![]() | In Jember, Mahfud MD Declaration Ready "Nyapres" Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court Mahfud MD says ready to become a candidate for president in front of thousands of Nahdlatul Ulama a former residency of Besuki, Wednesday (08/14/2013). The announcement was made in the middle of the show halalbihalal in Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam in Sub Antirogo, Sumbersari District, Jember, East Java. "On this occasion I expressed readiness to run for president," said Mahfud were immediately greeted by shouts and applause Takbir from the audience. However, he said the party was still considering what would be the political vehicle for the bid. In addition to the team of experts, Mahfud also claimed to consult with the relevant scholars readiness to become one of the presidential candidates. There are a number of inputs, he says, including advice to follow the Democratic convention. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Iraqi PM promises rush pascapemboman deadly militant Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Wednesday promised to hunt down the militants responsible for deadly bomb attacks at the weekend claimed by Al-Qaeda.Dozens of people were killed in bomb attacks on Eid al-Fitr holiday in a Shiite-majority areas, which further aggravated the wave of violence that has taken place in Iraq for at least five years, Reuters reported. Group Al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria said the bombing was carried out in retaliation for a crackdown by Iraqi security forces. "Our operation has started - gangs hunt terrorists and those who support them - will continue," ( read here ) | |
Homecoming-Lebaran Death Toll Reached 2013 575 The death toll throughout the season H4 Lebaran homecoming until 2013 reached 575 people. This number has declined compared to the year 2012 recorded 635 people. This was stated by the Head of Police Public Information Police Commissioner Agus Rianto, in Jakarta, Tuesday (13/08/2013). Agus said that the total number of traffic accidents that occur to H4 Lebaran reached 2,616 cases. That number has decreased 12 percent when compared with the implementation of Operation Ketupat 2012 at the same period. "As of yesterday, the number of traffic accidents in Operation Ketupat 2013, ie 2,616 cases. Years ago, for the same period, there were 3,600 cases," ( read here ) | ||
![]() | World condemns bloodshed in Egypt's bloody raid Actions Egyptian security forces against demonstrators supporting President Mohamed Moursi firmly on Wednesday sparked condemnation from the international community. United Nations (UN), the United States, Britain, Iran, Qatar and Turkey strongly condemned the government's violence to disperse demonstrators in two protest camp in Cairo, AFP reported. Action was followed by the announcement of a national emergency that has killed at least 124 people, according to AFP reporters on the ground, while the United Nations said the death toll in the hundreds. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Morsi supporters Butchered Police, PM Egypt Justify the Use of Force Prime Minister (PM) interim Egyptian Hazem al-Beblawi praised Egyptian police officers who he thought capable of 'restraint' in dealing with supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi. PM Beblawi stated that Egypt remains committed to holding elections. This statement came after hundreds of people, including 43 policemen killed in clashes in Rabaa. Egyptian officials clean up camp Morsi supporters in the square Rabaa Al-Adwiya established since the last few weeks. In a statement as reported by AFP on Thursday (15/08/2013), Beblawi justify the use of violence by Egyptian forces in disperse supporters Morsi. According to him, during the loyalists Morsi often spread terror and chaos for other citizens. "Terrorize citizens, attacking public and private property damage. States must intervene to restore security and peace for the people of Egypt," ( read here ) | |
| It's at least 211 killed in "Bloody Wednesday" Egypt death toll from the attack on the camp the protesters supporters of ousted Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi, Wednesday (14/08/2013), continues to grow. Egypt's Health Ministry said 211 people were killed. While the Egyptian Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim said 43 Egyptian security personnel were killed. "At least 211 people were killed," Nile TV state television reported citing a statement from the Ministry of Health of Egypt, Wednesday (14/08/2013) evening local time Thursday (08/15/2013) morning. No details of the statement. While Ibrahim said 43 security officers were killed in the bloody incident. "Eighteen police officers, including two generals and two colonels, 15 police officers, nine military conscription, and a civilian police employee," ( read here ) or click here | |
![]() | The Egyptian government Enforce Curfew in 12 provincial Having established an emergency for one month, the Government of Egypt, Wednesday (14/08/2013), announced the implementation of a curfew in Cairo and 11 other provinces. Imposition of curfew is done to deal with the violence that spread across the country after police dispersed protesters pro-Muhammad Mursi in Cairo. Curfew into effect at 19:00 local time until 0600. Similarly, a government spokesman said the decision was delivered by state television. The curfew covers Cairo, Giza, Alexandria, Beni Sueif, Assiut, Sohag, Beheira, North Sinai, South Sinai, and Suez. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Egypt's ElBaradei Backward Vice President Vice President of Egypt Mohamed ElBaradei on Wednesday resigned to protest the forced dissolution of peaceful protesters supporters of ousted president Mohamed Moursi. Egyptian news agency, MENA, reported that ElBaradei condemned the operation forced the dissolution of the rally. Rumors about the resignation threat that ElBaradei had heard last week when President Mansour Adly and military commander Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi will insist forcibly disperse demonstrations. Former Chairman of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Nobel Peace Prize winner was instrumental in the ouster Moursi and join the transitional government. Observers resignation Albaradei this be the start of a split in the transitional government. ( read here ) | |
![]() | The UN mandate Give Maj. Imam Edy Mulyono Leads Troops in Western Sahara Secretary-General (Secretary General) Ban Ki-moon has appointed Major General (Maj.) Imam Edy Mulyono as commander of UN forces in Western Sahara (Force Commander United Nations Mission for the referendum in Western Sahara ). "The appointment of Maj. Gen. Imam Edy Mulyono fully supported and welcomed by all members of the UN Security Council, and the Government of Morocco as the host country of MINURSO," said the Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Desra Believe, in a press statement received by AFP on Thursday (15 / 8/2013) morning. The designation must be the pride of Indonesia as a major contributor to the troops on UN peacekeeping missions. "This appointment reflects the high reliance on the role of the UN and Indonesia's important contribution," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Concerned Marty Violence in Egypt, Reconciliation Peace Support Indonesia deplores the repressive action of the security forces in Egypt and the resulting bloodshed of hundreds of protesters loyalists of ousted President Mohamed Morsi. "Indonesia is very concerned about the recent developments in Egypt worsens," Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said in a press release received by AFP on Thursday (15/08/2013) early hari.Menurutnya, security efforts in the use of violence against the community is not going to finish problems that afflict Egypt. "The international community needs to support reconciliation efforts between the parties in Egypt and urged the cessation of violence," ( read here ) | |
| KPK investigators: Many Documents Must Examine at SKK Migas A search on four floors in the office of Special Implementation Task Force Upstream Oil and Gas (Migas SKK), which is located at Wisma Mulia, Jalan Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta, by a team of investigators Commission Eradication of Corruption (KPK) is still ongoing. KPK investigators who have completed a shakedown inspection estimate will last until 09:00 am, Thursday (15/08/2013). "Many of the documents to be inspected," said one investigator who left SKK Oil and Gas Commission, Thursday morning, after a shakedown following no less than eight hours. The team that left the first location was carrying two boxes which they said contained only working equipment and is not evidence of a shakedown. ( read here ) The search 8 Hours, 12 of the 30 oil and gas KPK investigators Leave SKK "There's 12 (the exit).'s A back up only. Still a lot of the above," said one investigator Commission after conducting the search. He said the number of investigators involved raids at the offices of this institution were 30. Investigator who declined to be named, said a search was only conducted in a single floor of the building. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Taxes to maintain the natural wealth of Indonesia has natural resources that is very diverse and abundant. Call it wealth above ground level, such as forests with a variety of plants and animals that live in it.Not to mention biodiversity in the oceans and in the air, not only abundant, but unfolds in a very wide area. Therefore, preserving the biodiversity that we have is not easy. A variety of threats and disturbances that may arise, either from our behavior, as well as natural disasters. Various news that our attention lately suggest how much work is still must be completed. Not only the duty of the government and their staff members, but also all elements of society. News of forest fires for example, in addition to spending forest area, also had the effect of smog that hit up to neighboring countries. An embarrassing incident for Indonesia and worsen its image in the international world.To prevent forest fires while maintaining biodiversity in it would require no small cost. ( read here ) | |
![]() | This reason Can See The Light As A beam Nearly Dead In critical condition and dying, some people who had near death experiences say they saw a beam of bright light. Not much is known about the experiences of these scientists, until a study would uncover recently. An estimated 20 percent of people who survive after a heart attack claimed an event 'mystical' is. Over the span of the doctors called by the term 'clinical death', the brain is in a state of inactivity. This phenomenon arouse the attention of scientists. A research report published Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explains, it turns out, the brain continues to work for 30 seconds after the blood flow stops. This suggests that the brain is responding to the stimulus. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Election schedule Unchanging East Java Governor General Elections Commission (KPU) confirms local elections voting East Java will still be held on Thursday, August 29, 2013. Profanity in the early stages of the election of Governors, including the matter of the establishment candidate, which culminated in the procurement and distribution logistics, promised not to interfere with the voting schedule. "Stay on schedule. There will be no change. Would not exist whatsoever, because technically it's a matter of form," said Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah KPU after the Commission plenary meeting, on Wednesday (14/08/2013) evening at Building Commission, Jakarta . This adjustment following a ruling Honorary Council Election (DKPP) which passed a couple Khofifah Indar Parawansa-Herman Suryadi Sumawiredja as Governor of East Java election participants. "Stages on schedule, just technical logistics need to be adjusted post-decision time and broke down DKPP C1 form," ( read here ) | |
![]() | North and South Korea agreed to reopen the Kaesong industrial park North Korea and South Korea on Wednesday agreed to resume joint industrial park that was closed in April because of military tensions between the two countries - they also promised to prevent the closure reoccur in the future. But on the other hand, the two countries have yet to find a common view on when the Kaesong industrial park reopened. "This agreement is not the end but only the beginning," ( read here ) | |
![]() | PlayStation 4 (Probably) Marketed October 21 After officially announced at E3, there has been no further information exactly when the PlayStation 4 go on sale. Latest info only reveal launch plans are reported at the end of 2013. But now the exact launch time began slightly ajar. Leaked by a NeoGAF forum member with nickname Nealand Liquor, he revealed a release schedule that will performed by Sony on 21 October. Unfortunately, it is uncertain whether the PS4 is really going to be launched on that date. Because according to the Liquor, he just found the sentence reads 'Sony Console' on the documents he saw. But considering so far no rumors Sony is developing another game console, various allegations were immediately led to the PS4. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Here's 10 Most Expensive Domain of Universal Domain alias name of the website is not a simple affair or just a name. There are names that are so coveted. Generally short name, easy to remember and generic indeed be hunted. Unfortunately, the domain names already taken. Domain names such as htysite.com , Candy.com up Sex.com so coveted by the price soared. Even the names were once the world's most expensive domain. Even sex.com domain reputedly the most expensive so universal. According to the site TheNextWeb, Wednesday (13/8) Three domains actually almost becomes world's most expensive domain. Yellowpages.com behavior of U.S. $ 100 million or around Rp 1 trillion. Domain Insurance.com also sold U.S. $ 1 million. However, the two domains was sold along with its assets. Domain Israel.com've almost sold U.S. $ 5.88 million. But canceled due to a potential buyer that the owner of the pro-Israel makes it fail to sell the domain. TheNextWeb trying to rank any domain that actually the most expensive in the world. What reallysex.com world's most expensive domain? Following list of 10 most expensive domain names; ( read here ) | |
![]() | New Zealand stamps for Prince George Prince George, the first son of Prince William and Kate Middleton made a record in the history of New Zealand. For the first time in 170 years, New Zealand Post will issue special stamps to commemorate the birth of the royal baby. New Zealand Post revealed that previous royal children had appeared in the form of stamps, but this is the first time there is a special issue to commemorate the birth.Prince George with her parents, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appear in the stamp. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Asleep, Women Auckland driving far 300 Pounds New Zealand woman drove her car up as far as 300 miles in a state asleep. He had to send an SMS to his friends expressed very sleepy behind the wheel. According to The Bay of Plenty Times, police say they received an emergency call at midnight from a friend of the woman. The friend asked police to track down the woman whose name was withheld because of driving after taking drugs whose effects put him to sleep. Told the media, she had previously been asleep while driving 10 months ago. ( read here ) | |
![]() | 20 injured in the incident LG mobile promotion Twenty people were injured, with seven of them were taken to the hospital due to an incident in a race at a promotional event for LG G2 smartphone in Seoul, South Korea. LG has canceled a series of promotional activities for smart phones was the aftermath of the incident that occurred last Friday, according to the BBC in a report Tuesday. People come up with a BB gun and a knife in berproyektil stick inside the race taking the smartphone voucher depends on helium balloons. LG was responsible for the incident and said it would bear all medical expenses of the victims. ( read here ) | |
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