup menyirnakan expectation of improvement noble struggle for freedom that began the revolution of January 25, 2011. Egyptians had fought for freedom, stability, justice, democracy, and have chosen the parliament and the presidency after 70 years suffering from autocracy. However, after carrying out elections and chose Mohammad Moursi as elected President with 52 percent of the vote, a military coup took power precisely. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Basuki: Expedition in Tanah Abang Direct Capture Only antor expedition in Tanah Abang contributed to congestion in the region. Been sealed, but they still operate. Jakarta Vice Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaja was ordered to arrest the owner. Offices mushrooming expedition participated in Tanah Abang targeted policing the region. Currently, Mayor of Central Jakarta has sent a letter socialization demolition to be conducted on Sunday, August 11, 2013. Differences with street vendors who will be hearing Tanah Abang in place, Basuki ordered that action on firmer shipping office. He asked the entrepreneur was arrested. ( read here ) | |
![]() | "Do not Equate We like PKL Tanah Abang" The Sunday market vendors do not want to be equated with street vendors in Tanah Abang. They considered different from the problems faced by the seller and the location. "Do not confuse us as vendors Tanah Abang. At the Sunday market which many vendors that sell the vegetable vendors, while at the Tanah Abang merchants clothes and stuff," said Dwi, spice traders in the target location PKL Pasar Minggu, Jakarta , Friday (02/08/2013). ( read here ) | |
![]() | Luster of Supernova and Star Dead Since the days of copper or Chalcolithic era around 4,000 years before Christ until today's digital era, gold luster never faded. Not only a symbol of wealth and beauty enhancer, gold is also a symbol of triumph and kedigdayaan.Menjelang Lebaran, gold shops visited by buyers. In addition to the appearance, gold jewelry is also widely used by people for friendship to demonstrate wealth and success even when Lebaran after the jewelry was pawned or resold. Buying gold is not merely to be used. Some people buy gold for investment, as is done when gold prices fell in late April to early July. Gold is now also used for medical, industrial, food, electronics up components. ( read here ) | |
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