![]() | WHO confirmed three new cases of the virus mers in Saudi According to WHO, 46 of the 94 people confirmed infected have died mers since September 2012. Experts are struggling to understand Mers and still lacks a vaccine and has a very high mortality rate of more than 51 percent. It is considered to be a cousin of the SARS virus broke out in Asia in 2003 that infected 8,273 people, ninety percent of them died. Such as SARS, Summers allegedly jumped from animals to humans, and showed flu-like symptoms - but different because it can lead to kidney failure. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Butcher Tanah Abang: If Forced to Close, We Have Guns Butchers in Tanah Abang Block G, which now occupies the former PD Dharma Jaya, states refused to be relocated to a place that they do not ask. If there is coercion, they are ready to anticipate this. "On 11 he would clean the times got.'s Possible he closed the cage us. Thus, we anticipated," said the manager of the slaughterhouse, Ali Djawas, to Kompas.com, Wednesday (07/31/2013). According to Ali, a native of the Land brother could not be faced with rough ways.Approach should be made by consensus and residents consulted. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Registrant membeludak, PKL Wish Corrected Block G Block G Tanah Abang Market in Central Jakarta, more attractive street vendors (PKL). Not only those who are citizens of Jakarta, residents outside Capital also signed up as a prospective tenant shanties. They are ready to be relocated to seek reassurance and comfort business. However, they also hope that the bloc immediately repaired. "Sell on the road rather complicated, especially now no longer allowed. Here I hope is more secure because there is space provided. Hopefully soon corrected the deficiencies that exist," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Appears BBM for Android Apps BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) for Android has finally revealed itself.Technology website BGR managed to take a picture capture (screenshots) of the application, which reportedly will be launched in September 2013 is. If the image is true as claimed by BGR, this is the first appearance of BBM for Android. The photo contains fuel login screen image taken directly from Android-based smart phone Samsung Galaxy S III. ( read here ) | |
BI: August and September 2013, inflation is estimated Pattern Back to Normal After the impact of rising fuel prices on inflation is expected to reach the peak in July 2013, inflation is the consumer price index (CPI) in August and September 2013 is expected to return to the normal pattern. Moreover, Ramadan and Eid are often accounted for a jump in inflation from increased consumption, particularly of food, had passed. "monthly CPI inflation is expected to decline to around 0.9 percent in August 2013 and 0.1 percent in September 2013," said Bank Indonesia director of the Department of Communications Peter Jacobs in a press release on Thursday (08/01/2013). Earlier, the Central Bureau of Statistics announced on the monthly CPI inflation reached 3.29 percent in July 2013, a monthly CPI inflation was the highest since 2008, although not as high as when Indonesia got beat financial crisis in 1997-1998. ( read here ) | ||
![]() | In English, Mathematics Teacher Incentive to USD 300 million fund graduate majoring in math offered 20,000 pounds, or about 300 million if willing to become teachers in further education institutions in the UK. Fund is provided by the Ministry of Business, Skills and Innovation and will be available in September. This scheme was launched to improve math skills among young people in England who enter the labor market. "Many companies say it is difficult finding young children with language and math skills are good," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Morsi supporters refused to disband themselves supporters of ousted Egyptian president, Mohammed Morsi, the Interior Ministry rejected calls for action on two grounds mengaksi in Cairo. Morsi support group spokesman, Alaa Mostafa, said these demonstrations will continue. Saqr, Morsi supporters who staged a protest at al-Rabaa Adawiya camp in northeast Cairo, said he and other supporters of Morsi will continue demonstrations until Morsi re-appointed as president. "We are ready, ready to die to fight for legitimacy (Morsi). Attacks (against us) can occur at any time," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Measure with GOSAT Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse gases as the main actors in the climate change issue. The gas concentration to determine how severe the problem of climate change. Scientists continue to develop greenhouse gas measurement system directly. Measurements by converting gas emitter surface types has many disadvantages because the surface properties-land, water, and trees of various kinds-very varied with a variable that is also varied. On the issue of climate change, carbon trading scheme to be one way in which many countries emitters of greenhouse gases (GHG) to reduce carbon footprint (carbon footprint) them.Concentrations of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide-CO2, CH4-methane, N2O-nitrogen dioxide, HFC-hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons PFCs-and-sulfur heksafluorid SF6) gas is converted to carbon, hereinafter referred to as the carbon gas.( read here ) | |
![]() | Afghan auction clothes for charity Young singer Syahreza Afghan clothes at charity auction held by Forum Communications Students (Focus) in collaboration with the Trans Studio Bandung (TSB) and the Department of Education in Bandung. "I wanted to share and charity by auctioning clothes that I normally use for Orphans Home," ( read here ) | |
![]() | First Face Transplant in Poland A man made it through face transplant is the first face transplant in the case of Poland.Grzegorz undergone surgery after suffering a workplace accident that made his jaw shattered earlier this year. "Excuse me, my speech is not clear. But I am thankful I can talk," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Jimly: Nazaruddin Ever Want Bribery Secretary MK Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshiddiqie, said the issue of corruption in 2006 the Constitutional Court building was deliberately blown by Muhammad Nazaruddin. Jimly judge, convicted of corruption project Pensions SEA Games Athletes Palembang has a grudge against the Court, in particular the Secretary Gen. Janedri M. Gaffar. "It used to it she never wanted to bribe the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, but was denied," adding, when contacted by Tempo, Thursday, August 1, 2013. ( read here ) | |
![]() | This story Female driver TransJ Problem Incident with Police in Jatipadang Pramudi woman TransJakarta bus, Deliana (39), a police officer reprimanded motor broke in Jatipadang busway, South Jakarta. She had quarrels and took the ignition apparatus. This full story. At that time, around 07.00 pm, Thursday (01/08/2013), Deliana TransJ JTM was driving bus 060 from Ragunan to the Upper Hamlet. Right in the Jatipadang, or after 57 SMK busway station, suddenly a pemotor jacketed police officers broke into the busway through the separator were destroyed. Buses are driven by the mother of two children were forced to brake suddenly to avoid a collision. The pramudi was shocked because the motor was obviously coming from an unexpected direction. ( read disin i) | |
![]() | Ask Pilgub stronghold of East Java Soekarwo Not Postponed successful team candidates incumbent Governor and Deputy Governor Soekarwo-Saifullah Yusuf (Karsa) hope the East Java governor election on 29 August 2013 is not delayed. Considered timely implementation of the election will not affect the campaign. "Bottom line, we did not question the decision of the Honorary Council Election (DKPP) who won Khofifah. But we hope there is no delay in the elections," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Hazard if consumed Excessive Gum Chewing gum is fun. In addition to dispel the boredom and sleepiness, chewing gum is also useful to repel bad breath to control your appetite. Even so, you should not over-consume these candies. The reason, some of the ingredients in chewing gum may cause cancer and other diseases when consumed in excess. So before you buy, you'll learn five common chewing gum composition which may be toxic to the human body follows. ( read here ) | |
![]() | New Generation Camera Panasonic Lumix Panasonic soon launch a new generation of compact cameras Lumix series GX7. The product will be the successor to the popular Panasonic cameras, the Lumix GX1.Panasonic claims this product will produce sharper images. Latest Lumix cameras are equipped GX7 16 million pixel sensor. Of this sensor was the resulting image is sharper than the Panasonic product ever launched. Lumix GX7 touted able aligned with the sensor type camera Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) which is able to shoot objects in dark conditions. Latest Venus series processor machine is capable of reducing noise in low lighting conditions. The product is planned to be marketed in the next few months, or after the launch of a compact camera Panasonic artificial competitors, Olympus, the Olympus PEN E-P5. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Mini iPad 2 Launched Soon Fourth Quarter 2013 According to a report quoted by the Wall Street Journal website, Apple is currently working on iPad Mini with Retina display technology. The technology was purchased from Samsung and other vendors. According to reports, Apple will get a Retina display assembly from LG Display and Sharp. Samsung to be added as a supplier other Retina display screen to ensure Apple gets a decent supply panel. Apple is considering to bring the iPad mini 2 with a choice of black and silver. iPad Mini with Retina display technology or so-called Mini iPad 2, is expected to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2013 or in early 2014. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Demi Internet access, Google Cooperate Starbucks Coffee Company Starbucks outlets network said it has reached an agreement to cooperate with Google. Starbucks formed a partnership that in order to get the service super fast Wi-Fi for customers. Thanks to this partnership, started in August 2013, Starbucks stores in the United States will begin presenting networks and Wi-Fi speed is 10 times faster than before. In the next 18 months, Starbucks will improve Wi-Fi service in 7,000 stores Starbucks.Starbucks said with improvised Wi-Fi service consumers will certainly be easier to get internet access. ( read here ) | |
Raging driver, PT Metro office in Rawamangun Destroyed Mini Metro Mini PT office in Jl Pemuda, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, destroyed hundreds metromini driver, Thursday (08/01/2013) at around 14:00 pm. The driver rampage and damaged buildings, breaking glass, and set fire to a motor vehicle that was in the office area. Entrepreneur Mini Metro South Jakarta, Artaulida Novianti, say, in the case of problems with the management of the office. Which he said came after mass demonstrations in Jakarta City Hall nicely, turned anarchistic because of refusal after they tried to take over the office. "Earlier we come up with a good, willing to take this as long as the office is occupied by thugs. We do not know who they are, "( read here ) | ||
![]() | Overcome Jokowi solutions bobroknya metromini governor Joko Widodo has its own solution to address the management and physical bobroknya metromini in Jakarta. He will unify, not only metromini, but the entire public transportation, to the roof. "We give the house its management, so that the driver can control, maintenance, replace the oil and others," said Jokowi told reporters at City Hall in Jakarta on Thursday (1 / 8/2013). ( read here ) | |
![]() | Ship crew evacuation Liberia Aceh SAR team evacuated the Ship's Men (ABK) Ships Tankers, Delta Millennium, Stylianos Benekos (34) Greek citizens, victims of accidents who suffered injuries on the head, to Basarnas boat in the waters of Sabang Island, approximately 6 miles from the Banda Aceh mainland, Thursday (1/8). Liberia Ships crew who suffered serious injuries on the head was evacuated to the Zainal Abidin Hospital for intensive care. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Someone show mobile phone private study showed that type of phone it turns out the owner of a private show. For example, iPhone users are considered more wasteful than the BlackBerry and Android users.Meanwhile, BlackBerry users assessed as being most likely to have long-term relationships. While Android users are considered to have the best attitude. "TalkTalk Mobile surveyed 2,000 owners of three brands of smart phones in order to determine whether the selection of the most popular mobile phone related to their personality," ( read here ) | |
![]() | "Son of Gen." Prohibited Carpool Six Months Not only threatened ticketed, Hidalgo Suhartoni the "boy general" also gets punishment from her parents, Devi Suhartoni. For six months, she was not allowed to bring a car."I will punish him. Sentence of six months of baseball should take the car. Honda Jazz I pull it," said Devi, rubber farmers in Balikpapan that, when met Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police chief Sr. Comr Rikwanto, Wednesday (31/07/2013). We prove it true promise parents "child-General"? ( read here ) | |
![]() | Febri photos 'Son General' break through barriers Busway Since the case breakthrough TransJ bus lines that do Febri Perta sticking Pratama, a number of people on social media are curious about her figure. Some of the photos were circulated. This is one image that confirmed the college. Le .. Le .. ngajarkan what your parents with you until you are so depraved child .... ( read here ) | |
![]() | Through Luxury Car Driver At Officer TransJakarta Busway and the driver of the Toyota Land Cruiser A police numbered B 85 RKM force his way into the lane on Jalan Warung Jati Barat, precisely at the stop near Philips Housing, Housing, South Jakarta, Thursday (08/01/2013) around 16:30 pm. The driver of the car had even hit one of the officers Busway. Ferry (28), busway station attendant who also were guarding the portal during the incident, explained that he was beaten for trying to impede the pace of the car.Because it was going to hit, he hit the front of the car. "When it straight out and hit the man. chin I got on the left," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Upset, Husband Wife Car fired at Mal PS Starting from domestic dispute, Hasan (38), and then opened fire on his wife's car was parked in Palembang Square Mall (PS), Wednesday (31/07/2013) at 13:30 pm, yesterday. The action is like a cowboy armed rifle. Cash, a view that makes visitors PS Mal ran scared. Residents Sebato Lebak, the Village Duku, District IT II, was admitted, he did the shooting to his wife's car as upset. "Indeed I will shoot three times and there are see-through. Due since last night and did not return my passport was the same happened to him," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Why Broccoli is Good for Your Health? Broccoli is often recommended for consumption for those who want to maintain health.Children also often ask why they should be diligent in this kinky eat green vegetables.Scientists at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich, England has now found a new reason why eating broccoli. Professor researchers of the Institute, stated Richard Mithen, a compound glucoraphanin broccoli can make Mitochondria are very active and good for the body."If the mitochondria is lost, it will lead to the diseases of aging," he said Wednesday (31/7). ( read here ) | |
![]() | Teriaki TransJakarta Officer, Women's Open Portal "Busway" Genesis Hidalgo broke Suhartoni TransJakarta bus lane was not a lesson for driver Suzuki Ertiga car plate number B 1497 TZW. Taken from the twitter account @ BLUTransJakarta, Thursday (08/01/2013), The car entered the lane TransJakarta Corridor XI, majors-Kampung Melayu in East Jakarta Mayor. However, at the end of the lane there busway portal. ( read here ) | |
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