![]() | Always Indonesia Import Rice from 5 Countries This Until now Indonesia still imports food or food from other countries. One is rice which is the staple food. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) said detikfinance, Tuesday (20/08/2013) entry of imported rice during June amounted to 30,000 tons or U.S. $ 12.7 million. Then accumulated from January to June, imports stood at 239,000 tons or U.S. $ 124.4 million. The reason the government is importing rice for the availability of an adequate supply in the country. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Capital transfer of Maluku Provinces of August 24 with DPRD Maluku Provincial Government will conduct the inscription pencanganan removal Maluku provincial capital of Ambon City to Makariki, Amahai District, Central Maluku district on August 24, 2013. "On 24 August, we shared the leadership of Parliament to sign the inscription declaration Maluku provincial capital redeployment in Makariki," said Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu in Ambon on Tuesday. Albert Karel statement was made in a special plenary meeting of DPRD Maluku on the 68th anniversary of the local province on August 19, 2013 led by chairman of the parliament, M. Fatani Sohilauw and attended by three vice-chairman and all members of the legislature. The launching of the provincial capital's done because there are a number of arguments that underlie such measures as the acceleration of urban development in the city of Ambon that at any given time is no longer balanced by the carrying capacity of eligibility. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Led Ical, Golkar Financial Crisis? soon as you want to be president, could bankrupt Indonesia gara gara ABS Nominations Golkar Party Chairman Aburizal "Ical" Bakrie became a presidential candidate again after complaints volatile regional board of Golkar Party. The complaint related to Ical promises about funds never realized. Really Golkar amid the financial crisis? DPP Chairman of the Golkar Party Yorrys Raweyai acknowledge the problem disbursements for regional board of Golkar Party. "There is a commitment, but until now still halting. Expecting friends promise and contributions, there Rp 5 million to Rp 15 million," said Yorrys in Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday (08/19/2013). Yorrys also pointed out there are some new areas that receive aid after nine months later. In addition, Yorrys also said, at the Golkar Party in Bali some time ago, the candidates are present throughout Indonesia only get half of the promised funds."Maybe because of the financial crisis the party. Maybe," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Bappenas Kaji Float Rail Development Ministry of Transportation stated the current National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) is conducting a study to plan the construction of the railway (KA) drift or "elevated loop line" in Jakarta. "What is done in part, on the east side of the" loop line "only, or the whole" loop line "made elevated," said Director General of Railways Ministry of Transportation, Tundjung Inderawan, through short message to Tempo, Monday, August 19, 2013. However, he said, that a recommendation is hovering rail construction or "elevated" entirely. In the Work Plan Budget (RKA) in 2014, said Tundjung, Directorate-General proposes Rp 700 billion for the first phase construction of the floating rail.He said that the construction of the fully floating rail will use funds from the State Budget (Budget). "Implementation of the budget year starting in 2014 with the" design and build ", ( read here ) | |
![]() | Hostage Drama Ends in Germany, 2 in Body Nested Bullets Actors in German hostage drama finally ended. Performers hit the security forces and the two hostages survived unhurt. As reported by AFP on Tuesday (08/20/2013), the perpetrator was shot in the back and legs. Actors is one of the psychiatric hospitals and patients and carry weapons palsy and a large knife when it goes into city hall office Ingolstadt, Germany. Perpetrator had threatened Deputy Mayor Ingolstadt, Sepp Misslbeck."Parents, you will first feel the bullet lodged in your head," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Al Qaeda Create Bomb Bust, Be Aware Heathrow Airport Heathrow International Airport, London, Monday (08/19/2013), increase alertness after getting information of suicide bomb threat. The suicide bomber was a woman allegedly carrying a bomb implanted in her breasts. A media report said Al Qaeda bomb expert, Ibrahim al-Asiri has been developing techniques to implant bombs in a limb like that are hard to detect breast scanning equipment at airports. As a result of this news, tightened security at Heathrow Airport and resulted in long lines for security guard takes more time to do the inspection. "There are fears this news related. Us ordered to pay more attention to women who are likely to hide explosives in their breasts," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Will be Showered Earth Cosmic Dust 3 Months large meteor that hit Russia in February cosmic dust that rained leave earth for several months. The meteor exploded 15 miles above the city of Chelyabinsk on 15 February, causing 1,000 injuries, causing glass shattering and causing belt of cosmic dust in the stratosphere. As quoted from page Daily Mail, Monday, August 19, 2013, according to the weather satellite owned U.S. National Space Agency (NASA) Suomi NPP, meteor that left hundreds of tons of microscopic debris. Meteor hit it will also send a lump of cosmic dust into the stratosphere that bombard the Earth for three months. About six months later, using satellite Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite, NASA has released a video that shows how the dust from meteor was catapulted up to 28 miles (45 kilometers) and envelop Earth. Meteor dust also left some pieces that look at the ground and can be taken by pedestrians. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Unpreparedness of port infrastructure growth inhibitory State-Owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan said unpreparedness port infrastructure in Indonesia is still lagging far behind the economic growth. "Singapore and China, it has a lot of supporting infrastructure. while port infrastructure in Indonesia is still small, and not able to keep up` `trend ships are getting bigger. greater the more efficient ships," said Dahlan Iskan in Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, on Monday. According to him, in the near future there will be major changes in Indonesian ports for overseas export support. "For example, for the CPO to send to China or Europe alone, Indonesia had to go through Singapore first, because the port can accommodate large vessels which are then transported to a new Europe," ( read here ) | |
![]() | High school student in Prabumulih Virginity Tests Mandatory Department of Education (Education Department) Prabumulih City, South Sumatra, making policy plans predicted would be heboh.Betapa not, Disdik prepare all students to attend school in Prabumulih virginity tests. The tests in response to the rampant cases of schoolgirls do nasty, even suspected prostitution diving. "We are planning there virginity tests for high school or equivalent. Funds that test our proposed budget for 2014," ( read here ) | |
![]() | For researchers Indonesia Interesting World Dragonflies Indonesia became a haven for dragonflies researchers world. A number of researchers from the Netherlands, Norway, England and Australia examined the diversity of dragonflies. "They looked in Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua," said Administrator Indonesia Dragonfly Society (IDS), Tabitha Makitan, Monday, August 19, 2013. Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua attract researchers because it has a wide and abundant species of dragonflies. Not only the research, they also published a number of books on Indonesian dragonfly identification. Research results are also published in scientific journals the world. Indo-Malay region 60 kinds of dragonflies save the world. "Book dragonfly identification Papua, Kalimantan and Sulawesi written foreign researchers," he said. Whereas, no Indonesian researchers who publish research results. So the lovers and activists the world dragonfly trouble finding a scientific reference as the reference. Until now only two books about dragonflies, yitu "Know Dragonflies" by Shanti Susanti LIPI published in 1998, and a collection of essays titled "Dragonflies Friend" was published Indonesian Heritage Preservation 2011.To fill the lack of scientific papers in Indonesian dragonfly, dragonfly identification IDS publishes books titled "Dragon Fly Wendit". ( read here ) | |
![]() | No More vendors 'Sweepstakes' at the Sunday Market At Night Apparently, ban street vendors trading on the street is not only applicable in Tanah Abang market alone. City government also seems firmly set it in Eid Minggu.Sebelum Market, Pasar Minggu area is usually filled with street vendors at night, after noon disciplined. After Lebaran, PKL night that spilled into the street selling the shirts were not looked back. Any vegetable seller after seller clothes that cover the fruit stall vendor who usually meet up sidewalk in front of the Agricultural Research also has clean, nothing is selling. PKL also looked clean on the sidewalk that leads to the Sunday Market Station. Usually invisible fence because the station covered street vendors at night. As a result, the condition of boisterous Sunday Market at night now silent. Instead, dozens of municipal police car alert at the edge of the road, junction, the gate was the personnel market. As witnessed by AFP on Friday (07/16/2013) at 21:00 pm also on Monday (19/08/2013) at 22:00 pm. ( read here ) | |
Articles of Arrangement Reservoir Ria Rio Can Achieve Rp 1 Trillion Ria Rio Reservoir construction project, Wood White, Pulogadung, East Jakarta, is expected to spend Rp 1 trillion budget. Taken from the budget and the budget will be divided into three agencies involved in the project, namely Cemetery Agency, Jakarta Propertindo, and the Public Works Department. "We are yet to detail. But initially only able to Rp 500 billion to Rp 800 billion. Could total up to Rp 1 trillion," said President Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo, Budi Karya, while accompanying Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo reviewing the reservoir on Monday ( 08/19/2013) afternoon. Ria Rio Reservoir area was up to 25 acres, with nine acres of which is the reservoir.Reservoirs will be normalized, while the remaining 16 acres will be enabled to green open space and community activities. "Multi purpose anyway. There is a business center. For conferences, seminars, weddings can also, there is also a hotel. Primarily heck of social function," ( read here ) | ||
![]() | Indonesian exports low quality packaging Indonesian export volume has decreased because there exporter naughty sacrificing quality packaging (packaging) to be not satisfactory, said Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Dahlan Iskan. "Actually, it can be said Indonesian export packaging is nice, but the exporters naughty make quality packaging to be reduced, "said Dahlan Iskan, after attending a panel discussion Diaspora Indonesia in Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, on Monday. According to him, exporters rogue actors not only by developing countries but also in other developed countries, such as China. "If we import from China we are disappointed about the packaging, everything is so, case by case, and it's common," ( read here ) | |
![]() | The story of the Palestinian hackers "ignored" Facebook A Palestinian origin named Khalil hackers managed to find a pretty dangerous security loophole in Facebook social network. Of the bug, hackers could post the timeline to another user, without having to make friends or connected first.Fortunately, Khalil is not a hacker who would take advantage of a loophole for negative things. He also reported the matter directly to the Facebook security team. Unfortunately, Facebook team seemed not to want to hear the report of Khalil until finally he made an extreme decision, breaking into a Facebook account, Facebook CEO. He took advantage of the loophole to post these problems directly to the wall Mark Zuckerberg. A way which would direct the attention of the Facebook. "First of all apologize for breaking privacy and even post to your wall, I had no other choice to report what I sent to the Facebook team. My name is Khalil, of Palestine," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Microsoft launches Windows 8.1 Coming in October Microsoft will release the latest update of the Windows 8 series, namely Windows 8.1 in October. This update can be downloaded through the Windows Store starting October 17 and is available for free. On the next day, updates can be purchased through retail stores. "Windows 8.1 continue the vision that we have started through Windows 8," said Microsoft team through his blog. They confirmed, this latest series is a form of commitment to product innovation and development of applications for consumers. Among the various changes to the series, Windows 8.1 comes with Bing search feature. This feature displays the search results linked file with information on a situs.Pengguna also offered a wide choice of settings. On the Start screen page, the user can choose a variety of images to be used as background. ( read here ) | |
Fire in Human Settlements in West Jakarta Fire engulfed several homes in a densely populated area located Asofa Road North Sukabumi, West Jakarta. Unit 5 fire engines were deployed to tame the fire. "Yeah right there is a fire in West Jakarta. Officer is currently heading to the field," said West Jakarta Darman Tackling officer told AFP on Tuesday (20/08/2013). Unit 5 fire engines were deployed to extinguish the fire. "Not up to the scene. Currently being stuck in traffic," he said. The emergence of unknown origin causes of the fire and the amount of the burning house. ( read here ) | ||
![]() | Causes of Prison Riots in Labuan Ruku Deputy Minister of Justice and Human Rights Denny Indrayana explain the causes of unrest in prisons (prisons) Labuan Ruku, Coal District, North Sumatra. There are several causes of the unrest that led to the escape of dozens of inmates (prisoners) or prisoners. First, because of the transfer of 49 inmates from prison to prison Lubukpakam Ruku Labuan on August 17, 2013. Another cause is the clash between prisoners and prison officers. "There is a clash inmates and officers. Could trigger one of the less satisfactory remission," said Denny in Kemenhuk Building and Human Rights, Jakarta, Monday (19/08/2013).In addition, excess capacity is also one of the trigger. Occupants of the prison, there were 867 people consisting of 564 prisoners and 303 detainees. "In general, there are also problems over capacity contribution," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Monalisa discordant first medal for Indonesia young swimmer Lorenza Monalisa Arieswaty first medal donate for Indonesia on the mat Asian Youth Games (ayg) 2013 in Nanjing, China, on Monday. Monalisa menyembahkan bronze medal in the 200m butterfly with a time of 2 minutes 15.10 seconds. The gold medal won by South Korean athletes, Park Jinyoung, with a time of two minutes 13.75 seconds, and the silver medal won by swimmer from Thailand, Sutasinee Pankaew. Monalisa achievement puts Indonesia in the 18th position of the medals standings while ayg 2013 until the fourth day. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Al Qaeda Plans Attack Network Rail Europe According to information from the United States Secret Service (NSA), the al-Qaeda terror attacks discussed a plan rapid rail network in Eropa.Mendapat the report, security forces in Germany immediately alerted, according to the German daily Bild. According to security experts, terror attacks may be acts of sabotage on the railway, and a bomb attack on the train or in a tunnel. Clues about the attack plan NSA collected a few weeks ago after a telephone conversation intercepted Al Qaeda figures. According to Bild, the contents pecakapan primarily on a series of attacks on railway networks in Europe. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Melorot World Gold Price Gold futures on the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange fell on Monday (19/08/2013) local time (Thursday morning GMT), after rising nearly five percent last week. This is in line with the concerns that the U.S. Federal Reserve will slow the pace of economic stimulus. The most active gold contract for December delivery dropped 5.3 dollars, or 0.39 percent, to settle at 1365.7 dollars per ounce. Gold futures last week ended 4.5 percent higher, the best gain since the week ended July 12. The U.S. central bank, the Fed, which has kept interest rates at a record low since 2008, probably will reduce monetary stimulus 85 billion U.S. dollars in monthly bond purchases in September after the economy strengthens, Bloomberg reported. ( read here ) | |
![]() | World Oil Prices Fall on Top Level One Month Oil prices slumped on Monday (08/19/2013) local time, (Tuesday morning GMT) after hitting a one-month high on Friday. This was driven by easing concerns about shipping through the Suez Canal somewhat diminished in Egypt despite sporadic violence still continues. In trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, a barrel of light sweet crude or West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures for September delivery decreased 36 cents to 107.10 dollars. London's main contract, Brent North Sea crude for delivery in October, fell 50 cents to 109.90 dollars after earlier reaching 111 U.S. dollars per barrel. However, the analyst call, the continuing strike has hampered production operations and shipments of Libyan oil for weeks will continue to prop up the price of black gold. ( read here ) | |
U.S. bomber crashed in Montana A bomber United States Air Force B-1B Lancer crashed on Monday in the state of Montana, but four crew managed to get out of the plane before it impacted, the military said. The plane took off from Ellsworth Air Force Base, home to the 28th Bomb Wing, on what was described as a routine training mission. Cause of the accident was not immediately known, and all four crew members suffered "multiple injuries" in the incident, according to the statement. "We are actively working to ensure the safety of the crew and first responders have been sent to secure the scene and working with local authorities at the crash site," ( read here ) | ||
![]() | Why People Like Tomato Juice As Plane? Why do so many people ordering tomato juice when on an airplane? This is one question researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics majors in Holzkirchen, near Munich, Germany Snacks and drinks what is appropriate on the plane? How the sense of taste perception changed in flight? Since the beginning of this year, research facilities that perform various tests to determine how the flight conditions change the taste of food and beverages. The trial was conducted at the request of the airline Lufthansa. But before the scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute to investigate what happened to the sense of taste during flight. All that had been in the aircraft already know how when the humidity level is only 15 percent, the sound of planes which envelop the senses of hearing and air pressure suddenly dropped, raising the level of involuntary bodily fluids. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Prevent layoffs, Government Prepared Tax Incentives Minister of Finance (Finance) RI M. Chatib Basri said it was preparing a tax incentive to prevent Termination (termination) by the company. "One of the government's policy that the economy continues to grow, one of which is to provide a stimulus to the employer," said Chatib at BKPM office, Monday (19/08/2013). He said, will provide stimulus to the entrepreneurs who are committed not do layoffs. "There will be agreement signed by the employer and the government," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Moursi accused of involvement in the deaths of protesters in 2012 that ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Moursi on Monday, accused of involvement in the death and torture of protesters outside the presidential palace in late 2012, court sources said. He has been charged with crimes relating to his escape from prison in 2011, and with new allegations mean detention time will be extended by 15 days starting next week. In December 2012, thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the presidential palace in Cairo to protest the decision to expand presidential powers and constitutional Moursi compiled Islam. Five people were killed in clashes between supporters and opponents Moursi in Cairo on December 5, when the demonstrations turned violent. ( read here ) | |
Google tumbles 5 Minutes, Internet Traffic Drops On Friday (8/16/2013) ago, Google services, including Search, Gmail, and YouTube, had fallen and can not be accessed from 23.52 until 23.57 pm British Summer Time (BST) . In a period of just 5 minutes, as reported by Cnet, GoSquared analysis firm noted a reduction in the world's Internet traffic (pageviews) by 40 percent. graph of GoSquared above shows a sharp decline in Internet traffic, followed by a momentary spike or increase in service After Google back online and users can access their destination. "This (the fall of the Google services) have an enormous impact on the number of pageviews recorded by our real-time monitoring, which is a decline of about 40 percent," wrote GoSquared. "As Internet users, we are very dependent on Google.com." ( read here ) | ||
![]() | Saudi Arabia Ready to Help Egypt When western Freeze Aid Saudi Arabia said the Arab and Islamic countries to help Egypt financial aid from the West when frozen. "For those who announced the suspension of aid to Egypt, or threatening to suspend aid, we emphasize that the Arab and Islamic countries are rich," said Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, was quoted as saying the Saudi news agency SPA. "We will not hesitate to reach out for help," said Prince Saud al-Faisal. The comments came after Prince Saud al-Faisal met President Francois Hollande in France. France is known as one of the countries that condemned Click Egyptian military crackdown quell demonstrations demanding the return of ousted President Mohammad Morsi the military on July 3. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Why do Genius People Tend to Use Drugs? 's no secret that some great thinkers, artists, and musicians openly admit they never use drugs. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates also admitted to using LSD at a young age.While Sigmund Freud and Thomas Edison once addicted to cocaine. A scientific study has revealed a link between people's genius and drug use. Using data from the National Child Development Study in 1958, the researchers reported that children with a high IQ have a tendency to use drugs in the future.Another study which surveyed 17,416 people in 2011 also indicated that smart kids tend to use drugs in adolescence than children who are lower levels of intelligence. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Detecting Disease with Nadi Fingering Fingering pulse (pulse pressure) is one of the oldest medical examination. Healers of Ancient Egypt 3000 BC is believed that a palpable pulse weak indicate a disease or worsening of the disease earlier. Not just a matter of speed, a scientist named Galen (129-200) and then develop the examination by identifying the frequency, strength, and duration of the arteries.However, the benefits for medical practice is still unclear. The new method is perfect after John Foyer (1649-1734) published the results of observations of 1,707 human pulse characteristics. Writing "Pulse-watch" by Foyer begin to unravel the relationship between pulse and heart disease. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Rupiah Being Highly Sensitive Phase exchange rate will be re-tested its strength in trading Tuesday (08/20/2013) this.Pressure still clung weakening of the rupiah both internal and external sides. "Dollar in the short term enters the range is very vulnerable," said economist Samuel Securities Indonesia, Lana Soelistianingsih, in Jakarta. According to Lana, only if BI keeping with the significant dollars can be returned to the range of Rp 10480-10490 per U.S. dollar. But if the external pressure also seems rupiah will likely continue to move in a range between Rp 10550-10600 per U.S. dollar. ( read here ) |
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