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Understanding Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones

Cyclone is wind coming into the central area of low pressure (depressed areas) are surrounded by areas of high pressure center and then goes around the isobar lines. Direction of rotation of cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere is different from in the Southern Hemisphere. Movement of cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere against the clockwise direction, while in the Southern Hemisphere clockwise.

Antisiklon, the wind that moves outward from the center of the high pressure line goes around the isobar lines towards areas of low pressure in the vicinity. In the Northern Hemisphere, the movement antisiklon a clockwise direction, while in the Southern Hemisphere counter-clockwise. Antisiklon has a movement speed is not too high

To storm

Tropical cyclones have some terms and designations are different depending on the region or regions as well as the level of power as huticane, typhoons, tropical storms, typhoons or other name is a hurricane. Understanding the science of Meteorology Tropical Cyclone according to a situation where there is low air pressure are common in the region or the tropics. While the wind like a high destructive. Technically, a tropical cyclone is defined as a low pressure system of non-frontal synoptic scale that grows on the warm waters of the region's per-convective clouds and the maximum wind speed reached 34 knots at least more than half of the region that circles the center, and survived at least six hours. Tropical cyclone is a storm with great force. The average radius of a tropical cyclone reaches 150 to 200 km. Tropical cyclones formed in the vast ocean that generally have warmer sea surface temperatures, more than 26.5 ° C. Strong winds that rotate in the wind speed near its center has more than 63 km / h.
tropical cyclone has a very important function that is triggered on the atmospheric circulation. The important role is to transfer heat at the equator toward regions at higher latitudes that are not crossed by the sun.

Hurricane Ivan viewed from the International Space Station, September 2004.

The life span of a tropical cyclone on average ranging between 3 to 18 days. Because tropical cyclone energy obtained from the warm ocean, the tropical cyclone will weaken or become extinct when moving and cold waters entering or entering the mainland.

Samudara Indian and western Australian waters is the most fertile area of the region that led to the tropical cyclone. As published by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology said that in one year could occur 10 times the average growth in the region Cyclone. Tropical cyclones that form can destroy the impassable areas or zones and can also cause flooding. The level of damage depends on the level of power and time. Since the 1960s Australia has developed an early warning system against the threat of Tropical Cyclone so as to reduce the occurrence of casualties and extent of damage is greater.

Tropical Cyclone engine Bara
When viewed from the structure of a tropical cyclone is a large region into cloud activity, wind and lightning storms in the same region. The main energy source in the event of a tropical cyclone heat release of condensation or condensation of water vapor in the air. That's why the process is interpreted as vertical coal giant machine.

The elements that trigger the occurrence of tropical cyclones is a blend of tropical weather is warm and moist by water vapor is condensed. While the opposite occurs in different areas so that there arose the air flow. If this condition lasts for a long time with a high pressure difference it can produce strong winds, high waves, heavy rainfall and flooding can occur simultaneously.

Classification and terminology
Generally, cyclones can be divided into three, as follows.

a) Tropical cyclones, occur in areas between latitudes 10 ° N-10 ° S latitude. Most of the tropical cyclones occur in late summer before autumn. Some examples of the phenomenon of tropical cyclones, such as Hurricane (Atlantic and East Pacific), Cathrine (United States), Typhoon (western Atlantic Ocean around the islands of Japan), Bagieros (Philippine coast), Willy-Willies (Australia coast), danLena (Ocean Indies).

b) Extra Tropical Cyclone, occur in temperate areas between latitudes 35 ° -65 °, both northern and southern latitudes. This storm caused by the hot air mass meeting which comes from subtropical regions with cold air masses coming from the polar regions. The second meeting of air masses is called a front field.

c) Tornado, a local cyclones in the United States with a relatively small wind turbines but has a very high velocity that often destroy the area in its path.

Tropical cyclones division into three main groups, namely tropical depression, tropical storm and a larger group of power depending on the region and each region in the name.

Occurs when a tropical depression formed clouds and thunderstorms and wind-shaped circulation occurs simultaneously mixed. Usually the wind speed is less than 17 meters per second (less than 33 knots or 38 meters per hour or less than 62 miles per hour. Tropical Depression does not have direction and purpose but moving randomly, and the shape is not typical of such a storm. Shape is also not uncertain, it is due to the low pressure. This is the basis of the name "Depression"

Tropical storms occur when the formation of clouds and thunderstorms with a stronger cycle. Speed of about 17-33 meters per second (34-63 knots or 39-73 meters per hour or 62-117 km per hour). In this condition begins to form cyclone eye of the storm, although not yet formed.

Hurricane Catarina

Giving the term in describing the cyclone with winds above 33 meters per second (more than 63 knots or over 73 meters per hour or more than 117 miles per hour on each of each area will vary based on the region of origin. Tropical cyclones are known by various terms in advance earth, "tropical storm" or "typhoon" or "hurricane" if formed in the western Pacific Ocean, "cyclone" or "cyclone" if formed around India or Australia, and "hurricane" if formed in the Atlantic Ocean.

For example as follows:

  1. Huricane name of the event in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean east and south side of the eastern Pacific Ocean (160 degrees east longitude). The term hurricane is also known in Bango - Philippines; Chubasco - Mexico and Taino - Haiti.
  2. Typhoon term if it occurs in the Southwest Pacific Ocean west side.
  3. Strong tropical cyclone if it occurred in the Southwest Pacific Ocean west side (160 degrees east longitude) or in the Northeast Indian Ocean east (90 degrees East Bujut)
  4. Cyclone strong case in the North Indian Ocean
  5. Tropical Cyclone if it occurs in the Southwest Indian Ocean

Eyes tropical cyclone is an area that is in the middle of a tropical cyclone in the form of a circle with a diameter of between 10 to 100 kilometers. Generally have a diameter of about 40 meters. Wind speed in the lower part of the eye even in the eyes of the bright sky. Eyes surrounded by tropical cyclones that solid wall of cloud thickness up to 16 kilometers with the highest wind speeds and the greatest rainfall on the outside of the eye area.

Occurrence of tropical cyclones or hurricanes

Damage caused by Hurricane Andrew, the worst tropical cyclone in U.S. history.

Signs of impending tropical storm today could have expected, starting with the direction of movement, the seeds hurricane, speed and others by using technology. Gale force level could also be felt and compared. Here is a Tropical Cyclone storm ever recorded.

Maximum wind speed
is defined as the maximum wind speed is the average surface wind highest 10 minutes occurring within the circulation area of the cyclone. Highest winds are usually found in areas near the center of the ring in the cyclone, or if these cyclones have eyes, is in the eye wall.

Tropical Cyclone Size
Size of tropical cyclones stated diameter region experiencing gale force wind. Tropical cyclone size varies.ranging from 50 km (Cyclone Tracy, 1977) to 1100 km (Typhoon Tip, 1979).

Tropical cyclone growth areas include West Atlantic, East Pacific, western North Pacific, the Indian Ocean to the north and south, Australia and the South Pacific. Approximately two thirds occurrence of tropical cyclones occur in the northern hemisphere. Approximately 65% of tropical cyclones formed in the area between 10 ° - 20 ° of the equator, only about 13% of tropical cyclones which grow above 20 ° latitude regions, while at low latitudes (0 ° - 10 °) of tropical cyclones rarely form.

Regional Growth
tropical cyclone growth area can be divided into seven (7) regions. It covers an area of ocean in the world.

Table: Regional growth of tropical cyclones around the world

Number Name of Growth Regions Extents Region
1 North Atlantic North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
2 Northeast Pacific North America to 180 ° E
3 Pacific Northwest West of 180 ° E, including the South China Sea
4 North Indian Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea
5 South Indian South Indian Ocean West of 100 ° E
6 Southeast Indian / Australian Southern Hemisphere 100-142 ° E
7 Pacific Southwest / Australia Southern Hemisphere East of 142 ° E

As the name suggests, the waters of tropical cyclones around the tropics to grow, especially with the sea surface temperature of tropical cyclones hangat.Jumlah growing northern hemisphere average of 57.3 events in one year and the southern hemisphere on average 26.3 tropical cyclones in a year (based on data for 1968-1989).

Tropical cyclones can form with the following requirements:

  • Sea surface temperature of at least 26.5 C up to a depth of 60 meters
  • Unstable atmospheric conditions that allow the formation of Cumulonimbus clouds. These clouds, which are the thunder clouds, and a strong marker of the convective region, is important in the development of tropical cyclones.
  • Relatively moist atmosphere at an altitude of about 5 km. This is the height of the atmosphere medium sandstone, which, if it is dry it can not support the development of thunderstorm activity in the cyclone.
  • Located at a distance of at least about 500 km from the equator. Although possible, cyclones rarely form near the equator.
  • Disturbances in the atmosphere near the Earth's surface in the form of a swirling wind, along with the wind.
  • Changes in the altitude wind conditions are not too big. Large changes in wind conditions that would disrupt the process of development of thunderstorms.



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