![]() | Can Hobalt Eruption Triggers Tsunami The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Hendrasto said there are a number of potential hazards that could be caused by the eruption of Mount Hobalt, underwater volcanoes in the southern island of Lembata, East Flores Regency, Nusa East. If the eruption could trigger bigger ocean waves or tsunamis, not to mention the danger of burst of incandescent material in the vicinity of the volcano. However, to date, the potential hazards that did not happen. "There are dangerous because they erupt lasts only 2 minutes," he said, the area above sea level at Mount Hobalt location where the emergence of bubbles is also potentially toxic gas gathering place. "It could be the bubbles that rise to the top carrying poisonous gas," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Turkey: Israel Behind There Mursi overthrow Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of masterminding the overthrow of Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi. As proof, he handed me a video statement by a Jewish expert from France when he met Israeli officials. Erdogan also strongly criticized the Muslim countries are not denouncing the overthrow of the Egyptian military Mursi. "What does this say about Egypt? Democracy was not the ballot box. Who is behind this? Israel. We have evidence in our hands," Erdogan said in a speech televised nationally Turkey, Tuesday (08/20/2013). "That's what happened," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Jokowi to Build Concert Hall for 10,000 People in Location Ria Rio Reservoir Ria Rio Jakarta are now filled with water hyacinth plants, start revitalized.Later the site would be used as an urban forest, flood control and interaction spaces for residents. As a place of interaction, Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) plans to construct a multipurpose building that can be used as a concert venue can house 10,000 people. "The governor has an idea to make a concert hall for 10 thousand people, but its versatile," said President Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) Budi Karya, Wednesday (21/08/2013). PT Jakpro appointed as the party entrusted with the revitalization project reservoirs Ria Rio. ( read disin i) Jokowi Will Make Ria Rio Forest City Dam and Flood Control "We're going to make Ria Rio so urban forest, kerimbunanannya higher level," said President Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) Budi Karya when contacted by AFP on Wednesday (21/08/2013). ( read here ) | |
![]() | Obama hails Sunny, new occupants White House The White House announced a new occupant residence of the U.S. president said on Monday. Sunny, a Portuguese water dog was one year old, who became the new occupant residence of President Barack Obama and his family in Washington. Sunny will join Bo, a male dog of the same race, according to an announcement from the White House on his website. Type of dog that does not cause allergy problems in the Obama family. "Sunny is perfect for younger sister Bo - full of energy and very loving - and the president's family chose the name because according to a cheerful personality," he said. The announcement was followed by two pictures of the dog yard slacking in the southern part of the White House and a video that show if they have been best friends. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Kak Seto: Virginity Tests Do Not Allow Observers children, Seto Mulyadi, or usually called Kak Seto, said he did not agree to the plan Prabumulih Education Department to conduct virginity tests on high school students. "If they do, it violates children's rights. Though with upholding moral reasons, it should not be done," said Kak Seto in Cirendeu Permai, South Jakarta, Tuesday (08/20/2013). "Parents and educators should be a friend to children, supervise; instructors do not like," ( read here ) | |
![]() | This tug Virginity Tests Since 2007 broke down the world education about virginity testing students just did not happen.In the latter case, expert education policies protest Prabumulih City Department of Education, South Sumatra, which is planning to include a test of virginity in high school admissions and equal in that area in 2014. According Driana Erlin, education expert from the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, the policy is to intervene in a private area of a woman. "The right to a woman's body there on her own, not someone else, let alone the state government in this regard," Erlin said when contacted on Tuesday, August 20, 2013. ( read here ) | |
Central Jakarta district police Ensure There are 8 people killed because Miras Oplosan in Kemayoran There are 8 people died because of adulterated alcohol in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. This official statement delivered Invisible Criminal Police Commissioner Jakpus Grace. They drank adulterated liquor in a store owned by Rendy herbs. "The incident killed eight young men," said Grace, Wednesday (08/21/2013). The victim was rushed to hospital before Islam Cempaka Putih on Monday (19/8) night. But their lives can not be saved. The death toll is Maulana Ishak (20), Adi Ferdinand (26), Saifuddin (32), Sopar (32), Sutrisno (33), Sofyan (35), Maripin (35), and Joko Pitono (39). ( see here ) | ||
![]() | Proposes 100 Dollar, Australian Men Leave Women Persuasion Pants In Brisbane Police are looking for a man who paid 100 Australian dollars, more than Rp 1 million, to get the female underwear. The man reportedly approached the women in the central business district and offers 100 dollars if they want to give her panties. Police began receiving reports from the women since June 2013. Included among adolescent female complainant was 16 years old. ( read here ) | |
Man Threatens technological As time advances, technology is growing rapidly. Technology is very helpful and facilitate human activities. However, there are several technologies which, if not used for good things, endanger the user. But these advanced technologies are considered dangerous to humans. Here are 5 advanced technology is considered harmful to the human version of the Huffington Post: 3D Printer - Unmanned Aircraft Auto-Car - Hadron Collide - Google Glass ( read here ) | ||
![]() | Police found homemade explosives in Bekasi Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Comr Rikwanto said Detachment 88 anti-terror team found several homemade explosives, firearms, and ammunition, to the arrest of suspected terrorists at two locations in Bekasi, West Java, on Tuesday (20/8 ) night. "The evidence found at the crime scene Jalan Pintu Air RT 06/03 Hope Village Mulya, Bekasi, two types of FN firearms, 74 rounds of ammunition and some improvised explosives," said Police Commissioner Rikwanto via short message received Antara in Jakarta, Wednesday morning. Rikwanto explain the actions of terrorist arrests in Bekasi conducted at two locations namely Jalan Pintu Air RT 06/03 Hope Village Mulya and Printing Andescre, Jl Mator Hasibuan number 12. According to the information he gave, in the first location (Jalan Pintu Air) on behalf of the arrested suspects Iswahyudi (39), a Muslim who has the kebab trade professions. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Teens 18-23 Years So Vulnerable Targets Terrorist Recruitment Teens aged 18 to 23 years were assessed susceptible to recruitment target of terrorist groups. At these ages, teenagers considered to have a strong understanding of religion and easily brainwashed. "Usually they go to high school or those who are new to the first semester of college because usually their religious understanding is still lacking. Moreover, their energy was great," said the observer about the terrorists, Al Chaidar, Tuesday (20/08/2013). According to Al Chaidar, recruitment is usually done through activities in limited groups, including the recitation. The difference is, he's called, this study only followed by a few people, not like the usual recitation held units spiritual activities at school or college. The pattern, he said, used to facilitate the planting of ideology. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Five Twins Born in Jakarta Enita Fentrikana, 31, a resident of Blok M, South Jakarta, gave birth to quintuplets in Hospital Harapan Kita Child and Mother of Monday, August 20, 2013, at 08.30 pm. Interestingly, one of the five infants the male sex. Four other women. "If I see them physically healthy and perfect," said Good, 37 years old, the father of the babies, at Harapan Kita Hospital, Monday, August 20, 2013. The babies are born safely. It's just that their condition was too small so size and weight is far below normal. Four babies each weigh 400 grams. In fact, one of the three baby girls just 300 grams. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Unexpected Terrorists Arrested in Bekasi Team Special Detachment 88 anti-terror police arrested three suspected terrorists on Tuesday (08/20/2013) night. Both men were arrested in the area of Bekasi, West Java. Based on information compiled Kompas.com from the police, the arrests were made on Tuesday night. A suspected terrorist who was arrested is Khaerul Irul alias.Irul arrested in Printing Andescre, Hasibuan Major Way No. 12, Bekasi. Irul known Sare village residents Mulyo RT 2/1 Wono Sari village, East Java. Other second Wahonno Andri (21), a resident of Hamlet Substation RT 5/6, Village Limestone, Suruti District, East Java and Irfan Ahmad (22), a resident of the South Bogares RT 27/24, Village Panggkalan, Tegal. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Related Terrorists, Police Arrest Four People Again Jakarta Police re-arrest airsoft gun owners a suspected terrorist network on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 this morning. "Police secure 4 men," said a Tempo source, at the Jakarta Police. According to the sources, the arrests were made by the Sub-Crime and Violence General Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police.Capture site in Jalan Masjid No. 25 RT 05 RW 06, Cipayung, East Jakarta. The police not only confiscated airsoft-gun from there, but also firearms. "Not soft gun, but no real gun." Still based information sources, the arrested man is recidivist cases of terrorism."Recidivist terrorists yamg already out," ( read here ) | |
China: open the window for talks on Korean Peninsula nuclear Opportunity or window has appeared to start talks on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, said a senior official at China's military, Tuesday (20/8), in Washington. Guan Youfei, Director of Foreign Affairs Office of China's Ministry of Defence, issued the statement in a news conference held in Washington. He stressed there are signs of easing tensions on the peninsula, and the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has expressed a desire to implement the multilateral talks. According to Guan, who accompanied the Chinese National Defense Minister Chang Wanquan for a visit to the United States from 16 to 20 August, the problem nulir Korean Peninsula is one of the topics discussed by the Minister Chang and his host, the U.S.. ( read here ) | ||
The former East Timor refugees in Atambua, Complain on Komnas HAM erlunta are displaced, thousands of former East Timorese who now lives in Atambua, Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara, complaining about their fate at the National Commission on Human Rights. They feel deserve the attention of the Government of Indonesia. "(We had) limitations earn livelihood security, infrastructure, information, education, healthcare, and many more," complained East Timorese community leaders Atambua, Jeka Pereira, in dialogue with the Commission, in Weliurai-salore, Kabuna Village, District Kakuluk , Belu, Tuesday (20/08/2013). Team of National Human Rights Commission headed by the Sub-Commission Chairman Tim Monitoring and Investigation Commission, Natalius Pigai. With him, went up, Komnas HAM member Endang Sri Melani, Agus Suntoro, and Kawiji. ( read here ) | ||
![]() | FIFA Prepares Rp 5 Billion for PSSI Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) gave a grant of U.S. $ 500 thousand (USD 5 billion) in a program called "Goal Project" to the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) to build an artificial turf field (artificial turf) in Field POR Sawangan, Depok, West Java. It is delivered David Borja, FIFA Development Manager for Asia and Oceania, told reporters at the office of PSSI, Tuesday, August 20, 2013. The results of their assessment of the POR field will be brought into the FIFA Development Committee meeting next September to decide whether Indonesia deserve the assistance."Indonesia would accept the help," said Borja. He expressed his satisfaction after seeing the construction site as well as the field gets clarity on the ownership of the land. According to Borja nothing blocking the Indonesian proposal will be accepted in the PSSI Development Committee meeting. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Eco-friendly batik dye works diaspora in Australia Indonesian Diaspora Network in Perth, Western Australia, introducing environmentally friendly dyes for batik printing. Team leader of the initiator dye batik, named Tekactive, Fritz Tedjakuntara on Tuesday, saying the product is able to reduce the environmental impact of conventional batik dye up to 50 percent. "In conventional batik dye, resulting wastewater could reach 25 percent of the dyes used in the textile fibers. While to process the waste would cost 70 to 120 dollars per cubic meter," said Fritz. Therefore, the use of Tekactive also can provide efficiency benefits to entrepreneurs in Indonesian batik printing, in addition to reducing the impact of waste on the environment. Fritz added, tekactive also set a lower price than conventional dyes for share of SMEs in Indonesia, such as in Pekalongan, Solo, Yogyakarta and Madura. ( read here ) | |
![]() | So Google Car Driver Blamed Spy The Google Street View car driver turned out to have a risk of his own work, as experienced by one person in whom these were detained by villagers in Thailand.The story, as quoted from PetaPixel, while driving around the village of Ban Sa-ach, Song District, Thailand, the driver suddenly stopped about 20 area residents. The villagers suspected that the driver was a spy who secretly photographing their homes to be submitted to the government of Thailand. Moreover, Google's Street View cars have driven camera module sticking out at the top. Residents of this village has long been a dispute with the government who want to build a dam in the region.The plan was protested by local residents and environmentalists. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Friday, Q5 Marketed in Indonesia Blackberry Blackberry Q5 began to be marketed in Indonesia on Blackberry themed event Q5 Commercial Launch on Friday, August 23, 2013. Smart device is black and white will cost Rp 3,999 million for retail. (Read: Q5, New Blackberry for Young Children). Blackberry Q5 actually have a variety of designs and bright colors. But Indonesia only gets a two-color it. Blackberry Q5 features a QWERTY keyboard.Consumers are also offered access to social networks and more than 120 thousand applications with Q5. Blackberry Q5 also has the ability to stay connected to email and Blackberry Massanger service (BBM) anytime, anywhere. BlackBerry Q5 already use software or the latest BlackBerry software 10.1. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Commission III Fully Support KPK Unloading Gas Cartel Corruption Commission continues to explore oil and gas sector corruption that began with the arrest of the head of oil and gas SKK Rudi Rubiandini. Commission III fully supports the Commission bold move. "We fully support the Commission to dismantle the corrupt cartel of oil and gas on a large scale, because since the beginning of the Third Commission requested and urged the Commission to prioritize mega corruption scandal that upstream oil and gas, mining and taxes," said commission chairman Gede Pasek Suardika III, told AFP, Wednesday (08/21/2013). Pasek said, the commission hopes III Migas SKK case this is the entrance to unload BP Migas backwards to the era of the past, not stopping until the head of the Oil and Gas SKK Rudi Rubandini. "Because it's on the RR scale is still small and amateurish compared to the potential for corruption in oil and gas. KPK should also go in Petral and others," ( read here ) | |
![]() | Canon Legria Mini, Small Camcoder with Great Features Fever launched a mini version of the product is not only loved by the phone company, because now the camera vendors do not want to lose in doing the same.Canon Legria series rumored to be releasing the Mini. As the name implies predictable, this small version of the family camcorder. The video recorder is not only compact but also appear lightweight and easy to carry. See Legria Mini design, maybe our memories will step back when the 1980's to early 1990's, camcorders so ngehits among users. Products are actually released last July was indeed a small camcorder. But make no mistake, its no less magnitude. Just look at the ultra-wide lens with f/2.8 aperture that can take pictures from angles up to 160 degrees. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Scientists Peering Through Satellite Syrian War brutal civil war situation in Syria leaves damage in various corners Aleppo. Not everyone has access to see the condition of the city. However, scientists have yet another way to peek at Aleppo, which uses satellites from space. The team of scientists from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) analyzed a series of high-resolution images shot by satellites passing over the city of Aleppo during August 2012 to May 2013. They obtained images of buildings and infrastructure damage that occurred during the 10 months. The worst damage is concentrated in the areas controlled by rebel groups. They also documented the historical city center of Aleppo, known as the Ancient City of Aleppo, suffered severe damage. The city was designated as a world cultural heritage site by UNESCO in 1986. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Not Just Plants, animals were utilized for Health (Gecko) Treatment of a number of diseases which rely on plants or herbs have long done.Even now research on medicinal plants was more intense. In addition to plants, certain animals were used to treat several diseases. If there is time, try walking around to Jatinegara Market, East Jakarta. On the roadside sale of various animals are believed to have medicinal properties. For example, snakes, lizards, geckos and retreat, retreat. It is said that the animals are beneficial to cure skin diseases in internal medicine. For those who are desperate to medical treatment, or do not have much money to buy expensive drugs, treatment with these animals so '( read here ) | |
![]() | This He Hours Body Rules for Puberty, Orgasm and Conception As with a large plant that has a lot of machines, human organs also work according to a certain schedule. Eg, pregnancy takes 9 months, then the food took 24 hours to completely digest the body. A study recently conducted by the U.S. National Institute found that the longer the pregnancy can not be determined with certainty because the body of work may vary.However, the gap can be calculated as the average human being in general. ( read here ) | |
![]() | Russia to sell 12 Sukhoi Vietnam Russia has signed a deal to sell 12 combat aircraft Sukhoi-30 multirole to Vietnam worth over 600 million dollars (450 million euros), Russia's Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday. Fighter aircraft that can travel twice the speed of sound was to be delivered in 2014 and 2015 under an agreement signed last week, according to diplomatic sources quoted by the Interfax military. ( read here ) | |
Liputan6.com, California: Apple has long known is developing smart watches are predicted to be named iWatch. Many news that if Apple was inspired by the Nike FuelBand, a smart wristband that is used when ...
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