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Chronology of Terrorist Shooting Arrest and
Mimi, Minto shop owner in Jalan Pahlawan 16 Tulungagung said, the four men talking in his stall, two car suddenly stopped. Some people Detachment 88 officers down.
"They immediately fired, after saw one of them pull out a gun from under his shirt," ( read here )
Cap Iran slams EU Terrorist Given Hezbollah into
the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah have been included in the EU list of terrorist organizations. Islamic Republic of Iran denounced the EU measures.
As reported by AFP on Tuesday (23/07/2013), Iran considers EU measures grouped into the terrorist organization Hezbollah is backed measures Israeli interests.On the other hand, Hezbollah since its birth, known to receive military support, financially and morally from Iran. ( read here )
Finally, Djan Faridz Leave Tanah Abang to Jokowi
Polemic feud between PD Pasar Jaya and PT Priamanaya Djan International (PDI)-related disputes Tanah Abang Market Block A peaceful ending. Vice Governor of Jakarta Tjahaja Basuki Purnama said PDI-owned PT Public Housing Minister Djan Faridz will hand back to Tanah Abang Market city government.
"We're baseball so appeal. Him (PT PDI) would like to submit to us and Tanah Abang Djangga Pak Lubis ( Managing Director of PD Pasar Jaya) had reported us, "( read here )
Now its time online transactions transnational
A study released on Monday or Tuesday AM This suggests that cross-border shopping system has created an Internet-based "lane modern spice" that makes the local Merchant rich by successfully taking advantage of the trend again This boom.
Combined Hongkong, Canada, Australia, Germany, China, United Kingdom and the United States this year to collect the value of cross-border online sales by 105 billion U.S. dollars (Rp1.039 trillion).
figure is expected to triple to 307 billion U.S. dollars (Rp3.309 trillion) for the next five years, according to Nielsen research ordered financial transaction services via the Internet, PayPal. ( read here )
Outsourcing Workers Entitled to THR
Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Muhaimin Iskandar, affirm, back to the companies that provide payment allowance (THR) in a timely manner and in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. PER.04/MEN/1994 of Allowances religious holiday for workers in the company.Every worker / laborer who already have tenure of three months continuously or more then entitled to THR, including worker / laborer to the status of outsourcing (outsourcing), contract, or permanent workers are entitled to receive THR. ( read here )
It is true that the Palace Ruins of David?
Archaeologists claim to have found the origin of Jerusalem two buildings are believed to be the kingdom of the king celebrated in the history of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, as well as King David.
claims emerged after archaeologists excavating at the site which they believe to be Shaaraim Judean fortress city over the past year. Shaaraim, now better known as Khirbet Qeiyafa, is believed to be the place where David defeated Goliath, as told in the Bible. ( read disni )
Chamber of Commerce Public Confidence In the Worrying decline in government
public confidence in government fall Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to the field of economic recovery it is necessary to get serious attention from the government to work together with national businesses creating a conducive economic climate.
This is related to the daily survey compass that shows the confidence index respondents to the government's economic recovery is under 40%. "It should be the government's attention, because the impact on the national economy is very large," ( read here )
FPI Head Appreciate Requested State
Board of Trustees nggota Democrat Party Hayono Isman admitted concern with statements by the Chairman of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. According to him, it should Rizieq appreciate and understand SBY as a head of state who has the responsibility to ensure the security of all its people.
"Right anyone to judge anyone. But I am sad that there is a judge SBY as a loser. Appreciate him (SBY) as head of state, a reasonable she said firmly to anyone who disturb public order, "( read here )
SBY "Warning" FPI, Rizieq Shihab's response
chairman of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab statement responding to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on the anarchic community organizations. In a statement on Sunday (07/21/2013), President of the FPI organization hoping to stop the violence and vigilantism. Statement by the President's response to the clash that occurred between Kendal residents and FPI, last week.
"In Kendal, FPI did not make sweeping, but monitoring peacefully without any weapons. Indeed, in the FPI-prostitution sweep by hundreds of armed thugs. FPI-damaged vehicles and burned thugs, "( read here )
Cabinet Secretary reiterate the President's statement is not slanderous
Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam said that the statement by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) is a call for mutual respect and there is no intention to defame.
"I feel sorry for them (FPI) considers suppose there are bad intentions of President. President that actually invites mutual respect, the President may not defamatory, "( read here )
Ruhut: Pak Police, Arrest Rizieq Also Now
Democratic Party politician Ruhut Sitompul asked police to immediately find ways to catch the Chairman of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab. This was conveyed Rizieq following statement calling President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with the word "loser".
"Statements from the provocative Rizieq. police and prosecutors need to look loophole how to be arrested. Catch A police officer right away because it's the President who insulted and The FPI measures already many times, "We agreed that if the government froze the FPI ( read here )
Solidarity Citizens Sue Kendal Disband FPI
Dozens of people calling themselves the Kendal Community Solidarity for Victims of Violence FPI peaceful protest in Kendal Square, Central Java, on Tuesday (23/07/2013) afternoon.
they were carrying two large banners and a poster reading requested that the charge was dismissed FPI in Kendal. Yes I agree .. why the government did not dare to freeze FPI, FPI is what country strategy? if not disband it ( read here )
Dipo Alam: Should FPI Correction and Self Introspection
Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam asked the Islamic Defenders Front for introspection to avoid vigilantism. According Dipo FPI does not reflect the true Islam.
"Sebagusnya FPI to introspeksilah, because whoever does not like a part of the Islamic broadcasting spotted violence," ( read here )
Bomb Threatens Pope's visit in Brazil
Francis first papal visit to Brazil in the city of Rio de Janeiro has threatened bomb, Monday (22/7). Pope Francis, a native of Brazil, made his first trip abroad since becoming Pope Roman Catholic Church, last March. Pope's visit to Rio de Janeiro has been marred by violence committed by the police against the demonstrators who were protesting the high cost of Pope visit after he met with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. ( read here )
Toyota's How to Reduce "Recall"
Toyota opened a training center for mechanics testing means complete, consisting of 13 simulated road conditions which spent 9 billion or Rp990 billion yen in Tajimi Service Center in Gifu, Japan. Opening is done directly by the CEO of Toyota Motor Corp.. (TMC) Akio Toyoda, yesterday (22/7).
There are 2,600 mechanics to be trained as an opener and will continue to grow until 4800 people every year. It is taken as one way to reduce recall. ( read here )
China Earthquake Relief Hampered Landslide and Rain
Chinese government deployed nearly 3,000 firefighters, police, military and local government officials to the location of the earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale in Gansu province, China, Monday (22/7). After a massive earthquake struck, there were 371 aftershocks.
Rescuers battled through landslides and roads are buried in efforts to reach victims of the earthquake in northwestern China's twin, but rescue efforts hampered by landslides and roads that have been closed by heavy rain on previous days. ( read here )
Mobile Malware Evolution craze of
the past, cyber criminals to spread malware majority of computer users than for users of mobile phones. But it is no longer valid at the time more and more mobile device users. In Kaspersky notes, the evolution of mobile malware in recent years the craze.The goal, of course, the operating system that is being widely used, Android.
"Between 2004 to 2010, we only find 1,160 examples of malware that attack mobile devices, which are mostly found to attack Symbian," ( read here )
Review: BlackBerry Q10, Hurry Performance Soft Keypad
BlackBerry BlackBerry Q10 is a representation of the business to reclaim its former glory. In the midst of fierce competition, BlackBerry tried to offer a new operating system that is claimed to be intelligent, yet maintains his trademark as a mobile phone manufacturer to design physical keyboard (keypad). In addition to the instant messaging service BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), QWERTY keypad format is one of the reasons why people love the BlackBerry Indonesia.
At Q10, BlackBerry keypad design proves maturity. This phone gives the sensation of a comfortable typing experience, as well as the performance of the one hundred percent different than the BlackBerry phone OS. ( read here )
What difference is the Original iPhone Charger and "KW"
It certainly raises concerns about the safety of a battery charger is not an official iPhone made by Apple. But what exactly is the difference between the charger "KW" aka fake with the original charger which allowed him to bring death?
Ken Shirrif of electro blog Righto.com dissect a gadget charger to see what components are in it and what the quality of the resulting electrical output. Among a dozen chargers made the object of research, there is an iPhone charger "ori" or the original and the fake. if the note actually, there is a difference in specification writing at the bottom, where the original charger called "Designed by Apple in California", while false writing sentences confuse charger "Designed By California". Examples of fake charger (right) in the image below also stating "Apple Japan". ( read here )
San Diego Mayor Urged to Back Up Allegations of Sexual Harassment
Mayor of San Diego, United States (U.S.) Bob Filner urged to resign from office.The urge retreat was raised after a woman claimed ex-staff had been sexually abused by Filner. Filner woman even sued on charges of sexual harassment. The woman even sparked, once upon a time he was required to work without panties.
As reported by AFP on Tuesday (23/07/2013), the senior staff named Irene McCormack Jackson. Women who had served as Director of Communications for the Mayor of San Diego, the first woman to sue Filner openly. ( read here )
Investment Realization Semester Reach Rp 192.8 Trillion
Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) recorded investment realization until the first half 2013 reached 49.4 percent. That is, the realization of the investment target of nearly half.
BKPM chairman Chatib Basri said, realization of investment from January to June 2013 reached Rp 192.8 trillion. The value is 49.4 percent of the target investment realization in 2013 of Rp 390.3 trillion. ( read here )
5 Most Scary Technology
Technological Developments much for the betterment of mankind. But not a few others who seem daunting.
Probably because the technology could endanger human lives assessed and lead to disaster. Or because it could be used to spy on someone without getting caught.What technology is currently considered the most frightening? Include the following ( read here )
Google Quietly Motorola laid off 5,000 employees
last second quarter, Google quietly lay off about 5,000 employees of Motorola's Mobility, a company acquired in early 2012. It was revealed from the second quarter financial report of 2013, which has just been announced by Google. In this report, it appears that Motorola Mobile employees decreased by 5,383 people.
"In a worldwide basis, we employed 44,777 full-time employees (40 178 in 4599 at the Google and Motorola Mobile) on June 30, 2013, while on March 31, 2013 (first quarter), there were 53 891 permanent employees (38 739 on Google, Motorola Mobile 9982, and 5170 Motorola Home), "( read here )
Do not Just Focus MK Mind Election Dispute
of LIPI researcher Siti Zuhro argued Konstitusdi Court (MK) has the duties and functions of the state institutions in the state system of Indonesia. MK is the holder of judicial power, together with the Supreme Court.
priority task in terms of the Court, of course, it is clear that in performing its duties, the Court will focus on completing cases / disputes constitution, both with regards to judicial review or conflict elections. MK needs a balanced percentage of a place that is able to accommodate all of them, without any inclination to impress certain cases causing minor public assess the performance of the Court. ( read here )
Search Kemenperin D3 340 employess Including
this year various Ministries / Institutions to open enrollment for Civil Servants (CPNS). The Ministry of Industry this year will draw 340 people.
This was disclosed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry Ansari Bukhari, when met after the Socialization of the bill on Industry at the Ministry of Industry, Jakarta, Tuesday (07/23/2013). ( read here )
Badminton athletes Fighting on the Ground!
Badminton World Federation (BWF) has said it will investigate a fight between people players after the final of the Thailand Canadian GP, Sunday (07/21/2013).
Thai men's doubles, Bodin Issara / Pakkawat Vilailak, disqualified during the final men's doubles for attacking an opponent who is also their fellow countrymen, Maneepong Jongjit. ( read here )
Pineapple enzymes may help diabetic wound healing
topical administration of bromelain pineapple fruit has healing effects in rats with diabetes mellitus injury (DM). "Bromelain is a protease enzyme from the pineapple plant which has been demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo effective as an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory," ( read here )
Rekin and IPC III Kongsi Build a power plant in Surabaya
PT Industrial Engineering (Rekin) in cooperation with PT Pelindo III to build a gas power plant (power plant) in the Gulf Lamong, Surabaya capacity of 2 x 25 Megawatts (MW).
President Director of PT Rekin, M Ali Suharsono, said the power plant builders in Surabaya is intended to meet the electricity needs for the Gulf Lamong Multipurpose Terminal in Gresik. ( read here )
Rupiah in the Spot Market Touch Rp 10,225 per U.S. dollar
eroded the power rupiah transactions Tuesday, 23/07/2013). Citing site Bloomberg, at 10:26 pm, the rupiah in the spot market fell 1.6 percent to 10,225 per dollar. Even on previous transactions, the rupiah touched 10,258 positions per U.S. dollar, the weakest level since July 14, 2009.
Meanwhile, the market price of the contract dollars in non-deliverable forwards (NDF) for delivery the next month, 0.9 percent weaker than the rupiah in the spot market which is 10,320 per U.S. dollar. ( read here )
There are 106 accident blackspots in Riau
Riau Provincial Police released the 106 points are vulnerable to traffic accidents scattered in different areas of the county and city.
"In locations prone laka then, we will put the personnel in order to provide the comfort of the travelers Eid Fitri, "( read here )
User Application Chat Line Up Drastically
increased drastically Line Users within a short time. Having announced that it has received more than 150 million users in May 2013, now the party line claims to have had as many as 200 million users.
increase is quite fast. These new applications gained 100 million users by the end of January 2013 then. That is, in just 3 months, Line managed to get 50 million and 100 million new users in 6 months time. ( read here )
Celebrate 200 Million Users, Stickers Share LINE
LINE, mobile messenger hottest in the world, announced that the number of users has exceeded 200 million, after only 25 months since the launch of rapid user awal.Peningkatan LINE happening in South America and other Asian countries accelerate growth across the globe .
to celebrate the achievement of 200 million users, offering LINE stickers - stickers free for download in limited time. Among others, Brown & Cony's Secret Date on Tuesday, July 23; stickers Cony's Happy Work Life on Wednesday, July 24; Moon-Angry Moon Edition on Thursday, July 25, and Sally-Special Edition on Friday, July 26. ( read here )
Evolution XI Rival Nissan GT-R
specifications Mitusbishi Japan revealed details Mitsubishi Evolution XI as the latest generation, which is planned to be introduced next year. Including also the addition of considerable power, up to 500 PS, making this sedan will "fight" with the Nissan GT-R and a true rival - who also got popularity in the rally - Subaru, ( read here )
Singapore Scientists Develop Wine of Durian
There is a popular phrase to describe the creamy yellow flesh durian: it tastes like heaven but smells like hell. Known as the king of fruits, the fruits with a pungent odor that is often prohibited public places is incomparable. Fans can consume it alone or in processed form, such as candy and pancakes.
Soon, there will be one other variant of processed durian: wine. A research group at the National University of Singapore announced they have cultivated durian into wine with alcohol content of 6 percent. ( read here )

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