On July 4th, Dr. Brené Brown spoke at The RSA about her research into vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. Her books include I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough" (2007), The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are (2010), and Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead (2012).
As usual, this talk is informational and entertaining.
Bagaimana Menarikkan Article Pada Hari Ini . BLUE.Jangan Lupa Datang Lagi Untuk Membaca Article Yang lebih Menarik Pada Masa Akan Datang/The Power of Vulnerability
4th Jul 2013
(full recording including audience Q&A)
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Watch this event as a RSA Replay (below).RSA Thursday
Dr Brené Brown has spent the past twelve years carrying out ground-breaking research into vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame.
A best-selling author and award-winning educator, Dr Brown’s books and talks have been hugely influential in tackling the myth that vulnerability is a weakness.
She argues that it is only by embracing vulnerability and imperfection that we can live life with courage and authenticity. Recognising and acting on this insight has the power to transform the way we engage in our families, organisations, schools and communities.
Speaker: Dr Brené Brown, best-selling author, speaker and research professor, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work
Chair: Tim Lott is a renowned and award-winning journalist and writer.
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